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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Please, let all be aware, that there is a huge war going on.

by Anna von Reitz

Please note that this is an IMPORTANT Announcement --- one that everyone on Earth should read and understand.  Superficially, it addresses the action of Dr. Henderson, Ad Hoc Judge of the World Court, abolishing 501 (c) 3 corporations.  More explicitly, it addresses the nature of the Evil we are confronting. 

Please, let all be aware, that there is a war going on. 

Those involved are of two groups---- men allied with the Creator versus men allied with the Created. 

This is one way to explain it--- men allied with Life and the Living versus men allied with things other men created---- money and corporations. 

It is a battle, quite literally, between the Living and the Dead. 

Thus we have the Book of Life and the Book of the Dead..... and people will be hard-tested to prove where they stand.    

We have a choice between all that is truly valuable--- life, health, family, food, homes, communities---- and the illusion of corporations,  money and stocks and bonds and all else that substitutes itself for what is actual. 

For thousands of years, Mankind has been living in an illusion, half-asleep, unconscious, manipulated, abused. 

It's time to wake up and hear the birds sing. 

This past week an attempt was made to bring a claim of abandonment against our entire nation.  The rats attempted to do to our entire country what they have done against us as individuals.  They have attempted to claim to the UN that we are not a sovereign nation because their own service corporation doing business as the "United States, Inc." is bankrupted and no successor to contract has been appointed.  They also mounted a claim saying that we are not a sovereign nation because we allegedly have no currency in circulation. 

We had to rebut and rebuke them before the UN Security Council. That is how bad it is. 

This new action by Dr. Henderson outlaws NGO's and other forms of "non-profit corporations" and prevents them from being used to launder money and for other nefarious purposes while allowing the operators to claim that they are "non-profit corporations", a status that has long shielded them from prosecution and accountability. 

Organizations like "Planned Parenthood" and "American Bar Association" will either have to abide by the rules of the World Trust--- which has very strict accountability requirements----or function in private association capacity, in which case, they are 100% liable for their actions and enjoy no protection as a public franchise. 

This automatically puts a kabosh on there being any advantage to using non-profits for institutionalized money laundering, slave trafficking, drug transport, etc., and allows means to shut down and hold accountable any organization that indulges in this sort of criminality whether it is a hospital, a mosque, a glee club, or a sewing circle. 

Some people--- especially bankers and politicians---- will claim that this is an attack on the churches and other religious and charitable organizations. I don't see it that way at all.  I see it as a return to true religious freedom and the accountability that goes with it. 

One of the most profoundly disturbing aspects of the research and investigations we have conducted is that religious and non-profit corporations have been widely used as "storefronts" for the most vile sorts of criminality imaginable.  This is no doubt partially a result of the desire of the perpetrators to hide their activities from public view.  They have specifically targeted churches and charities for bases of operation, and then, when caught, have claimed protection of their assets as non-profit corporations. 

Those days are at an end. 

It would be good to pause a moment and review something that has long been misunderstood by American Churches, Synagogues, Temples, Mosques, etc. These organizations have established themselves as "non-profit corporations" in order to secure what they believed to be tax exempt status.  In truth, they were never subject to any kind of tax to begin with. They were always naturally tax exempt as long as they remained private associations of believers.  

It was the act of incorporating that made them subject to taxation in the first place and it was then claiming to be a "non-profit" that allowed them to escape taxation----but bear in mind----that secondary "exemption" was granted as a privilege by Congress and it could just as easily be removed by Congress. 

This circumstance gave the governmental services corporations leverage over the churches and granted administrative capacities to them, all designed to coercively threaten and control these and other religious institutions. If the non-profits didn't do what the "government" wanted, they were threatened with loss of their tax exempt status and various other punishments.  

So much for religious freedom in America.  

Churches and other religious institutions and non-profit organizations can now enjoy their natural tax-free status without interference or coercion.  At the same time, they will be fully accountable for what they do. If they preach violence and crime and make money selling drugs and under-age porn on the side, they will be shut down. Those responsible will be prosecuted as criminals and their own assets will be forfeit along with the assets of any such institution. 

Freedom of religion like all freedoms comes at a price--- responsibility for our actions and their impact on the lives of others. 

This marks the beginning of an effort by many nations to clean up this mess.  Get out your sponges, mops, and buckets, realizing that this is just the beginning of a process of restoration on a worldwide basis. It's not "just" America that got off-track.  Virtually all the nations that were ever part of the British Empire including Britain, Scotland, Ireland, United States of America and India, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, plus the nations of Western Europe, and Japan---have all been impacted by the same evils, and those have then adversely affected the entire Earth. 

Our world is a physical body.  When one organ is afflicted, the entire body suffers.  In this case many "organs"---- many nations--- have been infected with the equivalent of a disease.  That disease is a very ancient system of predation and enslavement that was first organized in the Kingdom of Ancient Summer, migrated to Babylon and Persia, then to the Levant and North Africa, then following the Punic Wars it traveled from Carthage to Rome and the British Isles.  

This disease known as "idolatry" is the by-product of a sea-faring religion that was spread worldwide by the Phoenicians many centuries ago.The Phoenicians were sailors and they worshiped the god of the sea the Greeks called "Poseidon". We more commonly know this "one-eyed god" as Satan.  If you recall statues and representations of Poseidon in Greek temples you will see the familiar horns, scaly tail, cloven feet on land, and trident we now (and still) associate with the Devil. This religion was known as Druidism in the British Isles and Satanism elsewhere, but it is always characterized by the same things: worship in "sacred groves", infanticide, sex as a sacrament, dualistic "either/or" thinking patterns, the use of two "goads" to drive public opinion and control people (think of the Democratic and Republican political parties), pretending to "be" one's enemies--- called "mirroring" (think of the Federal United States pretending to be the Continental United States), sacrifices of burned flesh (think of 9/11), endless fraud schemes, and lies. 

This is literally the "religion" of all pirates and criminals, and it is tied inextricably to the Sea.  Thus, we are told that the "Great Serpent" was cast down into the Sea.   

We must all be aware that with one exception, Natural Law, all forms of law come from religion.  It should not surprise anyone, then, that Mosaic Law and Christian Canon has given rise to the Law of the Land, while Satanism and the infamous "Jewish-but-not Jewish" Talmud, is the basis of the Law of the Sea.  

The Talmud is specifically the "law" of the sea-going Tribe of Dan, whose tribal banner has always prominently displayed the serpent emblem. This is the "synagogue of Satan" that Christ referred to, and anyone who has ever read the Talmud will agree that it is one of the most vile, diabolical, profane, evil, and hate-filled documents ever produced by the hand of man. Unfortunately for all of us, it continues to exercise its influence on the Law of the Sea---that is, international law including commercial law--- until the current day. It's grand temple on land is located in the separate international city-state of Westminster, known as the Inner City of London, and is known as the Crown Temple.  The Bar Associations and banks are all allied with the Crown Temple and many elite bankers and lawyers secretively worship Satan, Mammon, and Semiramis, aka, the Mother of Harlots and all Abominations, Ashtoreth, Cybele, Isis, ---and here in America, the Statue of Liberty. Remember that "liberty" comes from the same root word as "libertine" and is what British sailors receive when they reach a port of call----it has nothing to do with freedom. 

This infamous religion has been suppressed for many generations, but has continued on in the practices and beliefs of many so-called Secret Societies, especially in certain sects of the Freemasons and the Roman Cult within the Catholic Church.  Just as the Tribe of Dan represents only one-thirteenth of the Tribes, less than ten percent of the membership of the Freemasons and Roman Catholic Church have been initiated into the profane practices of these ancient pagan belief systems--- so don't get out the pitchforks and start poking people who merely belong to a Masonic Lodge or a Catholic Church.  It's also worth noting that other churches and fraternal organizations have also been involved. I am only citing two of the main sources of mental, spiritual, and emotional miasma. 

The vicious and perverted nature of this peculiar religion has made it powerful but not popular, and its practitioners have long presented it as knowledge possessed only by the "elites" and have forbidden their members to speak of it on pain of death. However, we may speak of it, because we were never initiated into their Death Cult, never took a Bar Oath,  have no obligation to them, and have our knowledge of it from completely different sources. Please note that both George Washington and Benjamin Franklin were Freemasons. So were many high-ranking SS officers.

All this is necessary prelude to understanding what is going on in the world and why Americans must be on their toes, watchful, and determined to leave Babylon behind. This basic knowledge about religion and law is also the foundation needed to understand that the entire concept of money is based on the idolatry practiced by this ancient, foreign, and profane religion. Money, whether stamped gold coins or printed paper credit chits--- is an idol, literally a graven image, and those who chase after it are worshipers of Mammon -- the god of money and all such vain illusions. 

This is why it is written that you cannot serve both the True God and Mammon.  You can't honor Truth and Falsehood in the same breath. And money by definition is a falsehood--- a fraud--- because it presents itself as a substitute for other things that it is not: labor and commodities. 

The object of money used as a substitute "representing" labor and commodities is to cheat and chisel a portion of both from the process of trading goods and services. The purveyors of "money" are manufacturers of idols, no less than Ishmael, the Idol Maker of Tabriz. Nations under the Cain-anite spell then "value" their money and compete in terms of which idol is greater, more powerful, more popular----and therefore, perceived to be more valuable. This results in the daily betting game known as "international exchange rates".  Note the words "perceived" and "value" ---- no form of money has any very great actual value attached to it, not even gold. You can be sure  that if any form of money had actual value equal to its perceived value, it would quickly disappear, because those manufacturing such "money" could not possibly make a profit otherwise.

It may be disturbing for men of many faiths to realize, but we have been worshiping graven images---idols---all along, no different than it was in ancient Babylon.   

The further object of the religion of Babylon was to enslave men for the enrichment of the so-called "elites".  This is what Abraham was fleeing when he left Ur.  This is what Moses was leaving behind when he led his people out of Egypt.   This is what Jesus was objecting to when he drove out the Moneychangers. 

By fraud and deceit, the practitioners of these ancient and profane religious cults have endeavored to take over the whole world and establish a "Kingdom of the Dead" in the midst of the living.  They have very nearly accomplished their ends by obtaining misrepresented commercial contracts and licenses and pretending that their victims have knowingly and willingly agreed to give up their status as living men and women and to function as dead "things"---- as corporations, estate trusts, cooperatives, foundations, even transmitting utilities, all defined as "franchises" belonging to parent trusts and corporations owned and operated by the perpetrators of these fiduciary trust fraud schemes. 

The essence of the coercive identity theft that takes place while we are still babes in our cradles has been explained elsewhere.  I note only that the perpetrators have gone so far as to try to pull the same fraud against the whole Continental United States and to seize our assets as "abandoned property".  This necessitated raising an objection and filing both a renewed Declaration of Joint Sovereignty and Sovereign Letters Patent. Original copies of the attached documents were filed as of Friday, November 6.   Additional copies are being forwarded to additional recipients.

Please keep copies of the attached documents in safe places throughout America and post this information as widely as possible, being especially sure to inform your religious leaders. This is your proof that a claim was entered in your behalf asserting that We, the People, are alive and well, that we object to any presumption of civil death, bankruptcy, or other false claim, that we have repudiated the odious debts fabricated and charged against us and every other American, and that we have duly informed the UN Trust Committee-- North America, the UN Security Council, and the Principal Contracting Powers involved. 

Here are the actual documents:

See this article and over 100 others on Anna's website here:


  1. I seriously doubt there is anyone who admires the intelligence and intentions of Anna and James, but my mind simply cannot comprehend how this massive work will produce anything without some kind of physical force to back it up. I stand ready to endanger my life supporting these courageous people and only ask for a sensible plan of physical defensive action.

    1. this is warren Patrick merkitch it seems to me someone is using my name, I don't know who but I can guess. I am having trouble with my email on my computer does that ring a bell????


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