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Friday, November 6, 2015

Blessed are the Peacemakers... White Hope Mine Update

by Paul Stramer

The national Oath Keepers organization does a marvelous job of making peace come out of some very touchy and dangerous situations, where corporate mercenary entities masquerading as government agencies, with 3 or 4 letters on their backs, are trying to administratively (and other ways) steam roll Americans and trample their God given rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

I am very pleased that I have been able to be a part of those Peacemaking actions for freedom!

I would go with the Oath Keepers on another operation in a heart beat.

In Nevada tensions were high when I arrived. Over a period of about a week, and after the BLM packed up and marched in formation backwards out of the area, the peace gradually prevailed, and clear thinking individuals became aware that a line had been drawn in the sand between an out of control corporate entity calling itself an agency of the federal government, and the American people in general, and Cliven Bundy and his family in particular. That line of peace seems to be holding for the moment, but what has really been won for freedom at this juncture?  Is it really peace or a stalemate?

In Grants Pass Oregon, once again, the Oath Keepers did a wonderful job of exposing the truth about the BLM and their dirty work, and by standing fast for many weeks, brought peace and a pathway for some miners, out of a troubled situation and into a "court". The line in the sand became a moat full of alligators for the BLM, and once again I was glad to be there, but what has been actually won, besides another expensive trip through another corporate tribunal calling itself a 'federal court' ?

And now we have yet another pathway to peace from a troubling situation in Lincoln Montana with the White Hope Mine, and Intermountain Mining LLC, and once again the national Oath Keepers stood and took the heat, and made peace prevail, and provided a way to get two miners their day in court. I was there for over a month without a break, and I am very glad to have been there, but once again, what has actually been won at this point?

Yes the miners have a track. They have a legal team, with a very accomplished research team behind them, and it seems the moat full of alligators has become covered with burning oil, at least from the US Forest Service point of view. Once again, another corporate entity masquerading as a government agency is stopped cold in their tracks, and forced into court. But have the miners, or the American people for that matter, really won anything yet?  Yes there is peace in Lincoln Montana, thanks to the Oathkeepers security teams; and yes there is an avenue in a corporate tribunal, but when will the American people get any benefit out of all this very expensive and hard won "peace".

When will almost 100 years of persecution by these out of control corporate entities listed on Dun and Bradstreet as corporations end, and when will the American people get some real relief, or better yet some remedy and recompense for all the piracy these entities have inflicted on them for decades?

How many people have been broken by these robotic soul-less entities calling themselves government agencies? How much suffering has been inflicted on God loving, sincere, peaceful people, who just want to be left alone to raise their families and make a living in peace and freedom?

If any one of these cases has the potential to overturn decades of this persecution it has to be the White Hope Mine and their meticulous record keeping. They have documented every event perpetrated by the USFS since 1924, and that paper trail is dynamite to the position of the "government".

I know that to be true, because I just spent another few hours with George Kornec last Friday evening at his home on the mine property, visiting about all this. George is another true American who loves peace, but he is willing to risk putting his own peace in jeopardy to help all Americans secure their own peace once and for all, from these entities that continuously break their own draconian and unlawful 'regulations' which are not law, and which they don't even try to follow. They continuously destroy the peace of Americans with these rulings, and by throwing their perceived authority in the face of peace loving American nationals.

It seems that until we get to the real issues about jurisdiction, and who really owns the land in America, we haven't won much of anything?   It seems to me that we can keep on backing down the "agents" of tyranny for a very long time without rescuing much freedom from these situations.

To that end, I am speaking with the Attorney of record for the White Hope Mine, Mr. Fred Kelly Grant from Boise Idaho, and here is what he has to report so far.

On November 5, 2015, Attorneys Fred Kelly Grant and Josh Campbell filed pre-trial disclosure of witnesses and a case management plan with the United States District Court for the District of Helena.  Representing miners George Kornec and Phil Nappo, they will first face the issues of whether the miners are entitled to a jury trial on the government's complaint, and whether the case is limited in scope to an administrative review.  Briefing on the issues will be completed in February, 2016.  The attorneys contend that the miners own their claims as private property under the Mining Acts of 1866, 1870, and 1872.  The government contends they are regulated under the Multiple use act of 1955.  A Pre-trial conference is scheduled for November 12, 2015 in Helena.

So now the legal fat is in the fire, so to speak, but look at the time line.  They won't even get to a decision on whether they get a Jury trial until after February of 2016.  Typical of those tribunals.
In the meantime, can the miners mine their claim?  If they can't, then what have they won? What have the Oath Keepers won besides keeping the miners safe for the time being?  

These same kinds of actions are going on all around the country, and the same excuses are used by the corporate entities calling themselves agencies of government every time.   The "agencies" are claiming that their regulations, codes and statutes can be applied to miners who had clear title to their claims before those "agencies" ever existed.
It was the same way at the Bundy ranch. The Bundy family had grandfathered grazing and water rights that date back to 1871, and yet the 'johnny come lately' BLM claimed the power in another corporate tribunal calling itself the Federal Court to step on the Bundy family and steal their cattle, and they got the corporate tribunal to agree with them. But because of Oath Keepers and other patriots, Cliven and his family are still there.

But what does that do for the thousands of other families who own land in America?

The "agencies" are claiming jurisdiction when in fact for several reasons they don't have any at all.
They are claiming they can operate in the land jurisdiction, when in fact all the federal courts and the whole federal corporation operate only in Maritime and Admiralty jurisdiction of the sea. 

If you don't understand the difference you should look at this website:

WE HAVE FORGOTTEN WHO WE ARE.  Well maybe we never knew who we are. The founders considered us all to be Kings and Queens of the Land jurisdiction.  There is a flag that is sometimes flown at ports of entry and by the Coast Guard, called the US Civil Flag.  It's purpose is to mark the line between the Sea Jurisdiction, and the Land Jurisdiction.
Get one and start flying your REAL flag

The so called "federal agencies" (corporate mercenary entities) operate totally in the jurisdiction of the sea, but are encroaching on the land jurisdiction outside their territory of New Columbia (Washington DC) and are making land piracy runs against Americans in the land Jurisdiction inside the several states.  Does anyone know what the penalty for piracy is? I think you do.   

The point is, until we get a final and positive decision, and not from any corporate entity, but from a Superior court operating under common law and in the land jurisdiction there will be no continuing peace at all.

That means you folks.  We all need to occupy our original and organic government offices, and get rid of these fake government usurper pirate corporate imposters who are guilty of personage and barratry, before we can have a true and lasting peace, and from that point on  we need to be one heck of a lot more VIGILANT than we have been in the past or these criminals will destroy the peace again every chance they get.

In the mean time,  and to the Oath Keepers I say.

Blessed are the Peacemakers , for they shall be called the children of God.


  1. Good article, Paul; yes, the miners can mine their claim. The "government" did not get an injunction to stop mining pending outcome of the lawsuit. Had they done so, we would be trying for an interim appeal to set the injunction aside.
    We will not concede that this is simply an administrative review case for a court to decide in accord with the administrative procedure act; we will contend throughout that the miners own their claims and sites as private property owned under the original mining acts of 1866, 1870 and 1871.
    The importance of this case is that the mineral deposit of the entire nation is at risk; if we lose, you can count on a MASSIVE crackdown by the "government" to drive individuals off their claim sites; if we WIN, it will be a win that can be shared by all miners----and a boost for all those who graze, hunt, fish, log, or recreate on the lands that the "government" claims to manage.

  2. It may be useful to some of your readers to know the extent to which this government asserts this maritime and territorial jurisdiction:

    "The term ‘special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States’ used in this title, includes: ... (3)Any lands reserved or acquired for the use of the United States, and under the exclusive or concurrent jurisdiction thereof, or any place purchased or otherwise acquired by the United States by the consent of the legislature of the State in which the same shall be, for the erection of a fort, magazine, arsenal, dockyard, or other needful building.” U. S. Code, Title 18, pt. 1

    From this excerpt from the U.S. Code, it is clear that this government asserts maritime and territorial jurisdiction over BLM, USDA, NP, USFWS and ever other federally held tract.

    Moreover, this form of jurisdiction is "extra-constitutional" meaning that it is not bound by normal constitutional limitations:

    "It is no longer doubted that the United States may acquire territory by conquest or by treaty, and may govern it through the exercise of the power of Congress conferred by 3 of Article IV of the Constitution 'to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States.’ In exercising this power, Congress is not subject to the same constitutional limitations, as when it is legislating for the United States.” Hooven & Allison v. Evatt, 324 US 652, 1944.

    At various times, this form of jurisdiction has been termed by the Supreme Court to be both "foreign" and "repugnant" to the Constitution. By this, it is meant that constitutional jurisdiction is incompatible with maritime and territorial jurisdiction. And this is why there is conflict, for example, between local sheriffs and federal rangers over enforcement authority. Sheriffs may be "allowed" to exercise jurisdiction within the "federal zone" but "supreme jurisdiction" is held by the rangers - at least until this extra-constitutional reality can be vanquished and disposed of just as the HIs Britannic Majesty was ousted from the land in 1776.

  3. The extent to which federal maritime and territorial jurisdiction is applied should be understood by the people. This jurisdiction is outlined as follows:

    “The term ‘special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States’ used in this title, includes: ... (3)Any lands reserved or acquired for the use of the United States, and under the exclusive or concurrent jurisdiction thereof, or any place purchased or otherwise acquired by the United States by the consent of the legislature of the State in which the same shall be, for the erection of a fort, magazine, arsenal, dockyard, or other needful building.” U. S. Code, Title 18, pt. 1

    From this, it is clear that this form of federal jurisdiction applies to all federally held lands including BLM and USDA lands. It should also be understood that this form of federal jurisdiction is extra-constitutional meaning that those who assert it or who enforce it are not subject to regular constitutional limitations on their activities:

    "It is no longer doubted that the United States may acquire territory by conquest or by treaty, and may govern it through the exercise of the power of Congress conferred by 3 of Article IV of the Constitution 'to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States.’ In exercising this power, Congress is not subject to the same constitutional limitations, as when it is legislating for the United States.”

    At various times, this form of jurisdiction has been termed by the Supreme Court to be both "foreign" and "repugnant" to the Constitution. It is obvious why this is the case. It is also obvious why "constitutional sheriffs" clash with "extra-constitutional" federal rangers over jurisdiction within the "federal zones."

  4. And all of this "extra-constitutional" so called law or acts, are FRAUD, and therefore criminal in intention and execution, and all those who take part in it are GUILTY of crimes against the people who inhabit the land.
    They need to be arrested and charged with their crimes of personage and barratry.

  5. All I have to say is a lot of nerve went into writing this "article"....

    1. If you think this article took "nerve" to write, you should start reading the articles from Anna Von Reitz at


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