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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"Those Voices Don't Speak for the Rest of Us" Ron Paul can Win

Amidst the turmoil of the 111th Congress, which included such egregious legislation as Cap-and-Trade and ObamaCare, the Republican Study Committee created this video to illustrate how Washington has strayed from the ideas that made our nation great. Freedom and prosperity do not spring from government's power to tax, borrow, and spend. Instead we must get Washington out of the way and allow private enterprise to thrive.

Of course this little video, while very powerful and all true, doesn't tell the whole story. Even Reagan himself couldn't get some of his programs through, like abolishing the NEA. And they spent far too much money then also, but nothing like the runaway train that is the Obama communist machine.

The answer is to contine the Revolution Reagan talks about with the Ron Paul Revolution. Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate that can back his talk with 30 years of action, and consistancy. His voting record in the House is 100$% perfect for the Constitution and principles of freedom and liberty.

Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate that can beat Obama. None of the rest have the ability to gather the independent vote, or the old school anti-war Democrats that now hate Obama.

Put a Neo-Con like Perry up as the Republican nominee and Obama gets back in. Put a Rino like Romney up and the Democrats get back in. It's just that simple. People don't want another Bush, and they sure don't want Obama, unless they are on the government dole. Ron Paul might even gather some of the people on the dole. Perhaps even a few of them realize that this kind of spending can't continue.

In any case these short videos needs to go viral, and then people need to see the Ron Paul websites.   Watch all the videos on the first page.

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