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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Obama Gives Part of Arizona to Mexicans


  1. This is a real look into our Future unless the people take back their counties and States through their County Sheriffs. We are running out of time!!!!! Arizona is fighting back and The Governer deserves our repect! Lion of Judah

  2. I wonder "Who" is going to say the impeach word first? When our President all but refuses to meet with Arizona authority all eyes should have popped open.the fix is easy - close the border..completely.Strict restrictions should have been in place since 911. I wonder who at the top is involved in the "profits"? It usually is about the money - never about the people.


  3. OMG....send our Marines down there and secure our country!!! Shameful.

  4. Yes befor he gives our country away ..

  5. It is time to take matters into our own hands. It is obvious that "Barry" isn't going to do a damn thing but to continue turning our country into the laughing stock of the world. He and his cabinet are the real detriment to this great land.I would gladly sit off in the mountains with a 50 calibar rifle and pick the infiltrators off one at a time until they get the message that they are not welcome here!!

  6. Why does this not surprise me. To watch how Obama is handling the Gulf oil crises, it is obvious he is in way over his head. It is a shame when our people elect a person to head our country that they think will bring about the change he spoke about only to find that he lied about all of the things he was going to change. We should have the troops at our border and bring them home from most foreign shores where they are not needed.

  7. Why haven't we heard anything about this in mainstream media? This is idiotic to say the least! The word "impeach" should not only be used more often, but proceedings should have already begun.

  8. I never thought that I would live to see the day that we would ever have a president that is doing nothing for our Country and everything for all the others. What is taking so long to get impeachment proceedings started. We don't need this kind of president.

  9. Impeach,impeach,impeach, I will be one of the biggest supporter.He is giving the United States away in so many ways!!!!!! then when you done with Obama and the three stooges, come to Louisiana and get rid of our trailors. Notice most of our leaders end up in prison, hmmmm wonder why.And to end my beef, just remember this.......NO one in Louisiana will get any money from BP, after the crooks take their share.BP should have had someone to handle the money. Remember Katrina ?????there are still families with NO home..God bless America

  10. Obama has mortgaged our country into oblivion. Personally, I belieeve our Constitution demands that we protect our country. Guess that document has been shedded by the White House too. I believe we should start using the "I" word and take back the tattered remains of our United States. If the Feds won't protect our country from these murdering, drug dealing, trespassing illegal scumbags, I feel that we as citizens have a right to take matters into our own hands. If an American Citizen trespasses into my yard, I will protect my family. So why is it that we are not protected in our own country from trespassers?

  11. Pray for our country every night at 6pm Pacific.
    That is 9pm for east coast 8 for mid 7 for MT 6 for westcoast. I have set my cell phone to remind me every night. There are Americans all over the country praying at that time. This is the only thing that will change things. God allows us to have the leaders that represent our hearts. And the heart of America is in BIG trouble!! Child porn perverts, druggies, liars cheaters in high places of government and business because we weren't paying attention. We were watching the game or what ever. We the people allowed this to happen because we are lazy,distracted and worring about the next toy we need. Our life of leiasure will be gone soon if we don't get on our knees and stop it in NOV.

  12. I just hope all the Americas that voted for Obama can see the light now. The light is very dark and no chance of seeing a bright light until we impeach Obama!! He is NO GOOD for this country!!!

  13. I agree with the statement being "We should have closed our borders after 911!!" Why didn't G.W.Bush and cronies DO IT? HUH? He should have FOCUSED on this rather than going to Iraq to look for WMD's! It will take time & stradegy to solve this issue now. It's good that we have someone who just doesn't ACT out of haste! OMG. To think about the Alamo then!

  14. the president has time to replace a general in war, but has not time to stop or what to stop the illegals from coming into this country. Whats wrong with this picture?

  15. Why are you blaming the president for everything? Get off your turd laying butts and do something about it or whine like most " You owe me " tree hugging liberals. Send some of the unemployed - employ em - like a milita, and guard our borders. Get the US Congress to work " across the isle " and stop their childish bickering all the time. Take ownership to these problems and act on them. Drugs and guns are entering the US every day from Mexico. Stop this madness and take charge of the problem congress. Now all you " Rights Activists " can vent on how wrong I am. When you are in a war - sometimes there aren't any rules - just survival. Improvise and get results for the good of all Americans. fJust my thoughts. JC

  16. Impeach? Then we would get Mr. "Bite Me".
    Each one is worse than the other!

  17. I am for the first time in my life ashamed of our President and all his staff, even his wife.....OMG how can they act like lottery winners and spend, spend, spend, and give away what they don't have....the ones on welfare (who don't want to work), the illiterate, those who have forgotten about God, put this idiot in the White House...shame on them all. Clean house in November and act like One Nation Under God, again. Be an American and help Arizona and the people in the Gulf....ACTIONS speak a lot louder than meaningless words!!Stop blaming the previous Administrations.

  18. I wonder if POTUS Obama understood the oath of office that he swore to. The part about protecting our borders....congress should start impeachment proceedings for this traitor.

  19. It's all about drug money, it buys some of the best politicians the US has to offer. Just like getting all the weapons from the US gun shows, right, how many RPG and grenades do you find at the local gun show??? And the Mexican government will never give US authorities the S/N's of the weapons confiscated because they know we can track them back to the mexican military units they were sent to.

  20. Why is this not top headlines in every newspaper and the lead story on every news channel? Why is nothing being done about this?

  21. Obama is racist scum. He is an insider destroying our country. I still don't believe he is an American citizen, even though he was born to an American mother. He was raised with great Muslim influence, has discussed his allegiance to that world in one of his books, supposedly attended college in the U.S. as a foreign citizen(using our taxpayers' money), and should NEVER have had the opportunity to run for president in this country!

    The border must be secured, and I am happy that Governor Jan Brewer finally took the courageous steps to secure Arizona's border...and I pray that many other cities and states follow suit.

    Arizona law follows federal law so there is NO WAY Arizona's law should be struck down, except that our lowlife, scumbag so-called president will do anything he can to threaten and put pressure on the judge who will hear the case. I DON'T TRUST ANYTHING OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DOES NOW.

    For decades both parties have ignored requests from constituents to SECURE our borders. I have no problem with immigrants coming to America through the proper channels...but...for those who are here illegally, have had children, etc., I adamantly say get the hell out of our country!! YOU DON'T BELONG HERE!!

    If you are a Christian, please pray to God for help in turning this country around...back to the Constitution, and more importantly, back to God!

    If "we the people" (not me) who voted for Obama don't get their heads out of the sand in November and get a Republican House and Senate, then ALL OF OUR LIVES will be devastated forever. We can't afford the rest of Obama's term, let alone another four years of the same idiots at the helm!!!

  22. Tell Sheriff Paul Babeu that we in NM are able and willing to join him and all the other sheriffs all along our borders to secure them from these intruders . . . NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES! The h--l with the feds.

  23. I took time to read everyone of the letters, let me say AMEN to them ALL! It is hard for me to believe that this guy was elected, just a quick glance tells you he is not fit to be president, it is not because he is black, but because if he were a person born in the USA or provinces, he would have red blood, not bad blood. He is so chicken, except when it comes to money, (ours, that is)he can't seem to spend and tear down fast enough. But then, that is typical of a world conquering wannabe Muslin. If he is an american then I am a monkey's uncle. I have beem around a longtime (83 yrs.) and he is not the pick of the litter. DEM

  24. I'm sorry - I don't believe anything on Fox News.

    They get too much wrong. Here is another conservative perspective:

    Headless Bodies and other Immigration Tall Tales in Ariz.

  25. I really appreciate all the comments on this thread, and I didn't think it would bring that much when I posted this video.

    Obama is a communist. If you look up the history of the murder and pillage of the communists throughout history you will see it is exactly where Obama is headed. They all start out this way. They all want to be dictators.

    Keep up the good work and spread the word on this movie. Maybe we can get it to go viral and people will finally get busy about this.

  26. Obama is ALL about POWER and NOT about TRUTH. He is a dictator with a large chip on his shoulder. We better wake up fast, stand united, and force him out NOW before history repeats itselve. REMEMBER GERMANY


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