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Sunday, December 8, 2024

The Two Gods

 By Anna Von Reitz

I have told you before that the Bible can be read in two (2) ways, one as a holy scripture, and one as a grimoire --- a book of spells and recipes, mostly for disaster. 

I have also told you that there are two (2) gods in the Bible, whose thoughts, deeds, and exploits are threaded through the text, leaving you to discern which god is which and which is speaking and acting at any given time.  

This is appropriate, because we are here to learn the difference between Good and Evil.  This necessitates living in a polarized world. 

I have also told you, recently, that our existence is changing after 500-plus generations, because our solar system is changing its position relative to the fixed constellations, and new energies are now involved --- some cosmic rays and energy from Deep Space that we were not directly aligned with before, are now present, as well as a more local build up of energy known as "the Cosmic Flash" --- when our sun kicks in its afterburners and we experience an orders of magnitude increase in the flow of ionized hydrogen flowing past our planet.  

Many bean counters and theoretical physicists have been employed trying to figure out in advance what this means, and they have come up with some truly silly and harmful theories which will stand as the fruits of the Age of Pisces, a time of universal deceit and egotism.  We are dealing with that now, in the form of the ubiquitous "ChemTrails", a ridiculous effort to save the world by poisoning it.  

I have also told you that the two gods of the Bible, Satan and Yah, (or, you could call them Enki and Enlil, Lord of the Land and Lord of the Sea, Zeus and Poseidon) are symbolic of opposing energies. 

We know these energies as enthalpy (heat/order) and entropy (cold/disorder).  

Because we have not properly understood mathematics nor the laws of thermogenesis, the current theory is that the Universe must eventually lose all energy and motion and so, entropy wins in the end --- and everything dissolves into chaos and formlessness.  

You can also think of this opposing energy in terms of frequency and harmonics.  The energy of love, order, and warmth aligns in great fugues of harmonics attuned to 528 Hz, while the energy of hate, disorder, and cold is attuned to a different base frequency and harmonic resonance.  

These two "families" of frequencies are like two radio stations broadcasting their signals continuously.  

Like radio waves, we can't see these signals, but we have the ability to feel them (when our thoughts and emotions align with them) and, sometimes, the ability to "hear" them via a form of resonance telepathy. 

Odd to think that our emotions, which also depend on complex chemical triggers and interactions, are actually sourced outside of ourselves ---and are our way to connect to a vast silent symphony that supports our physical being and our consciousness--- and interacts with us continuously throughout our lives. 

The Bible foretells a great, cataclysmic battle, which is detailed in many prophecies and which makes up the bulk of the last book of the Bible, Revelations.  In the symbolic language of the Bible, this is communicated in terms of chariots and armies and horses; the final battle of Armageddon occurs after a revelation called the Apocalypse, that causes great distress and confusion. 

For some time, a Secret Society of nutcases has been trying to stage a Do-It-Yourself Apocalypse and Armageddon, like a troupe of theater players trying to do their own version of this End Times Drama --- literally.  

If you have been following along, you have been able to observe them changing the stage sets and preparing the actors and scurrying around "fulfilling" the prophecies (in their own way).  Those doing this hope to use these ancient prophecies to legitimize their own very real and very physical rule over the rest of humanity.  They are not religious; they are totally cynical in doing this.  

The Bible and other more ancient records, like the Sumarian Tablets and the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, and even surviving cultural histories, such as those of the Dogon People in Africa, tell us that the "Fallen Ones" arrived here from what we call Outer Space, and it is apparent that numerous different extraterrestrial visitors have been here on Earth and have had their impacts, both good and bad, on the development of Humanity.  

We are told that Semiramis, the "goddess" endlessly reprised as Ashtoreth, Isis, Cybele, Sybil, Astarte, Athena, and Columbia, splashed down in the Euphrates River in a "silver egg".  The gods of the Ancient Levant arrived in a blaze of fire and glory on the heights of Mt. Herman in Lebanon.  The Nomos of Africa landed in the sea. 

Thoth and his family arrived from the sky, lived on the Island of Atlantis for thousands of years, departed Atlantis just before the cataclysm that destroyed it, then went to Egypt, and from Egypt, their teachers built other cities, other civilizations, all built on their basic templates, however admixed with local variations.  Thus, we find Egyptian hieroglyphs in the Grand Canyon, in the Great Lakes, in South America, and in sunken cities from India to Japan.  

All over the world, these "gods" appeared, taught mankind various things --- good and bad --- and disappeared again. This same story is told and retold in many different forms all over the world.  

So, let's turn our attention back to the Do-It-Yourselfers and the group of the Fallen that arrived on Mt. Herman, because in (deliberate)  "fulfillment of prophecy", the Israelis have just captured Mt. Herman, and that is very likely the main reason they began the assault against Lebanon in the first place:

One common interpretation of scripture has the home of God on Earth established on Mt. Herman; another interpretation has the home of God established in Jerusalem; a third lesser known interpretation has the home of God on Earth established on an island like Atlantis, which rises up from the floor of the sea to receive a pre-built City of God that materializes out of thin air.  

The capture of Mt. Herman gives Israel not only extra land, but a firm scriptural basis to locate and build their Messianic capital city on and around Mt. Herman. 

Another domino in the Do-It-Yourself fulfillment of Bible prophecy falls in place. 

At the same time, another phenomenon is taking hold--- the coagulation of the Good and the Evil--- in parable, the separation of the Sheep and the Goats. 

Alchemists see this as a logical step in a hermetic process leading to transformation and manifestation of a new material matrix--- a new Earth and a new world.  To their way of thinking there is no doubt that we are on our way, through whatever difficulties, on a path which transforms lead to gold. 

This will not be any simple or easy pattern to assimilate, as the whole population of Earth is being magnetically separated, the Good among us are becoming more good, and the Evil among us are becoming more evil, and the demarcation between the two is being drawn in stronger and stronger terms.  

The Lies of the Evil Ones are becoming apparent.  The Truth of the Good Souls is also emerging from the shadows and fog. 

Those who "harmonize" with the frequency of love no longer live in the same world as those who harmonize with evil.  Their thoughts, feelings, and experiences are separating from the drama being played out by the Evil Ones. 

All by themselves, helplessly, inevitably, with no help from the rest of us, the Evil Ones are revealing themselves.  They are no longer able to hide in the shadows and impersonate good people.  The magnetic polarization force is stripping away their disguises, revealing their corruption, violence, criminal practices, cruelty, and unnatural lusts. 

Through their own choices and experiences they have aligned themselves with the frequencies of Evil, and so, they are bound to Evil and drawn into the Kingdom of Satan: cold, chaos, and hate are their portion.    

In the same way, those who have aligned with Good are drawn inexorably into the Kingdom of the True God; warmth, order, and love are their portion.  

We choose our fate ourselves, even though most people are unaware of the fact that they are making this choice all by themselves, every day they live, according to how they align their thoughts, feelings and actions. 

Which "radio station" do you listen to?   Which frequencies do you choose to align with?  What emotions do you keep in your heart? 

Thus it is of extreme importance at this time, that you monitor your choices and where you place your attention.  Place your thoughts on all things that are healthy, beautiful, true, and good.  Think of all your blessings and be grateful for them. Marvel at the beauty and peace of Nature. Let your emotions follow where you place your attention and what you give your thoughts to.  

The Apocalypse has come and it is inevitable that you will be faced with knowledge of great evils that have lived in your institutions, including your religious institutions; and, evil that has infested your governments.  You will literally see and hear about the evil that has inhabited politicians, sports heroes, musicians, Hollywood stars, bankers, religious leaders, and corporate CEOs. 

Now you can see the fruits of Good and the fruits of Evil, and let that further inform your choices, without thoughtlessly "paying" --literally, your attention to Evil.  The trick is to "know" Evil -- recognize it, observe it in passing -- but immediately travel on to your own good, giving your attention to honor and love and faithfulness and truth and all that is worth dwelling on. 

There is a reason for that phrase, when we say that "she is dwelling on it" --- meaning that a woman is letting her attention be drawn to something and focusing on it to the extent that she is not seeing and thinking about other things.  This is a state of hypnosis and obsession --- and possession in the sense of being possessed by demons.  Our own thoughts and our seeming inability to redirect them to good subjects and worthy things, is the essence of demonic possession. 

Sexual obsession is a common example of demonic possession. Our attention is diverted to the "object" of the obsession, our thoughts follow, our emotions follow our thoughts, and we are immediately in an unreality of fantasies and miseries.  We can't seem to focus our attention on anything but our "object", and we only dimly realize -- if at all -- that we are actually energetically assaulting and harming the "object" of our affection by focusing our attention on them in this way. 

Objectification is a common thread and presentation in all forms of demonic possession.  This is a mental process in which we take a living being and turn them (or it) into an object -- a thing. 

A Vietnamese soldier isn't a Vietnamese soldier anymore: he's a "Gook".   A woman isn't a woman anymore: she's a slut, a whore, a bitch, a nag, a bag, a hole, a cunt, a purse.  A man who has black colored skin isn't a man with black colored skin: he's a "Nigger".  And it goes the other way, too.  A good-hearted neighbor is "an angel" or a "saint".  

All these words, all these objectifications, can be applied to whole nations and groups of people.  All Arabs become "ragheads".  All those concerned about the environment are "leaf-lickers".  All good students are "eggheads".  All Hispanics (and some Italians) are "Spics".  All cows are "dumb cattle".  

It's important to realize that we are doing this and by doing it, we are destabilizing our own psyche, harming each other, and opening ourselves to demonic possession.  We are losing track of reality and drifting into a dangerous realm of intellectual and energetic warfare between what is true and what is false. 

People do not magically become whatever our perception--- or prejudice--- labels them.  We are not objects.  Neither are the animals. And, when you become truly aware, you will know that trees are living individuals, too.  All that lives, all that walks the Earth, all that is ordered energy, even the rocks and crystals in the Earth, are, in a sense, alive ---and just as unique and irreplaceable as we are. 

It's our job to discern between the two gods, to be able to identify them, and to choose which one we align with. 

Besides learning to place our attention where we want it to go, and deeply questioning ourselves about what kind of world we want to live in, and putting an end to "objectifying" everything and everyone, we can hasten our development by examining our emotions --- especially emotions of anger and fear. 

Anger is a result of fear.  It may not seem that way, but the more you study your anger and observe it, the more inevitable this conclusion becomes.  Anger is a secondary emotion that follows fear; it results from the evaluation of the threat.  

For example, the thought: "This man who threatened me, did not respect me."  --- it's the disrespect that triggers the anger. 

By now you know that all emotions are triggered by thoughts. 

Without a thought or at least a perception (like an unexpected firecracker going off in the middle of the night) no emotion is possible.  The complex electrical and chemical signaling needed to create an emotion, does not occur. 

Fear triggers all the negative emotions.  Love triggers all the positive emotions.  

Which one do you choose?  How quickly and purposefully can you shift from fear to love?  

How courageous can you become?  

This is why perfect love drives out all fear. 

This modest essay is not a lecture or a sermon.  It is not intended to be exclusive or religious or scientific.  It's meant to be practical.

Humanity as a whole is being subjected to the Refiner's Fire; the long slow maturation of our Knowledge of Good and Evil, the gift that Eve chose, is here.  Now we must become aware.  Now we must choose. 


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