By Anna Von Reitz
We realize that Ben Fulford is a Canadian by birth and nationality and that he has lived many years in the Orient, out of touch to some extent with other developments in the Western World, but we can hardly suppose that it has escaped his attention and that of his cohorts, that what they are proposing as a solution to the current world situation is nothing more or less than the same old Regional Government Scheme proposed by the Roman Curia and the United Nations thirty years ago.
They are simply promoting it again and in a more public venue, still driving toward the same goals and quid pro quos that will serve only to further consolidate power in the hands of a few. Of course, those few are presumed to be paragons of merit and virtue, but all of our experience on Earth tells us that this is an unrealistic expectation.
The old adage, "Absolute power corrupts absolutely" has remained statistically accurate and true.
We therefore address Ben and the White Hats and all Parties aligned and associated with them, to rethink what they are doing and what they are suggesting. Consolidation of power in the hands of a few is precisely what brought us to the current crisis; doing the same thing again with different players is unlikely to have any other ultimate result.
Our experience as a species has demonstrated that even when men have pursued self-mastery for a lifetime, they seldom reliably succeed --- and relatively few men have even identified self-mastery as a goal. And if men cannot rule themselves, by what possible logic may they be expected to rule over others?
We were gratified to learn that HRM Queen Elizabeth II spent her last embers of life and power to work out agreements with Chinese Elders (Banking Families) agreeing to promote life on this planet as a universal goal --- life for the planet, life for the animals, and life for the people --- in all its glory and diversity.
It's too bad that QEII was unable to publicly speak to her inner values within the constraints that her office imposed on her. As ever. monarchy and kingship proves to be a heavy and immoral burden pressed upon the individual, who is largely prevented from having a life of their own.
From our perspective, this announcement of a British-Chinese accord to "choose life", comes across as if Ronald Reagan turned out to be a closeted Democrat, or Ayatollah Khomeini turned out to be a Jew. It's a startling, telling, and moving tribute to the late Queen --- if it's true.
As positive and useful as such an accord is as a starting point, the idea of regionalized government in the hands of a self-chosen meritocracy presents only a road to ruin and additional progress toward a planetary dictatorship --- whether that dictatorship comes about via gradual abdication of oligarchs, or via a singular violent usurpation of control by an individual hardly matters.
We've already been to this picture show. Multiple times. We have less than no interest in going through all that again. We have to find other, better, answers.
It's time for the people of this planet to choose life, that much is true; but forgive us for saying so--- the common people have been choosing life for a long, long time. It's the governments and institutions and corporations that have chosen death to profit themselves, to extend the reach of their own coercive power, and slake their own "group" egos.
In our view, it's time for each one of us, men and women, to undertake the Hero's Journey, knowing that nobody else can take that road for us, knowing that it is a necessity that we only delay and evade by trying to foist the challenge off onto someone else -- a king, a prime minister, or, in this case, a Regional Delegate.
No, fellas, there's no point in doing the same thing at a larger scale and expecting a different result. We are on Round Eight of this endeavor, and if we are ever going to get it right, we have no choice but to choose --- and try --- different answers.
Let us try to master ourselves, first. Let us educate ourselves, and then, let us educate our children about their true nature and potential. Let's protect that potential before men like Anthony Fauci ruin it forever for everyone.
There is no potential and no merit in one man that does not exist in all men. We must turn inward and find the Hero in ourselves.
How does that end up being a system of government? It yields the only true government there is.
Neither the unaccountable brainlessness and heartlessness of the Nanny State, nor the Iron Will of a dictator can govern us. We must learn, individually, to govern ourselves and we must accept the challenge of our own Hero's Journey. Then we will find the ways and means to be secure, self-respecting, fair-minded, courageous, truthful, and at peace.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
December 7th 2024
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