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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

International Public Notice: We Don't Do Thought Crimes in This Country

 By Anna Von Reitz

We will hang you if you do something egregious enough in actual fact, resulting in actual injury to actual living people --- murder, cattle-rustling, and treason are among the Public Laws of this country which can merit capital punishment.  You may also be tried under International Law which has provisions invoking capital punishment for crimes of unlawful conversion and piracy and genocide. 

Our General Public and our Public Law does not allow for any thought crimes or crimes related to the exercise of free thought and free speech now or at any time in the past.   If someone "feeling offended" or "threatened" were to become our standard of law, everyone would be in prison and the streets would be empty.  We prefer the hurly-burly of public and private debate.

It is important for our public employees to remember that even though they may be subject to statutory law passed by their own State of State Legislatures in the course of their governmental services corporations conducting business in this country, the General Public which is not employed in a public capacity is not bound by those same statutory rules and codes. 

Therefore we never, ever expect to hear or see anything like this in America:  

If we do, it will be Cause to take any such private corporation's police officer to the cleaners, together with his or her immediate supervisors, and we will happily divest them of their office of public trust, their job, their pensions, their "personal" property, and their bonds.  

There are no Social Contracts actual or implied in this country at birth or at any other time; the presumption of such "citizenship contracts" misapplied to the American people on the basis of undisclosed and unconscionable birth registration processes must cease, as it is an international crime amounting to press ganging, kidnapping, inland piracy, unlawful conversion, human trafficking, and enslavement. 

Any one of these aforementioned crimes are serious crimes, and when misapplied to any American who is owed the due diligence and good faith of all Federal and Federal Franchise Employees, it results in treason against the American Government, a crime which is owed capital punishment without question.  

Therefore, we require the recipients of this International Public Notice to Take Notice and Take Action to prevent any continued misunderstanding or False Arrests generated as a result of mistaking Americans for U.S. Citizens or citizens of the United States, either one. 

The members of the Bar Associations in this country and the Court Officers and State-of-State Police are the most likely and common offenders and need to be re-educated about these matters without further delay or obstruction.  

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

September 10th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here:

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