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Monday, September 9, 2024

International Public Notice: The 33 Percent

 By Anna Von Reitz

The Milgram Experiment established that, faced with an Authority Figure and an unfamiliar environment, 67% of normal people will kill on command.  They will bow to "authority" even though the instructions go against their deepest moral values, their religion, everything goes out the window for them.  And they mindlessly, helplessly turn the dial. 

Isn't it interesting that approximately 67% of the world's population accepted vaccination with an undisclosed substance at the behest of perceived authorities that they obeyed and believed?  

Authorities who told them this substance was a vaccine and that it was safe and effective? 

Authorities who lied.  Murderers.  Thieves.  Cowards. Vile people who exempted themselves and their families, while mandating these injections on everyone else.  Clearly, they knew. They did it anyway. 

The word from Japan has only gotten worse.  Self-assembling nanobots have been confirmed in tens of millions of Japanese people who trustingly accepted the phony vaccine.  The Japanese Government is finally in gear, engaged in deep analysis, and criminal investigations, involving every stage of the phony pandemic operation. 

The PCR Test guaranteed to deliver 97% positive results.  
The vaccine that was never a vaccine. 
The bought-and-paid-for media. 
The bought-and-paid-for "science". 
The lock downs. The Hollywood coverage.  The masks. 
The six foot no-contact-zone. 
The ventilators. 
Remdesivir, a dangerous drug already removed from the market.
Project Warp Speed. 
The WHO. 
The World Bank "Pandemic Bonds" 
Bill Gates' Patent on the whole system. 
The payments to the hospitals. 
The payola to the doctors. 
The "adjusted" Coroner's reports. 
The insurance scams. 
The carte blanche given to manufacturers.
The transmitter signals coming from graves.
The rubbery white clots found by embalmers.
The prescribed "countermeasures".
The skyrocketing myocarditis statistics.
The skyrocketing cancer statistics. 
The skyrocketing "excess death" statistics.
The skyrocketing stillbirth statistics.
The skyrocketing infertility statistics. 

Other governments around the world are waking up, too, and it won't be long before those poisoned by this horrific crime will know the Truth---that they and their children are suffering and dying like lab rats in a vicious experiment they never consented to.  

There's only one more scientific question to be asked --- as they are dying, will the 67% turn on immoral authority?  

33% have already learned. 

10% of a population is all that it takes to guarantee complete overturn of any government in history.  

This is largely due to the fact that members of the governments turn against their own masters.  

Everyone in the U.S. Army including the Top Brass has been forced to take these injections. 

They have, on average, about three years left to live and the clock is ticking.  Great waves of death will engulf the planet in a cyclic fashion, first one cause and then another, cancer followed by neurological diseases followed by cardiac arrests followed by.... 

And each time this happens, another kind of pandemic will be announced to try to mask what is actually happening. 

As the pace of the die-off speeds up and it finally all comes home to the western militaries and their misguided intelligence agencies and private corporate police forces, when they realize what the Nazis inside their own infrastructure have done, what will they do in return?   

Our Government didn't support any of these crimes and did not advocate vaccination.  Our Government sounded the alarm well-before any other government in the Western World, and organized a roll call vote of our State Assemblies to outlaw ownership claims against living people based on GMO patent rights. That Public Law became effective on January First 2020. 

We have also objected to the establishment of any description of vaccinated people as "transhumans" and have also objected to any legislation or declaration seeking to deny human rights to any person for any reason. 

Those responsible for these heinous crimes must be and will be punished and we ask for God's vengeance upon them. 

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

September 8th 2024


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