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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Network Spikes and Taxation by Banks

 By Anna Von Reitz

Tonight our usual Monday night webinar was interrupted by an area-wide network spike.  

But here's what's going down just the same: 

Declassified: IRS and Federal Reserve Caught Red-Handed in Massive Economic Enslavement Scam!

This article by the Gazetteller doesn't give you the details, but we have and we will. 

Just yesterday we told you how the Sephardic Jewish bullion bankers of Amsterdam colluded with and backed Oliver Cromwell and his Roundheads in the English Civil War to depose King Charles I and later, James II. 

Their object in doing this was three-fold: (1) end the prohibition against Jews living in England which had been imposed by King Edward; (2) put their man, a Dutch puppet, William of Orange, on the English throne; and (3) establish a bank known as the Bank of England, but owned and controlled by the same Dutch bullion bankers.  

As part of the charter of the Bank of England, William of Orange (their puppet) agreed to keep the identity of the actual backers and shareholders secret, allowed them to practice "fractional reserve banking" (a swindle), and also allowed them to consolidate the so-called national debt (that is, the King's sovereign debt) and extract payment on the principle and interest due on this "National Debt" via direct taxation of the people. 

The Federal Reserve is a replay of the Bank of England swindle, except that it's worse in one respect. 

Consider that the Bank of England deals in asset-backed currency, while the Federal Reserve functions as a dealer in non-negotiable I.O.U.s. 

This means that people in England got a small dollop of silver or gold in exchange for their goods and services, while the Americans got nothing of value at all in "equitable exchange".  

The Bank of England was given a franchise to levy a direct tax on the people of England, independent of the monarchy or the Parliament, either one. 

The Federal Reserve, and later, the trademarked Federal Reserve System operating out of Puerto Rico, was given the same kind of franchise to levy a direct tax on the people of America, independent of any Congress. 

This privately levied tax --- a tax levied by a foreign privately owned bank --- is deceptively called the Federal Income Tax, even though the victims typically receive no "federal income" at all.  

Technically, this infamous tax is defined as a "gift and estate tax" and it is collected by private debt collection agents working for the banks involved in this scam.  

The Federal Reserve and the International Monetary Fund both have their claws in this dirty business, and operate two (2) private debt collection agencies, one calling itself the Internal Revenue Service (Inc.) and one calling itself the IRS (INC.) respectively. 

The "Federal Income" being taxed by these banks is not any income received by the victims, but is instead credit "income" extended to the Federal Government Subcontractors based on the assets of the victims by the colluding banks. 

The Federal Reserve extends credit based on the victim's labor and physical assets, and the IMF extends credit based on the victim's intellectual property assets. 

The banks give credit to the Federal Government Subcontractors (both foreign corporations in the business of providing government services) based on your assets which are held and mortgaged to provide all this credit to the government subcontractors.

In other words, the banks establish liens and mortgages on your assets to raise credit (that also belongs to you) which they then fork over to the government subcontractors without your knowledge or consent.  

Thus, the banks indebt both you, and the government subcontractors, without investing a penny themselves. 

They indebt you to pay the government subcontractor's debts, and indebt the government subcontractors to pay you back.  

The government subcontractors are corporations so they dump their obligations to you by going bankrupt periodically. And leave you as the "public" responsible for paying their debts. 

They rob Peter to pay Paul and then rob Paul to pay Peter.  

And you play the role of both Paul and Peter. 

The banks unleash their private agents from the Internal Revenue Service and the IRS, respectively, to collect money from you to pay for all the government's borrowing of credit that also belongs to you -- not the banks. 

The government services corporations have unlimited credit based on your assets and credit, and they get the benefit of both, while you take it in the shorts both coming and going, having to pay and pay and pay, simply to keep what's yours.  

According to them, your Mother waived your ownership of your natural birthright estate when you were a baby only a couple weeks old.  

She was never told a word about this, and you were too young to know, but your name was registered as a British Territorial franchise, nonetheless. 

This gives the government services subcontractors the excuse they need to "seize upon" your "abandoned assets" and "salvage them" for the owner (you).  

If you don't pay their accumulated debt, the banks that extended them your credit, seize your assets. 

Everyone but you is happy.  

The banks invest nothing and confiscate all sorts of juicy private assets and impose all kinds of bogus liens and mortgages every year.  They hide behind the IRS and never even appear as Parties of Interest in this filthy little quid pro quo they drummed up in collusion with your friendly government services providers. 

The government service providers have unlimited credit -- even though it's based on your assets and credit raised off your assets without your knowledge or consent, via an unconscionable private "citizenship" contract you know nothing about. 

If you are sick and tired of being the goat in this situation and want the banks and the service providers hauled up on a half shell, get busy and contribute to your own government.  

The United States of America, Unincorporated. 

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994

Big Lake, Alaska 99652


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