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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

International Public Notice: "My Fellow Americans...."

 By Anna Von Reitz

Let's make sure, first of all, that we are all functioning as and recognizable as "Americans". 

Let's make sure we aren't functioning as British Territorial U.S. Citizens. Or citizens of the United States --- that is, the Municipal Government run by the Holy Roman Empire out of Washington, DC. 

The American Federal Republic was run and sponsored by the original American Confederation organized in 1781 under The Articles of Confederation. 

The only way it can be restored is the same way it was created --- by the States of the Union and the State Citizens of those States acting to restore it, via a series of actions known as "Reconstruction" which are detailed in the Reconstruction Acts, but never executed, because those who wrote the Reconstruction Acts lacked the standing to actually reconstruct any part of our American Government. 

The same is as true today as it was back then.  U.S. Citizens are members of a foreign British Territorial Government.  Even if they wanted to reconstruct our Federal Republic for us, they lack the legal standing and lawful character as Americans needed to do so.  

All that they can do is to create a British Territorial version of "a" Federal Republic, not our American Federal Republic. 

So that is what they are busily doing, even if they believe that they are Americans, and even if they think they know what they are talking about --- every single one of them is registered as a having adopted British Territorial U.S. Citizenship, and every one of them has subsequently and additionally been registered as a US CORPORATION.  

They have done nothing to correct this False Registration that was applied to them as babies, done nothing to assemble their State of the Union, and nothing to understand the identity of "the People" who acted (and still act) as the Principals ("High Contracting Powers") to create any part of the Federal Government ---- including the Federal Republic that all the State Republics were members of.  

It's the People --- the State Citizens of the States of the Union --- that have to reconstruct the Confederation of States of States, and also the Federal Republic, too, if that job is ever to be undertaken.  

We are, technically, under no obligation to reconstruct any of it, but we can --- as Americans. 

Although debate about creating a Confederation began in January of 1777, The Articles of Confederation were not adopted by the States of the Union until May of 1781.  At that point, the Federation of the States delegated responsibility for the commercial affairs of the new nation to the Confederation doing business as the States of America, a Company created under the charter provided by The Articles of Confederation.  

Six years later, the 1781 Confederation received a service contract known as The Constitution for the united States of America, and began operating this new Federal Subcontractor known as the Federal Republic.  

People from the States were allowed to "immigrate" to this new Federal Jurisdiction and work for the Federal Republic, by undergoing a lengthy process described in the very first Naturalization and Immigration Act.  

Upon completing the stipulated tests and procedures, these Americans were deemed to be "United States Citizens" and to hold a separate and unique political status apart from the State Citizens or the British Territorial U.S. Citizens or the HRE Municipal citizens of the United States.

From all this historical background, it is apparent that a group of people registered as British Territorial U.S. Citizens cannot reconstruct the American Federal Republic and that they have no right or reason to construct a British Territorial "Republic" on our land.  

Our American State Assemblies have already overcome this entire snafu by having each member properly declare and record their political identity as American State Nationals and/or State Citizens in public, and from there, assembling their State Assembly.  They are in the proper legal and lawful standing to be recognized as Americans, and do the work of an actual Reconstruction of the American Confederation and then, the Federal and State Republics.  Nobody else, however well-intentioned, is in position to do it. 

Our State Assemblies are part of the "republican form of government" guaranteed to us under the Constitutional Contracts.  Note the difference between "republican" and "Republic".   

The feminine generative form of the word "republican" indicates that our "republican form of government" is exercising its jurisdiction on the national jurisdiction of the soil and is separate and apart from any "State Republic" functioning in the foreign jurisdiction of the air as a franchise of a commercial corporation doing business as the Federal Republic, Inc., chartered by the States of America, an American Company of the same kind and status as Great Britain, aka, The Company.  

The complexity of this entire arrangement is staggering to the modern imagination which remains ignorant of the niceties of "jurisdiction under the Law" so it is understandable that people living in America today who don't even know that they have been registered as babies and misidentified as British Territorial U.S. Citizens ever since, are unprepared and unable to get over even the first hurdle that British Agents have placed in their way.  

It's understandable that they have been kept ignorant, as keeping this change in political status secret is key to the British continuing to meddle in American affairs and control American land assets. 

What isn't understandable is why Americans, when faced with the facts, stubbornly refuse to take appropriate action. 

The Brits have it set up so that even if these clueless Americans do wake up and do take on the work of reconstructing their vanished Federal Republic and equally vanished Confederation, they will lack the legal standing to do so, and will only wind up creating an instrumentality of the British Territorial United States Government. 

Damned if you do and damned if you don't. 

So it is imperative that those Americans who are pursuing this whole "narrative" of having issued a Declaration of Sovereign Intent and so forth back in 2011-2012, realize that: (1) they aren't operating as Americans, they are operating as British Territorial U.S. Citizens, and (2) they can't operate as British Territorial U.S. Citizens and "restore" any part of the American Government, and (3) everything they are doing can only serve the interests of the same British Territorial (Tory) Con Artists who registered them as U.S. Citizens back when they were babies in the cradle, and (4) all that can result from their efforts as currently engaged in, is a brand new British Territorial "Federal Republic" --- not the restoration of an American Federal Republic or any American State Republic, either. 

While we stand here vaguely stumbling around and mistaking our situation and arguing with each other about who is an American and who isn't, the enemies of all free men are making steady progress against us and against our country, and those who have overcome the foreign legal presumptions against their American political status are being attacked by those who wish to be counted as Americans, but who have failed the test by not first cleaning up the question of their own chosen political identity.  

Imagine the situation: you have a mob of people claiming to be Catholics, Anglicans, and Baptists, but they've forgotten who they are.  They all have a form of selective amnesia, so they keep stumbling in and out of their respective churches and getting angry when the service isn't what they expect. 

We have "citizens of the United States", that is, citizens of the Holy Roman Empire claiming to be British Territorial U.S. Citizens, and British Territorial U.S. Citizens claiming to be American State Citizens, and Americans not knowing that they have been registered as British Territorial U.S. Citizens claiming to be citizens of the United States, and none of these groups of people have spent the time and effort to sort it out and actually know and assert their own natural political birthright standing. 

Nothing can come out of continuing this confusion but more confusion ---- and more fraud. 

So, get it together, people.  Study.  Learn.  And then, do what's right and proper.  Declare, record, and publish your birthright political status as an American, join your State Assembly, and then, you can act as an American to restore the American Government.  

Until then, you are just run-amok British Territorial U.S. Citizens, spinning tales and causing trouble for your own (foreign) government which is here under contract to provide us with "good faith service".  


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