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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

International Public Notice: Which "Public" Must Be Served?

 By Anna Von Reitz

As a result of the substitution fraud engendered by the "election" of Abraham Lincoln as the "President" of the British Territorial Corporation doing business as "the United States of America, Incorporated" in 1860, and his subsequent usurpation of powers belonging to the Federation of States and The President of The United States of America under False Pretenses, there has been a continuing confusion about "Which Public?" is to be served by the Federal Government Subcontractors --- their own "public" consisting of their own incorporated "citizenry", or our General Public of the American States?  

The quick answer is that their organizations exist because of their respective Constitutions, but they are not parties to nor beneficiaries of the Constitutions.  They are paid employees charged with duties and limitations provided by the Constitutions.  Federal Employees denoted as Federal Citizens, or specifically as U.S. Citizens or citizens of the United States, work under the provisions of their respective Constitutions, but have no Guarantees provided by the Constitutions, for they are not Parties to the Constitutions nor Creators of the Constitutions.  

This has always been the case, ever since the implementation of the Constitutions in 1787, 1789, and 1790, respectively.  

In respect to the American Federal Subcontractor, the States of America functioning under The Constitution for the united States of America, provisions were made to enable Americans born in the States of the Union (the original Union, not anything to do with the Civil War) to retain their Constitutional Guarantees as American State Citizens on a private basis while rendering international public service as employees of the original Federal Republic government.  

This arrangement was known as "Federal Dual Citizenship" and was set up by the first Naturalization and Immigration Act --- this phrase "Federal Dual Citizenship" has since been redefined and subverted to mean that present day Federal Subcontractor Employees from anywhere on Earth are "presumed to be" both Territorial U.S. Citizens and Municipal citizens of the United States, but this is not the customary and intended meaning of the Public Law still standing among the United States Statutes at Large, Unrevised. 

The British Territorial Government made no such provisions, because their U.S. Citizens already owe allegiance to the British Monarch and have adopted British Territorial/Commonwealth political status the same as the people of Puerto Rico, which is a British Commonwealth nation. 

The Municipal Government run by the Holy Roman Empire similarly never referenced Americans; their citizens of the United States were understood to have their Federal Dual citizenship allocated already by their allegiance to the Pope/Roman Pontiff.  

Thus, among the original Federal Subcontractors, you had three different possible kinds of "Federal Dual Citizens": 

United States Citizens - American State Citizens 
U.S. Citizens - British Territorials 
citizens of the United States -- Holy Roman Empire citizens

This results in three distinct populations with unique political identities and "public" bodies associated with each. 

None of these "publics" are the Public to be served under the provisions of any Federal Constitution, though enterprising public servants have usurped against the Employers and sought to substitute their "publics" for the American Public. 

When the American Federal Subcontractor ceased to function in April 1861, the other two foreign Federal Subcontractors rushed in to fill the gap and to provide the services and exercise the authority and delegated powers of the American Federal Republic in its "absence". 

This has been their story and excuse ever since.  They, both Britain and Rome, have told the world that the American Government is unaccountably "absent", "missing, presumed dead", and "in interregnum".   

All that is or ever has been "missing" is a Subcontractor of our government, not our actual government which delegated all the federal powers in the first place. 

The two remaining foreign Federal Subcontractors freely misrepresented themselves as our custodians and representatives, usurped the powers delegated to the American Federal Republic, and exercised those delegated powers without a contract to do so. 

From the perspective of the trusting American Employers, all appeared to be well.  The duties of the Federal Republic were being accomplished and the exact details of how this was being done -- via the two other Federal Subcontractors -- was conveniently not revealed. 

Thus the actual American Government was left in the dark and gradually fell into a comfortable stupor, while the remaining Federal Subcontractors were reorganized as commercial and municipal corporations, created "state of state" franchises for themselves and grew more and more corrupt.  

We began waking up in the 1960's - 1970's when a series of events began ringing alarm bells.  United States District Courts apart from the district courts of the United States (Article 5) appeared, but no effort was made to distinguish between these foreign Territorial and Legislative courts serving the Federal citizenries, and Article 3 Federal Courts and the actual State and County Courts owed to Americans. 

The Office of the Secretary of War was renamed the Secretary of Defense.  The Vietnam "War" was admitted to be a "Conflict" --- not a war.  Richard Nixon converted healthcare into a for-profit enterprise to please his cronies at Kaiser-Permanente.  Both the Internal Revenue Service and the Municipal IRS began prosecuting Americans for not "voluntarily" filing Federal Income Tax returns -- despite the fact that these Americans had no Federal Income and no legal duty to report.  

By 1980, Jimmy Carter had the brass cajones to take over and federalize public education in America, leaving no doubt that as far as he was concerned, the "public" to be served was the British Territorial U.S. Citizen version, and not the American Public.  

Carter scrubbed all mention of American History from the libraries and "public" schools, leaving only United States History to be studied by the next three generations of school children.  Local School Boards were reorganized as "School Districts", even though no Federal Constitution allows this and even though, like public health, no mention of education exists in any Federal Constitution. 

There seemed to be a concerted, organized effort to confuse Americans with their Federal Employees --- but to what end? By 1998, as we approached yet another Municipal Corporation bankruptcy (2000-2001) we raised our hand and objected to this continuing malfeasance and misrepresentation and served notice on the United States Secretary of State and the Commissioner of Internal Revenue and numerous other officials, challenging their authority and jurisdiction, dereliction of duty, and non-performance. 

Coming out of the 2000 bankruptcy in which the City of Washington, DC, was emptied for 120 days, more alarming rumors began circulating, to the effect that foreign banks, most notably, the World Bank, Global Federal Reserve, and International Monetary Fund were making claims on abandonment, seeking to act as creditors of the foreign Federal Corporations and trying to attach American land and physical assets as "abandoned collateral" belonging to "unknown persons".

That would be us, or to be exact, the purportedly "absent" American Government -- which was only an American Federal Subcontractor instead -- that disappeared in the wake of the Civil War.  

Unfortunately for them, we are still here, and still guarding our own people and our own country.  

Their initial scheme, to use False Claims on Abandonment to steal everything from everyone, has failed.  

Their further scheme, to misrepresent themselves and substitute a British Territorial Federal Republic for our long-lost American Federal Republic, has also failed. 

Most recently, they have hauled another fraud scheme out of the rag-bag of history, and they are attempting to pull the same public trust bait-and-switch fraud that was used by Oliver Cromwell during the English Civil War. 

What remains is for these fraudsters to Cease and Desist and admit that they have no standing in these matters of American health, education, finances, and asset management,  no authority, and no contract allowing them to interpose themselves as our custodians or representatives.  

Mr. Lincoln, his Executive Orders, his Lieber Code --- all of it, was exercised in fraud and with malice aforethought, all resulting in criminal malfeasance, unlawful conversion of American assets, and a century and a half of unlawful and illegal mercenary warfare carried out under color of law.  

We, the American People, and that means specifically, the American State Citizens and American State Nationals, are the Public to be served by the Federal Subcontractors; our erstwhile employees are not empowered to serve themselves at our expense. 

Our American State Citizens are the Principals enabled to enforce the Federal Constitution Contracts, and we are enforcing them in all jurisdictions, with prejudice, against the other Principals and Treaty Partners, their employees, subcontractors, and agents, not limited to the Holy See, the Holy Roman Empire, the Inner City of London, the Belgian Government, the British Government of Westminster, the British Monarchy, His Imperial Majesty King Charles III, Pope Francis, the Patriarch of the West, and all their various corporations, including their incorporated banks. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

August 14th 2024 


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