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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

International Public Notice: Extra-Territorial Arrest Warrant

 By Anna Von Reitz

This is Due Process and Notice and Warrant for the Arrest of all members of the Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency, their immediate professional associates and all staff members, both U.S. Citizens and citizens of the United States, including but not limited to the members of the U.S. Congress on charges of crimes against humanity, genocide, treason, sedition, conspiracy against the Constitutions, promotion of unlawful conversion, impersonation, barratry, inland piracy, racketeering, press-ganging, environmental pollution, corporate malfeasance, dereliction of duty, sovereign trespass, identity theft, credit fraud, blackmail, entrapment, enslavement, crimes of peonage, pretenses of war, unlawful and illegal imposition of bills of attainder on American State Nationals, gross negligence, evasion, illegal and unlawful occupation of this country using mercenary forces, fraud upon the courts, unlawful operation of the District of Columbia and City of Washington, DC, in violation of their use permits and Constitution(s), embezzlement, unlawful and illegal securitization, promotion of unconscionable contracts, constructive and institutionalized fraud, interstate bank fraud, espionage, counterfeiting, legislative malfeasance, breach of trust, and violation of their service contracts, treaties, and duties. 

Prosecution is to be opened in the District of Columbia by the Judge Advocate Generals, Quantico Naval Station, Pier Mach 1, entered under American Admiralty Law and International Law of the Land, and is to continue until all persons identified herein are either captured and brought to justice, or liquidated with prejudice, under the authority of the Federation of States doing business as The United States of America,  Unincorporated, and The United States Supreme Court, in its unincorporated capacity,  in defense of our country and nation.  

We call all honorable officers to service in a non-mercenary capacity, recalling their contractual duty to serve us in good faith and due diligence under both The Constitution of the United States of America and The Constitution of the United States as the Supreme Law governing all their interactions with the General Public of this country.  

The Persons identified herein are to be regarded as Enemies of the Several States and this country as a whole, and as Individuals who by their separate and collective actions have committed capital crimes in violation of national and international law.  They are fugitive criminals by their own acts and volition; anyone aiding and abetting them and their reckless usurpation of powers and authorities never granted to them is to be regarded as an accomplice to these willful and heinous criminal acts. 

The Judge Advocate Generals are instructed to proceed in their domestic and extra-territorial prosecution of these fleeing felons and are instructed to integrate all appropriate forums of law to address these individuals and their offenses.  The United States Supreme Court operating in its unincorporated capacity stands ready to prosecute all issues of violation of The Constitutional Guarantees and authorities related to these venerable contracts, and all branches of the military are similarly enabled to address these and all other federal domestic enemies/terrorists acting as Undeclared Foreign Agents and operating both within and without the States of the Union. 

To the extent possible these individuals are to be incarcerated within the borders and Territorial jurisdiction of the District of Columbia awaiting trial, which is to be Public, and served in the Public Interest, so that we, our country, our people, will never again fall victim to such grotesque usurpation and disservice by public employees, foreign or domestic.   

An organized presentation and list of the chief offenders is herein provided: 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

August 14th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

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