Watch the video on this page! This is critical information for the election!
This is what Anna was talking about in her article #4968
International Public Notice: Extra-Territorial Arrest Warrant
Also on the blog here:
International Public Notice: Extra-Territorial Arrest Warrant
And here is the article "THE COUNCIL" written by Gregory Stenstrom July 13th, 2024
Where there is no administration of justice, from there evil will prevail.
ReplyDeleteIt is obvious from everything circulating on the planet as News and/or information and from the mounting death toll worldwide; especially in Communist China, Black Africa, North Africa, Mexico, Central and South America, Europe, England, Australia, the Islands, Ukraine and the Middle East and everywhere else a modern or semi-modern society exist, that billions of people on this planet have no idea what the problem is. WELL... WHAT IS THE PROBLEM?
ReplyDeleteANSWER: No Governmental Control and the Mentality of the masses of people. WELL... HOW DO BILLIONS OF PEOPLE GET GOVERNMENTAL CONTROL AND IMPROVE THEIR MENTALITIES? ANSWER: They are called STATE AND JURAL ASSEMBLIES that can be modified so the masses of people can own and control any governing philosophy or system on this planet. WELL... WHERE DID THIS COME FROM? ANSWER: Anna Von Reitz. Why don't you people stop screwing around and take this message worldwide on every communication system, method and platform that exist before it is too late?
DeleteNone of it matters. You will all die and those who did nothing whilst they were here other than just maintain their own lives will be long forgotten like the billions who came before them.
ReplyDeleteThis is a diversion. Israel has occupied and has been running America from within. The Synagogue of Satan and here is the proof
ReplyDeleteCould be.
DeleteNo we're her you are her we are Israel - running the place? Honey they built the place - THEY NEEDED THE EXPANSION FOR THE PROMISES OF GOD A GREAT AND MIGHTY NATION LIKE THE SAND OF THE SEA - so DAN chartered the lands as foretold that he would be the LAW - so you see the synchrony of the states charters (Tribe of Dan the lawyers snakes)
DeleteBaloney!!! Trump is one of them, and is just as up to his neck in evil-doing as Ka-"mala", O'Damed one, et. alia.
ReplyDeleteTrump thinks he is the Messiah! Hello! So, did Hitler and alot of other previous despots.
You are just as clueless as any liberal leftoid. You've eaten so many black pills you won't have anything but poison to speak until long after it's all over.
DeleteThe victors of wars regardless of how they won write the history. There has been alot of information coming about for some time now that Hitler was not the evil dictator and executor that are so-called "true and accurate" history books would characterize him to be. Watch "The Greatest Story Never Told". The Jews in Germany were dying of typhus and starvation. Use critical thinking to decide if it was scientifically possible or not to gas that many people to death with the facilities that were there at the time. The Khazarian jews who we know today as Ashkenazi jews were the ones to blame. THE BANKSTERS. They start ALL WARS and fund both sides. They have nor one drop of ancient Hebrew blood in them at all. And modern day Israel is the cause of more trouble in the world than any other country.
DeleteThen, please explain eye-witness accounts to Hitler's bellicose actions, such as William Shirer and the book he wrote using recovered Nazi documents, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich?
DeleteAnd please explain Hitler's the all-too-familiar of despot's hate-filled, fist-tirade speeches?
Many people know survivors of the death camps and those survivors report the brutality of the camps, and the medical experiments conducted on them, and that it was a genocide campaign, just like the world is experiencing now with the Nazi-styled "O'harma" companies.
Everything we are experiencing now is a repeat of history, including the dictators that push the death and destruction for profit agenda.
No it's idolatry of the people - not Donald - Touch not God's anointed
DeleteI watched 'The Greatest Story Never Told" and much, much more and have my own take on it. The death tolls were elevated due to the railroads being bombed, cutting supply lines to the labor camps. WWII was planned in WWI and The Belford declaration was the key to the U.S. entering WWI and the lead up to WWII.
DeleteThe term anti- semetic was coined in WWII to keep them together and not inter-marrying out of existence in a few generations. The Zionists said the cost of lives was worth the profits for all the organized crime partners, and the U.N. was created by the "Foundations" that still are a cancer on this earth.
Hitler gave eugenics a bad name and Planned Parenthood was founded by the father of B.G. with help from the other Foundations already in existence. This is not a blog, or many more fun facts would be listed.
I was given the impression that those of the Serco--SES--The Council--Monarchy--Corporate US GOVT members--All Corporate Subcontractors--UN Corp--WEF Corp--WHOCorp-- Israeli Corp and others are just low hanging fruit, that there's a level above them that are the true criminal masterminds. I want to know the truth, how is it possible that all these absolute horrific deeply evil pieces of garbage has been allowed to run this planet and the billions of innocent living beings for countless centuries without no other terrestrial intervention that was supposed to stop them before it reaches this point. If there actually is a Galactic Federation and Galactic Council that is responsible to do something then why haven't they? Apparently it is amusing, entertaining to watch so much injustice delivered on unsuspecting, clueless beings that clearly have been used by every name and type of universal beings that have left us to such horrendous inhumane cruelty imaginable. Some of these known ET beings that speak so much about LOVE and opening their hearts to being positive are no better than the evil ones. Clearly all these ET beings have come and gone from this planet for their own self interest and the need to inject themselves into the great injustice are just part of the problem of this planet and it's beings. The evil ones do not need your useless help. So take NOTICE and either eliminate this planet of the evil trash and help Earth and it's beings or STAY OFF THIS PLANET, take you and your kind back to where you came from. We no need for you or want you. Yes I am negative and a lot more. No living beings signed up to exist like we have, to claim we have had free Will to choose is a lie, we have never had the ability to live freely, we were always created to be slaves.
ReplyDeleteNegative however Jesus is extra - we was born to enjoy the place as well as easily wrap up a mess between God and the devil - Over 1500 species of palm trees for pleasure and many more - you can eat the fruit - paradise - - - - - I'll tell you who man is - to give a clue consider all powerful Lucifer approached us and say why
DeleteWell so you better stick to the word friends as in don't miss the trail here - I am a us citizen and according to Bible I don't need to worry about where I find myself in life - you have to choose your battles and there are many- many seem worthy but are not - BANKERS wars? No ho ho - war that involves slavery and millions of people is God's territory as it pertains to future events where some time travelers wrote back and told us the end - the whole 666 thing and so on - we see the shadows growing of types - antitype - so the POWER is in the people's court as the constitution is well past in default making ALL other bets off much less - you would graft the corporations best branches into the natural tree (Federal Republic) HOWEVER
ReplyDeleteCestui que vies have gone beyond Sea, and that Reversioners cannot find out whether they are alive or dead.
ReplyDeleteWho are you? Who do you serve Anonymous? The God of Abraham, Issac, and Joseph, or Mammon. You are a U.S citizen. Are you an elected official or an esquire? Were you born on American land? Are you a British Territorial US citizen? You speak as if you are a attorney?
DeleteA knight
DeleteVassal - depending on who you ask - I don't care what some people did behind my back on paper - that's on them Relieving they ain't said nothing to me - as I understand it - if you behave they don't mess with you - true authority and dominion is not bought Satan doesn't use currency - he may wheel for a soul - this I do not deny * I want you all to shine like the stars - Save America - DISCOVER AMERICA - her resources - peacefully graft all the FEDERAL Agencies onto the natural government - they'll catch on - * The American government should be relieving their contractor of some of these rapist and child predators - relieving the DOJ - the justice department comes home to every Man's fireside his home his life everything - DOJ J Marshall - Now grafting is easy when you're a true statesman
DeleteJews God and History - killing the UNBORN earmarks a civilization for it's end - all through history - Max Diamonte author - interesting book - the HOSPITALS are KILLING us with all their killing unborn babies - unwed mothers are not talked into adopting the baby - come together people come together - they're falling apart - it's time - get you up and running in no time - fast track warpo speedo * hand them their tails * get your whoop in - the new coliseum where no juror is paid they have sworn their names in blood they were born here * it has to be legal - if it ain't on sync God may kick it out - will advise - we will decide - we will let you know
ReplyDeleteThe curriculum in schools is pure devil doctrine - way beyond basics - people people
ReplyDeleteNot to be meticulous but has anyone noticed the volume of idols in the land - tragic idols - I am aware you can smell my cigarettes - Nicotania sweet girl - the bees like my sweat - an old friend - pardon us - indulge with me this one thing - after all people this is what all the fighting is about - ATF tobacco - coke - the PROFITS of these is GRAND - Royalties Rights Rituals - Cannibal Cult Craft - ALL of these only work by idolatry (bowing to men and devil) bowing to principalities and powers - thrones and dominions - you can smell them
ReplyDeleteConvert their corporate CIA into a natural branch - they did our work for us - they never publish their full true name - INCORPORATED when they publish their name - so they would still be called CIA they are literally bound to their founding powers (if they attest to being gov) - so I say spare the branches of the Federal contractor by converting them back to unincorporated - on paper by law -
ReplyDeleteThere's a story not being told here - somewhere a queen sits without a king - she will tell you she has no sorrow but she cries
ReplyDeleteAnna Thank you all - is it possible to leave your posts open for comment - your latest is killing me about VIRUS - my beliefs and findings on virus - they AIN'T NONE- YEAH - no more venal than impersonating a living man -ALL of it is a lie - think about it - and they are the serpent - that serpent raises his head anywhere he chooses - it's genocide - since they hate our guts - since millions have died on the tip of a needle - it's a fang - (serpent) anywhere you see word immunity is a lie - in fact WE HEAL SICKNESS NOT MASK OFF - masking is a call to worship - hand them their tails Anna
ReplyDeleteThe Lord is showing me the vaccine is about the blood involved - something about the blood in man - we may have been dosed many ways - in REVELATION we eat the leaves of a tree that heals the nations - why a needle? Which goes into Man's blood - the motive circles around the blood - line - after all it was blood that purged the heavens - eventually
ReplyDeleteWhy is the devil into Man's blood? - the life is in the blood - NEHUSHTA (the brazen serpent lifted in the wilderness) you stare too long the brazen serpent would make you sick (COVID) (anything immunity based - lie)
God gives a new man (baby) DOMINION not immunity - over all that creeps & flies (far as sickness) - man 'sells' immunity (see) God gave man dominion
You ain't 'sick' you're DYING by dehydration - will NOT put clean water into your solution - will not - but RUN! to a pedo idiot Dr who sticks cutips in man's kaboose to know if the man is what? Sick is DYING - they won't tell you that - they dress it down (and above all give you an IV ) I got my own IV - a glass of water- HOW MQNY IV'S? idk 2 to 3 per day? Did you eat a whole wedding cake then couldn't feel your toes?
Point is the lie - THEY LIE ~~
They invert reality