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Saturday, March 23, 2024

The Dimming by GeoEngineering Watch


  1. Dark web, surface to air missle …watch how fast these pilots abandon their planes and mission.
    Where there is no consequence , the bullshit continues.

  2. What are they preventing us from seeing? Often the "clouds" look like terrain. Like we are looking up at the bottom of another planet. I have tons of pictures and you can see the repeated shapes so to speak. The sun is super hot but yet the shade is abnormally cool. Folks think I'm nuts mind you! We never used to see the moon during the day, almost everday like we do now. The sliver of the moon at night never looked like a smile either. And we have marked time by the moon since forever!!!. Notice the air smelling sweet?!. A good fragrance that makes you just suck it in? Not fresh grass smell a perfumed air. The elites are all selling off their I ask again what are they trying to prevent us from seeing.

  3. hahahaha... the dimming is all between peoples Ears as they pick sides of the corrupt uniparty and pretend they matter.

  4. I can't listen to this. First there is no climate warming crisis. Secondly I knew its been happening since 2009, when I started working outside in the summer and, oddly enough, I long longer got sunburned. Things that make you go hmmm. I live in a rural area and 1 out of every 4th tree is dead or dying. Imagine what its doing to us. Fools. Total fools.

  5. cropdusting the

  6. they dont spray over the oceans ,just the land.why??? no men on the water to poison

  7. What will they put next in the chemtrails?


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