By Anna Von Reitz
We knew this question was coming, after so much attention being focused on the British Monarchy shell game and its faux pas and the results to date.
Many people now living don't realize that the British Monarchy has been controlled by Germans since the death of Queen Anne in 1714. Queen Anne the last Stuart Queen, who also figures largely in the Throne of England being vacant and all the fraud that has taken place ever since.
After Anne, the Hanoverian German Kings took over until 1837, and after that, Britain has been ruled by the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha German Kings who changed their name to "Windsor" in 1917 (under George V) in an effort to appear more British.
This would be like me changing my name to MacTavish in an effort to appear more Scottish.
Adopting the name "Windsor" amounts to a disguise or a nom de guerre; it's a deceit to fool the public into thinking that their "English" Kings and Queens are English, much as they have been fooled into thinking that the Throne of England was occupied all this while.
The Windsors are not English. They are all Germans.
When Queen Victoria married Prince Albert it was a merger of Hanoverians and Thuringians -- Germans all.
So both World War I and World War II were wars fought by Germans on both sides. Is it any surprise that the great Chief of General Staff here in America was named Eisenhower?
The whole situation, both times, can be viewed as a German pissing match, into which other innocent people were drawn, hoodwinked, and made to pay the price.
Because the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family was allied with Rome, because they were secretly operating unlawfully using the Monarchy shell game we have described, substituting the "Queen" of Great Britain for the Queen of England -- leaving the land and soil jurisdiction thrones vacated, while they served as "Kings' of corporate legal fictions, because they had the vast manpower and resources of America and the Commonwealth to draw upon, and most of all, because they were operating as Mercenaries, they could draw in vast amounts of investment money from war profiteers -- Germany itself, their ancestral homeland, was doomed.
Those loyal to their German homeland or at least to their own word and duties as German Kings, most notably Kaiser Wilhelm II, himself a Saxe-Coburg-Gotha scion, were also doomed--- and snookered, but not completely.
You will notice that Wilhelm II also pulled his own Monarchy shell game, and left the Throne of the Kingdom of Prussia vacant while he operated in the Roman Imperial Office as Emperor.
It must be asked --- did Kaiser Wilhelm II purposefully betray the ancestral homeland into the grasp of George V -- so the family safely ensconced in Britain could laugh all the way to the bank?
They and their French Rothschild Bank certainly did so after the Armistice, and also the Bank of England, which was left guarding billions of metric tons (with a "b") of Russian and Prussian gold on deposit.
We assume that the "Peace Treaties" and in particular the Treaty of Versailles supposedly ending the First World War, was actually an extended Armistice similar to what they pulled at the end of the so-called American Civil War --- leaving themselves easy "legal" means to continue warring against the disarmed German and Slavic populations.
The WWI Peace Process could hardly be anything else but another Big Lie, because remember, they vacated the Throne of England circa 1709 and the Throne of the Kingdom of Prussia during Wilhelm II's tenure, so there were no competent land jurisdiction Sovereigns present to sign an actual land jurisdiction Peace Treaty in 1919.
More Funky Monkey BS.
So, what does this portend for Germany today? It has spent most of the last century being an "occupied Territory" under the thumbs and boot heels of the British Raj and their clueless American mercenary forces, administered by foreign, for-profit corporations owned by the same crooks.
The people of Germany have been the subject of endless ridicule, blame, and outrageous claims of genocide, mass murder, and organized Concentration Camps -- that were developed in Britain and deployed in Africa during the Boer Wars.
Go figure.
The Kingdom of Prussia is still holding the land and soil tenure of the German Empire parts and principalities, and it still has an actual King, but how savory are these characters?
Were they in on the schemes that left over a hundred million people dead? And part of the con game that substituted corporation CEOs for Christian Monarchs? And undermined and defaulted on solemn Social Contracts behind a "cloak of secrecy"? Did they steal from the people they were supposed to protect? Do they have any right to sit on the Throne of the Kingdom of Prussia? Have they taken the correct solemn vows?
What kind of people are they?
We honestly don't know.
The people of Germany certainly have cause to find out, if only to collect approximately 8 billion metric tons of gold left on deposit with the Bank of England.
They also have cause to stand up, reclaim their birthright political status as people native to the German Principalities, and operate their traditional land and soil jurisdiction governments without a nod to the noxious mercenary forces and foreign commercial corporations that have been "occupying" their country illegally and for far too long.
Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
December 28th 2023
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