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Friday, December 29, 2023

International Public Announcement: The Answer is Simple

 By Anna Von Reitz

Humanity has been attacked and millions of innocent people worldwide have been killed by Legal Fictions -- corporations that not only have no natural right to exist, but which, it turns out, also have no lawful or legal right to exist.  

In order to charter corporations, a government must occupy the soil jurisdiction of an actual country; to register franchises, a government must occupy the land jurisdiction of an actual country.  

In the present case, corporations should have been chartered by the King or Queen of England, but no such King or Queen has sat on the Throne of England during the past 300 years. Once chartered, international franchises could be registered, but failing the first part -- a properly chartered parent corporation, the franchises all fail the test, too.  

It turns out that the Brits have been secretly creating corporations without the standing to do so and getting away with this lawless and irresponsible behavior for 300 years. 

No wonder that their corporations and the officers responsible for running them have likewise been piratical and unaccountable. 

So it appears that no lawful Sovereign has sat on the Throne of England since somewhere in the reign of Queen Anne (1701-1714).  That means that no valid corporation charters have been issued since then. It also means that no valid registrations of franchises have taken place. 

It inexorably follows that without the authority and standing to create corporations, all the corporations ostensibly chartered or registered throughout the British Empire for the past 300 years are defunct, null and void, as if they never were, and their assets are chattel owed to their Creditors.

This is not quite the overwhelming disaster one might assume.  

The affected organizations can voluntarily undergo lawful conversion, a process sometimes called "nationalization", and continue to operate under the Law of the Land of their native country, assuming that their country still has and retains its sovereignty. 

The abdication of a particular Sovereign or even a group of Sovereigns acting in breach of trust does not necessarily change the sovereignty of a country, so long as the property rights and interests of that country are maintained and not permanently vacated so as to invite claims of abandonment. 

England's throne can stand vacant for 300 years, but so long as the Hereditary Lord High Steward claims the land and soil for the Kingdom of England, it would be difficult for anyone to assert that the Kingdom has ceased to exist or been abandoned. 

Obviously, there is at least one man standing who hasn't abandoned it and is enforcing its treaties and grants and contracts. 

The same can be said for the situation in America, where the Hereditary Head of State rolled out of the mothballs and lodged his claims on behalf of the Several States and The United States of America, preventing any notion that our country has been abandoned and no longer has a government standing on its land and soil. 

It has been suggested that once the English Sovereign evaded the obligations of the Christian and Constitutional Monarchy, the duty of creating corporations "for England" fell upon the foreign government of Westminster, but a foreign government remains a foreign government. 

Westminster may have standing to create corporations for Westminster, but not for England. 

Proponents of this Legal Theory suggest that the "British Crown Corporation" properly chartered by the Government of Westminster would be enabled to enfranchise corporations for "Great Britain", which is itself a Legal Fiction and not a country.  

We are sorry, but inchoate Legal Fictions do not have the land jurisdiction to support franchises -- only countries acting in their own sovereign capacity do. 

As a result, Westminster can charter corporations for Westminster all day long, and can register franchises for those corporations, too, but never be able to incorporate franchises for England or Great Britain, either one. 

Therein lies another part of the overreaching fraud, in that the Public has believed in the existence of English Corporations and Scottish Corporations and so on, and also taken for granted the existence of British Corporations under the auspices of Great Britain the entire time that the English and Scottish Thrones have been vacated--- and instead, what we have is the foreign government of Westminster fronting the British Crown Corporation "as if" it was British, when it's not and never has been.  

Having not occupied the actual Thrones and having not confirmed their actual vows, the purported English  and Scottish Sovereigns have lost general jurisdiction throughout, yet have busied themselves in the international jurisdiction of the sea and the global jurisdiction of the air in a legless capacity. 

Their Territorial and Municipal governments have created corporations operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea and in the global jurisdiction of the air, respectively, with no accountability nor any standing to do this.

These renegade business organizations have then deceptively claimed registration with the British Crown. Obviously, the Crown and the Government of Westminster know that these Territorial and Municipal corporations have been formed without substantive authority and also know that foreign non-entities cannot be registered as franchises.  

These non-entities disguised as Territorial and Municipal corporations and documented as British Crown franchises have then continued their rampages of predatory lawlessness on one hand, while liberally claiming bankruptcy protection from their victims on the other. 

We are determined that this evasion and deceit must come to an end, both for the people of the countries directly impacted by this undermining of their government and their Social Contracts, and those who have suffered collateral damage along with The United States. 

Thus we are openly and in public declaring our foreclosure of the assets and franchises of the British Territorial and Municipal Government Corporations worldwide and we are exercising our position as the Preferential Creditors of these organizations in both international and global jurisdictions. 

Issued by: 

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 29th 2023


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