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Friday, May 5, 2023

Wyoming Legislators Defeat "Convention of States" Resolution for Article V Constitutional Convention

An Article V constitutional convention (Con-Con) is a major threat to our God-given rights and our very form of government — and many state and federal legislators recognize this fact. On this page, we list testimonials by state legislators, members of Congress, and other government officials warning against a Con-Con and exposing deceptive tactics by its promoters.


  1. We have NO federal government. They are only corporations operating under the color of law. Disband these companies now before it’s too late

    1. that you put it that way I'm sure they'll pack up and close shop huh... Hahahahhahahaha

    2. Anonymous5:44AM & 6:19
      LOVE: 💟

    3. I don't know if we can liquidate these foreign corporations or not. If they go bankrupt they just form a new one and leave us with their debts. We probably should never have given them the powers in the first place.

  2. They have NO authority to call anything relative to the Constitution. Our contract is with the Principals only! And they are not States, they are States of States. Two very different things!

  3. One can thank the John Birch Society for the win as they fight this each and every year in the states! Too bad they won't listen to us and educate the Birchers about the truth! They have a system in place with media, periodicals, and educators nationwide with thousands of engaged people working to fight against the destruction of the de facto. They have been fighting the de facto for over 62 years! They want what we want but they don't know what we know!

  4. Hey, y'all, the door to freedom is over here! Not there in politics. Its a plan right now but it's heading to reality little by little. EweGrow. .com.
