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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove any comment for any reason by anyone. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products. When you post a comment, it is in the public domain. You have no copyright that can be enforced against any other individual who comments here! Do not attempt to copyright your comments. If that is not to your liking please do not comment. Any attempt to copyright a comment will be deleted. Copyright is a legal term that means the creator of original content. This does not include ideas. You are not an author of articles on this blog. Your comments are deemed donated to the public domain. They will be considered "fair use" on this blog. People donate to this blog because of what Anna writes and what Paul writes, not what the people commenting write. We are not using your comments. You are putting them in the public domain when you comment. What you write in the comments is your opinion only. This comment section is not a court of law. Do not attempt to publish any kind of "affidavit" in the comments. Any such attempt will also be summarily deleted. Comments containing foul language will be deleted no matter what is said in the comment.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

About What You Can Do

 By Anna Von Reitz

Many of my friends and those who rely on me for news and information are upset by the personal attacks and crazy accusations that get hurled at me by professional trolls and people like Ed Kennedy of Pennsylvania, who turns out to be a well-known Vexatious Litigant.  

What is a Vexatious Litigant?   Someone who does what Ed does.  Someone who moans and pretends that he has been injured and files all sorts of administrative and legal complaints hoping to get others in trouble or get some financial gain. 

These people nail their shoes to the floor and then claim that someone else is holding them hostage.  That sort of thing.  

Thankfully, they don't get away with doing this sort of thing forever.  Their modus operandi catches up with them and the courts throw them out, like the boy who cried wolf too many times.  

For every one of them, there are thousands of good people who follow the logic, look things up, and think for themselves.  

Be one of those thousands. 

Take the plunge and renounce Evil in your own life. 

Look at that man or woman in the mirror and remember that love is a decision.  So decide.   

Have you had enough of the lies and the craziness?  

What do you want this world to be like, deep down inside?  

Concentrate on that. Bring the full force of your mind, body, emotions and all the life energies at your command together and give your attention, fully to the question: what kind of world do you want to see? 

Hold your attention on the answer as long as you can, and then let it go, and go about your business.  As you go about your daily life, pause whenever it suits you, and let your mind and spirit dwell in your new home, your envisioned better world.  

And again, let it go, and tend to your life. Repeat this little visual and emotional prayer without words here and there throughout your day.  If you want peace, feel peace. 

Don't be surprised if some situations and people suddenly exit your life when you start doing this. They belong to a different life than the one you are building in your heart and mind, so of course, they leave. And that's all right.  That's how it must be. 

When you create a new world, the old world changes. 

Hold steady and keep your attention focused on your answer. 

Then let it rest, and go on and think about and do other things.  

No matter how poor you are, you can do this.  No matter how old or sick you are, you can do this. 

And by doing this, you will change the world. 


See this article and over 4100 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.


  1. Reply 1 to Anna by - earlier today By: Edward
    1. You were fired by me- Gross Breach of trust and Breach of Contact.
    Go away.
    2. you talk and write too much,
    you hate too much and tell too many lies.
    You incite others to hate.
    All your hate is returned to you - now affecting your health.
    3. You said
    "I am both a scholar and a respected member of the international community"
    I say you have too high of an opinion of self worth ...
    4. There is no audience with Pope Francis for you or any Delegation.
    5. No gold - no money . no bank. no sovereignty
    6. Where is James Belcher and Harold Heinze?
    7. There is no law that prohibits Catholics from being Americans.
    8. Sadly, there is no General Post Office in Philadelphia,
    soo lights out Federation.
    9. Solicitation of funds by you via Teri and Paul
    is a Tammy and Jim Bakker jail time crime....
    10. Pope Francis is a Jesuit priest, and the Jesuit General and the Jesuits see you as a big time fraud - this I confirmed ...Jesuit headquarters are in Wernersville, PA - 40 minutes from my home, and I have visited there.
    11. I request a refund of all funds sent to you by me via money orders, cash app and paypal without delay.
    12. I do not have time to reply to all the other lies you list herein.
    13. Paul Stramer is a professed Roman catholic, and his corporations do have vicarious liability.
    14. I am two to three phone calls to Pope Francis - you are not. Pope Benedict is dead.
    15. Capiche?

    1. Edward… you have no authority to speak for me or anyone else and you have no authority to fire anyone but yourself. You are making an absolute fool of yourself and as a Christian you are not leading others to God and you are not a very good example of the Catholic church. You continue to show how indoctrinated you are. Americans don’t stand under ANY foreign law! Get it through your head! Anna has worked hard for decades to study, notice, educate and inform people around the world. For that I am thankful. No-one can break her anointing, especially not you! Remember, a man reaps what he sows!

    2. is anna the heir/other to the so-called Saint Germain Trust?... because online it seems that Germain is known as a Theosophical Master and Theosophy was started here in the US by a Russian named Madame Blavasky, the mid 1800's....
      the logo has a star of david, (a.k.a. Star of Remphan/Moloch in the bible), a Swastika, an Egyptian ankh, a snake eating its tail, and some Aracic writing over the top of all of it.

      maybe that is a sort of Treaty Anna wrote an Article about having with the Russians around that time period... since no other Treaty shows up online?

    3. Woman jam, you are always spew crap. You never have any positive in put.NEVER. why would you think anyone would believe anything you say. It's pretty obvious you are a hateful troll. Sad, very sad.

  2. Reply 2 to Anna - earlier today By: Edward
    Anna wrote to Edward
    "whatever credibility you think you have will evaporate like fog"
    Won't exposing James Belcher as a convicted pedophile
    evaporate your credibility like fog?
    2. I San Francisco fog - it is quite beautiful -
    I used to live there and in Sausalito - big time fog---
    Actually it does not evaporate - this fog
    goes inland to the East Bay - in Sausalito
    it does not evaporate -
    3. You continually piss out verbal and written statements with no evidence or
    supporting documentation - no one believes you, and my
    college friends think your site is a comic strip.

    1. Tell us, Edward, what side of the fence you are on. We know the evils perpetrated by the Catholic Church via storefront. We know the “leaders” of the Catholic Church aided and abetted Satan in his evil works. And by Church, I mean the institution that has ruled around the world. We know the Catholic Church is deeply rooted in fraud. We know the Catholic Church is called to reckon. Is that the side of the fence you are on? Aligning yourself with a crime syndicate? Recognize, confess and repent before it’s too late!

  3. Reply 3 to Anna from Earlier today By: Edward
    AND -
    that statements by you herein
    to cause harm with criminal intent to me and
    my reputation - is also evidence to me that I won.

    Kindly clean up your act - symbolized by the picture of poop you posted at the TASA website under webinars -
    and resign...and allow someone with Integrity or even perhaps
    Diplomatic status at the Vatican to represent
    America and Americans....

    You - Mrs belcher and all your assorted names and titles -
    have no Integrity and no Diplomatic Status - a BAR Attorney or Law Counselor has no such [Diplomatic] status.


    1. Keep making it public and you keep breathing life into it. Maybe admit your own hand in some of this? It's good for the soul.

    2. Mr. Kennedy… do you think before you speak? From the heart the mouth speaks. I will pray that your heart of stone is melted away. SMH

  4. Reply 3 to Anna By; Edward from earlier today
    AND -
    that statements by you herein [from a long email to me]
    to cause harm with criminal intent to me and
    my reputation - is also evidence to me that I won.

    Kindly clean up your act - symbolized by the picture of poop you posted at the TASA website under webinars -
    and resign...and allow someone with Integrity or even perhaps
    Diplomatic status at the Vatican to represent
    America and Americans....

    You - Mrs Belcher and all your assorted names and titles -
    have no Integrity and no Diplomatic Status - a BAR Attorney or Law Counselor has no such status.

    Peace, and thank you, Paul

    By Edward Kennedy
    All rights reserved without prejudice.

    Addendum: Just because shouts loud and often - does not mean she is truthful - for like BAR Attorneys - she never address by complaint directly, changes definitions and uses weasel words,

    Addendum 2
    Perhaps all can request refunds of donations, and demand a Statement of
    Sources and Uses of funds. Perhaps all can ask Anna to show proof of a
    General Post Office in Philadelphia? My investigation found no such office, and if no office - No Federation, and Anna must rebate all funds, otherwise it is Tammy and Jim Bakker jail time fraud.

    Addendum 3 Anna is a big bully, and I don't like bullies for they are cowards and not trustworthy, and the Vatican et al know this.

    1. Mr. Edward you have a right to your opinion but you do not have the right to speak for me. Your comments are ludicrous without sense. Perhaps you could spend more time trying to hone in on some better writing skills before blasting social media. Regards

    2. where is the Post Office then? i just tried to find it online and there isnt one showing that i could find.

      whats the address?

    3. He sounds like he's Demon Possessed!!!!!

    4. WOW!!! The anger , the pain, the anguish that flows through that guy is so thick it's effortless to see. I did not want to respond to him so as to not re stimulate him to further justifying his mirrored denial but he takes the cake hands down. From 1 to 10 I give him a 20 !!!

  5. I bet you that Edward guy has spit bubbles all over this computer screen.

    So sad to see such decline taking place in him.

    1. You mean "his" computer screen?

    2. Anonymous May 3, 2023 at 8:10 AM
      Coward - identify yourself, and to Paul, at some time I must hold you and your corporations liable for the hate speech from Mrs. Belcher and Anonymous, for on the public internet - nothing is Anonymous.

    3. Edward... show me, where in the Public Law that "hate crime" is a crime. This is your opinion. You are doing exactly what you accuse others of doing. You claim to be an American, yet you remain beholden to the corporations rules, statutes, regulations, codes, ordinances, and mandates. Get over it! Join your Municipal District Assembly

    4. Edward, as an American, I don't stand under any foreign law. The contract I have with the Principals guarantees freedom of speech and press, whether it hurts your feelings or not. Stop bearing false witness and slandering everyone in your pathway. You are drinking poison expecting everyone else to die. You are only hurting yourself. Nothing like a 69 year old man acting like a 13 year old kid. Grow up and stop having temper tantrums on the internet.

  6. Look out folks, Ed's got his effin Spidey Suit on again today, lmao

  7. I have no idea what or who Ed Kennedy is and do not care. What I do care about our the lies and brain washing of Catholics. The Roman Catholic Church is a CULT. Jesus died for ALL SINS past, present and future. One does not have to go to a priest and confess. You have direct access to God the Father. The curtain was torn in half from the bottom up in the Holy of Holies on his death and resurrection. Priest have no right to forgive sins anyway. Praying to Mary and the bead thing doesn't do a darn thing. You have only ONE FATHER, ABBA and lives in heaven. No POPE IS YOUR FATHER. Praying to dead saints...why...their DEAD.
    PURGATORY? When your dead your soul is separated from your body. That SOUL goes directly to heaven or he'll. There is NO in between. The Catholic Church is Satanic and has made there own Bible full of lies. In order for you to live under their control.

    1. Agreed in some aspect, the commoners, the people, aren't aware of the usurpation, let alone how they've been led astray, I put the blame on the Vatican hierarchy, they are the ones who did this, not the Catholic people per se.

    2. Be careful folks... Don't let your emotions get the best of you. Throwing the baby out with the bath water is never going to be the solution. As a Traditional Roman Catholic for the past approx 20 of my 60+ years, I believe in the one True Savior of mankind, and His one True Church that is the Roman Catholic Church. If I were to believe that the Roman Catholic church, as a whole, defected from the Faith shortly after her founding, as Luther and many other religious sect leaders claim, then I would be guilty of blaspheming Our Lord by calling him a liar since He promised that His church would last until then end of time. Note, he did not say how big His Church would be in the end, but simply it would last until the end of this world. The True Roman Catholic Church is that Church that believes and professes what the Church has always and everywhere believed and professed relating to Faith and Morals. All other so called "Christian" churches, regardless of whether they call themselves "Catholic" or not, are simply legal fictions. In my opinion, from the visible evidence, is that we are in the mist of the Great Falling Away, and if and when things return to normal in His church the the imposters within the Hierarchy will be identified and their heresies condemned just as has happened following prior periods of spiritual upheaval over the past 2000 years--- a period that his had over 40 anti-popes. My advice on these matters, is to simply humble yourselves and seek the assistance of Our Lord, and yes His Blessed Mother (who, contrary to popular beliefs, Catholics do not worship, but rather venerate and asked for her intercession), during these difficult and dark times. I pray for all men (and women :>) of goodwill that they may put aside their emotional biases against His church and His mother, and seek to know, love, and serve God in this world, so that they can be happy with him in the next.

      Finally, I thank Anna, Paul, Teri, and other like minded individuals who are striving to find and reveal the truth about our hijacked American society. Being relatively new this topic, it's clear to me that something major has happened over the last several hundred years. Even if we do not yet have all of the answers, striving with charity to find the answers in all aspects of our life is the only way forward.

    3. Pope Francis wears multiple hats - see Anna's book with cartoons - she dumbs it down for you when she had no demons inside.

    4. We are to be in this world, not of it....The world was handed over to Satan to rule, I think its safe to say, he did NOT skip over the Churches, the Bibles, History, or anything else, he lied about everything, no matter who wishes to believe it or not..... Its not easy, but be sure you know which "God" you worship, there are many many Gods spoken of, .....mine doesn't require that I symbolically drink blood or eat of his body, which to me is Cannibalism, rebranding the name to "Communion", or using the excuse "It's not the same thing", doesn't change a thing. It is, WHAT it is.

    5. The Roman Catholic Church is NOT "the one true church". They have manipulated nearly everything. Anyone still yoked to the Catholic Church, which includes all 501(c)(3) churches is aiding and abetting the enemy. Get back to the Ecclesia and share the good news without the "institution".

    6. There is one true Church, instituted by Christ, and that is the one that traces its valid order of succession back to the Christ, the High Priest. St. Peter, the first Pope and Bishop of Rome, and all of his valid successors, represent visible head of the True Church on earth. All of the valid bishops and priests, and faithful Catholics who believe and profess what the Church has always believed and professed represent the Church militant (i.e. - the visible church on earth). These facts will not be changed by country by country government hoops that most churches are coerced into jumping through in order for donors to be granted tax breaks -- such as you mentioned the US gov scam known as the 501(c)(3) or equivalent in other countries. In addition, calling the reception of the most blessed sacrament, aka - Holy Communion, cannibalism is another specious argument. Again, there is one True God, who instituted one True Church that will remain until the end of the world, outside of which there is no salvation. This is what Christ taught and what Catholics have always believed and professed, and to deny it, thereby calling Jesus Christ a liar, would be blasphemy. Note, even if I had never learned the teachings of Christ, through His church, common sense informs me that there is One God who established one church, and taught what members must believe and profess in order to be saved; additionally, the 28,000+ other so called Christian denominations, including those that are Catholic in name only, are simple man made religions intended to lead men away from the one True God. In fact, within most, if not all of these denominations, one will not find a set of objective truths regarding faith and morals that members are required to believe. Instead, subjective truths are relied upon to the point that there is a many "Christian" religions as there are subjects or members. Satan is truly the mastermind of this type of Christianity... after all who would not want to believe that the path to heaven is as one would subjectively define it. To paraphrase Luther in this regard, sin boldly but believe. Perfect for the One World Subjective Man-made Religion. Free will being the gift that it is, Our Lord wishes us to choose His Church and His Way, but Satan would like us to choose according to our own will --- with the same lie that he gave to Eve, again paraphrasing, surely you will not die the death. I pray that folks of goodwill choose wisely and are not deceived by Satan in this age of deception.

    7. The true church is in the heart of all believers in Yahshua/Jesus. We are the 3rd temple. —— Not those who believe in Jesus/tamuz, son of Eastarte/Isis/Diana who was born on December 25th/solstice who worship in 501c3 churches linked to the Roman church.
      “Jesus” is a generic name used to refer to different people in the Bible. Just like “god” in the Bible refers to Yahuah/god of creation & Apollo/Antichrist/satan.....all written in the Bible for all to see and know the truth.... if you have eyes/wisdom to know the difference.

    8. The Roman Catholic Church, is the true teaching authority on earth and has never taught that name of "Jesus" was simply a generic name composite of many different people in the Bible, who by the way had their own name and spoke for themselves. No, the constant teaching of the Catholic church, which put together the authentic text of the bible, as the historical figure of Jesus was both God and Man, and he instituted His visible church on earth with the promise that It would endure until the end of the world. True traditional Catholics worship the one True God in our churches. The True God who promised to give Himself to believers, and He did in the Blessed Sacrament. For non-Catholics out there, this happens in a valid Holy Mass when the priest consecrates the bread and wine through a supernatural process called Transubstantiation. That is, while the appearance of this bread and wine to our physical senses remains unchanged, the substance is changed to the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Our Lord. It is the same sacrifice of Calvary being represented to God for the sins of men, and offered to believers in holy communion for spiritual nourishment. Sorry, but your explanation of the eyes/wisdom required to see the things you are imagining in the Bible seems almost to be aligning "Christianity" with the rampant new age God within philosophies of our day. In my opinion, and this is not necessarily the teaching of the Catholic Church, the religion of anti-Christ will be the religion of man, where god is made in the image of man, to each his own as they say-- except for those who believe in the True Church of Christ, which teaches there is only one True God Who instituted One Church-- the true Roman Catholic Church, which is being eclipsed today by the imposter church in the Vatican. This imposter church is working to unite all false religions into One World Religion of Man that will serve Satan rather than the True God. Again, I pray that men of goodwill will seek the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church that adheres the the eternal beliefs and teachings of Eternal Rome rather than those of modernist Rome.

    9. Jesus says: "He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath everlasting life: and I will raise him up in the last day. [John 6:55]" If I am deceived, then Jesus lied, but since He is God and can not lie, then by His own words I am not deceived. His Church and priests, via His omnipotence, were given the power to consecrate the bread and wine changing the substance, not appearance, into the body, blood, soul, and divinity. As previously stated, this is called transubstantiation. It's not the same thing as eating a fast food hamburger that contains 1-2% human DNA indicating the mixing of actual human flesh with animal flesh and selling it as food-- this is not transubstantiation, but cannibalism. It's true, as you imply, that we are living in an age primarily characterized by deception, but it's not coming from the true teachings of Jesus and His true Church, but by the billions of those who have never known Jesus or have turned away from Him in favor of their own man-made religions. Sadly, this includes most people who continue to call themselves Catholic, which is one of the great deceptions of our time that is leading many astray. Even Satanist believe in Transubstantiation as evidenced by the fact that they steal consecrated hosts from tabernacles of true traditional Catholic churches in order to desecrate the Blessed Sacrament in one of their rituals known as a Black Mass. It's telling that they no longer steal the hosts from modernist churches, because they no longer have the same effect in their rituals.

    10. Every one has freewill to believe what they will, but the "act itself does not lie", the same act is used in communion as well as in satanic ritual. The act itself does not change, just because you give it a different name. Ask yourself this, did the REAL IOSUS(the letter "J" was not in the alphabet at that time) /Yeshua/Joshua ask this of his people or was it an imposter sent to deceive?

    11. Yes, I thank God for freewill that allows me to believe and live in this life according to His Truths and Will with the promise of everlasting life OR to believe and live in this life according to my own will with the promise of everlasting torment. In short, our freewill choices of belief and actions will result in inescapable eternal rewards or torments. We are not free to believe and live according to our own will AND escape any negative consequences as Satan and his minions would have us believe -- another great deception of our day. The act does not lie that is true, but the acts of Satanic ritual of eating human flesh vs the consuming the blessed sacrament in Catholic holy communion are different acts. Just as the omnipotent God became really present under the appearance of a human being, it is also possible for God to become really present (i.e. - in substance) under the appearance of bread and wine. Note, as previously mentioned the externals of the bread and wine do no change only the substance. The external properties given the appearance of bread and wine result in digestion by carbohydrate based enzymes in saliva and digestive tract, versus the external properties of human or animal flesh that are digested by animal protein based enzymes in saliva and digestive tract. In other words the effects of the substance change is the spiritual strengthening of the body and soul, whereas by all appearances the body senses it as bread and wine carbohydrates and processes accordingly. In fact, Catholics with severe allergies to gluten can request and will receive only a small particle of a consecrated host in order to prevent an severe allergic reaction to the gluten (i.e. - plant protein). So the notion that Catholics and Satanist engage in the same acts of cannibalism is simple nonsense brought up by modernist religious "experts" based on false retaliatory claims made of Anglicans after their break with the Catholic Church. Finally, I tried asking myself the question that you posed regarding whether Jesus was the source of His own teachers or whether an imposter was the source of Jesus' teachings.... and suffice it to say that logic would not allow me to answer in any other way. Of course Jesus is the source of His own teachings, and the true Catholic Church is the teaching authority established by Jesus to go fourth and teach all nations.

  8. Tested tried & true approach! We love you Anna!

  9. Now asking questions and for proofs is personal attacks.

    How come none of the people who joined their state assemblies come here to read the updates?

    Have those people been helped or are they now mired in a quagmire of the self chosen who can't come to agreement on a path forward?

    Has there been ANY financial relief for anyone using the mutual offset credit exchange? Seriously ANY state assembly folks please share your personal Experience having Done what she told you to.

    1. "ANY financial relief for anyone using the mutual offset credit exchange"
      Anna lied, and if you gave her money - demand a refund and stop giving her money - it is all a big scam - James and Harold know - Teri and Paul also know.

    2. The Bible tells us not to judge, meaning condemn others! If you signed on with Hunter, you signed a contract and if you didn't read or didn't understand the contract, well, blame yourself. It's a PMA, which is completely British. Stop slinging mud, lest you reap the same.

    3. Ed, Eddie, Edward, MR. KENNEDY, are you paying attention? It is not Anna or James' responsibility to honor the remedy. It's your beloved Pope, it's his ENTITY and his DEBT. Claiming the offset is holding the criminals as criminals for not honoring the remedy. It's not your debt and it's not your's to pay or offset. Hold the Pope responsible. Oh, let me see, he's done nothing wrong! Yes, he has. He has allowed his corporations to run amok and injure living men and women! The consequence will be his!

  10. YES or NO?
    The 528 frequency guy known as Hunter took all deposits to the so-called International Trade Bank, and deposited them into his own private account at PNC Bank headquartered in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania and kicked back proceeds to Anna Von Reitz ["AVR"] Big Lake Alaska.
    true or false?

    Pursuant to international law, an investigation is in progress.
    true or false?

    James Belcher and Harold Heinze are aware of these crimes and related investigations and are missing.
    true or false?

    No one ever voted for AVR ro be Fiduciary, for she just assumed the role, and thus has no standing in any jurisdiction.
    true or false?

    Some say AVR has 10 Demons Inside and thus the body has multiple personalities and is not capable of sending or receiving love, and lies non-stop.
    true or false

    Pope Francis is the Jesuit priest and the Jesuit General and the Jesuit priests know that AVR is a big time fraud
    yes or no?

    The is no General Post Office in Philadelphia - AVR lied again.
    yes or no?

    Lies are prayers to Satan and Lucifer?
    yes or know?

    1. Unless you have some evidence against Hunter..this is slander. Anna was straight up regarding her affiliation with the issue. Read the article and educate my brother. I voted Anna Fiduciary. She good bro. 10 demons my ass. You look stupid saying that. Jesuits are trash and Anna is straight up. Philadelphia is for real and I don't know don't care who you pray to lucifer or're a fraud just like them.

  11. DearOurEverlastingOmnipresentFatherAlmightyHeavenlySpiritualIntelligence,AlwaysPresentIn- WeThe, OnLandLivingOnAndOnSoilWalkingAndMorallyThinkingPeoples -DNA,
    Please Free-D.O.M.-izeFromUnhealthyPrivateColorsOf(L.A.W*1)




    "We wish for(AllOf)these offending Municipal Corporations createdViaColorsOfL.A.W.
    To be shut down except for personnel needed to make a safe transition back to lawful money and lawful government" - AnnaVonReitzCOM,



    *2:In the world of L.A.W., there's an acronym so grand,
    L-A-W, for Land, Air, and Water named Sea, that's where we stand.
    Three jurisdictions that govern WeThePeoples on our mother earth,
    From mountain top to oceanic berth.

    The land beneath our feet is first in line,
    Our homes, our streets, this is where we dine.
    Buying and selling, signing deeds so dear,
    The land is where our stories can all appear.

    Next is the air, where the birds take flight,
    And the planes that take us to new heights.
    Pollution and noise, we must regulate,
    For the air that we breathe, we must nottemplate.

    Last but not least, is water or the sea,
    Our rivers, lakes, and oceans full of mystery.
    From fishing to boating, to ports of call,
    The water's where we travel and explore in awe.

    Remember always, these three domains,
    Govern our lives, the rules explain.
    L-A-W, an acronym so divine,
    For Land, Air, and Water, jurisdictions so fine.(aigen) m

  12. So Anna after following you intently for 15 years and reading nearly every letter you put out over that time when are you going to give your followers some proof of what you have been claiming over that time?? Has anything changed ? Armies , Popes, Gold and banking , politics, law etc etc? Like i have said before if you are a 100% right, if nothing at all changes then why continue?? I think your followers deserve some insight and something to back it up. Otherwise you will have nothing but blind followers and i just cant do that.

    1. Anton, are you doing your own research? Are you working with a group of like minded men and women to validate for yourself? If not, I highly recommend it.

    2. You think I need to do my own research to validate Anna. I can't ask for validation ? Do you have any proof of anything or are you following blindly ?

    3. Ed, You sound like an FBI agent.



  15. Opened the door back up.

  16. Two big old fat ego balloons dancing in the dark.

  17. People like Edward come an go through our Assemblies. Those that remain at war have to keep moving because those of us at Peace are going to keep showing up and keep doing the work that needs to be done. We will not be sidelined by anyone seeking their moment of fame or those who cannot show up in Peace.

  18. Anna's research is truth. I have had to endure repeated physical Attacks by the British Crown Corporations employees since 1972. They are the satanist of Nebraska John DeCamp expos es in his book years ago. At the tune of my ranch, seven autos fully paid for, 5 years in jails for breathing in peace. Genetic Physicist Margaret Pullen

    1. I’ve been following Anna for six years now, and she has ways made sense to me. I changed my political status, and now that I know how things really are, I actually feel safe. Everything Anna says rings true to me. I no longer quake about federal mandates and executive orders because I know they don’t affect me as an American. I know the IRS is a fraud and a paper tiger and I stopped paying taxes 4 years ago. Life is good.
      Now, all of a sudden, here comes this nobody out of nowhere calling her a fraud without ANY proof of evidence. demanding her resignation and a total change of everything she’s accomplished for the last 30 years ..I don’t think so, Pal!
      “By their fruits, ye shall know them” and Edward’s fruits are rotten IMHO.

  19. Same here, they stole our home, while we cared for a cancer patient, and my husbands parents home, which was adjacent to ours, stolen from the heirs.

  20. To banana.
    You wrote before that you were a relative of St. Germain.
    Is there any proof for it ?

  21. Thank you for these words!!

  22. Mrs. Belcher failed to reply to these questions directly - yes or no - which is evidence of a Tammy and Jim Bakker type scan and fraud in all jurisdictions - no?
    YES or NO?
    The 528 frequency guy known as Hunter took all deposits to the so-called International Trade Bank, and deposited them into his own private account at PNC Bank headquartered in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania and kicked back proceeds to Anna Von Reitz ["AVR"] Big Lake Alaska.
    true or false?

    Pursuant to international law, an investigation is in progress.
    true or false?

    James Belcher and Harold Heinze are aware of these crimes and related investigations and are missing.
    true or false?

    No one ever voted for AVR ro be Fiduciary, for she just assumed the role, and thus has no standing in any jurisdiction.
    true or false?

    Some say AVR has 10 Demons Inside and thus the body has multiple personalities and is not capable of sending or receiving love, and lies non-stop.
    true or false

    Pope Francis is the Jesuit priest and the Jesuit General and the Jesuit priests know that AVR is a big time fraud
    yes or no?

    The is no General Post Office in Philadelphia - AVR lied again.
    yes or no?

    Lies are prayers to Satan and Lucifer?
    yes or know?

    Addendum: ask for refunds sent to the Federation,
    or demand a Forensic Audit. Teri says" Give money to Anna so that she can allocate it where needed" Really! Prove it!

    Addendum 2 - Complete silence by Mrs. Belcher and the federation on exposing the fact that no General Post Office and no General Post Master on or in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - thus - lights out Federation.

    Addendum 3 good questions here: where have you gone, James Belcher and Harold Heinze?

  23. Having reviewed the YT urls suggested above. I believe the one filing these bizarre "legal" challenges has also motives hidden, beyond written "claims."

    I believe he intentionally muddies public discourse, on matters of jurisdiction, in order to stalemate/checkmate bona-fide lawful challenges regarding jurisdiction.

    Such that bona-fide challenges may more easily be frivolously dismissed.
    Such that only members of: BAR or Bar Associations or from Law school etc. would be given credence, is such matters (as also every other matter.)

    Taking my cue from Ben Franklin who said:
    "I often do things for a reason, but seldom do anything for only one reason.

  24. Top of an organization and the end of the organization are different, I think.
    Jesuits end are good people, but the top may not be necessarily good people, I think. St. Francis Xavier was a political Zionist.

    1. Think of it like this: if you know who they are or at least know of them, they are not at the top of the hierarchy.

  25. French lesson - Je sui t = I Am the cross. Not a good place to hang ones hat?
