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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

National Deputization Order

 By Anna Von Reitz

All Americans born in one of the States of the Union or lawfully immigrated and naturalized as State Nationals of one of the States of the Union, and having otherwise adopted their birthright political status are hereby deputized as peacekeepers and collectively as peacekeeping forces.  

In the current circumstance facing Texas wherein 12,000 State of Texas National Guardsmen are holding the Southern Border against an estimated 700,000 illegal immigrants, all willing deputies are requested and required to assist and support the State of Texas National Guard and INS and Border Patrol. 

Article IV, Section 4 of The Constitution of the United States of America requires the government to protect and defend our borders. The Federal Subcontractor responsible for performing this duty is currently hindered, but that does not alter our right and our responsibility to uphold our Public Law.  

Thus far this illegal migration has been peaceful and proceeding at 10,000 illegally and unlawfully "accepted" migrants per day. Their continuance in this country will be challenged and they will be deported back to their country of origin. Deportation will begin on or about the first of July. 

The actions of the "White House Office, Inc." will be overturned and the cost of all the emergency aid and relief issued to these illegal immigrants as well as the cost of processing their entrance and exit and all transportation costs will be charged back to the responsible Municipal Corporation(s) and their Principals. 

Issued by: James Clinton Belcher, Head of State
                  The United States of America
                   In care of: Box 520994
                   Big Lake, Alaska 99652

May 10th 2023


  1. HAHAHAHA yeah right, that's the same BS Trump said to his #Cult45 / Golden Calf ignorant sheep, but he did nothing as usual except build a whopping 49 miles of new see through fence that the invaders got over in 60 seconds. What the pathological lying, unfaithful to women and his ignorant base and bought by Soros & his banking cartels buddies a long time ago, was not stop these illegal invaders, not jail or death penalty the drug dealers, not even close, instead he left drug felons out of prison early while simultaneously growing big Government like the DEA who now Red Flag & track us for buying a legal Rx & Sudafed, giving Appriss Health (now called Bamboo Health) unfettered power to destroy our lives & the lives of our Doctors if they want to treat anyone who takes opioids (which has NEVER been a crisis and now the DEA thugs are targeting ANYONE who takes a schedule Rx, yes, the #Cult45’s Golden Cslf worshippers didn’t blink an eye when their Trump god did this, #Cult45 cares nothing about other human beings our pets (which many in the veterinary community will no longer give our pets pain meds because you know … we are all just 1 Sudafed away from becoming drug mules or cartels. What about the invaders & drug cartels? Meh…. YOU living souls are the domestic terrorists, you are the problem, not the real invaders, drug mules, drug dealers, child traffickers & women rapists according to your Qristian god who couldn’t recite a scripture if his life depended on it.
    But keep voting for Trump you #Cult45 idiots, you deserve this godless, evil, pathological liar like his father HaSatan the father of all lies. Trump said he’s never asked Yah for forgiveness & compared his popularity with Yahushua, all of you who still worship this abomination will pay for it in the end, you are the ones who will say but, but, “Lord (not one of His real names but none of you study scripture anyway, you believe the worlds BS) did we not do things in your name?” And Yah will say GET away from me you who practice lawlessness”.

    The great falling away is happening right now, we’re in the 7 year tribulation and most will not make it, heck they don’t even know the Sons birth name or the Father, they just spew the same lies their favorite Government run, false prophets tell them.

    I pray for many people, but many of Trumps #Cult45 have made their choice, so I don’t pray for them, they are literally the people who will turn me & others over to the evil that runs this world, thinking that evil will spare their miserable Judas lives & idol worshipping selves, but evil will kill them when there usefulness is gone.

    1. Uninformed moron

    2. I agree with your thoughts about Trump/cult, both want to blame everything on Biden. This problem goes back a long ways....way back. Every selected treasonous official has been involved in human/child trafficking, drug cartels and smuggling drugs, selling guns, money laundering and numerous other crimes against humanity. Rothschild, Vatican and dirty brits among other foreign evil leaders, including this countries spineless greedy cowards that have let, not only these criminals but a dozen other despicable leaders get away with modern day piracy. Its clear that you have no real idea of the situation this country has and still is in. Your just a FLOATING TRUMP HATER hitting as many sites as you can to rant your complete ignorance. You are absolutely no different than the cult45, brainless sheep that walks in circles. Keep believing in a myth and continue to worship your myth, keep praying, repenting,begging forgiveness for your sins. Its laughable.

    3. Anonymous what is your real name. Faceless cretin. Hiding like your father the loser devil. I'm Patricia Bowman.

    4. I hear your pain through your words. BUT.....We are NOT in tribulation. We all need to read the Bible from beginning to end to understand the signs of tribulation. Google is not a good source to find accurate scripture. Show me ONE sign from scripture that we are in tribulation right now.
      And if you were a REAL believer in Jesus Christ (I assume since you mentioned scripture) you would not impute so much hate and attack in your written words. Jesus wants us to be like Him and show LOVE when communicating with each other. And if you are truly angry and hateful, why read these posts? I do not always agree with the poster of these articles and I do not always follow or read them because of my reluctance to believe in them as a whole. But I do not spew hate in my words. We all should pray for this person for protection, wisdom, discernment and to soften the heart to be gentle.

    5. Show more love and sympathy, no more hatred, you sound like very angry and hate people. True God has taught us to love, unconditional love, which means: love and pray for your enemies!
      The government has become so corruptive and tyrannical. Biden and his family have received so much money from FOREIGN CORRUPTIVE GOVERNMENTS. Something has to be done to sanction and stop such an astounding corruption and abuse of power!
      Please pray for it!!! May God bless you and your family!

    6. My neighbor’s sister makes $95 reliably on the workstation. She has beenwithout an occupation for a half year e3 in any case multi month back her part was$30000 essentially dealing with the PC for two or three hours. Go to this siteand read more……..
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  2. Maybe Greg Abbott will address us patriots when he has ideas of how we can assist.

  3. In America, There are no hereditary positions. James Belcher is just one of the people. Nothing more. He wasn't elected because there have been no lawful elections.

    1. exactly.
      what this group of Attorneys seems to be trying to Re-Construct is Pre-Independence Colonialism under the British King and the Roman Pontiff and pass it off as our Free and Independent The United States of America.
      if so, its not working.

    2. Darrell, you're exactly right Darrell, the reason why James Belcher is in the position he's in because he assumed hereditary position cuz that's what happens in the kind of government we're in when there is no lawful election do your homework.

  4. Nice job once again, CNN satan.

  5. All the letters to the Vatican and Officials over the years has done nothing. Now they are wanting to implement the FED NOW in July so they control ALL money from every citizen. Our money will go to the government first then they give it to us and track every cent. Canada has already proven what they plan to do when they froze all the trucker's accounts and anyone donating to them. When are people going to actually stand up and take our Country back!???

  6. Russia Denounces Big Pharma: China & BRICS Demand International JUSTICE For Covid Criminals (Video)


  7. [thats-nice:dear]

  8. End the Fed -- the monetary volcano -- that has destroyed our economy.

  9. Just a thought: Would it help to have the Continental Congress behind this decision? Would it help to have all of our over 3100 counties on board the decision to protect our borders?

  10. You are fkn insane. Obviously very insane.

  11. James Clinton Belcher you will be responsible for the killing and arrest of all the gullible followers you and your hag have.

  12. From this thread I see only chaos and the worshipping of the golden calf and greed, eugenics, foreign entanglements and almost everything on all sides about money and possessions. A man or woman is not defined by their thoughts, only their actions or inactions as we all have a dark side and a light side, whatever one we chose to feed the most is what we are.

    When this country was wealthy we would give food and aid to places that became dependent on it and send it to landfills rather than lower prices at home, even during tough times. The people who did this knew what they were doing, and when the aid dried up and those areas that could sustain maybe 10 people per square mile had grown to hundreds more, causing famine, disease, wars and genocides of the worst way, while we looked the other way.

    I'm not pointing fingers, but history has shown the winner writes the narrative and we should just live in honor, what is true, in a loving way, and what we project will be drawn to us now, no matter how brutal the past was, this is now!

    I suggest everyone to look at The CaroL Reese Report in the 1983 Congress report, and the interviews of the director of research, Norman Dodd.

  13. I left a page or 2 out, but i a man: state that all be true; to the wo/man: who sometimes acts as moderator.

  14. You can't deputize anyone. That is just silly. Are you trying to get people thrown in jail? Or shot by mindless LEO's? Are we in the land of make believe? Will we see you at the border oh brave one? Are you going to be leading the charge with your gun? I suspect not.
