Are you looking for Solutions for America in Distress

You are in the right place to find out about what is really going on behind the scenes in the patriot movement in America, including solutions from Oathkeepers, Anna Von Reitz, Constitutional Sheriffs, Richard Mack, and many more people who are leading the charge to restore America to freedom and peace. Please search on the right for over 9600 articles.
You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

The Real Charlie Kirk and TPUSA

 By |November 29th, 2022


  1. Dear Paul, please repost, thx, m

    BLOCKBUSTER LAWSUIT on Supreme Court docket which sets out to categorically prove that defendants Pres. Biden, Harris, former V.P. Pence and 385 members of Congress willfully broke their oath of office by voting AGAINST the proposition (that came from members of congress) to investigate the claims that there were enemies of the constitution who successfully rigged the election.
    Brunson v. Alma S. Adams; et al.,
    (Biden, Harris, Pence & 385 Members of Congress)

    Original case hereb

    Make America Free and Healthy m



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