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Tuesday, August 30, 2022

A Fiduciary Duty Fulfilled

 By Anna Von Reitz

Among living people it sometimes happens that we are called upon to serve in a fiduciary capacity for others.  This can happen even if we don't volunteer for the job. We can simply be standing there at a given time, faced with a particular circumstance, and boom!  

There you are, staring up at the sky, wondering --- WT....? 

That's what happened to me, so you had better believe that it can happen to you, too, and that in some regards, it has already happened to you.

Certain Public Duties "devolve" upon you, simply because of your political status and identity as --- for example --- an American or a Frenchman. 

Americans have a Public Duty to uphold the Public Law of this country, and in particular, to uphold the Federal Constitutions and enforce them.  We have a Public Duty to oppose crimes, such as genocide and murder, and to report them to the responsible authorities.  

In the case of some crimes, like treason, failure to report them to the responsible authorities (the President, the Governor, Lieutenant Governor,  or Chief Justice of the State Supreme Court) can have very dire consequences for one's self -- up to and including capital punishment. 

Public Duty is not something to be taken lightly, and while members of the General Public in this country do not owe the obligations of citizenship, we do owe the obligations of Public Duty. 

Fiduciary Duty, elected or unelected, is part of that Public Duty which we owe to ourselves and our countrymen.  

In 2011, an alarmed friend sent me a copy of a Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) filing made by a man named Everton Rochas from San Jose, California. 

This fellow, Rochas, was claiming what appeared to be himself --but which were in fact, foreign commercial corporations named after him-- and he was explicitly explaining which "Everton Rochas" was the creditor by describing himself in terms of having hands and feet. 

I read it, I thought about it -- I was thirteen years into the Due Process that began in 1998, and halfway through the International Notice process.  I realized that what Mr. Rochas was doing was correct enough for himself, assuming that he had a non-statutory trust to dump the assets into like a purse, and the correct legal standing to do it. 

He had done something monumental.  He had correctly identified the incorporated debtors and claimed back his property assets and remedies and exemptions owed to him --- and had done it using the Uniform Commercial Code process.  

It was at that moment that my Fiduciary Duty landed on my head. 

Oh, I could follow suit and do what Rochas had done, and save my own assets out of the bankruptcy slush piles resulting from the Federal Reserve System bankruptcy in 2009, but then, what about my countrymen?  

They'd be left disinherited, unrecognizable as Creditors, claimants without claims.  Their State Trusts would be vacated.  The other creditors of the Federal Reserve System could come in and pillage us for the debts of the "US, INC." and "USA, Inc." to their heart's delight, while the actual "preferential creditors" would be mysteriously "absent", "presumed lost at sea".  

So I created and recorded a non-statutory trust agreement between me, myself, and I --- a purse where I could deposit the assets as the "Authorized Representative" --- and I claimed everything back for all Americans with hands and feet.  And I rolled it all over into the Public Trust of the unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America and as a further firewall, into my private non-statutory trust. 

Shortly thereafter I published and recorded my Irrevocable Will so that nobody could claim that I died intestate and "offer" to administer my estate -- including my non-statutory trust ---  "for" me. 

All the claims that I subsequently entered on the UCC record automatically attached to my name and rolled into my non-statutory trust and into the Public Trust maintained by the Federation of States, where they remain whether or not the specific UCC claims expire.  The UCC claims were just a conduit delivering the cargo to its rightful and final resting place, back home in America. 

And then, I came home myself.  I claimed my Given Name, "Anna Maria Riezinger" back from the Third Judicial Court in Palmer, Alaska, and made my non-Municipal status official.  

Then, I re-conveyed my recouped Proper Name to the land and soil jurisdiction and recorded this action via the Territorial State of Alaska Land Recording Office in Palmer, Alaska --- making my return to the land and soil official. 

I followed up by delivering a certified copy back to the Third Judicial Court, having copies date-stamped by the Clerk, and leaving a copy for inclusion with the court record of my name change from ANNA MARIA RIEZINGER to Anna Maria Riezinger. 

There is and can be no doubt that I returned myself to the land and soil of this country and that I was last seen headed due East with a horrible fixed grin and look of relief on my face.  

Neither the Pope nor the Queen nor the Lord Mayor can claim that I voluntarily adopted any citizenship obligation of theirs nor that I voluntarily chose to remain in any foreign jurisdiction under their control.  I am officially, on the Public Record of their own institutions, neither a Municipal citizen of the United States nor a Territorial U.S. Citizen. 

This conclusion is doubly guaranteed, because what appears to be my surname, "Riezinger" is in fact an international trademark and the intellectual property of my Great-Grandfather, established in 1855, well-before the entire boondoggle of the American Civil War.  No European Monarch has any claim on it. It is internationally recognized private property and anyone who uses it in vain is trespassing. 

In this, and in all other circumstances, I have been blessed by fate and fortune to be in the position I was in, to know the people and facts I have known, and to do the things I have done in the time frame and sequence that all these things have been accomplished, so that I could act freely and with lawful standing throughout, to accomplish the recoupment of American assets for Americans who would have otherwise lost not only their identities, but their inheritance.

There are those who say that these same Americans deserved to lose their intellectual and property assets, because they weren't taking care of them and were not vigilantly guarding them and doing the work of self-governance.  

What can you say about people who sit on their rumps and don't bring their own government into Session for over 150 years?  

You can begin by saying that they are the sovereigns of this country and if they wanted to take a very long nap, it's their business and nobody else's.  

And we can follow up by saying that the vast majority of Americans were deliberately and self-interestedly deceived in Breach of Trust by their own public employees, who have been misdirected by foreign Principals acting in Gross Breach of Trust, breach of international treaties, and breach of commercial service contracts, seeking to evade their contractual obligations and pillage their Employers for their own unjust enrichment. 

The road that I have traveled to get home again --- and drag all the assets owed to this country and my countrymen with me --- has been long and often veiled in impenetrable darkness.  There have been many times when I have wondered what to do and how to do it.  Each time, I have knocked on the door of Heaven, and been answered. 

On numerous occasions, I have tried to explain this whole circumstance to my countrymen --- "Hey, brother, you were robbed, but it's okay, I derailed the train and brought your stuff home.  All you have to do is claim it." --- and they stare at me, stunned.  

What?  I've been robbed?  My identity has been stolen?  By my own public employees?  Say what?  I have to declare what?  I have to record what?  

And I have had to struggle with the aftermath and develop the processes and means for millions of Americans to come home and claim back the assets they are heir to. 

All the groundwork has already been laid, all the processes worked out, and all anyone has to do, is come home. Declare and record your native birthright political status and thereby reclaim your inheritance.  

In the process of straightening out our own mess, we discovered that much of the rest of the world is in the same exact circumstance, all victims of a planetary scale fraud scheme designed to establish a system of Corporate Feudalism  ---by which a few enslave the many, just as they did during Colonialism. 

Putting an end to these world-mongering fraud schemes perpetuated by commercial corporations in the business of providing "governmental services" is a Public Duty of all people worldwide. 

The employees cannot be allowed to rule over the employers. 

Standing here on my flat little Great-Grandma feet facing the beginning of September 2022, I can safely say that I have done my Public Duty, including my unsought duty as Fiduciary for our unincorporated Federation of States, The United States of America.

As things stand, the American claims have been preserved, and the claims of many other nations are being brought forward.

Isn't it time that you joined in and did your bit, too?  

Imagine a pile of mittens, and your mittens are in that pile somewhere.  You have to go dig around and find them and claim them as yours. That's part of this process that I can't do for you --- something that only you can do for yourself. 

Go to and get started. 

I don't know how much longer I will be here with you, so it is a matter of some urgency that you all learn the facts and pass on what I have shared with you this morning.  Everything I have referenced is a matter of record, preserved by the State of Alaska Land Recording Office, the State of Alaska UCC Unit, the State of Alaska Third Judicial Court at Palmer, Alaska, and the Winnebago County, Illinois, Recorder's Office.   

My non-statutory trust will last until 2066; at some point between now and then, my Irrevocable Will will come into effect, in addition to the actions that are undertaken now, during my lifetime, to secure and distribute the assets in accordance with that Will--- returning to each American all that naturally belongs to that American --- this represents my grant to each and every one of you.   

By the time my non-statutory trust expires you must all return to the land and soil to claim and preserve your own property assets, including your intellectual property assets --- your Good Names, your nationality, and your lawful government. You have forty-four years to take advantage of what I have done for you and your children.  The clock is ticking. 

Don't take it for granted. It was the hand of God that put me in place, that inspired me to discern the patterns of the ensnaring web, and that allowed me to act in your favor.  You can't expect that a competent Fiduciary will just appear out of nowhere again (Big Lake, Alaska, is pretty close to nowhere) to pull your chestnuts out of the fire.  

You must each take responsibility and exercise the rights and prerogatives you are heir to.  You must each learn how to defend and justify your position as the Lawful Inheritors of this great country. And you must self-govern.  

None of these things are easy.  All of them require attention and hard work.  

Just as the Public Duty to act as Fiduciary for The United States of America descended on me, your own share of that responsibility now rests upon you--- the responsibility to reclaim and take charge of your own assets, both public and private---- and preserve those assets for future generations of Americans.  


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