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Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Your Wake Up Call

If this video won't load go to this link to watch it.



  2. Replies

  3. Officiating the Jewish world order starts out honest uncovering corruption fine
    As bad as 19 Muslim did sept 11 2001

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Q the intelligence community all corrupt with a sprinkling of low level insignificant token honest ppl.suckers been bussy creating 120 sub agencies under the executive.
    Total subversion of what founders originated..

    1. BubbaPatric... how do you know any of this?

    2. Lots of reading by creditable sources Ernst zundell, ‘M.S.King ,David Irving,olie Demiguard..mustang your so right on your facts . This whole video tells me we will never have a honest government.
      The evil ones know how to corrupt any group. .this video proves it !

  6. Great video. Is Phil Waldron trying to show himself as a White Hat Patriot? Never heard of him before.

  7. Reluctant Democrats Holding Off On Revealing Biden Died Of ...
    Jan 12, 2021 · 1/12/21 8:05AM. WASHINGTON—Expressing concerns that the country’s emotional state might be incapable of handling the news right now, reluctant Democrats in Washington confirmed Tuesday that they are holding off on revealing that President-Elect Joe Biden died from a heart attack six days ago. “It’s obviously very sad, but it just felt like it would be super awkward to throw this out there …

    Author: Matt Spina

    1. Unknown - "The Onion" is a site known for SATIRE. I believe this story is simply a pun.
      The Onion is an American satirical digital media company and newspaper organization that publishes articles on international, national, and local news. The company is based in Chicago but originated as a weekly print publication on August 29, 1988 in Madison, Wisconsin. The Onion began publishing online in early 1996. In 2007, they began publishing satirical news audio and video online as the Onion News Network. In 2013, The Onion ceased publishing its print edition and launched Onion Labs, an advertising agency.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. REQUIRES our telephone numbers to see the video. That is elite p@r@site, plain and simple. They don't only desire to have our phone numbers for the FOREIGN invaders to attack us...they DEMAND it. This is NO DIFFERENT than the elite p@r@site site, P@tre0n, who REQUIRED OUR personal passwords to OUR personal emails. P@r@sites!!!! EFF OFF, p@r@sites!!!!

    1. You do not have to put a real number in so that kinda makes your rant a bit overdone methinks.

    2. That's right MP, strange how most don't even try to think outside the box even for simple things...

    3. m darling,
      i saw that and it creeped me out so i didnt, of course, go any farther with it.

      pretty sure that whatEVER "phone" number youd put in there (just the fact that you put something in there whatever it is) would be connected to your IP address/other digital identifier.

      why they would want to collect ANY identification before youre allowed to listen to their FREEDOM broadcast is beyond me.

    4. Facts versus Feelings ? Which one is the better way to make lifelong decisions, or create an illusion, and spread a contrived belief unto others (a lie) in order to create a following of mislead believers by using a fear style tactic. Feelings whoa, whoa, whoa, feelings, whoa, whoa, whoa. Even as a youngin I thought that song sucked, and would make a parody of it every time it would come on the radio.

  9. Is this it on Bitchute?

    1. Ok, so Waldron is allllll about focusing on China as the threat. Lots of actors, including Juan O Savin push the China narrative.
      To bring up Fentanyl made in China & NOT MENTION the Sackler JEWS who have it made in China, who have a patent on a non-additive opioid type which they keep hidden, producing fentanyl which KILLS, destroys families, unborn infants... somehow its China.
      Waldron is a friggin pawn.

      Top DOJ Official Reportedly Helped Keep Opioid Executives From Prison. She’s Since Defended Pharma Against The Government | The Daily Caller
      Meanwhile, more than 200,000 people have died from overdoses involving prescription opioids since OxyContin was launched in 1996, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. … “The launch of OxyContin tablets will be followed by a blizzard of prescriptions that will bury the competition,” Richard Sackler, the son of a Purdue founder and the company’s president from 1999 to 2003, said while celebrating the drug’s entrance to the market, according to a document cited in the complaint. “The prescription blizzard will be so deep, dense, and white.”

      Evil incarnate, filthy disgusting Sackler jews targeting Whites, right in the court documents... BUT ITS CHINA you useful idiot shabbos goyim

    2. @Wink Wink: Whoa, do you have a link to that article? I know some folks that need to see it. Thanks.

    3. Mustang - Here ya go folks:

      Folks, the Big Pharma execs are now billionaires, all JEWS. Billions of Toxxine jabs are 'pre sold' to nations, so they're doing just fine with their plandemic genocide. Reckon maybe, just maybe some gov thugs, even military brass are Big Pharma profiteers in this jew-genocide-plandemic?
      How about mayors, governors, etc? Sold their souls, & sent our children to be sacrificed at the alter of Moloch. All of this FEAR PORN TRAUMA against our children has scarred them FOR LIFE... all part of the next generation's subjugation.

      Shall we heed the warnings of our nations forefathers?
      When General Grant Expelled the Jews by Jonathan D. Sarna ... - Israelites, citizens of the United States, you have been outraged, your rights as men and citizens trampled into the dust, your honor disgraced, as a class you have officially been degraded! It is your duty, the duty of self-defense, your duty first to bring this matter clearly before the president of the United States and demand redress ...

      George Washington: They (the jews) work more effectively against us, than the enemy’s armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties & the great cause we are engaged in… It is much to be lamented that each state, long ago, has not hunted them down as pest to society & the greatest enemies we have to happiness of America.” (Maxims of George Washington by A.A. Appleton & Co.)

      Joel Berstein says Kill a White man on your way to work tomorrow.

      “You white people are on an endangered list. And unlike, say, the bald eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, you are not worth saving. In forty years or so, maybe fewer, there won’t be any more white people around, and that’s a good thing…” Tim Wise – Jewish Racist Activist

      ”I’m going to bring down the United States by funding black hate groups. We’ll put them into a mental trap and make them blame white people. The black community is the easiest to manipulate.” ~ George Soros (Interview with Germany’s BILD, Sept 2014)

      thanks & stay sane

    4. Thank You Wink Wink. Again my jaw drops at the insane criminality being allowed here.

    5. Bravo Wink Wink for bringing sanity & facts...I am tired of sinophobia & russiaphobia...

  10. Thank you Paul and Anna. I have been watching the event LIVE since yesterday. From what I have seen so far, I believe it's probably one of the most important broadcasts of our lives. There is no doubt whatsoever that another one of the greatest frauds has been imposed on the American people. Here it is totally exposed. It's undeniable.

  11. Anna, Teri, James,
    Please, as I am sure you have learned to do, ignore the :Ewilim, they don't do much except rely on others foolishness-for they themselves have not attained the first requirement for obtaining wisdom. They are not able to truly to wear their ornament of knowledge around their neck. The reason, is that they do not acquire their own knowledge and as they age it foments into wisdom. But for them, it doesn't, they continue to grapple around in someone else gloominess. Their day has already been set aside. We have on the other side the teachings which have already been proven to work with excellence, and this is what you teach, and promote. Teaching people to self govern, the same as our Eternal King taught. Bless you all, and the evil has already had its day set to be dealt with.
    Bless you all and never worry about the slanderers.
    Yahshub Ri

  12. here it is

  13. The Deep State knows Lindell has the evidence question is whether they can get court action on a sufficient level of authority to act!

  14. World Health Organization's definition of birth. Two living PRODUCTS expelled in this event. 2 ? Two products ?
    Wrap your head around that one !!

    1. thanks for sharing that.

      part of our lawful and peaceful enforcement of our separation from them is going to be for us to correct them when they use them when they use their words/ definitions when referring to us.

      we, man/ woman are BORN.

      their BIRTH word/ definition has absolutely nothing to do with a man, woman, son, or daughter.

      we need to start correcting their misapplications of their vocabulary to refer to us every chance we get!!

  15. Talmudic law was adopted by the U.S. GOVERNMENT in 1993. Please look this up.
    So most of us are deemed goy the animal
    like dogs. Thus the military dog tags..

    1. @Wink Wink: My jaw just dropped. I am sure that treasonous rat Goerge W. Bush aka Scherf was more than happy to sign the death warrants of Christians and White people.

    2. @Brickguyo. Thannks for bringing those subjects to our awareness. Wish you had some links to research further.

    3. mustang1969,
      look for: Noahide Law Bush, Public Law 1990s.

      heres one public law 102-14

      something here from chuckbaldwinlive: noahide law not sharia law is the threat

      lots more.

      we are not US INC CITIZENS!

  16. @Wink Wink. Yeah, saw that Fetzer video. Incredible the info they devulged. COVID is Hebrew for DOVIC which means to be "possessed by an evil spirit". Those vermin love witchcraft, spell-casting and poisons.
    Also jews using the same process to transform metal from one form to another as they use "the jab" to change our human form to another.

  17. Thanks for your most concise response. I am fully aware of the 1993 adoption of the law that provides these satanic minions to murder Christians.Are you aware of extraordinary legislation ?
    This is where the courts can use law that approved murder of true believers.
    There is the website that has a prosecutor actually stating that on the record.
    The website is
    Just scroll down and go through the videos.
    Extremely informative.

    1. brickguyo - Oh yeah, Alphonse Faggiolo, absolutely. Wish he'd do more videos, i don't do Telegram, which seems to be his alt choice. Such good, concise, clear, effective info. Really appreciate his method & his videos are very comprehensible.
      Christopher James A Warrior Calls is shaking the BAR's bushes up in Canada. Excellent basics with his questions on property, contracts, as Who claims i property? Provide the contract, etc.

  18. Wink Wink. Lots of extremely informative websites out there. Justinian Deception channel is a great one
    Also (Frequently unanswered questions )
    I found that on a google search.
    This man did his research and found the Australia has two governments.

    1. brickguyo - Yes on Justinian Deception.
      Check EWAR, was on jewtube, but now gone, found this on bitchute

      Absolutely check out EWAR. WHAT IF: Note the Arches built around the world are massive magnets. Note Cathodes as in Cathedrals (add Catho-lic to the lexicon, as we're finding Catholic was more than we'll ever be told, keepers of the Cathode Cathedrals for divine energetics - Have done a lot of research on this & finally after lifetimes & decades, its now coming forth. Not saying I know, saying theres more to this).

      The Obelisks are energy nodes, grid markers, while we're deceived by jew narrative that its Osiris penis. No. Its an energy antennae, & near water, necessary for conduction. 'Salt Lake' City & its Cathedrals were NOT built by a few hundred horse & buggy hauling Mormons, ok, NO WAY.
      It existed in America prior to the United States along with 100 other great cities built by WHITES, they were Christian Catholics, including use of geopolymer, which is readily around as crumbled structures.

      I make GANS using Salt Water, two metal plates, one plain, one nanocoated, to make 'gas in a nano state', capture essence of life-force, makes its own amino acids which we collect for use, too. Use the GANS, after washing with distilled water (h2o w/o salts, minerals makes it feminine, receptive, for replication) after well washed, pour more distilled water into the container, let it sit at least 24 hours to replicate its essence, then use ONLY the distilled water, never the GANS itself, just siphon the water from the top. Salt Water generates life force, makes GANS & amino acids, distilled water stops the GANS generation process, & replication imprint onto the distilled water occurs. So much more to this, so simple, ancient knowledge we think early Christians & Christ used & taught, but its removed from our books. Just a strong hunch, maybe the Catholic Church taught these life-giving technologies. Again, very simple. In the monasteries & convents where one is at peace & constant prayer, one is best suited to make life-giving, including such as making bread of breads, as a host, given inside the Cathode once a week, given & received. with purest intent. The holiest / wholiest contributions came from those whose energy was with the Divine... but i digress.

      There is something so great being hidden, its beyond our capacity to see it. Example, Whites gave Free Energy to all mankind with uncomplicated devices, & used in America into early 1900's, take down by jews to monetize & control it.
      thanks & stay sane
