It’s like someone waving around a loaf of “Wonder Bread” as a weapon, and taking it seriously, too. The spectacle may be droll, but hardly reassuring.
The only “secession” most Americans are familiar with is that famous one associated with the so-called American Civil War, in which the Southern State of State organizations “seceded” from participating in the original Confederation.
As already reviewed, the members of the original Confederation formed in 1781 were all American State-of-State organizations like The State of New York and The State of North Carolina, which were in fact business organizations tasked with conducting international and commercial business for the States.
They were all “Confederate States” — not actual States at all.
If you go back and look at the induction process paperwork you will quickly discover that the men who fought in this “war” were mustered out by these business organizations—- such as The State of New York, not New York, and The State of North Carolina, not North Carolina.
It was not a war — it was a “mercenary conflict” — like Vietnam, right from the start.
Given that background and now knowing that it was not a “war between the States” but was instead a “war between the Confederate States” both North and South, we are prepared to see this history in its correct perspective and ask—- what were they fighting about and what does “secession” mean?
Put bluntly, it means that the Southern State of State organizations chose to “opt out” of a Trade Organization that had become oppressive and contrary to their best interests.
If they had bided their time and used their resources to mount a world opinion campaign and taken the issues to court, its likely that the entire matter could have been settled without firing a single shot.
The issue of “secession”— the right of the Southern State of State organizations to leave the Confederation boils down to two words found in the original Articles of Confederation in which the Founders express their intent to form “a perpetual Union” of Confederate States.
If cooler heads had prevailed, it would have been taken before a court of competent international jurisdiction and it would have been determined that the “perpetual union clause” was beyond the power of mortal men to dictate, and was therefore null and void.
The power of perpetuity does not lie within our grasp, so guarantees of perpetuity are void by nature.
Jefferson Davis knew this and knew that the Southern States were standing on solid ground when they voided the Perpetuity Clause and declined to participate in the Confederation—- that is, when they seceded and no longer conducted their business affairs through the Confederation.
Think of it in terms of OPEC or any other trading cartel: the members bargain together for their mutual benefit, but what would happen if one group of members decided to sell out another group of members?
The trading cartel would break apart.
That’s what happened to the Confederation.
That’s why the South seceded and that is what they seceded from.
They had every right to stop participating in a trade organization, despite the unrealistic desires and expectations of men who founded the Confederation a century earlier—- especially when that trade organization had been taken over by the more populous northern states and the industrialists running them—- people who viewed Southern agricultural products as mere bargaining chips, and saw nothing wrong with slashing cotton prices so long as their own coal and widget prices stayed high.
Put yourself in the position of the men running the business and trade organizations of the Southern States.
It is your job to protect and defend your State of State’s best interests in the arena of international trade—- but you are being obliged to work through a trade organization where you are constantly out-voted and the best interests of your organization and your people are being sold down the river against your will—- as a sop to get better deals for your Northern compatriots.
That is what was happening in the lead-up to the Civil War and that is what “secession” was all about—— not leaving the actual Union of States, but instead, leaving a trade organization that had become corrupt and parasitic.
The “perpetuity clause” — which was neither lawful nor legal in the first place, was the Cause.
By “seceding” from their participation in the Confederation , the Southern States were breaking the perpetuity clause binding the Southern States of States to conduct their international trade affairs through the Confederation—-and they were recognizing the improper and unenforceable nature of perpetual contracts.
So. It was not, as often portrayed, any “secession” from or disloyalty to the actual Union of States; it was a squabble about international trade and no longer being required to participate in the Confederation and to be bound by its dictates.
Today, people talk about “secession” with no idea of what actually happened back then, and no idea of what it would mean now.
So let’s cover that point— up until very recently, foreign State of State business organizations have been running (badly) the business of our States “for” us.
Now that our actual State Governments, our State Assemblies, are in Session, these foreign State of State organizations that are talking about “seceding” have no authority to do anything but work for us according to our dictates and their contracts.
That is, if they “secede” from any “union” it is only the union formed by their own foreign State of State organizations.
The present talk about “secession” has nothing to do with us or our States, either one.
Long after Governor Newsom and his pirates have up- anchored and departed (seceded) —- we will still be standing here on our own flat feet with our lawful standing and legal rights intact.
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Piracy is still punishable by hanging. ...that should be our first order upon actually gaining power....and my offer to build the gallows still stands
ReplyDeleteWe all are guilty of "in Land Piracy", kidnapping, bearing false witness, coveting, stealing... "They" have it all on "Their Registers". If ewe even only used "Their" Birth Certificated Person only once ewe are guilty of all the above, and a lot more. "They" got ewer number. So the gallows ewe would be erecting would be for ewe as well.
DeleteNice piece of puzzle, however lot of factors involved probably the most odious is the Plot to destroy this country by the Same vermin who brought practically all wars the zionest bankers name the war .civil war was a falc flag trigger take down executed by the intelligence branch of of zionest the Masonic lodges .
ReplyDeleteCharleston was home of the Scottish rite largest Masonic lodge in the world .executed by crisis actor masons.
The south had no army so an extremely well financed mercenary army war created in Cincinnati 10,000. And dispatched across the south .
Couldn’t allow the envy of the world to exist.
That brought the carpetbaggers and like all conquered nations puppet local legislatures.
Martial law war obvious so any rules or laws are void passed during that time .
Everything is unconstitutional unlawful but like our January 6 event no justice they know force is king .
"bubbapatric", to think on such a scale as these so called "intelligencia" do is simply mind boggling. To have such disdain for their fellow man is plain myopic. How can those that ascribe to this type of philosophical belief system even be taken seriously, let alone be allowed to continue having a place in any society. And yet here "they" still are.
DeleteWho, or what is funding these organizations that have been around for so long? I've told everyone if they want to find out what the real agenda is behind every cause is to follow the money. However even when this is applied for exposing this organization one will run into a wall. Is it time to storm Switzerland? Sure seems like it. The rest of the world sure has gotten their share of Weather Warfare, maybe it's Switzerland's time to get a taste.
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DeleteThe possible impact of this perspective upon the "Articles" as a whole as the second Organic Law deserves to be addressed. Please consider this/