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Friday, March 19, 2021

About Preambles to Acts Versus The Preamble

 By Anna Von Reitz

There have been a great many people suddenly entering the realm of historical legal research --- because they just as suddenly noticed that this was important and that they ought to be interested. They are coming from many different backgrounds and various indoctrinations and belief systems.
Some are getting hung up on the issues surrounding "The Preamble" versus the numerous preambles and enactment clauses added to various Acts of Congress, including those merely "styled" as Amendments to the Corporate Constitution that made its appearance in 1868.
From then on, whenever you see references to "the" Constitution of the United States of America, you will know that the Corporate Articles of Incorporation styled as "a" constitution is under discussion, and when you see references to "The Constitution of the United States of America" you will know that the actual Territorial Constitution is being discussed.
The Proper Names of Things expressed in English include the Definite Article--- "the" is part of the actual name of The United States, The United States of America, The State of New York, etc. This affirms the principle that there is only one United States, one United States of America, and one State of New York; all other versions exist as euphemisms referencing the foreign powers that exercise delegated powers.
The State of New York = actual American business organization doing business for New York.
"the" State of New York = Territorial business organization substituting itself for The State of New York in our purported absence.
"the" STATE OF NEW YORK = Municipal business organization that shouldn't exist impersonating "the" State of New York.
With that in mind, I offer these insights into the arguments surrounding The Preamble to the Federal Constitutions, and all the various other "preambles" to Acts of Congress:
Please note that what was under discussion (in the particular question I was asked about) was the "Preamble" to the 14th Amendment, not the Preamble added to the Federal Constitutions at the same time as the Bill of Rights.
"The Preamble" of the Federal Constitutions was added to create a National Trust --- and to obligate all Parties to uphold it. It is one of the reasons that the Vermin are liable for negligence and treason for creating and then pillaging National Trust property.
If you read the Preamble you will see that it creates an Express Trust, with the Donors -- "We, the People" -- bequeathing their rights, assets, and responsibilities to their "Progeny" ---- all those who will come after and stand in the same political status.
The language of the Preamble is often misunderstood as creating a trust that benefited only those who were creating the trust and their direct descendants, but this is not the case.
Those creating the Trust were acting in the capacity of State Citizens --- and as such, were acting in the specific capacity of Lawful Persons. They were bequeathing everything to the Lawful Persons who would follow in their footsteps as one of the People of this nation --- those who would take up the responsibilities of self-government and caretaking the Public Interest and upholding the Public Law.
This is why, among other things, it is so important for Americans to wake up and fully embrace their heritage. You can't sit on the sidelines with respect to this inheritance. The blessings and rights go hand in hand with hard work and responsibilities.
Those who will act as State Citizens and stand as the "Progeny" of the Founding Fathers are the Inheritors of the National Trust established by the Preamble. They protect themselves and protect all other Americans by accepting the responsibilities of self-governance on an international level. By standing in that capacity, they inherit the offices of their Forefathers and are their true "progeny" both in flesh and in lawful capacity.
The Preamble to the 14th Amendment by contrast, which failed to gain enough votes to pass, is the Enrollment Clause which must be present in order for it to be recorded as a Public Law; the failure of the 14th Amendment Preamble indicates that whatever it was, the body felt that the 14th Amendment could not be applied to the General Public, and as a result, it would only be published on the Federal Register, not the Federal Record.

Given what evidence has been provided, I would bet a small sum that you will find the 14th Amendment published on the Federal Register, but never published on the Record.


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  1. Thanks Anna, for the short English Lesson that is very well needed. How many of US will utilize this in our future thought processes when dealing with deceptive writing styles that we have/will be encountering. Even I, whose mom was a High school English Teacher must have either forgotten, or ignored this English Grammar concept. The majority of others however, might have never even been taught this purposely. The latter I believe to be the “rule". Romely Stewart shows US what happens with those that are not listening closely, and don’t have a good grasp on our English language as they “think” they do, especially when we are dealing with the “Professionals” of the English Language: A-QUEEN'S-DECEPTION-YouTube;

  2. The 13,14,15 amendments are null a void the were passed under martial law and any legislation passed in times of martial arts cease to have effect
    After it’s lifted.and one could argue we’re still under martial law or martial rule either way is all unlawful.
    However as Patrick Henry was under attack by zionest for talk of sedation said “unfortunately tyrants only understands one thing force”.

  3. Anna answers two crucial questions in this article:

    1) Was the "posterity" mentioned in the Declaration ONLY the direct descendants of the signors?

    2) In what form or capacity did they sign using the "Surname" as part of their signatures?

    The first answer Anna offers is that the "posterity" is NOT the direct descendants of the signors ONLY; it is everyone who is born on this land and who chooses to act and live according to the proclamations and principles expressed in the Declaration.

    The second answer is related in a way since signing in one's Lawful Person utilizes the Given (or Christian) Name combined with the Family Name and it is in that capacity that we express our intent to live and trade according the law of the land and soil primarily.

    The men who signed the Declaration used the name of their Lawful Person without any adherence, or subjugation, to a foreign power or authority. They declared themselves inherently free and they created a way for others after them to declare the same if they choose to by way of holding the same required Lawful Office(s) of American State Citizens for the security and protection of inherent and God-given rights.

    Those who rant about the "surname" and its use being some sort of "mark" or enslavement tool need to first, stop calling it a "surname" and second realize that we have the inherent right to create and use whatever Names we choose for good and righteous purposes regardless of the counterfeit versions of our good names created by evil doers that may look and sound the same.

    The paperwork process Anna promotes declares and explains that clearly IMO.

    Great article for clarifying 2 very important and key points of this journey we are on.

  4. Anna answers two crucial questions in this article:

    1) Was the "posterity" mentioned in the Declaration ONLY the direct descendants of the signors?

    2) In what form or capacity did they sign using the "Surname" as part of their signatures?

    The first answer Anna offers is that the "posterity" is NOT the direct descendants of the signors ONLY; it is everyone who is born on this land and who chooses to act and live according to the proclamations and principles expressed in the Declaration.

    The second answer is related in a way since signing in one's Lawful Person utilizes the Given (or Christian) Name combined with the Family Name and it is in that capacity that we express our intent to live and trade according the law of the land and soil primarily.

    The men who signed the Declaration used the name of their Lawful Person without any adherence, or subjugation, to a foreign power or authority. They declared themselves inherently free and they created a way for others after them to declare the same if they choose to by way of holding the same required Lawful Office(s) of American State Citizens for the security and protection of inherent and God-given rights.

    Those who rant about the "surname" and its use being some sort of "mark" or enslavement tool need to first, stop calling it a "surname" and second realize that we have the inherent right to create and use whatever Names we choose for good and righteous purposes regardless of the counterfeit versions of our good names created by evil doers that may look and sound the same.

    The paperwork process Anna promotes declares and explains that clearly IMO.

    Great article for clarifying 2 very important and key points of this journey we are on.

  5. So is The Preamble to the Constitution of the United States a part of Constitutional Law and should be considered as such when the Supreme Court of The United States seeks to interpret the laws contained within the Constitution and those laws being considered as constitutional? This is a question I've wanted answered for a long time.

    1. the Constitution for the United states of America is much different when they charged the word for to ( of ).

      When anyone pledged allegiance to this
      they have pledged their life liberty and their living offspring into perpetual servitude . They use the birth registry to disenfranchise the infant and assigned a false and fictional name to the infant.
      This foundational document must be challenged first . Ignorant parents accept the birth certificate as a lawful record of birth. It's a diabolical act of unlawful conversion.
      We as living men and women never needed a grammatically corrupt title.
      These parasites use this all upper case so-called name that is the dead fictional legal " not lawful title against us . Never bring up the constitution in these so-call courts.
      Once you answer to the NAME your dead in the water. This scam is coming to the attention of the registrar of births deaths and marriages by many brave men and women right now .
      This is what must be done to regain our correct status and standing.
      False and fictious Grammar. Hell they place a tag on baby with this horrible title very soon after baby is born.
      We must wake up !! Unlawful conversion and larceny by trick" and we never question this crap ?? Time to start .

    2. I met a handyman that was installing a metal roof for a neighbor a few years back who said much the same. When I attempted to research this I fairly drowned in the legalese. If there is a straightforward source that you could steer me toward, I would appreciate it!


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