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Thursday, January 14, 2021

To the Clueless in America

 By Anna Von Reitz

First, this country has been under "Martial Law" since March of 1863.  It has never been taken out of "Martial Law" because the people here were kept in the dark and fed you-know-what by our military subcontractors and the vermin running "the" Congress of "the" United States. 

The only differences now are: (1) the American People finally woke up and brought their States of the Union into Session; and, (2) the corporations that have been acting "for" us and beating us into the ground have both been bankrupted. 

That leaves the Federales out of a job and scrambling to get back into power. 

The "New World Order" represented by the Pope's Municipal Government staged out of Washington, DC, which by the way is an "independent, international city-state" run by a plenary oligarchy formed by members of the U.S. Congress --- not our Congress of States --- see Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 --- is trying to take over and deceive people into believing in its authority, when it has none. 

The Military Junta that has been running things in violation of their oaths and contracts for 176 years,  has been caught flat-footed, and because most of them were "following orders" issued by the Municipal Government and mistaking that THING in DC for our civilian government, that is no surprise.  

So the Fraudsters and Traitors running the Pope's Municipal Government are fighting with the mostly clueless British-directed Territorial Military Government and the American People are being told to "shelter in place" while they hash out their differences. 

These are your Employees.  They are running amok.  It's up to you to direct them, not for them to direct things "for" you.  You now have the lawful means to present yourselves.  Your State Assemblies have been brought into Session.  Run don't walk.  Go to:  

Learn how to lawfully self-govern, or you will continue to be slaves for your own erstwhile Employees.     

Two pieces of complete Horse Hooey are circulating in the rumor mills today which I wish to debunk.  

The first is the idea that our country and nation somehow "disappeared" and became a British Crown Corporation in 1871.  That is not what happened.  What happened is that our Employees saw an opportunity to pull a fast one and usurp power, and they did.  They were functioning as foreign Subcontractors of our Government and they usurped upon our lawful government, formed a Scottish corporation doing business "in our names" and impersonated us.  

Via this deceit, they accessed our credit just like any credit card hacker, and have robbed us blind ever since.  

The second idea is that Trump is going to lead us to glory as head of yet another foreign commercial corporation doing business as UNITED STATES REPUBLIC.   

Anytime you see something spelled in all capital letters you know for sure that you are looking not only at a corporation, but an incorporated entity --- meaning that it is being chartered by a sovereign government and made subject to that government for commercial purposes.  

Since our own sovereign government just recently got back on its feet, you know that the UNITED STATES REPUBLIC has been formed under the law and auspices of a different sovereign government, just like they went offshore in 1868 and created a Scottish commercial corporation and operated it "in our name" as The United States of America, Inc.

So where in the Hell was this would-be Interloper incorporated and what was it incorporated into?  From the look of it, the UNITED STATES REPUBLIC is another foreign Municipal CORPORATION straight out of the Pope's bung hole.  

None of these foreign corporations are necessary.  

None of them are desirable. 

We have our own actual nation and country and government.  We are competent to charter our own corporations if we need to create new instrumentalities for ourselves.  

They've been using our Title IV flag as a loaner and operating "in our names", but they are now bankrupt, and we have reclaimed our property interests and our flag by Operation of Law.

Possession by pirates does not change ownership. 

And since our country is not a democracy and never has been (that's the British Territorial Government, not us) we don't need large numbers of Employers to come to the table and provide direction for our foreign Subcontractors.  A few from every State can do the job if necessary and we have already proven that we will.  

So, all the corporations can get back in their boxes and settle down.  If they don't we can pull their charters, nationalize their assets, and knock them down like kingpins. 

The only Federal Employee left with a contract and any authority at all, is Donald Trump, acting in the Office of Commander-in-Chief, not "President" of any bloody, nasty, self-important, disloyal, dishonest, self-serving foreign commercial corporation seeking to deceive and enslave the unsuspecting American People. 

And if Joe Biden is "inaugurated" as "President" of a new Municipal corporation, we could care less.  It has nothing to do with us.  Nothing to do with the Territorial United States, either.  In fact, the Creditors of "the" United States are invited to come take possession of the Municipality of Washington, DC, all one square mile of it, and raze it to the ground.  

Our lawful seat of government is in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  

As Gomer Pyle would say, "Surprise, surprise, surprise!" 

And no, we are not part of China. 


See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Anna, You should do some study and learn that DC is not 1 square mile. It is not even 10 square miles. It is ten miles square. That is ten miles on each side.

    1. part of that 10 mile square was ceded back to the states, ie Virginia and Maryland

    2. Not disagreeing with the EU Crooks 1863 starting point. But their GREATEST FRAUD of all started from 1937 ~ now and forward.

      You can start your business any moment in time. It doesn't mean fruitful from that very moment until later.

  2. Split hairs much there, Darrell ?

    1. If you were buying a piece of property for a set price, which would you prefer--10 square miles or 10 miles square?

  3. Right the archives in Philadelphia were targeted,
    A cheep thrift is to minuscule of treasury plates not they wanted our whole government.
    Just passed TONA and Rothschild warned us like he warned Czar Nicholas better renew my banks charter .
    The CNN of 1812 was University Press that went into overdrive erasing the continental congress.

  4. The shock of seeing taped pedophile confessions would have eliminated the problem of cluelessness. For every effort to AVOID the pain and shock of reality, you create 10 times greater blowback of pain and suffering. Much better to embrace the pain head on and get it over with. All Yogis face fear immediately. Only the unenlightened make the mistake of avoiding them.

    1. Thank you "C"! I've quoted this here:

  5. AGREED.... Amen... Spare the children LOL...

  6. others have said this site is like so much fly paper, but trump will NOT release all the money in our CQV and othertrust funds. the BIG problem is still the crown; Vatican add Rothschilds the bankers THE CAUSE. STEALING killing humans for money.
    The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about and refuse to investigate. – Dr. Wayne Dyer.
    1. Executive Order 13037 dated 04 Mar 1997 defined humans as capital. See:
    2. UCC Doc # 0000000181425776 filed 12 Aug 2011 evidences sale of US citizens in transaction between The Federal Reserve System and The United States Department of the Treasury 1789 for $14.3 trillion. (Linked above). Somewhere well hidden by the UNCONSITUTIONAL Australian govt is a similar doc selling all Australians.
    What is the UCC - Where and to whom does it apply?
    The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is the ‘bible’ of commerce and used worldwide, but sometimes in disguise. UCC is not taught in law schools; it is used in high level banking and government corporations. Accordingly most lawyers attorneys and magistrates know nothing about UCC and will argue it has no application.

  7. The UCC was written by lawyers in Chicago during wW2 also after ww2 two Jewish communist representatives for America morganthau and white the Europeans shocked no deplomat or president but in a zionest controld world its fact.
    Soviet spy white was appointed head of IMF even though military tried to tell Truman he’s a communist agent.

  8. 1937 buck act overlay shipping lanes on top of postal’ roads and implementation of what was called state plan were all courts ,coroner , sheriffs,prisons,gov offices had to creat an collusion plan .a fine tuned zionest machine!
    The CQV system probably implemented about same time so worse than 1913 maybe worse than 1917 maybe worse than 1945,1963,2001,2021.?
