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Thursday, January 21, 2021

Public Notice to Pope Francis and the World

 By Anna Von Reitz

The Municipal United States is a rogue entity operating under Roman Civil Law; it has no granted authority to speak for, represent, indebt, or otherwise obligate this country or its people.
It is attempting to stand and to "represent" us in the face of our States being in Session and our international government, our unincorporated Federation of States, The United States of America, being in operation in international and global jurisdiction.
The Municipal United States is an independent, international city state that exists only under the provisions of The Constitution of the United States, which has been breached by the Municipal citizenry. This entity has operated in Breach of Trust since 1860. Its "laws" have been misapplied to American State Nationals and American State Citizens resulting in the extortion of land and labor assets and other assets naturally belonging to those same injured Americans.
As a result, it is the responsibility of Pope Francis and the Roman Curia and the City of Rome to fold their franchise and remove their idols from our shores, to release all Municipal Corporations that have been formed under conditions of fraud and usurpation since 1870 to the custody and ownership of our unincorporated Federation of States, whose delegation of powers they abused, to be re-chartered under our Public Law or liquidated as we see fit.
This action is dictated by ecclesiastical, international, and global law, as well as the Roman Civil Law itself.
In the meantime, the world governments are provided with this good and sufficient Public Notice-- and warning-- that these "representatives" have no contract with the American States and People. They do not represent us and the druthers of our Federal Employees have no impact upon our Will.
Joe Biden does not represent us. He is not to be given access to our assets, nor our credit. The Pope as the leader of the Holy See, remains bound to uphold The Constitution of the United States as it existed in 1860 in all respects regarding ourselves and our Government.
No world government should rely on any member of the Municipal United States Congress nor on their "President" Joe Biden. No contract made by the Municipal United States Congress will be honored by our Government. We are not obligated to obey the Municipal United States Government; they are obligated to obey us, and failing that, they are to be dismantled and removed from our shores.
No form of law recognized by the world community in any jurisdiction will abide their continued false claims and fraud against the American States and People, including Noahide Laws and Sharia.
This Mess was created by the Popes, the British Monarchs, and the Lord Mayor of London operating in collusion against their Employers, the American States and People.
Nothing that the members of the Municipal United States Congress, or their Executive Officer, Joe Biden, may say or claim in any court or venue of law is to be taken as truth. No valid contract obligating this country or our people can be executed by the Municipal United States or any corporate Municipal Officer. And no Municipal Officer has any authority to issue orders to the Territorial Government.
The sole administration of our Government is vested in our lawful Government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Our American Government is now in Session, and our Public Law is enforced. All international treaties and all three Federal Constitutions are enforced.
Anyone who continues to do business with Joe Biden, "acting as" the President of the Municipal United States city-state or any Municipal Corporation, however deceptively named to pretend an interest in this country or its people, has hereby been fully informed of the circumstance and proceeds at their own risk and without any liability or obligation on the part of The United States of America, our member States, or our people.
We fully and clearly recognize the fraud and deception employed against us and against the living people of many countries worldwide; we have brought forth our charges of fraud and various sundry and terrible crimes against humanity including unlawful conversion, kidnapping, human trafficking, press-ganging, inland piracy, conspiracy against the Constitutions, collusion, identity theft, impersonation, barratry, deliberate mischaracterization of nationality, international and interstate bank fraud, evasion of Public Duties, evasion of The Constitution of the United States, racketeering, pillaging and plunder of public trusts, money laundering, constructive fraud for the purpose of unjust enrichment, commercial fraud for the purpose of unjust enrichment, extortion under armed force, breach of usufruct, criminal breach of commercial contract, subjecting Americans to foreign law in express violation of Amendment XI of all three Federal Constitutions, false entitlement and issuance of false titles on American assets, fraudulent conveyance of Municipal citizenship obligations on Americans in violation of Article IV of all three Federal Constitutions, use of undisclosed, unilateral, and unconscionable foreign contracting processes on American soil, breach of custodial obligations, promotion of unaccountable administrative government entities staffed by Undeclared Foreign Agents, and more.
All of these charges have been published and widely distributed to the public since 2015, and have cured upon the public records of multiple countries, such that there can be no further excuse for pretending that our country, our government, or our people are to blame for the sins and debts of the Municipal United States entity, otherwise known as "the US".
The Pope and his administration, including the Holy Roman Empire and the City of Rome, is responsible for returning our property to us unharmed; the Queen and her Government is similarly obligated, as is the Government of Westminster and the Lord Mayor of London.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America


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  1. BEWARE folks: the corp. Br-criminals / Thieves selling their LARGELY FAKE Googled public records of your pers. Info AT HIGH PRICE. Same misbehaving characters as they have been, but much louder than their fake pub. Records. Take a snapshot of their phony records for future ref.

    They robbed us repeatedly, everything we created and built gone to the corp. criminals, calling themselved the lenders, Courts etc.

    1. They might prohibit you from taking a snapshot of their devilish crimes to do the same. They enacted FALSE law (codes) to break the REAL laws.

  2. I am going to add a copy of this article I send to the court that is evicting me, even after I gave the Vidalta Corp Sign In America to pay off the lease. The rats "Gone Wild!"

    1. Good luck! But considering the Judges,and Lawyers inthis Country have been taught incorrectly. They will most likely disregaurd anything you present to them without any proper consideration. And if you are in municipal court then you are under the laws of martime. Not the laws of the land.It will also depend on what your current status is. Hope everything works out.

  3. First amendment every where on earth, except in America??

    Are we really in the greatest country in the world? If we are we should be able to speak according to the law permits us to speak.

    The Pope? How many divisions has he got? Josef Stalin (1879-1953): Soviet leader said, in connection with: Winston Churchill, The Second World War, vol. 1, "The Gathering Storm," ch. 8, (1948), said, 13 May 1935, to French Foreign Minister Pierre Laval, in reply to a suggestion that the Soviet Union should encourage Catholicism in order to propitiate the Pope.

  4. They might prohibit you from taking a snapshot of their devilish Googled internet crimes, to get even. Its Perfectly fine for the record. They enacted FALSE law (codes) to break God laws & laws of the land. So I am truthful to their questions:

    ** Are you LEGALLY a U.S. citizen (of the British Corp., ommitted to deceive you) ?
    Answered: I no longer wanted to be, rejected.

    ** Are you lawfully an alien present in the U.S. ?
    I am lawfully present in the U.S.A (Unincorporated) Yes indeed.

    ** Do you have a valid driver license?
    God's law and true U.S. laws required NO license, ONLY on heavy large equipments they so required. BUT YES, I bought your scamming car licenses to avoid arguing with ignorants.

