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Monday, October 5, 2020

Wednesday All States Forum call

 States Assembly Forum Call, first and third Wednesdays of each month.  

The call will be on Wednesdays, the 1st and 3rd week of each month, 6 PM PT   9 PM ET
The call in number is 712-775-7465. 
The pin number is, 706517#
The playback number is,  712-775-7470.

This Wednesday, October 7th, we will be reviewing the Recording Secretaries duties from beginning though publishing of the papers!  

Where everyone can ask a question and anyone can answer the question!


  1. Hi, my name is Randall Pullen, and the question I have is, will changing my political status prevent me from continuing to receive my monthly social security check ? Thank you.

    1. I've received my SS for five years. Wrote them at the outset that I wasn't a U.S. citizen. Got a passport a couple years ago on the basis I'm not a U.S citizen. Completely papered up as of September 15th, 2020. My guess is you'll continue receiving your SS. Best wishes to you.

    2. That's a good question... and would appreciate an answer from the Top… would the people still receive SS, SSD or SSI after changing their political status from a U.S. citizen / Citizen of the United States to an American State National or State Citizen?

      Paul can you please pass this on to Anna for an answer? This topic seems to be on the minds of the people and gets asked allot.

    3. Isn't social security insurance? Once your claim is established and paid, you should continue to receive benefits......???


    4. Can you give us some detail its vague

      genevieveOctober 6, 2020 at 5:55 AM

      I've received my SS for five years. Wrote them at the outset that I wasn't a U.S. citizen. Got a passport a couple years ago on the basis I'm not a U.S citizen. Completely papered up as of September 15th, 2020. My guess is you'll continue receiving your SS. Best wishes to you.

    5. I don't know what kind of detail you're interested in, or what more there is. Except maybe: "outset" means that five years ago when I started receiving SS, I made it clear (in writing) that I wasn't a U.S. citizen. Backing that up was a copy of a notice to the corporate Secretary of State that I wished to be removed from the voter registration roll because I wasn't a U.S. citizen.

      Then carried that through to receiving my passport based on an explanatory statement re not being a citizen.

      Can't think of what else to say. Can YOU be more specific? :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am a Recording Secretary for the Texas Assembly. From what I understand, changing your status to ASN or ASC will not affect your SS or Pension checks whatsoever. You've paid into those during your life, and the funds are yours.

  4. Social Security is not a benefit. The employer paid half and you the other. No government added a dime to your entitlement to SS. Please stop using the word "Benefits". Yes you will receive what you're entitled to. If you have IRS/Internal Revenue Service issues such as "NFTL" Liens, judgments, FEDERAL income tax, or state income tax issues please contact me at Stay positive in word and deed and you shall be lead to the light.

  5. SS is based on 40 quarters. once you have those 40 quarters of employment, you are vested.
    The same is true of SS Disability. If you have 40 quarters of empolyment before you are disabled, you are vested.
    If you don't have the 40 quarters, you are receiving a benefit.

  6. I didn't post the above comment as unknown, It should be under

  7. SS is based on 40 quarters. once you have those 40 quarters of employment, you are vested.
    The same is true of SS Disability. If you have 40 quarters of empolyment before you are disabled, you are vested.
    If you don't have the 40 quarters, you are receiving a benefit.


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