By Anna Von Reitz
Let's tell the Queen, the Pope, and yes, the President, too, what we really think of their attempt at the Biggest Lie yet.
And let's send the patent holders the bill, too.
What we are looking at is the Common Cold, restyled as "Covid 19" --- which is the World Health Organization name for the Common Cold. Read on.
Mr. Trump, you've declared a National Emergency over the Common Cold.
Can you imagine how stupid that makes us all look? Yes, us, too, for not knowing WHO jargon and not picking up on the joke earlier, but especially your Administration and all the members of Congress look incredibly lame.
And all this money spent on ventilators? Masks? Gloves? Well, we agree that more should be done to serve the elderly during flu season, but this is ridiculous.
We are all familiar with the fact that the Common Cold can develop into pneumonia. We are all used to dealing with it, every year And we all know that many people die of cold-related pneumonia every year, too.
We still get up and go to work and buy our groceries and read books and accomplish all the other functions of life despite this Big News.
The disaster in Wuhan was a microwave radiation blast, not any infectious disease. We now have the proof of that massive microwave burst, too, though it's classified, and strictly speaking, still not clear who was responsible for that horrific "test" on a domestic population.
But as for the corona virus ---
How can we respect or support a government, or in this case, a subcontractor providing government services, that does nothing but lie to us and manipulate us and claim nonconsensual "powers" over people who are not within its political jurisdiction?
Read this from Larry Hannigan, and see the citation from the 1989 American Medical Association Encyclopedia and weep:
And then read this little gem about how the Israelis (the Israelis, again) have developed a vaccine for the corona virus, aka, Common Cold, from the Gateway Pundit, released February 2, 2020:
And then, go here and see who actually owns the US Patent on this "novel" corona virus---- the British (again) Pirbright Institute:
And then, go here and see the facts about the "tests" they are giving out to diagnose the "corona virus" --- aka, Common Cold --- and see that they are turning up 50 to 80% "False Positive" results. This means that these tests show that a person has the disease, when they don't, more than half the time---- making these tests useless as diagnostic tools:
And finally, go here to G. Edward Griffin's Need to Know News site and read the analysis of an expert about all the above, leading him to wonder--- does it exist?
The estimates we have seen are $1000 per hit for vaccine, which when charged to us would result in a huge windfall for the vaccine producers --- Israel, while all the medical care extras amount to a huge windfall for Big Pharma and medical equipment suppliers overall.
No wonder the Israeli banks in back of the "Federal Reserve" are willing to extend unlimited credit on the back of their victims, but we say they are counting their chickens a bit too early:
(1) The actual government of this country in international jurisdiction, The United States of America [Unincorporated] has not declared any emergency of any kind;
(2) The actual government of this country does not recognize any special "war powers" granted to any President of "the" United States of America beyond his control of the Armed Forces, under Constitutional Contract, as Commander-in-Chief. Read that --- we don't give a rat's rump what FDR claimed with regard to his hegemony over Territorial and Municipal Employees and the operations of the Subcontracting Federal Corporation Service Providers. No such authority applies to American State Nationals and American State Citizens who are peaceably going about their business on their own soil.
(3) Americans are not subject to any enforced vaccination program for the Common Cold, though members of the U.S. Military and their Dependents may be;
(4) We have made it clear that the "price" of murdering any American by any means on our soil is one (1) trillion USD and that amount will be charged and assessed against any government or corporation perpetuating, aiding, or abetting such crimes on our soil;
(5) We think that these facts when duly appreciated remove any presumed authority for or financial benefit from continuing to promote this deplorable, destructive hoax and the damages being inflicted upon the elderly population worldwide.
We note the following facts, too:
(A) The greatest medical care costs of a person's lifetime on average occur during the last three years of life. By killing off elderly people worldwide (the average corona virus victim's age is 80) the corporations are saving themselves trillions of dollars in government guaranteed medical costs.
(B) There is a pattern here of abusing the Public Trust via semantic deceits attached to medical terms and drugs. The Common Cold has been renamed "Covid 19" to create a seemingly new Bug-a-Boo, when in fact it is the same old familiar monster. This deceit is being used to claim the existence of a "medical emergency" that doesn't exist, and is leading to the abuse of the Public Purse and the abuse of Police Powers.
The actual problem, that Municipal Police Forces have been de-funded by the Municipal bankruptcy needs to be addressed in a sensible and honest fashion. We are competent to deal with this without any undue concern or supervision.
(C) Similarly, an intermediate byproduct of epinephrine's conversion into adrenaline has been dubbed "adrenochrome" and demonized toward the same ends--- creating a new Bug-a-Boo and cover story for drug abuse that is very profitable. The actual "drug" is Adrenalin -- not the precursors that merely stimulate the production of Adrenalin in the user's body.
Read that: epinephrine and the next chemical step dubbed "adrenochrome" in the triggering of Adrenalin, are not the real problem. The problem is that Adrenalin is addictive and millions of American Service Men and Women and other military personnel worldwide have unwittingly become addicted in the course of military service. Many of them have learned to self-stimulate. PTSD is a direct and known result of Adrenalin addiction.
This creates a huge, ready-made pool of potential drug users and motivates the traditional drug-pushers, the British Crown and China (albeit, not the Chinese People--- their forever strapped government) to limit access to epinephrine -- which has already been done -- and demonize adrenochrome to justify the sky-high prices being charged for it under its street name, "White Rabbit".
Rather than address the truth and the real problem, these vermin are creating the problem by abuse of our military personnel as cheap mercenaries, and then, seeking to profit from the unseen drug addiction they have created.
This disgusting, unaccountable, and deceptive behavior on the part of the "governmental service corporations" has to stop, or we will all have to join together to liquidate these organizations, nunc pro tunc.
See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here:
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The CDC Owns The Coronavirus Strain Isolated From Humans
Bill Gates Funded the PIRBRIGHT Institute, Which Owns A Patent On Coronavirus; The CDC Owns The Strain Isolated From Humans HAF January 29, 2020. Believe it or not, a coronavirus strain is a patented by the The Pirbright Institute, which is partially funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Another strain, which was isolated from humans ...
Bill GatesDepopulationVaccines
Bill Gates Funded the PIRBRIGHT Institute, Which Owns A Patent On Coronavirus; The CDC Owns The Strain Isolated From Humans
Patent US7220852B1 – CORONAVIRUS a.k.a. SARS
You can download the above patent HERE [.pdf]. >>>> >>> (73) Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Washington, DC (US)
If anyone has something to show the Queen owns it, we'd like to see it. That would be great! If you play stock markets, you too have contributed to Coronavirus success. Type in: 'what stocks to buy for coronavirus profits' & you'll see the Coronavirus stock slide & what to replace it.
Here Pirbright attempts to defend itself since they're in the Corona-Fear-Porn global touring junket, just another of their PLAN'DEMICS :
Pirbright Institute
The Pirbright Institute is aware that misinformation regarding the Institute and its research is circulating on social media following an outbreak of a new (novel) coronavirus that infects humans in Wuhan, China. These are the facts regarding our coronavirus research and funding. The Pirbright...
If folks are going off of what Anna says, please seek info, as Anna has a habit of spouting off to incriminate innocents just becuz she has some personal inherited sack of sludge she likes to fling around.
Maybe the Queen benefit$, but so do all those stock market gamblers on BigPharma-Poison-For-Profit & your pensions, etc.
thanks & stay sane
The Plot Thickens: Who Weaponized the Chinese Coronavirus ...
The US government owns a patent on coronavirus. Yes, the US government. Despite the fact that a random snake-selling wet market in Wuhan is blamed for the virus, the US government seems to have far more to do with it. In an earlier OST article, I discussed the 2007 US patent regarding coronaviruses and vaccines. [2].
...Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, brought together “15 leaders of business, government, and public health” to simulate a scenario in which a coronavirus pandemic was ravaging the planet. Major participants were American military leadership, and certain neocon political figures. …The Chinese were not invited. This is unusual, as almost all the major viral outbreaks for the last decade occurred inside of China and Africa. … The members took notes, and then returned to their day to day operations… The very next day… 300 US military personnel arrived in Wuhan for the Military World Games on October 19. … The first coronavirus case appeared two weeks later, on November 2. … Keep in mind that the Coronavirus incubation period is 14 days. So, fourteen days later… The first occurrences in December appeared.” has proven the queen's ownership of Pirbrite
DeleteDan Carpenter - Thanks for the link! Pardon to the contrary. Am not fussing w you, just stern on my, our, findings. We're not fans of AIM. Right away Gabriel BLAMES WHITES, one of the consistent things he'll say in his videos then... repeatedly names jews after jews after jews …
DeleteWe think Garbriel is a cryto-jew, admits he was a life long trained Jesuit. Everything he reports points to the Brits, when that is not the case in a more truthful trajectory. It is his primary endeavor to blame WHITES, then Brits.
But why, if AIM is espousing truth? We think this is jew faction diversion. Its to cripple, take power away from Rothschilds & empower American jew syndicate.
See posts above: CDC is behind it, Rod Rosensteins sister Nancy Rosenstein Messonnier CDC talking-head. JEWS. Lieber arrested, Chem-head at Harvard, tied to Beth Israel Med Center, tied to Chinese recruits, all stealing patents & selling to China.
Not a Brit to be found.
Names Bill & Melinda Gates as premiere manufacturers. Then Israhelli's will have vaccine. More jews. Henry Rothschild DeWorms. Cecile Rhodes.
Then McKibben uses the Holohoax as tho its real >> he's promoting FAKE history for JEW PITY-PARTY Identity Politics. Not making sense!!
If these guys know so much, how do they not know only 271k jews died in WWII? so these guys are sloshing a wicked narrative.
Nope, very suspicious. They say the QE2 has approval, a golden share, but may not have stock. Sir Chisholm consolidating R&D activities, started QinetiQ. NOT THE QUEEN. George Tenet joins the board. Admiral E Bostini Jr, director. Flow of contracts out of the US Military. JEWS HARVESTING USA.
"These people are not human" ==>>> Gabriel is telling us its the jews, but always BLAMES WHITES. Why? He calls the jew company's by name. (As the Dutch West India Co. owned by City of London Rothschild jews, ran the African slave trade, all ships owned by jews, not Whites, not Dutch.) Then whips around blames Whites, blames the Brits. No. Its the JEWS.
Pilgrim Society by Alfred Milner = JEW.
Aside, they really dissed Anna & recording papers, instead promoting another... a FRIGGIN JEW... So I checked out his site. Costly $$$ & immediately saw he was INCORRECT, in not knowing the difference of the United States, which he promoted as his pursuant trajectory! NO ~ wrong. wish I could find the site again, but just haven't yet.
What ends up in hands of "Brits" or QE2, are stolen patents. Who steals patents? JEWS. Even fuzzy haired imp, accused pedo, who married his cousin then abandoned her & their child to marry his double first cousin, worked at the patent office, stole patents & gave them to his jews, so they propagandized him as the worlds genius to obfuscate White European American Nikola Tesla. That imp would be Albert Einstein, JEW.
What the JEW Brits have is a haven, protected by Rothschild crime syndicate.
ADL is an outright British intelligence operation run by all three branches of British intelligence. JEW
Unit 8200 & Talpiot, harvesting USA data to Israhell. JEW.
So I think the 'Brits' are blamed, but its really JEWS. Just as JEWS have done to America.
Until & unless WE CALL OUT THE JEWS & quit blaming everybody else, our efforts are only going to empower the JEWS to our complete & utter destruction.
Yeah, thought AIM was all the sh*t, then folks started to comment, & I checked their links. Then got sick of Gabriel's Neuro Linguistic Programming, a Jesuit trick.
Thanks so much, I really do appreciate the link. Apology, just can't take AIM's duplicitous campaigning.
re: the larry link, he hints at some things, but no "solution" is given.
Deletei know paul will disagree, but what other solution to the "mystery" is there?
These texts speak of a mystery of God[.]
the blessed trinity
The trinity as a mystery
[.]the Christian Faith contains mysteries [.] All theologians admit [.]the Trinity is of the number of these. [.] this is the most impenetrable to reason.
bill and melinda both are vatican II "roman catholics" i.e. 2nd coming
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit [2nd coming, as opposed to holy ghost who was, is, and ever will be]
"They are very expectantly awaiting 'He Who Is To Come,'
and during that ceremony in the Vatican, on my knees
I had to swear my allegiance to serve 'He Who Is To Come.'"
- "Svali" NWO Defector January 17, 2006
this is the "mark" -- a 2nd coming baptism (or otherwise being deceived) into expecting "he who is to come" -- rejecting holy ghost [who was, is, and ever will be] for another saviour
the "666" is king solomon (found in old test., 666 talents of gold a year) -- a non-apostolic "jesus", a bloodline-based church "of this world", aka "2nd coming lord jesus of the root and stock of david"
likewise the quote from Isaiah 44:6-8 re: "the lord" being the only "rock"
-- 1) this is old test., pre-christ
-- 2) moses smote a prior rock into 12 streams (the 12 tribes) with his magic wand
-- 3) this "first and last" is the "lost word of gnosticism" (albert pike, the book of the words)
3) is because w/ gnosticism, things strive to "return to their source" it is a roundabout way of saying that christ is dead and gone, no more baptisms, his spirit has left the earth, there is only "the lord" remaining
"Enter through the narrow gate."
12 egyptian gates pre-christ
at some point the jews took the ark of the covenant (from mt. sinai, rumoured to be the great pyramid)
moses smote a rock (egyptian trinity?) into 12 streams/gates
note 12 gates of johns apocalypse/second coming, and 144,000 (mayan cycle) illuminists enter through them
thus we have:
[12 pre-christ egyptian gates]
[moses' 12 gates after smiting a rock]
[christ, 1st coming trinity; christ and/or our lady is said to be a pearl or gem]
[2nd coming 12 gates, each with a pearl]
now which is the "narrow gate" here?
answer: 1st coming holy ghost
old test. "lord of hosts" is astrology, has nothing to do with christ (except maybe in an "expecting" "metaphorical" fashion)
this quote gets at the root of the matter:
This man blasphemes; and 2) calling yourself God the Jews sought the more to kill him, because He said that God was His Father, making himself equal with God John 5:18
QUOTE Is the Papal system God’s equal or His rival?
they are 2 separate gods, and has nothing to do with the "papal system".
these are: "the lord" and christ. this is why "our lady" needs to be in the 1st coming trinity and "the lord" needs to be booted out. because they are incompatible.
one of these gods is "christian" or "catholic", aka christ is the messiah, who was, is, and ever will be god.
the other "god" is the pre-christ "the lord" who wants no gods before him. and he sends his 2nd coming son out during the apocalypse.
"a tremendous satire" -- albert pike, morals and dogma, re: john's apocalypse
i post the above (hopefully paul wont delete, even if he disagrees), because larry leading people to "the lord" is the same as the "2nd coming" system with 12 gates.
[whatever egyptian trinity/other gods] isis/osiris/horus perhaps, aka sirius
[old test. pre-christ] <-- "THE LORD" IS GOD
[1st coming christ] <-- "CHRIST" IS GOD, NOT THE LORD
[post-christ/2nd coming] <-- "THE LORD" IS GOD
so it is true vatican II is doing that [post-christ/2nd coming"] aka holy spirit instead of holy ghost...but that is
a) not the papal system, they have abandoned it long ago
b) is just the modern version of "the lord", essentially skipping over the "new test." (denying christ ever was, is, or ever will be)
bill g. also of course has been knighted, the queen and vatican II like maltese crosses, etc.
Deletethis goes back to knights templar/knights hospitaler, the order of st. john, etc.
the point? bill g. is just more 2nd coming and "the lord"
Dan Carpenter's link been removed? ^
Delete has proven the queen's ownership of Pirbrite?m=0
Martial Law all under the guise of 5G installation everywhere. Observe all the telecom trucks at your schools and neighborhoods. Profoundly upset.
ReplyDeletewell, that's the beauty of 1984. it simultaneously is and isn't martial law. it is really "war" but they will spin it as "peace" and even "to prevent war" etc.
ReplyDeleteThis has just BLOW UP... Now Houston's said shutting down, Martial Law, National guard, starting Monday, telling folks to get food now they will not be allowed to leave.
TRUMP is fueling this. AND TRUMP IS HAVING A GRAND TIME WITH IT... This is 5D Chess??? Somebody tip the damn board... Tell him enough with this JEWDIZING BOLSHEVIK'IZATION - Trump is hurting us with this damn JEW GAME.
>>>> NOTICE: ALL AMERICAN STATE NATIONALS >>> MarLargo is our only 'Safe Space' & apparently Corona-Con Free Zone. Seems to me our disobedient CEO owes us a thing or two. Since we need an American States Assembly congress on neutral ground, WE declare Mar Largo it!
We take Mar Largo for our GOVERNMENT EMERGENCY & figure this thing out.
We can't congregate in groups larger than 10 anywhere else w/o undo possible harassments & targeting by mercenary LEO's.
I get the room with the best view.
We need to declare a Safe Space Emergency. We have important work to do, Great Nationals. How many Yep's we got here? "Yep"
Great, Mar Largo it is.
What the hell is he doing? Letting Municipals get away with this?
Well it's finally upon us but amazingly it's world wide in my wildest dreams I never expected this to take these proportions where people without any question will just listen to whatever the government tells them and do whatever the government tells them to do without any real evidence of a killer virus yes people die everyday and apparently they were dying more before this epidemic came in affect oddly enough it seems that crime rate has gone down death rate has gone down. and what was really even more amazing is that October 2019 they had a global pandemic event 201 and it was a simulation of what is going on right now and another amazing thing is that Google +Melinda and Bill Gates foundation are the four fronters behind all of this another thing is Bloomberg spent like 500 billion dollars in advertising for whatever he was trying to accomplish just imagine if every American was given 1 million dollars that would make a hell of a difference in our country with our economy enrichment of life abundance why can't we go after these corrupt politicians and corporations and law enforcement murderers and wicked lawyers we're the power we need to take it back and all the elites that are involved in the demise and destruction of our beautiful world and lives why can't we just take back what they've taken from us I've always said they got it all there's more of us let's just say no and stop being freaking sheep stop buying their garbage stop being freaking slaves to this corrupt existence just say no so maybe this is a good thing maybe we could get a restart maybe we could take this to another level maybe we can do things on our own govern ourselves protect ourselves and each other become a community a country or Nation not a bunch of sheep that just listen to a bunch of lies and believe everything that they're told maybe this is a good thing it's time for us to stand up on our own two feet and be men and women on the land again like it was before and will be again at least that's the reality that I want that being said we should all just start creating through positive love higher vibrational thoughts and the hell with everything else God bless you the God you are AwrRa signing off
ReplyDelete"The Sky is falling" - virus; is a distraction of what is planed and going to happen.
The illusional word is the real world - ?
How do you make the connection that this patented corona virus is the corona virus that started this pandemic? Aren't there many types? This doesn't say Covid-19 on it. I'm not saying your wrong, I just don't think you made a strong connection here. RE: below
ReplyDeleteAnd then, go here and see who actually owns the US Patent on this "novel" corona virus---- the British (again) Pirbright Institute:
Reform - Yeah Yeah Yeah. We're showing CDC has the patent, which it sells for iterations, as to Bill & Melina Gates via Pirbright funding for this outcome, which it seems MAY be the Wuhan variety. The name has changed from Coronaviurs now COVID-19.
ReplyDeleteIS THIS COVID-19 (a 19th iteration) the placing of particular patent vesion in the forefront, as then that line will profit?
Funny Trump kept calling it China virus. Then its reported Bill has corona-con, too. Do those who claim they have corona-con get a Corona-Check, just like jews who make speeches about the Holohoax literally can get a huge Holocaust Check?
NOTE: a 'Military' exercise or games, near Wuhan, including US Military, is said to have occurred 14 prior to said Oct 'epidemic' spread. Then found an article or two, saying these US Military were NOT US. Hum. Right away I think Israhell agents posed as US, but not evidenced yet.
Did these vermin US Military imposters plant their patent?
Is the USA variety the CDC Covid-19? Election years feature viral epidemics. SARS is Coronavirus. And hey, to make a new patent, just add food coloring???
The CDC Owns The Coronavirus Strain Isolated From Humans
Bill Gates Funded the PIRBRIGHT Institute, Which Owns A Patent On Coronavirus; The CDC Owns The Strain Isolated From Humans HAF January 29, 2020. Believe it or not, a coronavirus strain is a patented by the The Pirbright Institute, which is partially funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Another strain, which was isolated from humans ...
Bill GatesDepopulationVaccines
Bill Gates Funded the PIRBRIGHT Institute, Which Owns A Patent On Coronavirus; The CDC Owns The Strain Isolated From Humans
Patent US7220852B1 – CORONAVIRUS a.k.a. SARS
You can download the above patent HERE [.pdf]. >>>>
… >>> (73) Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Washington, DC (US)
Dunno. thanks & stay sane
Just poking around cuz am so damn friggin pizzed-off at these FRIGGIN VERMIN.
ReplyDeleteThis is all FAKE science, in that whats being done is a lie, its results are lies, its use, & undisclosed profiteering. Its FAKE science. Nothing about it is necessary for improving life, its a fabricated profiteering model. The science is fraudulent.
shows 'SARS' name is used.
>>> Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Washington, DC (US)
the term COVID-19 doesn’t appear on this page, so far as I can find. Maybe on future patent extensions, dunno.
Although, SARS-COV is below. Does the “ID” in COVID-19, include an Identifier? Is it an ID that Killy gates was rambling about needing to know just who was vaccinated & who wasn’t?
M: coronavirus membrane protein
N: coronavirus nucleoprotein 55
ORF: open reading frame
PCR polymerase chain reaction
RACE: 5' rapid amplification of cDNA ends
RT-PCR: reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction
S: coronavirus spike protein
SARS: Severe acute respiratory syndrome
SARS-CoV: severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus 60
TRS: transcriptional regulatory sequence
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeletePIRBRIGHT: 2017 Then an upgrade facility in 2013, getting ready for some real money laundering. Looking at the photos, its small'ish. Says capacity for 90 scientists (don't know that they need nor use 90). Single, two-story building. Look at the new building:
Pirbright has built a new (dinky) building with big press accolades. Now this little animal husbandry center is ready for Gates to work his majik. Pirbright, as most all are in existence to launder wealth, while doing something like taking chicken poop samples.
The actual building is rather benign, it’s the entity that’s used.
Pirbright 2017-08-24
Effective date: 20170214
So Killy Gates decides his Foundations needs another infusion, he offers or Pirbright offers to participate for profits, since its proven profitable already. Gates is the man, he's got the connections, including spreading it, by vaccine or dispersion (as via fake US Military??), then he brokers vaccines, profits roll in.
Pirbright Institute in Compton village to close - 26 February 2013
An animal research institute based in a Berkshire village is to close.
The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) is moving research on farm animal viruses from Compton to Pirbright, Surrey. … David Parfrey, director of finance for BBSRC, said the new £100m centre would be a "world-leading" facility.
West Berkshire Council hopes to redevelop the land, situated in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, with affordable housing.
DeleteDecided to take a look at these folks “Assignors”. Have no idea what the arrangement is with these young ‘scientists’ as Assignors. Then 'Pirbright' responded to all its infamy in relation to Coronavirus.
So, ok, lets look at these faces IF IN FACT its them (everything is suspect, ok)
Look up their images (no links here, just look them up), see the people. They are young, seemingly there to check chicken poop:
2017-08-24 AS Assignment
Effective date: 20170214
Here just talking about how they help chickens, it was labeled: Coronaviruses | The Pirbright Institute
Here HRH Princess appears for opening of new Pirbright facility
PIRBRIGHT cont’d: Ok, so what then is all this about Pirbright, really? The position of the British Monarch has many, many things under its said oversight. Including a chicken-poop check center.
DeleteWho then is using Pirbright for their pass-through washing machine?
Decided to take a look at these folks “Assignors”. Have no idea what the arrangement is with these young ‘scientists’ as Assignors.
Pirbright responded to all its Coronavirus infamy, saying basically we just check chicken poop.
So, ok, lets look at these peoples faces IF IN FACT its them (everything is suspect, ok)
Look up their images, see the people. They are young, seemingly there to check chicken poop: BICKERTON, ERICA; KEEP, SARAH; BRITTON, PAUL
2017-08-24 AS Assignment
Effective date: 20170214
Here just talking about how they help chickens, but it was labeled: Coronaviruses | The Pirbright Institute
Here HRH Princess appears for opening of new Pirbright facility
This does not appear to be a high-end infectious disease production facility. They’re walking around in lab coats, no masks, just looking at eggs, etc., folks doing their job.
cont'd So, who is running this gamut of high crimes, BLAMING INNOCENTS, keeping the focus off of themselves? Are these jerks supposed to be over-seeing these facilities, as Pirbright, for QE2, a job most any administrative type could do? Instead, they’re using the entity to mask their endeavors?
DeleteIts beginning to appear Pirbright is name only, not the facility itself, being used. Looks like Gates & pals may very well have gotten some Chinese Wuhan lab to fire up some chicken poop w a corona-variant & infect people, with a flu of their own variant, like adding food coloring.
Oh look! Below, even Pizza Hut has interest. Wouldn’t it be prudent to address these characters themselves, than to focus on Pirbright & QE2? I don’t think QE2 is messing around with viruses. When monarch resigns, all of it she leaves. What’s the monarchs cut on ventures, don’t know, but the job seems to pay very well.
Seems each entity is to be self-policing, just like the BAR self-disciplines & that’s a big fail! Same for each states medical boards, they’re self-disciplining & let me tell you what a crock that is!
But hey, that’s what all this JEW World Order is about, multi-layers of appointed, unaccountable boards Inc, destroying our everything for their profiteering & demonic control.
Not saying QE2 doesn’t have responsibility, thus culpability. Just saying she’s not the one fooling with chicken poop:
AIM research on corona Pirbright
Pirbright Trustees: Chair, Professor John Stephenson - Ian Bateman, UK-NEA - Ian Black, London School of Econ. (LSE) - Jon Coles, Brunswick Group, Apple, Pizza Hut, Western Union, Bloomsbury and Macmillan. - Professor Vince Emery, Surrey U - Roger Louth, Avrico - Dr. Venessa Mayatt OBE - Dr. Sandy Primrose - Sir Bertie Ross, KCVO, FRICS, Savills, Court member of the Worshipful Company of Farmers, The City of London, Pilgrims Society (Prince Charles confidente, Charles is also Pilgrims Society, and its next Patron) - Professor David Rowlands, Wellcome Fndn. - Jane Tirard, Pfizer
Very curious how all this aggrandizing Pirbright, as by AIM’s Douglas Garbriel & Michael McKibben, makes Pirbright seem like some Bio Safety Level 4! They’re checking chicken poop! Just wash your hands & don’t eat the poop.
Bravo 👏🏿 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿 Anna
ReplyDeleteAs always you dissect all of this reprobated demonic nonsense ☠️
Wink Wink, I am amazed at this knowledge you have gained and the info you shared here today. Thank you for all your hard work.
ReplyDeleteThis list of Trustees includes Pizza Hut? Does that mean that someone from Pizza Hut has active knowledge or involvement in the creation and release of this Jewish binary nuero-toxin?
Thanks Mustang. Appreciate it. What am hoping to accomplish is to show that the facility itself, the lab itself named Pirbright is a regular Agriculture chicken poop testing BioLevel 1 & these folks are doing just that. Now becuz of this “Pirbright” distraction, the folks, the workers, the employees CHECKING CHICKEN POOP, are being unduly blamed. Pirbright is a 2-story regular building, open table seating like for lunch or something, glass walls, no Bio-Level 4 apparatus or warning signs or gates & guards. A Bio-Level 4 is closed, air contained, suits, masks, breathing apparatus, etc.
DeleteQUESTION: So then Where Was the CoronaVirus created? Need a Bio-Level 4 Lab? No? Unless a Bio-Level 4 lab is found creating these viruses, then the viruses are ACQUIRED, BOUGHT, SOLD from a facility that concocts profiteering poisons. CDC appears to have had the earliest CoronaVirus patent as far as I CARE TO LOOK. Its exhausting to hack through their LIES to find the truth. ((They)) are so FILTHY. Even taking a shower after researching doesn’t get the stench out.
So, imaging Killy Gates puts his packages together to sell to groups, they buy in. Just like Killy presented an inoculation to US Military for subduing religious fanaticism. It was on video, but can’t find it now. Its somewhere. Killy does the marketing, globally.
Killy is from USA Inc. CDC Inc is owned by USA Inc, a franchise, even have a CDC Inc in China. Hum?
Further, Pirbright Trustees are doing the SAME DAMN THING our fake gov is doing but on a much greater scale. And as I keep showing, how is it every freaking time I flip a rock there is JEW SLIME all over it? As for Pilgrims Society, it was started by….. JEWS including Rothschilds, Alfred Milner + more jews.
Pirbright Trustees:
Chair, Professor John Stephenson
Ian Bateman, UK-NEA
Ian Black, London School of Econ. (LSE)
Jon Coles, Brunswick Group, Apple, >>>>Pizza Hut, <<<<< Western Union, Bloomsbury and Macmillan.
Professor Vince Emery, Surrey U
Roger Louth, Avrico
Dr. Venessa Mayatt OBE
Dr. Sandy Primrose
Sir Bertie Ross, KCVO, FRICS, Savills, Court member of the Worshipful Company of Farmers, The City of London, Pilgrims Society (Prince Charles confidente, Charles is also Pilgrims Society, and its next Patron)
Professor David Rowlands, Wellcome Fndn.
Jane Tirard, Pfizer