By Anna Von Reitz
Imagine this situation:
You have spent decades of your life studying public documents that are available to everyone to read. You look around and realize that nobody knows what those documents actually say -- so you bring forward the facts to help educate people who are suffering and "being destroyed" as Amos says, for lack of knowledge.
And certain people start calling you a "liar" and a "fake" and God-only-knows-what-else, even though they haven't bothered to read it all themselves. They just "know" what they think they know. And then they demand that you "prove it" to them because they are too lazy to read the documents and prove it to themselves.
Let's recap --- they haven't read the documents. You have. They won't believe you when you tell them what the documents say. Then they still refuse to read the documents for themselves and demand that you "prove" to them what the documents say....
That reminds me of the time my Best Friend Forever said she'd offer me five bucks to go pee for her because she was afraid to walk out to the latrine at summer camp in the middle of the night.
There are some things that other people can't do "for" you. Proving what a document that you refuse to read for yourself says --- is one of those.
I wish there were some way that I could attach a USB cable from my ear to your ears and just download everything I know. The world would quickly become a much safer and saner and more law-abiding place.
Everyone would know how the governments are supposed to be structured and how they are supposed to be funded and would know where the problems lie --- and so, would correct the Mess without any big debate.
But until people stop reacting like little babies and going "Waah! Wahh! That can't be so! You must be lying to me! Waah! Wahh! Prove it to me! Waaaah!" -- and start reading and thinking as adults who are responsible for reading and researching and knowing the facts for themselves -- there is no USB cable.
You have to either believe me and take my word for what it says, or you have to read it yourself and determine what it says. Those are the two options that Nature gave us. All those that want "proof" need to man up and prove it to themselves, especially as I and others have already done the heavy lifting and told everyone where to look.
See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:
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just shows to go ya you cannot do anything for people and when they are this comfortable, especially with reference to theselfish nature and undue harm they are causing worldwide, they need to suffer a great hardship before they will come to. they are, to quote pink floyd, comfortably numb...
ReplyDeleteHosea 4:6 "My children perish from lack of knowledge"
ReplyDeleteAnna, you are correct in your evaluation. After walking this path for nearly 30 years, most people will not read or study to know the truth for themselves. It is sad to say but most are so dumb down by the corporate system that even though they have eyes they see not and ears they hear not. I have found that it is a wast of time and energy in trying to educate, debate or prove truth to dumb dogs that only want to bark and not learn. In God's speed, you keep the faith for there are a few chosen that have eyes to see and ears to hear and they will gravitate to the top. Blessings to you and all that have eyes to see and ears to hear!
ReplyDeleteHow many times do I have to say this...quite wastiwasting your time trying to educate the masses and start using your knowledge where it counts the law enforcement and the courts that what they are doing no matter what they think, are committing high crimes against humanity, punishable by death...if not in this world than the next, which will be ten times more painful when you realize that you have no REMEDY in heaven, only God's judgement, because he knows everything you did without ever asking God for forgiveness for it...!!
Deletejames, I agree. At this juncture, it just seems logical that the next step should be for Anna and Team to take it to whatever venue is appropriate, and get it all officially ruled upon, and THEN implemented. I don't quite see it as worthwhile to have gathered it all up, only to then go try to teach it to the masses of people. I don't see what good there is in that; its going to take 'simply' getting it all in motion. Then it can be seen by the masses, and that is when it would be a whole lot easier for them to begin to believe it and that it is real, not just talk.
DeleteTime to do whatever it takes to get it Implemented and working.
I've been reading/searching/discerning for myself for the past 10 years and at first I ran around like chicken little only to make a fool of myself. In that time I also studied my passion of philosophy and came to the conclusion that people will come to their own truths in their item time. No one can be told a truth. Our society is hard wired protect this sick ideology. To understand one's own ignorance, one cam observe without judgement.
ReplyDeleteThe observer is the observed, past impressions are binding in the clueless.
DeleteI know what you`re saying Anna, For about 12 years now I`ve been digging and researching, I tell people about this or that, that I`ve found out and they tell me,,, That`s ridiculous, you`re an idiot, this is America, that`ll never happen here. The other day I was telling this older Vet, "Did you know in 1933 F.D.R. declared (in his War Powers Act) that "All U.S. citizens are enemies of the United States government".? He said (rather arrogantly) "NOT ME".. I just thought ,,,WOW,,, right over his head !!!
ReplyDeleteIt's more complicated than that..I do agree that this generation in particular will not believe even a lawful document because of their "cognitive dissitence" which takes immediate affect when you say something that goes against everything they have been taught....there is one, and only one thing that will convince them that you are right...By using it in a court of law and winning your arguement, even if they consider it a felony...!! Of course all they hear from everyone is that everything we do as patriots get arrested..!! If you really had the TRUTH you would have no problem winning. Of course, they believe the courts, the judges, the attorneys, and all law enforcement who have been told lies all their life to...How do you break that spell..!!
ReplyDeleteAnd C johnson....your forgetting one thing...all the paperwork in the world can't change your status when everybody wants to use "private commercial paper" as their means of surviving and paying for things with completely worthless paper....does that sound like a sovereign to you...!! Wha, wha, wha...!! But there is nothing else to pay with and my company only pays me in fiat paper...Wha, wha, wha...!! A true sovereign would solve that problem by dyeing our govt or doing something about our banks dishing out only paper instead of gold and silver...!! But it's so easy the way they set it what..!! Who said it was easy to be a king..!! What have you done personally to change this system and I don't mean worthless paperwork to declare your true STATUS...News status isn't changed just because you filed paperwork that says otherwise...soverignty only comes from the heart and minds of good men that activity fight anyone who thinks they have a higher status than you...including judges and cops, who are allowed to use deadly force just to give you a ticket...still feel like your sovereign....!!! You have to be absolutely "fearless" , even to the point of incarceration...!! Are you willing to step up to that plate...!! Someone in jail told me once..."Who cares if your right when you wound up here like the rest of us..its better to let them think that you have accepaccepted the fact that your a slave and at least live...!! I can't argue that kind of logic..!!
ReplyDeleteAnd that's why we aren't worried about the know how many people fought in the "revolutionary war" best 5% of the people fought for the other 95% of the chickens...!! Why would the original colonies think they could escape constant war with England just by landing in a country that was for the most part uninhabited...what they should have done is at least give them SOME money if they were actually prosperous....isnt that logical to prevent all these wars...!! If we were all still living in England, we would have solved this problem by now...!! And they call our forefathers smart...No they were greedy....period..!! They to thought that paperwork would save the day...well, did it...!!????
ReplyDelete“Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it isn't so.”
ReplyDelete― Lemony Snicket, The Blank Book
“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
ReplyDelete― George Orwell
"Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.''
Delete“I'll be long gone before some smart person ever figures out what happened inside this Oval Office." --George Bush Jr.
No the hard part is convincing the very people, attorneys, that betrayed us in the first place...didnt they themselves write all these laws without our knowledge...and they are harder to convince than the lay public who never studied law...!! How do we convince people who matter and running our govt in high places that know the system has changed and knowingly go along with it just for the title of judge and the power they yield...!! Not to mention the money they make and the incredible benefits they get when they retire with huge pensions...!! All the banks did was simply outsmart us...thats it..!! We never played any attention because life was good for 70 years. Now we are waking up because a good majority of people over the last 10 years lost everything they had because of the greed on wall street and the commercial banks running without any oversite, or only illusional oversite, because none of the laws in place to stop this kind of insanity were was if the Great pyramid scheme of the early 80's had another disastrous run and didn't stop until they broke the banks....the only investment that should be allowed is that banks give you 10% tax free interest on your money in the bank...But no other investments should ever be allowed again, because all it does is cause fraud because of insider trading and con games on the general public in order to steal legally from people....!!
ReplyDelete.....and Thank You Anna...for many things . The least of which is the hundreds and hundreds of hours I have spent reading and proving it for myself.... Education is never wasted.
ReplyDeleteMETAPHOR OF THE DAY: Government is like cable television.
ReplyDeleteHave we metaphor?
DeletePolitical action figures are like a box of chocolates.
You either have money and buy them, or you resort to stealing.
There is a first clause in the social security contract that reads quite closely this: "I hereby surrender my rights under God in return for benefits from the Federal Government." I saw this with my own eyes in 1989 when my employer threatened to fire me if I did not come up with a social security number. A man with a gun moved in close when I asked to take the form home to study. They would not let me take it out of the government building. They would not pass me a paper and pen to copy it. Probably so many of these were signed by people who did not even know what "rights under God" meant, and who were under coercion, amounting to a hundred million signatures or more, that now there is judicial presumption automatically that EVERYONE surrenders their rights under God. It would be a miracle to come up with this contract and show it in this website. It truly did exist, and I am forever upset that the federal government is so creepy and possessed of secret designs over the DUMB MASSES who can't read and understand their own flesh and blood obligations under God. In free will they go the stupid, lazy, and greedy route, but those who find positions in the corrupt system promote it over the rest.
ReplyDeleteWhy are you doing all these ARticles now, which mean just exactly nothing, profits nobody, and is like putting a pacifier in the mouths of your listeners out here who are waiting to hear what progress is being made.
ReplyDeleteFake government has brainwashed the people to believing every word they say that they can't think for themselves.We in Hawaii have been fighting for 125 years.Tried to tell the world but only a few would believe.Now a lot of our countryman are sheep.It's all about the money.But those of us are still fighting the evil in the our country.Wake up everyone Anna knows the truth.Reckoning is coming!