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Saturday, February 10, 2018

Be Grateful.....For the Russians???

By Anna Von Reitz

Yes, be grateful for the Russians. Very grateful. And not for the first time, either. You were never taught this in school, but during the Civil War the British were poised to come ashore and attack the people they were honor-bound to protect. It was the Russian Czar who sent his navy to impose an international blockade that prevented the British from attacking then. It is the Russian-Chinese Alliance that is preventing them from attacking us now.

The Brits were ready to tear us a new one back in the 1860's, but the threat of war with Russia over it was too great a risk to take for the pleasure involved. It's the same thing now. Russia is protecting us. The British Government, the British Crown Corporation and the old European Hegemony left over from the Holy Roman Empire is the threat. That's the group that has been feeding off us like vampires and embroiling us in wars for profit for the last 150 years. Not the Russians. Not the Chinese.

For those of you who can't read the Tea Leaves: France, specifically, Bank of France, is returning $475 trillion dollars of ours that they just happened to have in "safe-keeping" for us. Of course, they weren't saying a word about this arrangement to us. They were laying back in the weeds hoping that we would be too stupid to be able to follow the paper trail and figure out that we aren't the ones in debt. They hoped that we would just abandon all those assets and never exercise our creditor status, but..... we did. Thank God.

During the time period when they hoped we would be Numbnutz and allow them to claim abandonment of those funds, they generously used a portion of our own money to loan back to our servants in the Territorial United States Government and they launched what I have called "Le Neu Republique"--- the New (supposedly American, but actually French) Republic, in hopes of simply creating a new government service contract for themselves via a process of debt assumption. If we were dumb enough to assume the debt, they would be sharp enough to assume the priority creditor position and loan our money to our public servants at interest.

How cozy. France loans us our own money at interest, and to our Hired Help, appears to be the New Boss on the Block. Can everyone here say the Big Word--- "usurpation"? That's why we repeatedly rebuffed Jacob Rothschild and said, "Thanks, but no thanks." to the offer.

It's our money. We don't need to loan it to our Hired Help at interest. And we don't need French contractors in here providing us with "essential government services" last time I looked. With $475 trillion in the bank, we can afford to hire and fire whoever we want. We can have an actual American Republic instead of something that appears to be American and isn't.

Now, some of you who have been following the actual news instead of the fake news will remember talk last fall about Canada coming in and taking over the bankrupt United States? If the British Government had its way, we'd be at war with CANADA --which owes us a ton of money and would be hoping to win and thereby avoid paying---and the UN CORP, which is in a similar position.

But once again, the Russians came to our rescue, put their foot down, and said, "NYET!" to that plan.
Once again, as in the 1860's, the Russian Navy weighed in, very quietly, and gave the British Schemers enough to think about.

So it's because of the Russians that our unprotected borders are not crawling with Mexican, Canadian and UN Troops. It's because of the Russians that our country is at relative peace and making headway toward recouping our purloined assets and settling our business affairs responsibly. It's because of the Russians that people and countries that are deeply indebted to us-- the Brits, the European Union, and most of the rest of the world--aren't busily trying to kill us or take us over to avoid paying their own debts.

America, with respect to the British Government, has been like a stupid young school girl in love with an evil older man, the seventeen year-old who mistakes self-interested lust for love, and trustingly gives and gives and gives to Uncle Monty. It is long past time for everyone to grow up and wake up and figure out who our real enemies are and have always been.

For the past 150 years all we have heard about are the bad Russians, be afraid of the Russians, the evil Ruskies.... but the Russians have kept watch and stood at our back more than once and have defended us against powers and principalities that pretended to be our friends and allies ---and weren't.

Also, if you look at the situation in light of the Secret Treaty of Verona (1822) it is apparent that we and our American republican states, with our egalitarian ideals, and our desire for limited government---are natural enemies of the old Holy Roman Empire and the British Monarchs, as a mongoose is the natural enemy of a snake. They believe in the "divine rights" of Monarchs and Popes, but we don't and the Russians don't either.

We have far more in common ideologically with the Russians in terms of honoring the Common Man, aka, soldiers, workers, and farmers---than we will ever have with the Monarchists and Papists.
It's time we recognized the self-interested motivation that the old European Monarchies and the Popes have had for preaching anti-Russian propaganda to us for decades. They've kept us deluded about the "Russian Threat" because Russian Communism, like American Independence, is a threat to them and their power and their feudalistic system that requires enslaving the many to feed the gross appetites of a few.

Am I worried about President Trump working with the Russians? No, I am glad and grateful to see it. I am relieved to see it. It tells me that the President is not a fool, and that perhaps, at long last, we will have the common sense to give Uncle Monty a well-deserved kick the rump, clean up our own mess, and restore our own government.

We claimed our independence from Britain in 1776. It's high time we exercised it.

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:
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  1. Prophecies by Rudolph Steiner (1915) & Edgar Cayce (1945) predictes Russia’s importance to the future of the West.

  2. Anna, the more I read your stuff the more afraid of you I get. I am from the land mass called Canada and have for 16 years been researching trying to find out what the meaning of is is . I have never come across anywhere where Canada ( laugh out loud ) wanted to attack the USA. Are you trying to incite a war. Our leader in my opinion is a spineless soulless demonic creation of course secular Liberal like your democrats ,he in my mind is the son of perdition and is doing every thing he can up here to provoke us into a civil war. For the record, many of us up here know that the current monarch is de facto ( in fact but not in law ) I was raised as a Roman catholic but in my opinion , the Roman usurped catholic in 325 ad. Money like Jesus only exists on paper. The legal fiction Francis claims he has a direct line to the legal fiction Jesus. The sad thing is though, the followship of the RC dogma is huge and every hour of every day since at least 325 ad they have been sacrificing this poor Jesus on the alter like using a voo doo doll. They are also led to believe that the transmutation of the bread and wine is his actual body and blood and eat and drink this body and blood which really is cannibalism. Why would this dude called Jesus want to come to a world full of savages ? Make no mistake about it though, it is written that the word (Jesus ) would be made flesh and dwelt amongst us. That has happened and that dude served his time and is off the cross (the cross of commerce) You must understand where we are in scripture. It is the time of tribulations in the book of revelations, When revelations ends, we will be moving (some of us ) to the seventh day in God's time. I sure hope Paul Stramer has the eyes to see and the ears to hear. You gotta calm down Anna before you really piss the old fellow off. As far as the works of Rudolph Steiner and Edgar Cayce are concerned. Could they be indeed false prophets ? I think that is the only conclusion.

    1. bluecollarmovement.

      Too bad. You threw the baby out with the bathwater.
      Don't worry about me. But you better take a second look.

    2. It is just astounding to me how almost nobody knows the truth of The Bible; and just how screwed up 99.9% of mankind IS about almost everything....especially about these End Times, and where it goes from this day forward ! How so many have ideas and opinions with NO proof and no solid evidence for what they believe or don't believe.
      In bible times, throughout the entire bible, you will NOT find any such thing as 'denominations'. There are NO denominations and God doesn't give a damn about any of them. He is coming for a Bride without spot or wrinkle; those who are devout true believers in the Whole Counsel of God.

      bluecollar, God is one thing and all these so called 'churches' are quite another thing. God is a stand-alone act and needs NOne of these churches. These churches are all run by Man and they all have developed their own doctrines; thats why the bible says they are 'teaching their own doctrines as though they are gospel truth'.
      And so, when people get angry with their man-made church they attend, or just disappointed, they walk out and turn their backs on God, as well......because they tied God together with their 'church'. Do you not even know the simple scripture ...''let God be TRUE, and every man a LIAR"?
      That scripture alone ought to wake you up and tell you that
      just because Man and their self made doctrines and faulty 'churches' can be liars and a disappointment, God is ALWAYS TRUE no matter what.
      So Bluecollar, go right ahead and throw out your so called 'church' but its foolish to throw God out along with it.
      You do NOT NEED any 'church' to have God. God is NOT IN some building; He is EVERYWHERE.
      But then, you have almost as much to UNlearn, as you have TO learn, because what you post is mostly bullshit that you got from some barnyard.
      You are among those that have no idea of the circumstances under which Jesus will Return.

    3. Really Abby, that is how you intrepid what I wrote. I do not believe I said I do not believe in God. I said the Romans usurped catholic. I believe it is written "judge not less ye be judged". I look at the church as the whole collective of humanity and not a specific religion and certainly not a building. Once upon a time the Eucharist was at center stage on the altar in the center of the church then for what ever reason it was moved to the left side ( not the right but the left ) I wonder why. What else is left ? Did the RC church at that time make God liberal ? I do not know why but for some reason I do not think you are female but male and may be a member of the masonic lodge. Am I right ? You seem to think you can scold me. I appreciate that you think that. In what denomination do you subscribe to ? I subscribe to none for I recognize the kingdom of God is within. Open your spiritual eyes and preview before you post.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Canada and the UK were behind 9/11/2001 and effectively attacked the United States that day. Canada is a puppet of the UK and the UK never really let go of the U.S. Hear the details from Abel Danger YouTube channel.

    6. hey JesusGeek, I think you have some loose screws. Canada does not have anyone smart enough to pull that off. I know, I live in Canada. You believe the nonsense of someone calling themselves Able Danger? The rot runs a lot deeper than that.

    7. Bluecollar, once again you are way off the mark about everything. You don't have a lick of discernment, thats for sure. First of all, for me to come in here with a female name under false pretense, would make me no different than a liar - - and one thing you have not yet learned about me is how much I hate all liars. You see, I can 'hold my own' and can fight almost anyone because I 'know what I'm talking about before I open my mouth.
      Next, I can stand on my own two feet and have no need of some man's church to prop me up and I feel no need to ''belong'' someplace or with any bunch of people; I'm more of a loner type and thats the way I like it.
      Probably the most disgusting thing is how after 2000 years, people just can't seem to digest the fact that 'the catholic church is NOT THE CHURCH'. So why would I care what the vatican thinks, or does, or if they are so delusional they think they are injesting the flesh and blood of Christ; its borderline to lunacy.
      God should do all of us a big favor and just wipe rome off the map; that'd make me real happy on this rainy damp day. In fact I've been working on cleaning out my closet and beginning to think seriously of taking up Croquet where I can actually hit something really hard, without killing anyone, because they are bound to be a catholic.

    8. Well, I read the linked article and Father Damen owes me $1,000. I can prove that Jesus never ordained what today is called the Roman Catholic Church. Quite the opposite. When Jesus said to Peter in Matthew 16:18
      And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter [Petros] and upon this rock [petra] I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
      He actually said "you are a stone and upon this rock, I will build my church." He did NOT say that he would build His church on Peter but on Himself as the unmovable rock and the rock of unmovable revelation truth that was revealed to Peter by the Holy Spirit. Just read the prior verse. Yes, no doubt Peter was one of the stones upon which Jesus built His church as were the apostles, disciples and all who are born again to this day as the saints and out called of God. That is what the word church or eclesia in Greek means, the out called and not some organization that operates as a corporate sole subjecting its followers and threatening them will a non existent purgatory if they do not comply with their dogma which cannot be supported anywhere in scripture but was purely invented to extract untold wealth out of the people in indulgences to add to its coffers of wealth. Just read the 3rd chapter of John to see that Jesus emphatically stated to Nicdemus that unless one is born of the spirit, what we call born again, one CANNOT see the kingdom of God. Then He said it a second time that unless one is born of water (the truth of the word, not water baptism) and and of the spirit, he CANNOT enter into the kingdom. Yet, the RC corporation has concealed this to its followers condemning them all to their purgatory which is nothing more than hell itself. I will ask you this. Why did Jesus die? To pay for your sins, right? So if Jesus paid in full for your sins, then why would you have to pay for them yourself in purgatory? I have not found one catholic to be able to answer this question except to repent and become born again and finally be saved.


    9. Once you are born again and born of the spirit, the Holy Spirit will teach you everything you need to know and you will have no need for any man or institution to teach you or try to deceive you as you abide in HIm. Hear what the apostle John had to say about this:
      I write these things to you about those who are trying to deceive you. But the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in him. 1 John 2:26-27

    10. yes, agreed. The spiritual essence of any written messages become very clear with no worldly interpretation ever needed or necessary. The consciousness within us is our pure gift of true knowledge and wisdom, and we ALL choose to accept and be led with this gift within or choose to be without.

    11. All this talk about the Bible constrained me to add my 2 cents. I have been studying the Bible for over 40 years, and have not been involved in a church in close to 30 years. I learned early on, the most imp. thing about studying the Bible is to KNOW the meaning of words. The definition of words we use all the time has been changed or we just assume we know their meaning bc we are truly just arrogant about how much we think we know. The only way to understand the true meaning of words commonly used in the Bible is to study them in their original language, (Hebrew and Greek). Let me just say, the truth contained in the Bible has barely had the surface scratched. Here's just 1 example. Did Moses understand thermodynamics when he wrote Gen.1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The laws of thermodynamics claim all things can be classified as 1 of the following ; Time,Force, Energy, Space and Matter. In the beginning (Time) God (Force) created (Energy) the Heavens (space) and the Earth (matter). And God said "Let there be light" so the Bible says He spoke everything into existance. Speech is vibration. Nicola Tesla said "if you want to understand the world think in terms of Vibration, Frequency, and energy." HMMM...are you starting to get the idea?
      I once heard a man speak on the subject of Biblical Numerology (not the same as what most know as numerology). But numbers have a corrolation to words and at their meaning. This man said," if you are not counting your Bible you are not really studying it.", and he proceeded to go through and count the words from many, many chapters of scripture and what became apparent was that only some advanced civilization with some high powered computer, or an all-knowing Being could have inspired and written and compiled such a volume with 66 books and I think its like 39 different authors over a period of thousands of years, and still maintain the fact that this book, ( if you have eyes to see and ears to hear) can almost be compared to the Matrix in the movie. Physicists say Math is the universal language, well God with Wisdom created the world Prov.8 so he created mathematics also, we're just trying to understand that also.
      So after 40 years of studying the Bible, one comes to the conclusion that they feel they know almost nothing compared to the vast knowledge contained therein, pretty humbling.
      So whatever one thinks they know about the Bible, until you can see it as ONE, you have more to learn. The scripture astoundingly all fits together as one. Remember Jesus said ,"search the scripture for in THEM you think you have eternal life, but they testify of ME." Also "Heaven and earth will pass away, but MY WORDS shall NEVER pass away." and also "Not one jot or tittle (dotting the i or crossing the t) shall fail until all be fulfilled."
      Arguing about ones beliefs about the Bible usually comes from pride.
      One thing for you BCM. I heard that Sir Francis Bacon was involved in the KJV. I read the open bible version of the KJV, which just contains some study helps. But it gives a history of the KJV and lists all the scholars involved in its interpretation and Sir Francis Bacon is not mentioned. He was actually serving in parliament in 1611, so I doubt he had time to take on such a huge project. David Icke says that Francis Bacon was responsible for the KJV, but that appears to be without foundation. But just an example of how powerful and indepth the Bible actually is: I like David Icke, but he does not believe in the Bible. But I have read much of his writng and listened to him many times on radio, and I can show him where probably close to 90 percent of the his beliefs can be shared by a person with an indepth understanding of the Bible.

    12. Kelli, John by revelation was warning us as true believers not to be deceived by those who claim to speak for Him or claim to be a mediator and claim that only they have the correct interpretation of the scriptures or are the one and only so called true church. No, we are the priesthood of believers and mediators and ambassadors for Christ to the lost. We have no mediator (or mediatrix) but Christ alone. Not some men who claim we must call them Father or Papa or pope which Christ strictly forbad. "and ye may not call [any] your father on the earth, for one is your Father, who is in the heavens" Matthew 23:9 Young's Literal Translation

    13. ET, you are spot on that you need to go to the Hebrew and Greek as there is no way to accurately translate the text into English. Young's Literal gets close but the best site I have found for this is

    14. Yes, thank you ET, and I agree!! thank you for this valuable contribution.
      Thank you also 1freeman for your insights as well, much appreciated!

    15. ET, good to hear your response. I too have studied for about 40 years and my bible cover is held together now with shipping tape. I too have heard about sir francis bacon being involved in the writing of the bible, but agree totally there is not a shred of evidence of that. That story is spread around by atheists who attempt to 'prove no God had anything to do with the bible' hoping to discount its truth.
      I can also agree with you about how many Books of the bible all are in agreement with one another,never contradictory, in spite of the fact they are written many years apart from one another; one example is book of Matt. and book of Mark; some words even identical to one another, yet without conversing together.
      However, I must disagree about arguments arising out of pride. I believe much of it arises from the hatred of Truth as most people have great disdain; and so they argue and lash out and even become vicious, but via the holy spirit we can easily know this happens because they possess that other spirit which despises Truth. So they are the ones who tend to create arguments and strife for those reasons.
      I recall in my very novice days, I looked among 'christians' for answers to my many questions, and they were totally absent. So I was forced to learn for myself and that is how I was taught by the holy spirit; line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little.
      By now I know that I know and am quite confident; I wish I knew someone like me when I was searching for answers. We are not taught things to keep them to ourselves; we also know when we see errors and we are supposed to correct errors when we see them. We are to impart what we have so long learned.
      And so I do this from time to time; I've been amazed many many times when people have contacted me outside of a venue, telling me the few words I said were the answer they had sought, some for a very long time. I was once approached privately by one of the members of the marilyn manson band, who had an encounter with God he was bursting to talk to someone about. He was very gracious and appreciative that I could explain what his encounter meant. He confided many things to me, even his real name, his picture, where he lived. I did not try to follow up with him, for obvious reasons, but I know that I caused a wake up call, yet it was up to him whether he followed thru or not. He asked for secrecy in what he was telling me, and I have kept the confidence.
      For me, I can honestly say there is no 'pride' about it, as I am just doing whatever I am called to do, or say, or to go.
      In fact, its actually quite humbling; God gives humbleness along with the ability or knowledge of the 'mission'.

      Good post. Hope to see more from you; there are few learned ones around; it gets 'lonely' LOL.

    16. Thank you Abby, 1FreeMan, and Kelli for the encouraging words. I quit commenting on almost anything online bc of the excoriation I would receive from those with closed minds...I got tired of casting my pearls before the swine.
      All that I can say is as a young man I was called and was placed under some very great and Godly men who took the time to teach and mentor me. The only pastor I ever had used to say (referring to Moses), "It takes the world 4 years to make a man, but it takes God 40 years". Something I hated to hear as a young man, (late teens, early twenties), who bc of my experiential life in the spirit realm, thought I knew it all. But now after spending 40 + years on the backside of a spiritual dessert, can empathize with Moses at the burning bush saying "You've got the wrong guy Lord, I'm unlearned and slow of speech" when 40 years before He thought he was the one called to free Gods children. Not trying to say I'm anywhere near a Moses, just that I now know my pastor was right. There is some merit to being under the Spirits tutelage for 40 + years. Perspective I suppose.
      I would really love to get some help from you FreeMan or Kelli about authenticating the BC. I live in Illinois, and on the IL Sec of State website there is an application for Apostille or authentication of docs. they give a list of reasons why they may refuse to authenticate a doc and 2 of them are : (4) the document is intended for use in the United States or in a country not party to the Hague Legalization Convention, if applicable;

      (5) the document makes a claim regarding or purports to affect citizenship, immunity, allegiance to a government or jurisdiction, sovereignty, or any similar or related matter;

      Well it kind of sounds to me like they understand why folks would want to authenticate the BC and are trying to slam the door shut on anyone desiring to re-establish their political status. What do you think about this? and also if I am able to do so what does that mean for social security? They stole from my labor for 40 years and called it SS. I'm not currently drawing, but am close to being eligible. I loved Anna's article about being unincorporated. I really don't want to be under their corporate umbrella at all or feel that I need their permission or approval for anything, but would like to recoup what was taken from me. But if that is the price for freedom from Babylon; SO BE IT. Would appreciate it if I could correspond with one of you personally. Thanks and God Bless.

    17. Hello ET, thanks for sharing your story! Awww yes, these roadblocks are put in place to get us to just give up, and go back into to our Corporate compliant boxes,lol So yes, it's work, yes it can be frustrating as all get out, but with lots of patience and focused determination you Will achieve victory!!! Welcome to your journey out of Babylon!Is Il your birth state? California is claiming nonsense as well, however most third party agencies will get the job done without all the personal hassle to you, it just costs more, sometimes ALOT more. So shop around online. Their is always more than just one way to accomplish things, and sometimes we are forced to get creative.
      Look forward to hearing more from you!
      Much Love & Peace

    18. Oh and as soon as I get my records corrected and new UCC1 process is cured and complete, I plan on sending SSA a nice letter giving them NOTICE of Retirement and to start sending me the benefits OWED starting NOW. Remember we are no longer statutory employees or citizens subject to statutes, codes regulations as those are foreign to our lawful jurisdiction. It's all contracts and they wont ever admit to having one, but we are gaining on the evidence in our favor saying different and WE Are the Principal authority of ALL these contracts and with all the authority to claim them back into our sole control.

    19. ET, this is the form you want to submit your COLB with.
      The key here is to answer their question: "Country or Countries you need the documents(s) certified for:" with "Taiwan" or any other non hague convention country like China, Russia, etc.

    20. ET, I fully understand what you are saying, LOL. I too got 'rounded up' since 1975 and its quite a testimony; so there is no doubt about it. I've also had many incidences happen; I'd say you could classify them as miracles. You are absolutely correct that when we cast pearls and they are trampled, then that tells us the Lord is not after that person; its a great indicator. We are not to waste our time for nought; so you have the right idea.
      Actually, I only come in here to keep up to date with whatever Anna has to impart.

      Your read from Illinois site sounds like they mean to keep control over you folks.

  3. Yikes, bluecollarmovement! No doubt you should be "afraid." Confusion engenders fear and you obviously are overwhelmed with your targeted research. Perhaps you would profit from a more positive and gracious attitude.

    1. Tiavette, your 'positive and gracious' advice is nothing but political correct BS. The Truth is NOT positive nor gracious for everyone. Life consists of some very horrific things and to pretend 'everything is coming up roses' is just downright childish.
      Confusion is also a real part of life, and so is fear, in fact there is a very healthy fear; its the kind that warns you not to walk out into the middle of a highway, or not to touch a hot stove, or walk out into an ocean of 20 ft. waves.

  4. Tiavette. Thank you for your observations and response. It is Anna's words of war with Canada what frightens me. The rest of what I speak is in fact fact . You think I am confused eh ? Study some more before you draw conclusions. What part of what I have written is giving you the most problem ? Have you ever wondered why the female is in second position on this Earth when creator God created man male and female and gave them dominion over the Earth. It happened in325 ad with the exclusion of the gospel of Mary Magdalene.Check out the last supper picture, see to person on the left with no beard. Ever wonder who that might be. You must use discernment and sift the chaff from the wheat. Then what is left is the truth, Note, I am not a bible scholar. Never yet read it The revered King James Bible was overseen by the freemason Francis Bacon. Is it the truth or is it spin ? I am sure you have an opinion as is your right having free will.

    1. Again, private interpretation of the Bible will get you in trouble every time.

    2. Bluecollar, I find it astounding just how messed up you really are; worse yet, you are so sure you are right. That is what ought to really scare you.
      But since you have never read the bible, then you are in NO position to even speak your own opinions about it, or God, or much of anything. Opinions are not facts. Learn the difference.
      You are obviously following some sensationalists who put out anything that has not been said before, just to gain followers. IF you knew any truth, you would have known already that Jesus stated those at the Last Supper were his disciples, who were all men. Then you would have immediately discounted the tripe that you so foolishly try to inject here.

    3. there any bible out there that we can trust..because it certainly isn't the King James Version..Everyone argues over it!! And you know damn well that every single bible is either missing entire chapters or words deliberately changed to create these controversies..Now it is said that the entire chapter of Enoic is missing...I don't know about you, but I hate reading a book that has missing chapters or purposely changed words. It creates a totally different narrative...A perfect example is the author of a screenplay that became a "great" movie, but only in Hollywood's version, not his...the movie was "V" for Vendetta. The main character was the same guy that played Mr Smith in the "MATRIX". But you never know because he wears a mask throughout the entire movie...its another of Hollywood's esoteric narratives about America..!! But the author wanted it more about England than America...He was so pissed that he had the producer wipe his name off the credits completely, which is a little extreme, but you know "artist". They despise someone trying to change anything about their masterpiece..!! It may have taken place in Great Brittain, but there is no mistaking that the movie is taking about America..Unbelievable movie!! Hollywood in this case got it right!!

    4. James, the old KJV is just about as 'pure' as you can find. Its all these ones with New in their name that have been greatly tampered with. You are not gonna find every jot and tittle just exactly perfect, but at least old KJV has not had words eliminated, changed and watered works just fine for me.

    5. But what about the missing book of Enoch...??

    6. Paul, you mentioned a bible I have never heard of before that you said that their are better bibles than the KJV. But I forgot what you called it..!!

  5. Did you not read Paul, I said I was NOT a bible scholar, I never read it so how do you think I can interpret it. I want to clarify something. In no way do I think that those who follow the Roman teachings are bad people. In fact many priests are in fact Christian people but many as has been proven are not. Why does the Vatican contain both Christian and secular cardinals? Who's interpretation of the Bible is in the link you sent ? I will look at it with an open mind however and keep what is good and discard what is in my opinion not good. Why do you think my spin is wrong?

  6. By thousands of voices, all over the earth, the warning will be given. Miracles will be wrought, the sick will be healed, and signs and wonders will follow the believers. 1917
    Let me tell you that the Lord will work in this last work in a manner very much out of the common order of things, and in a way that will be contrary to any human planning. There will be those among us who will always want to control the work of God, to dictate even what movements shall be made when the work goes forward under the direction of the angel who joins the third angel in the message to be given to the world. God will use ways and means by which it will be seen that He is taking the reins in His own hands. The workers will be surprised by the simple means that He will use to bring about and perfect His work of righteousness. 1885
    The Comforter is to reveal Himself, not in any specified, precise way that man may mark out, but in the order of God--in unexpected times and ways that will honour His own name.--EGW'88 1478 (1896).
    He will raise up from among the common people men and women to do His work, even as of old He called fishermen to be His disciples. There will soon be an awakening that will surprise many. Those who do not realise the necessity of what is to be done will be passed by, and the heavenly messengers will work with those who are called the common people, fitting them to carry the truth to many places.
    When the heavenly intelligences see that men will no longer present the truth in simplicity as did Jesus, the very children will be moved upon by the Spirit of God and will go forth proclaiming the truth for this time.--SW 66 (1895).
    A good many do not see it now, to take their position, but these things are influencing their lives, and when the message goes with a loud voice they will be ready for it. They will not hesitate long; they will come out and take their position.--Ev 300, 301 (1890).
    Now the rays of light penetrate everywhere, the truth is seen in its clearness, and the honest children of God sever the bands which have held them. Family connections, church relations, are powerless to stay them now. Truth is more precious than all besides. Notwithstanding the agencies combined against the truth, a large number take their stand upon the Lord's side.--GC 612 (1911).

    Robert Finbar Brown


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Doctors FH, so what does this mean? I never have understood legal jargon. Are they saying they refuse to hear your request for rehearing, and don't bother to file again??

  7. I see by the priests title he uses the term Father, yet I have heard it said that God said call no man father.. He talks about his protestant friends. The Presbyterian church speaks the apostles creed and mention the true and apostolic catholic church. Catholic means universal Paul. Romans tried to usurp catholic. I was told there are 140,000 religions on the Earth. Are they all right or all wrong ? Which one is right. Why did the protestants protest. I have found it is because Martin Luther caught the clergy tampering with the true gospel for one and their fleecing the poor for money to say masses. He did write 95 thesis on why he came to the conclusion he did. The priest who wrote the sermon you shared says that the apostles went all over the universe ???? Even if it said all over the world, how could they travel in those times of old when their main means of travel was the donkey. another thing, I bet if you went to the Middle East even today you would not find names like John, Paul, Peter, or Luke. The scripture was written as a guide for the future Paul. It was given to Daniel for a future time. I am of the understanding that it is written that when the anointed one comes, it will be a time of fast travel, instant communications and tribulations and wars and rumors of wars. That time is now it seems, does it not ? Why is it that the Roman church does not believe in reincarnation but do believe in purgatory. And my last question is why you a staunch Roman catholic promoting the works of Anna who I seem to remember reading she is a Lutheran ( I may be wrong but she is not Roman ) I too Paul am catholic but more a roaming catholic. I have absolute faith there is a higher power we call God but there is also a higher power we know as evil (devil ) Check this link You got to understand that this hundred year of Satanic reign began in 1914 and ended in 2014. The soul of the son of man was up for grabs. He did not bow but took a terrible beating on the cross of commerce. He has been down since 2014. It says the devil will be let out for a short time, that time is now over, Satan lost. Why do you think the democrats in the USA and the liberals in Canada are in such a flurry, They know they lost. When will the seventh day begin? Only the father knows for sure. I sure hope you do not block this.

    1. There is NO place in the word of God that says satan will reign for 100 years. To 'reign' means to have complete control with no hindrance; that has not happened yet. satan gets a 7 yr. reign and that is coming up in the very very near future.
      There is NO 'cross of commerce'. The Cross has nothing at all to do with commerce, or money; it has only to do with Sin.
      Bluecollar, I've concluded that you have been sent here by satan himself, to sow confusion and to deliver a very very out-of-whack Time Line. Your goal is mischievous and you do it intentionally; you are now CAUGHT.

    2. Ok, we all got that off our chest..!! Now everybody take a deep breath and get a good night's sleep, then we can return to helping each other out of some serious problems in the here and now..!!

    3. Abby, you make mention of the fact that 99.9 % of the people do not understand. You make no bones that you are in the .1 %
      that is to say point one %. What bible do you take your information from ? Are you the messiah ? If so can you post the wounds on your feet, the spear wound on the right side of your belly at the fifth rib and also can I put my fingers in the indentations on your wrists? You might say I am a doubting Thomas. You seem to have no doubt who you are and you say I am of Satan. You always want to be right and that is not very Godly of you. Sure you are not living in your ego. Step up and tell me what Bible is the true one. It is written that you can tell what tree it is by the fruit it bares. What fruit do you bare and where do you fit in scripture.
      A few thesis back , a writer named unknown posted that Anna should watch her back and that more important people than her have been disappeared. I took him to task as it appeared prima facie to be a veiled threat. Your response proved to me what fruit you produce and it is very putrid indeed. You made mention that the comment was full of hate and the post was a kin to a Romeo/Juliette play. You took your ball and bat and went home. Only you, in your eyes are right. The 100 years spoken off may not be in your Bible but it was a pope in Paul Stramer's church who was given this locution. Are you saying Paul's church is wrong. By the way, where do you preach out off ? I understand it is not in a building but could it be a kin to a sermon on the mount ? I would love to listen to you. I still think you are a secular male mason as you have not denied it.
      God knows who you are and he knows who I am. He is the judge, not you. There are 140000 religions in the Earth. Paul's is wrong. I know a man who studied under the Jehovah Witness's for eight years. He told me that they claim that Jesus came in 1914 but we missed him. Are they wrong too. If Jesus walked up to you today, would you recognize him? You know Satan has his agents in this Earth at this time and so does God. You can totally disregard all I say as is your choice having free will. You do not however have the power to judge me. I know who I am and what my mission is and it is not to serve Satan. Can you say the same? I have no interest of starting a cult or have people follow me. I lived 2 x 33 years in this Earth and I am tired. God it must be frustrating for all the good clergy in this Earth who have been since ancient times trying to wake up spiritually dead people like you. Opps I forgot you are the anointed one. I bet you are pissed off now. Been fun don't you think ?

    4. Blue, ahh, another jealous one, lol.

    5. He who leaves the battle field first looses. Why do you think I am jealous of you. I challenged you and you can not fight back it seems.

  8. wow, only religion gets you all up in arms and expounding/spewing novels of alleged knowledge, amazing. no wonder we are always in trouble nobody can ever agree to anything.

    anywho, as said above, canada and australia are puppets of britain and britain of the vatican/pope/black pope, jesuits and bavarian illuminati (rothschilds/queen/bushes/rockefellers) whom are responsible BEHIND the scenes for ALL the trajedy in the world. very simple. as far as biblical interpretations i will leave that for god as the only thing that i know is that i know nothing truly about it, i have my ideas but have no demand to be so right and shove it down other peoples throats as if i know something that i cant; it only leads to division which is exactly what they want...

    1. you are indeed very wise Penny. I can see you have vast knowledge. When you figure out which Bible is the true word of God, please share, I would love to read it.

    2. Absolutely agree Penny!! They've programmed the "masses" (social enforcers for the middlemen a/k/a "Wardens" of County and STATE OF STATE a/k/a Churches) in the "Public Trust" very well indeed!!

    3. When truth is spoken, there are always plenty of accusers around who have no rebuttal, so they resort to their ''help, help, I'm being attacked, so and so has me down on the ground trying to shove the bible down my throat. Oh poor little ole me, that bible is going to kill me, hurry somebody, call 911 and get the police over here, they are trying to cram religion down my throat, I might choke to death, help, somebody please help me''.

      Sheesh, you got two feet; go walk away, nobody is holding you; so quit whining and complaining....when really you just can't stand to hear ''preaching' so take the blame for yourself and quit trying to shove it off on somebody else.
      But let me be clear; I do not care what anyone believes or doesn't believe, it does not add anything to me, or subtract anything from me, not in the least. But the Word just so happens to relate to most topics talked about in here, so you're all free to take it or leave it as far as I'm concerned.

    4. And it has to include the book of Enoch or it isn t the real bible either...!!

    5. I have the book of Enoch in my library, it's a fascinating read that spoke to my heart! I found it at a lil town second hand book store while on a much needed "road trip" after shockingly being awakened to the Truth 10 years ago. I refer to it often as the essence of the message resonates within me and brings me more peace and clarity than any Bible interpretation ever has. Profound and quite enlightening indeed!

    6. James, there are lots of books that did not make it into the bible; many of them were questionable and apparently not able to be verified as truth. We are only responsible for what is given to us, and no more than that. So I'm not really concerned about Enoch or the other absent books; it does not discount the ones that are of the 66 we have.

    7. You may be right Abby, but I demand a book that is complete and missing nothing, because there aren tube sites that say the book of "Enoch" is a major book for understanding what is currently can bet the Vatican it...!!

    8. Agreed wholeheartedly james! It was by no accident or mistake that missing book appeared for me, at just that moment that it did. Everything happens for a divine reason and always serves a higher purpose, exactly when its intended to be. I accept and understand this now, more than ever before. I would be willing to lend you my copy, just send me an email with your mailing location.

    9. Of course I appropriate that very much Kelli, but at this time I do not want the responsibility of either losing it or having it stolen like so much of our other belongings have been...but thank you for you generous offer....maybe later or I think it is available somewhere..!!

    10. James, an interesting thing last nite, found a new radio station and Dr.David Jeremiah happened to be preaching; guess what? He was saying exactly the same things that I've said right in here, LOL. (I like to tune into some of the 'greats of today' to see how my timeframe lines up as well as my take on the bible. I'm on target, as usual, lol)

    11. Your welcome, and I understand. Yes, just put your feelers out, and a copy will come your way!
      Much Love & Peace!

    12. James, here is some explanation of bibles.

  9. Do know the queen the ruler of the Empire including Canada , Australia etc etc floating Americans to come back under British rule .few years back.

  10. Bubba, the queen is German and not a Windsor at all. She is a de facto usurper of the throne She is not of Royal blood and the reason Diana was brought into the fold was she was of Royal blood. Although he maiden name was Spencer, her mother was a Stewart. The queen claims the Stewart tartan as her own. King Charles 1 Stewart/Stuart would not let the bankers set up shop so they killed him. The current monarchs family bred internally to the point of retardation. That is why Diana was selected and bred to the donkey Charles. Diana became a liability so she was murdered. If you go back a few thesis in Anna's work, you will see where I explained this. It is true and proven in court by a man who goes by the name JAH.

    1. John Anthony Hill...very smart person who in his 60's has amassed quite a resume of professional certification in different fields... he was arrested for sending in a professionally made documentary called "911 the ripple affect" which goes into great detail about the London Bombings that exonerated 3 innocent boys...and himself. But one more thing happened in that trail, because he had already researched the Queens background and proved in a court of their own law that the Queen was never lawfully coronated, because the original "stone of destiny" was taken back by the Scots who they say it was stolen from by the Brits...Anyway, he was found "not guilty" by only a majority of the 12 jurors,because both the judge and the prosecutor , after hearing that the jury was deadlocked actually allowed just a majority vote which they thought for sure would wind up convicting NAH. But to their surprise the jury came back with a "not guilty" verdict..!! Again the case was deliberately mischaracterize as Regina v JAH so no one would recognise who they were talking about..!! Those Britts are something else..!! But even they are starting to realize that they have been lied to..!! Everyone everywhere has been lied to..there isn t one country that really knows the truth about human history..!! But we are closer than ever now for the first time...!! We need a class action suit against QE2 that even the MMS will be interested in...!!

  11. This song just played on my Ipod shuffle and it was a timely reminder and a great way to shake it off;
    Styx, Brave New World- High Crimes and Misdemeanors

  12. You guys have been asking how to handle yourself in open court. And remember me saying that all cases should be "small claims cases without attorneys"..Well guess is possible when you know how to handle a judge....and here it is..he enters the commercial superior court, and traps the judge and prosecutor with no choice but to handle the case as a small claims court...NICE!! No attorneys now. It you against some other real man or woman...check it out, it makes sense!!

    1. Awesome writing james, thank you for sharing this!!! Way to be the Authority indeed!!


    1. Carolina, I have been wondering the same thing. I believe we are entitled to know the status, since it belongs to all of us and we were all robbed. There is no sound reason for the transfer to not have already begun.
      Tic Tock Tic Tock Tic Tock........

    2. Where is this $475 trillion that the French was planning on returning....that is a mind boggling amount of money...that much money can supply our solor system.. There isn't enough in the universe to cover that with gold silver, platinum or any other things you can add to that..!! That can only be represented as a figure in a ledger somewhere...the French never did think much of us, and still dont...arrogant bastards..!! Thank God technology is finally going to bridge the gap between communicating with anyone else in the world....they are finally coming out with electronic translators...If your in France, all you have to do is set the translator to French and it is automatically translated in English..And when you respond in English, he hears it in French...Wouldnt it be nice to have one in a grocery store and set it to Muslim and hear what they are really talking more secrets!! I always thought it was rude for people to talk in there own language just so stupid Americans can't understand how we mock far there is NO UNIVERSAL TRANSLATER that can translate every single language yet..they are limited to just a few languages right now, but it won t be long now...then at least the world will be One when communicating...!!

    3. james, those are the Leo Wanta funds that helped bring down the USSR. Look it up. It is quite a story. Je suis moi-même français or at least my ancestors were. It is not the French people that are the problem. France has the same usurpers as we have here. People who are truly Muslim are not a problem either. It is the ones who do not read or believe their Qur'an and allow themselves to be instigated to violence are the troublemakers. The Qur'an states in Surah 3:3 that it is only "confirming what went before it; and He sent down the Taurat [Torah or the Law of Moses] and the Injeel [Gospel of Jesus] before this, as a guide to mankind". In Surah 3:45 it even confirms Jesus "whose name is the Messiah [Al-Masih], Isa son of Marium [Mary], worthy of regard in this world and the hereafter..." as not only a prophet but as the Messiah, Al-Masih, Who is "worthy of regard in this world and the hereafter...". No one else in the Qur'an is called Al-Masih or Messiah. If Muslims are in doubt about this, the Qur'an tells them in Surah 10:94 "So if you are in doubt, about that which We have revealed to you, then ask those who have been reading the Book [Scripture] before you. The truth has certainly come to you from your Lord, so never be among the doubters." This is usually very eye opening to Muslims who were never taught this or have never read this for themselves. Check it out here:

    4. 1FreeMan, then Anna should have noted that it was wanta funds if that's what it really is. But when she said that it was right after I had asked about her Asset Recovery Team and where are the results of their work; and that is when she responded with 'the bank of france is returning our money to us to the tune of $475 Trillion'.
      So this needs to be clarified, because some of us do not like to just Assume things. (sorry, but I just can't get all excited over trillions of $$ in infrastructure and bridges and roads......when that money starts getting spent on all that stuff, prices of all kinds will be inflating and rising .......and guess what? We the People will just be worse off than before IF it doesn't get into OUR pockets. And what good are infrastructure when we can't get out into the country and USE it. When Econ booms, rents and prices of housing goes UP. What are we to do THEN.)

      Anna needs to clear up this big important Question.

  14. I see Abby from your last post that you have pulled in your horns You were the one pushing your interpretation of your opinion on me. I too am a loner and what I spoke of was not some bullshit I learned in a barnyard. Nor was I or am I promoting some drivel concocted by someone else. I was given a gift of a mind that always questioned what I hear or heard. The comments I made are my conclusion of what I have heard, nobody else. I lost interest in higher learning in grade nine with the introduction of Algebra. I have never taken a chemistry class, a biology class, calculus etc so I have not been corrupted by their teachings even if some of it is true. I went as far as grade 11 and have never had the interest of finding out if I did successfully complete the grade. I do not know to this day and that was 1968. I do know that I can put my hand to near anything and create that which is in my mind in the material world. I do also possess the ability to study law and pick out what is truth and what is spin. I do believe I can also understand what is written in scripture when in fact I am given the one true gospel.
    I have come to the conclusion that you and I are more alike than different. I accept your spin as fact from your perspective. I also wish you would do the same for my interpretation of what is is, We are very close to the end of the sixth day in my opinion. Why do I say this ? God created man on the sixth day and saw that he is good. In my 2 x 33 years in this Earth, and looking back through history, nowhere can I find that man has been good. I am sure that God is of the same opinion. We are still being created and make no mistake about it, we will be good and God can finally rest. It is logic and common sense really. Do you disagree ? I spent all my life as a blue collar business owner. For eighteen years I with my sons manufactured blue ( beryl ) wheels within wheels. I was not one who bowed down to the third party interloper known as government. Ultimately in the end they did me a great service by bearing false witness against me and put me out of business. That was in 2014. Jesus spoke in riddles and parables. I was once accused of speaking in riddles when I would not comply to the census and was taken to the courts. I did not bow. I know the census is an inventory of the sheep the government claims to own. It says in the Bible that Joseph was taking poor Mary across the vast lands in days of old. I did not ever find out if Joseph actually filled out the census. Coincidently, my christen name is Joseph, my middle name is Joseph and my fictional name ( strawman ) includes Joseph. I have written much in this post. All is true, it is my story and will someday be history. Can you interpret what I have written ?

    1. What I post is not opinion nor is it ''my own interpretation' for the bible says what it says, and needs no interpretation. Those that whine and bellyache about it and use this old worn out excuse that its ''my own interpretation' are actually those who do not like what is plainly written. Those people should go complain to God and tell him they hate what His Word says; they hate his ideas, they hate his Plan for mankind, and they really just want their own way. So they latch on to whatever makes themselves feel good, and to further justify their own opinions which have no foundation at all, they love to lash out at anyone who tells them the ungarnished truth. Its also obvious they highly resent being told they speak bullshit, lol. They also cannot even imagine that there are others who really don't care what they think; maybe they had hoped to occupy my time on such worthless endeavors because they think they are worthy of such a waste of time.
      But it is simply not my job to look after anyone else. I have a full life of my own, I know the road I am on and that it is the Right road, and I know that most of the world is on the wrong road, and they are welcome to it, since they insist.

    2. Abby, you are again operating in your ego. Come down from the cross. I do not know you and why do you think I would want to occupy your time. I am glad you are at peace where you are at this time, I truly am. If you do not want a fight, do not enter the battlefield. In your opinion,

  15. For people that say they don't care what others believe or don't believe, they sure do portray/present the exact opposite in their "reactive" judgmental character assinations via their own misinterpretations and misunderstanding of the authors words or intentions. If you didn't write it, and you don't either understand or agree, based on your own beliefs, either ask the author to explain further or simply accept what is being stated for what its worth to/for you. So much of this programmed conflict mindset is being based on Lack of information, which only causes miscommunication and conflict due to assuming/presuming an authors thoughts of intentions. We must recognize this behavior for what it is and how it has been negatively programmed into our thoughts and behaviors to our detriment. Twisting and turning of another authors words or intentions into something they are NOT saying and then proceed to "correct" the authors thoughts or make a public verbal determination of their authentic character via your "opinion" of the words YOU have twisted them into meaning per your own thoughts and understanding, IS perpetuating and supporting this Beast mindset and programmed deceitful practice. As the authors of our own words and intentions, we absolutely will defend against ALL characters who attempt to twist or spin our words into something that IS NOT being said, only to cause/create conflict, confusion, mischaractorization and mis informed judgment upon the author. This behavior is exactly what the dark side feeds off of and wallows in happily.

  16. Very well put Kelli. I hear you. I too like everyone has the right to speak or write what I think as my opinion of what is is. Only what is written should be looked at If it is not written, why are people drawing conclusions that although I spoke out against the Vatican, I did not say I do not believe in God. Enjoy the coming sun rise.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. No worries! We are all a work in progress, diamonds clearing off all worldly debris.... I myself have been judged & labeled "The AntiChrist" on this blog site,roflol😎

  17. 2 Tim. 4:2 preach the Word, be instant in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with patience and Doctrine. 3 for the time will come (is here) when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers (and people) having itching ears 4 and they shall turn away their ears from the Truth and shall be turned unto fables.

  18. We indeed have had to accept we've been "turned unto" fables by false teachers and false witnessing for false profits on false accounting crosses for false sins claimed by false fathers.

  19. Kelli, you are very wise. Can not say the same for poor Abby. You see the big picture.

  20. where does one go to read the"tea leaves" anna spoke of?

    1. You can read the tea Leaves here:


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