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Thursday, June 1, 2017

More Shinola 10.0

By Anna Von Reitz

It must give the enemies of all people everywhere great glee to launch yet another Bogey Man and watch all the weak-minded among us swallow their propaganda hook line and sinker, and start parroting it as gospel.

As the Bible recounts, the Ten Tribes of Israelites making up the Northern Kingdom were conquered and taken into slavery in Assyria.  Years later they were set free and began their long Westward trek in waves of tribal migrations and assimilations. Except for the sea-going Tribe of Dan which traveled mostly (but not entirely) from the Levant to Asia Minor, North Africa, and Rome westward by sea, all the Israelites moved westward in stops and starts overland.

These "Israelites" were devotees of the Sumerian and Babylonian gods and goddesses and followed their Satanic practices, which is how and why they were allowed to be conquered by the Assyrians in the first place.  These ten tribes are what Jacob lost in his wrestling match with Satan and how he became crippled.  They are ethnically related to the Tribe of Judah, that is, to the Jews---- but they haven't followed Judaism as a religion since circa 800 B.C.

Why is it that 2800 years later this "news" still hasn't hit home in mainstream Europe or America?

Why do I have all these purportedly "Christian Conservatives" contacting me and telling me that they are "Israelites"?  

So, you are telling me that you are Satan-worshipers, but you are ethnically related to the modern day Jews who practice Judaism---- that is, you are "Israelites"--- merely claiming to be Conservative Christians?

I'm sorry.  You can be one or the other but not all three at the same time.

You people are either (1) horribly confused about basic history; or (2) are so arrogant you think I won't get the joke and will actually mistake you as Conservative Christians even though you outright tell me that you are Israelites.

Being an "Israelite" has been no badge of honor for about 3,000 years. I don't need to hear any more to know what I am up against.  You can just drop the "Conservative Christian" mask and label. I am not fooled.  I am not even a little bit confused.

The so-called "Khazars" or "Khazarians" are just a particularly nasty group of Israelites who settled in what is now Russia and the Balkan states.  No mysteries. No mass conversion of any European people to Judaism.  No actual Jews involved. Just Satanists since at least 800 BC who look like Jews because they are ethnically related to them.

The Tribe of Judah which was by far the largest part of the Southern Kingdom was conquered by Babylon, not Assyria, and after they were released, they came home to rebuild Jerusalem, carry on the religion of Judaism as taught by Jacob and Moses, and give birth to Yeshua ben Joseph, a Nazorean.

So the Israelites are not Jews-- they are Satanists who pretend to be Jews or Conservative Christians or Muslims or whatever else best suits their agenda. 

And the Khazars, who are Israelites, are not Jews at all and never were.  Wrong tribes. Wrong history.  Wrong religion.

So imagine my consternation when otherwise perfectly good, sane people like my friend Peggy in Northern Ireland and Stan from Cincinnati, start jumping up and down and ranting about "Khazarian Jews"? 

"Khazarian Jew" is an oxymoron.  The first word contradicts the second.  You can't be a Khazarian, aka, Israelite Satanist, and be a Jew.  It's like "sovereign citizen". You can't be a sovereign and a citizen at the same time.

So you can rant about Khazarians all you like, and I will know that you are talking about a nasty group of Satan-worshiping Israelites that settled in Western Russia and the Balkans, but when you start in with the "Khazarian Jews" rant while claiming to be an "Israelite" yourself, things go Far South.

What Israelite doesn't know their own history and religion?  What Israelite doesn't know, for sure, actually and factually, that he is not a Jew?  Not from the Tribe of Judah and not a devotee of Judaism, either?

Bring such a one to me and I will explain it to him.

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