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Friday, January 15, 2016

Round Four With Karen Hudes

Ms. von Reitz has not yet answered my question:


"Ms.von Reitz" is not the proper party to address, is it, Karen?  You are   The claimant and beneficiary whose vessel is organic and who is live flesh and blood is not an officer of the Crown and holds no office related to the Crown. The woman calling you to task is called "Anna Maria Riezinger" and she is not a "Ms." of any kind.  You are an attorney and you are presumed to know that.  So let's start there.  That your mischaracterization was translated and that others delivered it to me (nothing in the mail,nothing direct via email, either) is merely chance.  One doesn't misaddress questions, Karen, unless one doesn't want the answers, which is what I estimate your situation to be.   


Do you deny that General Joseph Dunford is a Knight of Malta and that he is heading the martial law in the US? 

I have no knowledge of General Dunford's associations religious, fraternal, or otherwise.  I address him in his capacity as a Commanding General of the American Armed Forces, the Successors of the Grand Army of the Republic in the present day, and as a result, of course he is heading the "martial law" in the United States---- the same martial law that has existed since 1863 when Abraham Lincoln issued General Order 100 and still obligated to maintain the duty established under it to safeguard our money.  Get the connection?   You keep hopping up and down about "martial law" when it is a documented historical fact that the Federal United States (merely a contractor supposed to be providing services to the peaceful Continental United States and doing a damnably poor job of it) has been at constant war and operating under martial law for 150 years.   

Why did you think people wanted their gold to go to him?


See above.  It is not only Dunford's commission, but his life as a Fiduciary on the line if he fails to honor the duty owed to the American People. Know anyone else in a more compelling and official and responsible position to receive the gold back?


Ms. von Reitz and her husband have no standing to make any claim against the Global Debt Facility or to prevent the Global Debt Facility from cancelling all countries' debts against the Treaty of Versailles bonds worth 2 quadrillion dollars in the Global Debt Facility:


I have already disabused your ignorance concerning our standing.  We are each members of the "free sovereign and independent people of the United States"----- that is, the Continental United States and we have claimed and documented that status before the United Nations, the Holy See, and HRM Elizabeth II without any argument or objection.  Even if we were the only Americans left, we would still have standing as the heirs of the Priority Creditors of the 1933 Bankruptcy and we would still have the ability to act under the Last Man Standing Rule to exercise the entire duty and contract owed to all other Americans.  As it happens, there are about 360 million of us still able to act in this capacity and we are not the only ones competent to do so.    


 I have answered her other assorted claims in the attached mark-up. People were telling me to drop everything else that really mattered in order to deal with Anna von Reitz. There was a big crunch last week: 


As you well know I asked you only five (5) questions which you are obligated to answer one by one and deliver that answer to me, all properly addressed to the lien claimant within the time period specified.  No such answer to those five questions has been received.  You and your organization are in default and the clock is ticking. 


David Wyn Miller was trying to horn in for the umpteenth time, and I sent him packing for the umpteenth time,  The Philippines government was trying to steal humanity's gold, this time in a court case relying on the International Court of Justice decision and CIA memo that the World Bank and IMF Board of Governors declared to be null and void  


These are the sorts of statements that you make, Ms. Hudes--- as if you and the World Bank and IMF Board of Governors were God, able to declare international law at will.  Again, I hate to disabuse you, but your corporations are nothing but paper and when you operate as criminal cartels in violation of your charter all such corporations are subject to liquidation and the disposal of their assets to their creditors.  


I had to start the bidding process to contract with a security printer for certificates to exchange Federal Reserve Notes for US Treasury Dollars  I had to find out from the Swiss whether we need to print new US Treasury Dollars, or if UBS will provide the uncut dollars that Ronald Reagan printed after the Grace Commission report about all of the US income taxes going to the Fed on that scam called country debt


It is important for you, Karen, and for the World Bank Board of Governors and the IMF Board of Governors to understand that the Creditors are the American people and the Continental United States known as the united States of America, not the Federal United States.  The people who are owed the assets we have claimed are living beings in organic states and our money is the lawful United States Dollar defined as an ounce of fine silver, as I have explained to you before.  The Federal United States is a separate entity--- they are the ones trading in "Federal Reserve Notes" and "US Bank Notes".  Giving our assets to the Federal United States is like me giving your assets to your cleaning lady and "calling it good"---when in fact I have specifically instructed you not to do that.  

I am as concerned for the welfare of the people of this planet as you or anyone else could ever possibly be.  That concern includes returning the assets of the American People to the American People ---- not the British Subjects who are merely nesting here as "residents".  


  1. Dear Judge Anna,
    Thanks so very much for your tireless work !!
    If I follow this argument, the federal government operatives are not technically traitors as they are still British subjects. many are Israeli citizens
    At some point, hopefully not long, could we ask these individuals
    to take a hike if they do not categorically give up their status as foreign subjects..??

  2. the lien is due today... whatta cliffhanger

  3. Thank the Elohim for Anna von reitz!
    Can I pls have ur email contact?

  4. Karen Hudes asserted that "The Philippines government was trying to steal humanity's gold, this time in a court case relying on the International Court of Justice decision and CIA memo that the World Bank and IMF Board of Governors declared to be null and void". The truth is that the Philippines like the people of united States of America (not the corporation) has the right to demand the World Bank/IMF being the fiduciary of the assets of the Filipino people stipulated in the Balateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successors Agreement which has already matured in 2005 and therefore demandable incumbent upon the beneficiary (The Filipino People).


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