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Sunday, January 17, 2016

A Reply from Judge Anna About the National Debt, the National Credit, and the Pope's Role

by Anna Von Reitz
How many times do I have to go through this before people notice the facts for themselves???

The Pope wears two hats--- one sacred, one secular. 

I brought claim against his secular office for Breach of Trust. He admitted it and asked for help correcting the situation. 

How hard is that for anyone to grasp?

I am sick and tired of explaining how I could be a Lutheran acting in a capacity in concert with a Catholic.  If two people of different religions both agree on a single righteous course of action----such as returning American assets to the American People--- where is the controversy or "wonder" in that?

Here's my answer to Ms. Hudes from our Fifth Round of Correspondence about American assets in the "Global Debt Facility"----

"Ms. Hudes – without putting too sharp a point on it, you are yourself a member of a “Secret Society”--- the London Lawyer’s Guild and the Middle Innes of Court--- and you hold the office of at least “Esquire” in their service. This foreign and undisclosed office bears with it an ancient and horrific Oath to the Father of All Lies, called a Nullification Oath, which renders your testimony regarding any matter void. Since you are in the literal service of the Devil, and are bold enough to proclaim it in public, I consider you to be at least as much of a problem as any Knight of Malta."

That is also my answer to all members of the Bar Associations which have been so much a part of creating this entire fraud scheme, putting it in place, promoting it, and preserving it against all decency and reason. 

The Pope admitted his sins and the sins of the Church, but not Karen Hudes. 

Here's some more related to our Fifth Round and this topic:


I have no knowledge of General Dunford’s associations religious, fraternal, or otherwise. I address him in his capacity as a Commanding General of the American Armed Forces, the Successors of the Grand Army of the Republic in the present day, and as a result, of course he is heading the “martial law” in the United States—- the same martial law that has existed since 1863 when Abraham Lincoln issued General Order 100 and still obligated to maintain the duty established under it to safeguard our money. Get the connection? You keep hopping up and down about “martial law” when it is a documented historical fact that the Federal United States (merely a contractor supposed to be providing services to the peaceful Continental United States and doing a damnably poor job of it) has been at constant war and operating under martial law for 150 years.
KAREN: Why did you think people wanted their gold to go to him?

See above. It is not only Dunford’s commission, but his life as a Fiduciary on the line if he fails to honor the duty owed to the American People. Know anyone else in a more compelling and official and responsible position to receive the gold back?
And finally also from the Fifth exchange: ANNA:
Ms. Hudes, you are a lawyer and a bank shill trying to abscond with money and assets owed to the American People. You have promoted no less than five (5) different and all odious proposals that have reeked of self-interest, lies, and hidden deceits. The simple facts of the matter are these:
1. The World Bank/IBRD and Federal Reserve were all Secondary Creditors in the 1933 Bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc. See Title 5 of the old Federal Code, the 1934 Emergency Banking Act, and Title 12. The American people were swindled via personage and barratry into occupying the position of Priority Creditors and mercilessly hounded by the “Internal Revenue Service” sponsored by the Federal Reserve System and the “IRS” sponsored by the IMF under the false presumption that they were “voluntarily” acting in this role. In fact they were never told about it and were press-ganged by the British Government acting in Gross Breach of Trust.
2. The colluding banks named the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico as the Trustee of the Bankruptcy.
3. Via collusion, semantic deceit, unlawful conversion, reverse trust fraud and other means of constructive fraud the members of the American Bar Association and the banks responsible for this unspeakable lawlessness and depravity abused the American People and via abuse of their trust in what appeared to be their government obtained undisclosed contracts purporting to change their political status to that of municipal debt slaves owned by the “US Congress” and the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation.
4. For over seven decades the American People and the united States of America accrued credit and received no remedy. Their credit equal to the entire so-called “National Debt” of what was a private, mostly-foreign owned governmental services corporation merely calling itself the “United States of America” and trading on the name as an undisclosed successor to contract is what you propose to apply in favor of the Federal United States and its District of Columbia Municipal Corporation.
What you and your bosses are proposing is to bail out your partners in crime using our assets and our money to do it. When we object you pretend that you don’t know who we are.
5. We are members of the Class of People who are in fact the Priority Creditors, Heirs, and Entitlement Holders owed the “National Credit”, all gold reserves, all patents, all titles to land, all businesses and corporations, all patents, copyrights, and registrations of property rightfully belonging to us and we have informed you as a Trustee of the Global Debt Facility that: (a) not a penny of assets owed to the American People and the united States of America can be applied against the debts of the Federal United States or used to buy back its I.O.U’s; 
(b) if the World Bank/IBRD/IMF choose to pay off the debts of the Federal United States operating in any guise whatsoever they do so without any reference to us or our assets;
(c) our assets both public and private in the possession of the World Bank or any other bank that was party to the 1933 Bankruptcy are to be returned to us and our control without any further argument or offers or obfuscation; 
(d) any offer of the UN Corporation to act as successor to contract is refused and we point out that other arrangements have already been made;
(e) as qualified beneficiaries of the living and dead Priority Creditors we bring claim under the Last Man Standing Rule and by our presence collapse any avenue for you to exercise your Will in this matter instead of ours;
(f) with the Donors and the Beneficiaries arrayed against you, Ms. Hudes, your only lawful exit as a Trustee is to do precisely what we tell you to do and we trust that the instructions we have provided are sufficient to get the job done; 
(g) do not apply any of our credit or our assets to any debts of the Federal United States or the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation or use any of our credit or assets to buy back or convert Federal Reserve Notes into any other private bank script including United States Treasury Notes;
(h) our gold is to be used to back our actual money known as United States Silver Dollars and defined as one ounce of pure silver and we have appointed American Armed Forces General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr. to act as our Fiduciary Deputy to receive and secure the assets.
6. Ms. Hudes --any failure on your part or the part of the other Trustees of the World Bank/IBRD/IMF operating the Global Debt Facility to obey the Will of the actual Entitlement Holders, Heirs, Beneficiaries, and Donors will result in you being arrested and charged with a multitude of crimes which I hardly need to list. You should all be grateful that you are merely being required to return stolen property and to pay reasonable interest and damages instead of being taken out and gibbeted for fraud, press-ganging, inland piracy, and unlawful conversion.
7. This is our last offer of a peaceful settlement and general amnesty. The banks and the governmental services corporations that they have run under conditions of deceit and non-disclosure are in the frying pan, Ms. Hudes. They won’t get out of it absent a full and honest return of our property assets both public and private. If the banks haven’t socked away enough profit to pay their own debts after a hundred years of stealing the value of our labor and using our assets as collateral, it’s their problem, not ours.
You and your Bar Member Buddies and your Banker Bosses have gone as far as you are going to get. The Truth is known, it is certain, and it has gone worldwide. People in Britain are now aware of exactly how international banks have colluded to enslave them, too. They have the proof in their hands. People in Canada, too. In Australia. In Japan.
If we are forced to take up arms against private commercial mercenaries masquerading as lawful agencies of our government-- the rest of the entire world which has been similarly wronged will not hesistate to join us in wiping the Federal United States into the dustbin of history; and as they realize who and what the actual perpetrators are, it will not take long for your corporations to be liquidated, your assets seized, and your precious selves committed to the fate you had planned for others.
Best make haste to make peace with your Creditors, Ms. Hudes. I recommend that you and your employers spend a couple minutes and read the children's story "The Very Greedy Python" by Eric Carle.

My actions in "behalf" of the Pope have been to inform his employees that they are not doing their jobs honestly and correctly and to inform them that they are required to correct their performance or face liquidation of their corporations.  I have done that with no conflict of interest whatsoever. I have pursued my goal (and the Pope's as it happens) of returning the American assets--- our gold, our land titles, our land patents, our copyrights, our public and private property---to the control and benefit of the American People. 

It is of vital importance that everyone understand that there are two versions of "United States" and three different classes of people living here:

There is the Continental United States (50 organic states doing business as an unincorporated joint stock company known as the united States of America) and there is the Federal United States (57 "inchoate states" --- incorporated "Federal States" existing only as franchises of their parent corporations).

The Continental United States are where we live and breathe and have our lives.  We are known as "free sovereign and independent people of the United States".  We are the American People owed the land jurisdiction and all its assets.

The Federal United States is inhabited by "British Subjects" of two kinds---- "United States Citizens" who merely "reside" here among us as employees and dependents of the inchoate Federal United States and "US CITIZENS" who are slaves bound as chattel serving the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation and its successors and franchises including the Municipality of Washington, DC.  The only role and purpose of these British Subjects left among us is to provide "good faith service" related to nineteen enumerated "essential governmental services" that our States of America contracted to receive from them.

I leave it to each of you to read what is going on between me and Ms. Hudes and determine who has your interests in mind---- me, another American who lives on the land and wants her country and her assets back, or Ms. Hudes, a lawyer for the banks that seized your property under conditions of fraud and deceit in the first place?

I also leave it to you to review Ms. Hudes' history of proposals related to these issues.  Pay attention to how many different schemes she has come up with to spend your money on your enemies and for their benefit (her current dish) or give it away (her Wolfgang Struck ploy) ----and how all these ideas involve depriving you of the gold and other assets you are owed so as to: (1) provide immunity to the banks she works for; (2) off-load the American assets that they have received under color of law, fraud, and deceit; (3) cheat you for a final time out of the gold that was confiscated from your relatives-- parents and grandparents-- in the 1930's, all while pretending to be generous philanthropists.

Generous, indeed, with other people's money ----ours.  

Wake up, people and join me in demanding your money and other assets back.  The World Bank/IBRD are in this jam out of their own making.  Put their feet to it.   The debts of the Federal United States are NOT your responsibility.  The assets in the possession of the World Bank belonged to your family--- living breathing people---not corporations, not governments. 

Why should assets belonging naturally to you as heirs be given away to further support a bank-owned and operated and now bankrupt governmental services corporation that has done nothing but abuse, oppress, cheat, rob, defraud, and steal from you and yours? 

And though the Popes owed us duty they did not provide as our Trustees from 1845 to 2008, at least they had the decency to confess and back-pedal when confronted with the resulting criminality. They have tended to their business and supported our claims and they have gotten nothing in return but a vicious propaganda campaign funded by these same banks and their operatives as thanks for their efforts. 

Maybe instead of vilifying the Church and the Knights of Malta, you should look at the far more common cause of this entire fraud? 

(1) The politicians who have occupied public office under conditions of deceit and fraud and abused those offices for private gain? 

(2) The lawyers who have white-washed and protected and tried to hide this crime against us all? 

(3) The banks that have run entire nations as Ponzi schemes via misadministration of their secretively owned "governmental services corporations"?  Used your labor and your land and your homes as collateral backing their debts without telling you, then claimed bankruptcy protection for themselves and left you to pay their debts?  Hello?

That's what Ms. Hudes admittedly is---- a lawyer (Item 2) doing what lawyers do and that is who she works for (Item 3).

She is currently proposing to give your gold and assets away to pay the debts of another bankrupt governmental services corporation that is trying to set up another round of the same old scam. If you let her and the "World Bank" get away with it, you will live as slaves in perpetual debt, without recourse. You will be stripped clean of all the credit and assets you are owed and the crooks who created this situation will get away with it.
See this article and over 100 others on Anna's website

1 comment:

  1. Wow!

    A few things i'd like to mention:

    Firstly, Did i read correctly that this lien includes "Canadians"?

    Also, i was married for a long time to a Lutheran Minister (ELCIC), and i could see in the mid- 2000's, the left wing agenda coming in through his sermons. It felt wrong and puzzling to me at the time, and now i know why.

    It is hard for me not to be suspicious of the pope's true intentions. Although it does sound like he has no where to turn.

    Am enjoying your discissions with Karen, and your commentary, Anna.


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