by Anna Von Reitz
January 16, 2016
Dear Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger-von Reitzenstein von Lettow-Vorbeck,
Once again, playing your name games, Karen? If you have done this with the hard copy reply that you claim you have sent (no sign of it here) it will be invalid because not addressed to the claimant--- a flesh and blood woman called “Anna Maria Riezinger” and a flesh and blood man called “James Clinton Belcher”. You have clearly addressed this to someone or some "thing" else other than the lien claimant and it has been translated by others and given to me despite your failure to address it to me. Again, a distinct evasion and avoidance of fact showing a refusal to deal in good faith.
The Board of Governors of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund and Board of Executive Directors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development are not in default as I put a stamped envelope with a hard copy of the answer to your claims in the mailbox addressed to you and your husband at the same time as I posted the response on the internet.
As you didn’t answer the lien questions in those remarks, exactly how or why would I consider a paper copy as an answer, either?
Why didn’t you even mention the fact that the scam of US debt is now ended because the Global Debt Facility has offset US indebtedness along with other countries’ debts against the Treaty of Versailles bonds held by the Global Debt Facility? This is a good thing, isn’t it? You should be happy about this, shouldn’t you? And your husband too?
Ms. Hudes, you have paid off the debts of the Federal United States by these actions, but you have not paid the actual Creditors, the people of the Continental United States. We have brought it to you attention before that paying our neighbor down the street is not the same as paying us. We have also brought it to your attention that the Federal United States has no contractual capacity to receive any such recompense “in our behalf”. You were instructed to read our Constitution and see for yourself that there is not any mention of any such delegation of authority to the “federal government”. As a result your actions erasing their debts has no impact on us and does not constitute any payment to us, which is a problem because we are the actual Priority Creditors owed the payment.
You might have thought it worthwhile to find out whether indeed General Dunford was a member of the Knights of Malta. Most people that know what is happening know why this is important to know. You say that you are an impartial representative of people in the United States, yet you do not bother to inform yourself about the role of secret societies?…/American-Newspaper-Publishers-A……/American-Newspaper-Publishers-A…
Ms. Hudes – without putting too sharp a point on it, you are yourself a member of a “Secret Society”--- the London Lawyer’s Guild and the Middle Innes of Court--- and you hold the office of at least “Esquire” in their service. This foreign and undisclosed office bears with it an ancient and horrific Oath to the Father of All Lies, called a Nullification Oath, which renders your testimony regarding any matter void. Since you are in the literal service of the Devil, and are bold enough to proclaim it in public, I consider you to be at least as much of a problem as any Knight of Malta.
Martial law in the United States is not legitimate; it has been suspended and instead the United States is now in an interregnum. General Dunford is no longer in command of the US government. The person who called me up to arrange a meeting with General Dunford was most disappointed when I told him the same thing.
The only way for martial law to end is for the legitimate government of the land to end it. That power remains with the people of this country, not your banker bosses and not the members of the United States Congress. The so-called Civil Authority remains with the land jurisdiction and with the Continental Congress of the united States of America. Although I believe that there would be no disagreement on the need to end martial law, or the desirability of that, until the People order it, it isn’t ordered.
This may not have come to your attention, Ms. Hudes, but the Federal United States is a creature born of contract, and that contract is not yours. We have not accepted your offer of Succession. Buying such a position from people with no interest in it and no ability to sell it in the first place is precisely the same in law as buying a piece of Florida real estate via quit claim on a piece of ocean floor. The efforts of the British Monarch to wash her hands were foiled on November 6, 2015, by our conclusion of a treaty with the American Native Nations which are both recognized Indigenous Nations and as separate competent Federal Entities. The actual Constitution still stands as a result. Even though the UNITED STATES is in receivership and your bosses have purchased it, the actual Priority Creditors have first right and are sovereign. It is our credit and assets that you have used to redeem their debt, so by what possible excuse do you now pretend to order us around and tell us what we are going to do, Ms. Hudes?
Your bank is in a middleman and Fiduciary position with regard to us having knowingly received our assets under conditions of deceit and fraud, and you have just used our assets and our credit to redeem the debts of a Third Party against our instructions. Now, on top of that, you propose that you are going to take up the role of the United States Government and tell us what to do?
Dream on, Ms. Hudes. We are still owed the entire amount of our assets received by the World Bank and we have not concluded any agreement with your corporation allowing it any Successor position with regard to us nor our united States of America. That “federal” contract has been granted to other entities and the Truth of it has been timely presented to General Secretary Ki-Ban Moon and the United Nations Security Council as well as other dignitaries and governments around the world.
Instead, the US is returning to its Constitution of 1789 under Article V thereof. US residents are exchanging Federal Reserve Notes with US Treasury Dollars minted by Ronald Reagan that are held in the Global Debt Facility.
Ronald Reagan's Grace Commission showed that US income taxes went entirely to service that scam called country debt.…/m1/1/high_res_d/IP0281G.pdf
Then, the Treasury Dollars will be exchanged for currency called aurum out of gold reserves held in the Global Debt Facility.…/84359/new-way-hold-gold
Then, the Treasury Dollars will be exchanged for currency called aurum out of gold reserves held in the Global Debt Facility.…/84359/new-way-hold-gold
The so-called “federal government” -- has been operating both unlawfully and illegally and is in both administrative and commercial default. The United Nations has been holding the cards and playing the role seeking to keep the hopelessly mismanaged derelict afloat while continuing the charade and spending credit that belongs to us. It won’t work anymore, Ms. Hudes.
We know precisely what is going on and there are no more backroom deals for Wannabe Successors to contract. We do not consent and we have returned your offer. The day you use our purloined assets and inheritance to buy a bankrupt governmental services corporation that owed us that same money and then offer to tell us what to do, is the day we jerk you and your bosses into a worldwide exposure of your criminality to be judged by the whole of humanity, not just your buddies at the Innes of Court.
The bankruptcy of the US occurred more than a decade before Jose Rizal and Ferdinand Marcos appointed the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF to abolish that2 scam called fractional reserve fiat banking as soon as the assets in the Global Debt Facility were held free and clear. If you want to complain to somebody about the bankruptcy of the United States, you can blame the Network of Global Corporate Control identified by Vitali, Glattfelder, and Battiston of ETH Zurich
The only bankruptcy of any importance to us--- the actual people and States of this country-- ended almost 200 years ago. Our involvement in any further bankruptcies by the Lincoln and Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administrations were simply gross examples of international fraud and Breach of Trust by private bank-run governmental services corporations secretively occupying public offices and using and abusing them for private benefit. All actions of the “US Congress” since 1860 have been null and void for fraud, semantic deceit, and unlawful conversion. That is their problem now, not ours. We are totally innocent Third Parties, non-combatant Victims of Crime. We are owed our public and private property back and in our lawful control with no further arguments or offers or objections of any kind. If the World Bank has a problem with that, we can take it up with the United Nations Security Council and the United Nations Trust Committees through our appointed Fiduciary Deputies. We can also take it up with the World Court and the War Crimes Tribunal.
The Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF and the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank were not Trustees in the Receivership of the United States; you have entirely fluffed this essential point upon which your spurious claims rest.
I never said that the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF and the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank were Trustees in the Receivership of the United States---- no, Ms. Hudes, what I said and what you have to answer for is the fact that they were Secondary Creditors in that action, which is precisely what Item (1) of our Final Notice states. Since when do mature attorneys attempt to confuse the words “Trustees” with “Secondary Creditors” in a bankruptcy? You have been instructed to read Title 5 of the old Federal Code and also the Bankruptcy Act of 1934--- with an eye to the fact that the people of this country were unknowingly and unconscionably named the Priority Creditors without their knowledge or consent by a bank-run government services corporation with no more authority to indebt them than Pizza Hut has authority to indebt its customers and lay claim to their private property as chattel backing its corporate faux pas.
No, Ms. Hudes the position of the World Bank and the IMF results from their failure to recognize the fact that the Priority Creditors are still alive and their Heirs are still alive and your friends, the banks that profited from the outrageous press-ganging of the American people could not resist collecting our gold as “abandoned property” on top of everything else they have done that is despicable, immoral, unlawful, and illegal. There are an estimated 390 million people on this continent who never performed the duty imposed by our actual Congress in 1804 regarding any change of our birthright political status and of them, at least 360 million who owe no service to the Federal United States.
We want our assets returned to us and to our control without any further proposals from you and your bosses about what we should do with our property. We trust that whatever you have done to bail out the Federal United States is on your own accounts, not ours.
We do not intend to further benefit our detractors and those who have defrauded us, Ms. Hudes. Please inform the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF and the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank that their involvement as Secondary Creditors to the 1933 Bankruptcy is well-recorded and remembered. We know precisely who showed up at the feeding trough and exactly who decided to give our gold away to the Secondary Creditors.
As I have also reminded you and them, the probate of an estate whether that of one man or that of a nation is never really closed. The heirs can show up 200 years later and reclaim their interest in it, and we just did precisely that. We have instructed you as a Trustee of the Global Debt Facility that you are in receipt of stolen goods that are part of our estate property and we have notified you to return our assets whether gold or titles or copyrights or registrations or patents or contracts or other material interests or representations thereof in the possession of the World Bank and its members to us and to our lawful government on the land known as the united States of America, which is still in business and solvent and bringing suit in behalf of the Priority Creditors, Entitlement Holders, Heirs, and Beneficiaries of the 1933 Bankruptcy.
Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666
"Round Four" was posted on Before Its News 16 hours ago, and had 157 views when I posted my comment.
Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666
"Round Four" was posted on Before Its News 16 hours ago, and had 157 views when I posted my comment.
January 15, 2016
Round Four With Karen Hudes:
Round Four With Karen Hudes:
KAREN: Ms. von Reitz has not yet answered my question:
“Ms.von Reitz” is not the proper party to address, is it, Karen? You are The claimant and beneficiary whose vessel is organic and who is live flesh and blood is not an officer of the Crown and holds no office related to the Crown. The woman calling you to task is called “Anna Maria Riezinger” and she is not a “Ms.” of any kind. You are an attorney and you are presumed to know that. So let’s start there. That your mischaracterization was translated and that others delivered it to me (nothing in the mail,nothing direct via email, either) is merely chance. One doesn’t misaddress questions, Karen, unless one doesn’t want the answers, which is what I estimate your situation to be.
Do you deny that General Joseph Dunford is a Knight of Malta and that he is heading the martial law in the US?
I have no knowledge of General Dunford’s associations religious, fraternal, or otherwise. I address him in his capacity as a Commanding General of the American Armed Forces, the Successors of the Grand Army of the Republic in the present day, and as a result, of course he is heading the “martial law” in the United States—- the same martial law that has existed since 1863 when Abraham Lincoln issued General Order 100 and still obligated to maintain the duty established under it to safeguard our money. Get the connection? You keep hopping up and down about “martial law” when it is a documented historical fact that the Federal United States (merely a contractor supposed to be providing services to the peaceful Continental United States and doing a damnably poor job of it) has been at constant war and operating under martial law for 150 years.
KAREN: Why did you think people wanted their gold to go to him?
See above. It is not only Dunford’s commission, but his life as a Fiduciary on the line if he fails to honor the duty owed to the American People. Know anyone else in a more compelling and official and responsible position to receive the gold back?
See above. It is not only Dunford’s commission, but his life as a Fiduciary on the line if he fails to honor the duty owed to the American People. Know anyone else in a more compelling and official and responsible position to receive the gold back?
Ms. von Reitz and her husband have no standing to make any claim against the Global Debt Facility or to prevent the Global Debt Facility from cancelling all countries’ debts against the Treaty of Versailles bonds worth 2 quadrillion dollars in the Global Debt Facility:
Ms. von Reitz and her husband have no standing to make any claim against the Global Debt Facility or to prevent the Global Debt Facility from cancelling all countries’ debts against the Treaty of Versailles bonds worth 2 quadrillion dollars in the Global Debt Facility:
I have already disabused your ignorance concerning our standing. We are each members of the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States”—– that is, the Continental United States and we have claimed and documented that status before the United Nations, the Holy See, and HRM Elizabeth II without any argument or objection. Even if we were the only Americans left, we would still have standing as the heirs of the Priority Creditors of the 1933 Bankruptcy and we would still have the ability to act under the Last Man Standing Rule to exercise the entire duty and contract owed to all other Americans. As it happens, there are about 360 million of us still able to act in this capacity and we are not the only ones competent to do so.
I have already disabused your ignorance concerning our standing. We are each members of the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States”—– that is, the Continental United States and we have claimed and documented that status before the United Nations, the Holy See, and HRM Elizabeth II without any argument or objection. Even if we were the only Americans left, we would still have standing as the heirs of the Priority Creditors of the 1933 Bankruptcy and we would still have the ability to act under the Last Man Standing Rule to exercise the entire duty and contract owed to all other Americans. As it happens, there are about 360 million of us still able to act in this capacity and we are not the only ones competent to do so.
I have answered her other assorted claims in the attached mark-up. [
Actually, the folks in my social media participate in the Global Currency Reset, and one of them was very helpful in pointing out that Ms. von Reitz is considered to be "entertainment"
another said: "Anna has very close ties to the Vatican, and that is a power base I do not have much trust in. " and another pointed out that he was recruited to "follow" her without having done this himself and that he opted out as soon as he could:
@simon21409 @KarenHudes FYI Ms Reitz trying to convince me against you. I had never accepted to follow her, somehow I was. Shenanigans? So I unfollowed ] 4
another said: "Anna has very close ties to the Vatican, and that is a power base I do not have much trust in. " and another pointed out that he was recruited to "follow" her without having done this himself and that he opted out as soon as he could:
@simon21409 @KarenHudes FYI Ms Reitz trying to convince me against you. I had never accepted to follow her, somehow I was. Shenanigans? So I unfollowed ] 4
Ms. Hudes, you are a lawyer and a bank shill trying to abscond with money and assets owed to the American People. You have promoted no less than five (5) different and all odious proposals that have reeked of self-interest, lies, and hidden deceits. The simple facts of the matter are these:
1. The World Bank/IBRD and Federal Reserve were all Secondary Creditors in the 1933 Bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc. See Title 5 of the old Federal Code, the 1934 Emergency Banking Act, and Title 12. The American people were swindled via personage and barratry into occupying the position of Priority Creditors and mercilessly hounded by the “Internal Revenue Service” sponsored by the Federal Reserve System and the “IRS” sponsored by the IMF under the false presumption that they were “voluntarily” acting in this role. In fact they were never told about it and were press-ganged by the British Government acting in Gross Breach of Trust.
2. The colluding banks named the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico as the Trustee of the Bankruptcy.
3. Via collusion, semantic deceit, unlawful conversion, reverse trust fraud and other means of constructive fraud the members of the American Bar Association and the banks responsible for this unspeakable lawlessness and depravity abused the American People and via abuse of their trust in what appeared to be their government obtained undisclosed contracts purporting to change their political status to that of municipal debt slaves owned by the “US Congress” and the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation.
4. For over seven decades the American People and the united States of America accrued credit and received no remedy. Their credit equal to the entire so-called “National Debt” of what was a private, mostly-foreign owned governmental services corporation merely calling itself the “United States of America” and trading on the name as an undisclosed successor to contract is what you propose to apply in favor of the Federal United States and its District of Columbia Municipal Corporation.
What you and your bosses are proposing is to bail out your partners in crime using our assets and our money to do it. When we object you pretend that you don’t know who we are.
5. We are members of the Class of People who are in fact the Priority Creditors, Heirs, and Entitlement Holders owed the “National Credit”, all gold reserves, all patents, all titles to land, all businesses and corporations, all patents, copyrights, and registrations of property rightfully belonging to us and we have informed you as a Trustee of the Global Debt Facility that:
(a) not a penny of assets owed to the American People and the united States of America can be applied against the debts of the Federal United States or used to buy back its I.O.U’s;
(b) if the World Bank/IBRD/IMF choose to pay off the debts of the Federal United States operating in any guise whatsoever they do so without any reference to us or our assets;
(c) our assets both public and private in the possession of the World Bank or any other bank that was party to the 1933 Bankruptcy are to be returned to us and our control without any further argument or offers or obfuscation;
(d) any offer of the UN Corporation to act as successor to contract is refused and we point out that other arrangements have already been made;
(e) as qualified beneficiaries of the living and dead Priority Creditors we bring claim under the Last Man Standing Rule and by our presence collapse any avenue for you to exercise your Will in this matter instead of ours;
(f) with the Donors and the Beneficiaries arrayed against you, Ms. Hudes, your only lawful exit as a Trustee is to do precisely what we tell you to do and we trust that the instructions we have provided are sufficient to get the job done;
(g) do not apply any of our credit or our assets to any debts of the Federal United States or the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation or use any of our credit or assets to buy back or convert Federal Reserve Notes into any other private bank script including United States Treasury Notes;
(h) our gold is to be used to back our actual money known as United States Silver Dollars and defined as one ounce of pure silver and we have appointed American Armed Forces General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr. to act as our Fiduciary Deputy to receive and secure the assets.
(a) not a penny of assets owed to the American People and the united States of America can be applied against the debts of the Federal United States or used to buy back its I.O.U’s;
(b) if the World Bank/IBRD/IMF choose to pay off the debts of the Federal United States operating in any guise whatsoever they do so without any reference to us or our assets;
(c) our assets both public and private in the possession of the World Bank or any other bank that was party to the 1933 Bankruptcy are to be returned to us and our control without any further argument or offers or obfuscation;
(d) any offer of the UN Corporation to act as successor to contract is refused and we point out that other arrangements have already been made;
(e) as qualified beneficiaries of the living and dead Priority Creditors we bring claim under the Last Man Standing Rule and by our presence collapse any avenue for you to exercise your Will in this matter instead of ours;
(f) with the Donors and the Beneficiaries arrayed against you, Ms. Hudes, your only lawful exit as a Trustee is to do precisely what we tell you to do and we trust that the instructions we have provided are sufficient to get the job done;
(g) do not apply any of our credit or our assets to any debts of the Federal United States or the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation or use any of our credit or assets to buy back or convert Federal Reserve Notes into any other private bank script including United States Treasury Notes;
(h) our gold is to be used to back our actual money known as United States Silver Dollars and defined as one ounce of pure silver and we have appointed American Armed Forces General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr. to act as our Fiduciary Deputy to receive and secure the assets.
6. Ms. Hudes --any failure on your part or the part of the other Trustees of the World Bank/IBRD/IMF operating the Global Debt Facility to obey the Will of the actual Entitlement Holders, Heirs, Beneficiaries, and Donors will result in you being arrested and charged with a multitude of crimes which I hardly need to list. You should all be grateful that you are merely being required to return stolen property and to pay reasonable interest and damages instead of being taken out and gibbeted for fraud, press-ganging, inland piracy, and unlawful conversion.
7. This is our last offer of a peaceful settlement and general amnesty. The banks and the governmental services corporations that they have run under conditions of deceit and non-disclosure are in the frying pan, Ms. Hudes. They won’t get out of it absent a full and honest return of our property assets both public and private. If the banks haven’t socked away enough profit to pay their own debts after a hundred years of stealing the value of our labor and using our assets as collateral, it’s their problem, not ours.
You and your Bar Member Buddies and your Banker Bosses have gone as far as you are going to get. The Truth is known, it is certain, and it has gone worldwide. People in Britain are now aware of exactly how international banks have colluded to enslave them, too. They have the proof in their hands. People in Canada, too. In Australia. In Japan.
If we are forced to take up arms against private commercial mercenaries masquerading as lawful agencies of our government-- the rest of the entire world which has been similarly wronged will not hesistate to join us in wiping the Federal United States into the dustbin of history; and as they realize who and what the actual perpetrators are, it will not take long for your corporations to be liquidated, your assets seized, and your precious selves committed to the fate you had planned for others.
Best make haste to make peace with your Creditors, Ms. Hudes. I recommend that you and your employers spend a couple minutes and read the children's story "The Very Greedy Python" by Eric Carle.
Karen Hudes consistently refuses to respond to the accusations and questions of Anna von Reitz. In her exchanges Hudes changes the subject repeatedly leaving the reader with the same feeling of frustration as trying to catch a fish in one's hands. One finally has to give up in disgust.
ReplyDeleteIt is clear that Karen Hudes has responded with negligence. Karen Hudes had enough time to look into the truth of the accusations. The duty to answer to the yes it is or no its not questions has just proved it has absolutely criminally moved stolen assets with willful intention as an accessory to fund the criminals that have enslaved the Continental united States of America people. This negligence has proved we the people have once again been robbed of our peace.
ReplyDeletehudes is a shill and it has always been apparent. i love how Anna has been the only one to really shine the light of knowledge on her true motivations, as well as pointing out the "club" she belongs too which has enslaved humanity for centuries, literally.
ReplyDeleteI looked up Karen Hudes with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development as the Acting General Counsel, she was not listed and I could not find her name any where, can anyone prove she holds this position?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteGreat work and effort Anna you are spot on point, point for point I join with you Anna in this statement and demand APOSTILLE NO. 13777W -00 Michigan.
ReplyDeleteThank you so very much....
Karen Hudes asserted in round four that "The Philippines government was trying to steal humanity's gold, this time in a court case relying on the International Court of Justice decision and CIA memo that the World Bank and IMF Board of Governors declared to be null and void". The truth is that the Philippines like the people of united States of America (not the corporation) has the right to demand the World Bank/IMF being the fiduciary of the assets of the Filipino people stipulated in the Balateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successors Agreement which has already matured in 2005 and therefore demandable incumbent upon the beneficiary (The Filipino People).
ReplyDeleteAnna said:
Delete>> The gold in Indonesia is Spanish gold that happens to be under the control of Chinese people.
The gold did not does not belong to the Philippines, Not to China, or England not to any Bankers. It was stolen at the time of Winston Churchill and Mountbatten. The Queen is aware, and the UK Govt was aware.
"Happened accidentally?" Anna was assuming on this one 100%. Spain is and was of the poor countries in Europe. Spain was/is not stupid in Solar and Tech. Spain issues are "lacks of Natural Resources." IF the gold belongs to Spain, why would they let England taking controls of them?? Why wouldn't it wants to profit from its gold? I agree with her that the Philippines did not own the Gold, due to the president MARCO was a crook, committed crimes. He can't have wealth at age 32. The gold belongs not to the British neither. The British laughed at Anna. If you want to know where the gold came from, you need to look at which country the British distance itself from, after their Gold-theff ? in the area near Indonesia. Due to the GB Theft and shame. Which country has a 30 year mercenary war? That should give you a clue, of the British-French digging the earth for gold, while separating and confusing the natives away. Gold is the GB main desire to back its paper currencies sinfully..