For the Boys
A Christmas Message for Veterans
From Judge Anna and James Clinton Belcher
December 24, 2015
Jim always sits with his back to the wall and an exit close by. He’s the only man I know of who goes moose hunting with a 9mm and makes a one-shot kill look easy. At past 70, the muscles on his back are still like polished stone. He is a nice man, a good man, but there is something about him that tells you that you really, truly would not want to mess with him, and there’s something else---an air of command that makes other men instinctively listen to what he says when he does speak, which isn’t often.
As one of his best friends said, “Jim was born old.”
The one thing nobody ever says, but which everyone knows, is that his heart was broken many years ago, and not by any woman. It was broken by this country. It was that heartbreak that led to the affidavit and so much more in both our lives.
Despite everything, Jim Belcher weighed in, raised four children to adulthood, and became one of the most respected artists in America. He has been a Signature Member of the Oil Painters of America since the 1990’s.
We’ve been deluged with questions from veterans who have read the affidavit and who, one way or another, know it’s true. Yes, our country’s government has been usurped by the international banks and foreign governments, especially the British government. Yes, this gross corruption has been going on a long time. Yes, it threatens not only our country, but the whole world.
Still, what’s to be done about it? The history and the facts are now clear, documented in stone by public records. We finally know the past, but what does that imply about right now and the future?
I asked Jim and here’s his advice to his fellow veterans:
First, take care of yourselves and each other. Always. Remember what cadre means.
Second, our worst enemy is ignorance. Know who you are and know who “they” are. This is difficult, because we are all Americans, and 90% of those supporting this abuse and corruption are doing so because they don’t know any better. Inform them as fully and simply as you can.
I recommend pointing out that there are two kinds of people on this Continent according to the Treaty of Paris, 1783: the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States” and “inhabitants” -- British Crown subjects who are here to deliver “essential governmental services” (The Constitution Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2). That pretty much tells the story right there.
Third, whether they know it or not, virtually all government workers and certainly all elected officials fall into that second category of British Crown subject “inhabitants” and they have used various means of fraud and guile to redefine our political status to be the same as theirs. They’ve told a bunch of lies about us and done their best to reduce us to foreign servitude.
It was by using this fraud against our true political status that they drafted people into World War II and Korea and Vietnam. It’s what they have used to tax us and license us and drive us crazy with 80 million regulations and statutes and codes, the enforcement of which is how they make a good portion of their money. Most recently they have begun outright strong-arm extortion--- forcing us to pay them for protection and health insurance and other “services” that they have seized control of.
Some people say they are Communists and some say they are Nazis. I just say they are European Banker Scum and leave it at that.
Fourth, they get away with most of their crappola by pretending to be units of government or “agencies” of government, but they aren’t. They are just private corporate subcontractors without a shred of any delegated authority. The American Bar Association and the Internal Revenue Service are both privateer organizations owned by Northern Trust, Inc. They are private bill collectors for the Pope and the Queen and international banks and that’s all they ever have been.
These entities are all operating under private corporate administrative law and international admiralty. I laugh every time I hear some idiot threaten us with “martial law” –we’ve been living under martial common law since the 1860’s.
Fifth, the ones primarily responsible for all this corruption are the members of the “US Congress” past and present---- functioning as the Board of Directors of successive private, mostly foreign-owned and always poorly managed governmental services corporations calling themselves all sorts of different names like: “UNITED STATES (INC.)” and “The United States of America (Inc.)” and “USA (INC.)” and even “E PLURIBUS UNUM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”. With a little sleuthing you can find their registrations here and in France and at the United Nations City State and other places, their DUNS numbers, their CAGE numbers, all of it.
Sixth, generations of malfeasance and treasonous corruption among the members of Congress have sold out this country and robbed us blind almost to a point of no return. Most of the stoodges in the Congress now don’t have a clue what they are doing, and they don’t care. They sign pieces of gobbledygook that are thousands of pages long into “law” and never read any of it. They pretend to have authority to sell you and your children’s children’s children into debt slavery, and they pretend that you agreed to this and gave them permission.
Seventh, the truth is that these people, aided by the members of the Bar Associations and the Internal Revenue Service, have falsified the public records and changed your political status from that of one of the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States” to that of a mere “inhabitant” ---- a British Crown subject obligated to do whatever they tell you to do and that’s how they have engineered all this rot and made all these false claims against you and your property.
Eighth, when you discover the Truth and try to get this corrected, they throw up all kinds of road blocks and make all sorts of excuses. They deny your applications for a correct passport. They harass you on the roads. They charge you with crimes that apply only to British Crown subjects in their very own administrative tribunals. They throw you in their private jails-for-profit, and then charge your public treasury for the “service”. And worst of all, they maintain that they have the power to draft you and send you anywhere in the world to kill other innocent people for the financial benefit of those responsible for this.
Ninth--- who is responsible for this besides the members of the “US Congress” and every President except Kennedy for the past hundred years? It’s mostly the British Crown and a bunch of bankers and industrialists: every corporation owned or operated by Rothschild, every corporation owned or operated by the Rockefellers, every corporation owned or operated by George Soros, for starters. Vanguard, Fidelity, Carlisle, SERCO, Northern Trust, the Federal Reserve Banks, Merrill-Lynch, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, General Electric and the list goes on. They all need to be busted up into little pieces and liquidated for fraud and racketeering. Their assets need to be returned to the people who have been murdered and defrauded and enslaved to build these criminal empires.
Tenth--- now, we’ve told it to you straight and you are still standing there gaping and saying, but what do we DO? Communications, command, and control. The word has to be passed hand to hand and mouth to mouth so that everyone in America and the rest of the world knows the Truth--- and the truth is that America, all the nations of the old British Empire---India, Canada, Australia, England, Scotland, Ireland, New Zealand---have all suffered gross fiduciary trust fraud. So has almost all of Europe. We need an “army” of researchers and forensic auditors and public accountants and historical researchers, paralegals, private investigators, and police officers. We need to track down where the money went, and by that I mean, what stands for “money”--- credit, securities, and commodities. Those responsible need to be tracked down, arrested as criminals, and subjected to the same kind of interrogation they’ve used on their scapegoats at Guantanamo. These financial criminals declared “war” on the rest of us. Let them get a taste of it.
Eleventh – the element of command: we need to change our minds. We have been fed a line of bull for so long and indoctrinated so severely that we need to relearn how to think and how to learn. Turn off the Boob Tube. Just turn it off. Listen to local radio stations if you still have some in your area. How do you know if it is “local”? Look at the content. The Corporate Controlled Media feeds you a steady stream of two things all day long, every day: sex and death. They do this to arouse your desire to buy stuff from their bosses and to frighten you into demanding more government services----which is the same thing. Turn the knob. You have to start thinking and looking for yourselves. “Snopes” is nothing but a couple California Libs who couldn’t check a fact if their lives depended on it. Check your own facts. Use your own brains, your own hearts. Start cranking out your own media—you know how. Send this message out by the millions. Print it out. Email it. Paste it on your mess kit.
Twelfth – control. The first thing you have to control is yourself. Keep calm and get even. Take the steps necessary to secure your families and communities. Tell the “Mayors”--- who are corporate stooges elected to private corporate offices—to vacate any pretension of holding public office and to stop adding fluoride or anything else to your drinking water. Make that one stick and make plans for taking over and running public utilities in an emergency. Lay in a supply of food and first aid and everything else you can and plan not only for yourselves, but as much as you can for your neighbors. Everyone who has drilling equipment, start plugging water wells for public use. Along with these practical kinds of measures, put the heat on the politicians.
Call for a public moratorium on all foreclosures. No money has been loaned since 1933, and no credit but the Borrower’s own credit has been loaned, either. Every single mortgage contract in America is void for fraud without exception. Those men and women in the nice suits who claim to be running “your state legislature” are responsible. Do I need to say anything more? According to the commercial law in all fifty states, a “promissory note” has to be paid off within nine months of issuance. That thing misrepresented to you as a promissory note, and which you signed in Good Faith, is in fact a security note and what the bank obtained from you is an unregistered security---which is totally illegal. You’ve been defrauded and the contract failed on the first default.
Everyone in America who has had a mortgage since 1933 has been defrauded. It’s the same in Canada, England, and France---anywhere this “system” has been allowed to function.
It’s time you all woke up.
Call for the return of your bank-pilfered property. In 1933 the “Congress”--- a Board of Directors of a private, mostly foreign-owned corporation facing bankruptcy – pledged you and your assets as “surety” for their debts without telling you a thing about it. They also created their own currency--- a private corporate script called a “Federal Reserve Note” and gave it (and them) an unnatural benefit: a fixed “dollar for dollar” rate of exchange against your United States Dollar defined as an ounce of pure silver.
A “Federal Reserve Note” is a promise to pay--- an I.O.U. So “Congress” acting at the behest of the Federal Reserve Banks exchanged your gold and silver for their worthless paper, cleaned out Fort Knox, ran “your” credit cards to the hilt, and then bankrupted the whole Federal Reserve System----discharging all those I.O.U’s via bankruptcy fraud and leaving the perpetrators in possession of your gold and silver, plus the value of everyone’s labor and natural resources since 1933. The perpetrators have pulled the same fraud in almost every country worldwide.
No wonder Jacob Rothschild claims to be worth 500 trillion dollars.
I wouldn’t say he’s worth the powder to blow him to Hell, but that’s my opinion.
Resist all and any attempts to disarm anyone. Placed against this backdrop, when “the government” --- a private corporation of the same basic nature as Burger King International tells you to give up your guns, what do you tell that “government”----?
That’s right.
You don’t give them your guns or your knives or your swords or your chain saws or your nail guns or anything else that can be used as a deadly weapon. If you are an American, you don’t ask anyone to give up their guns and other weapons for any reason. You understand that we are facing a criminal cartel of unimaginable proportions bent on enslaving the entire world via deceit and fraud. You call on your brothers in the military worldwide and in the police forces worldwide, to put an end to this bunko.
You tell your neighbors and you batten down.
There’s 360 million of us in America and 515 of them, plus about 30 million clueless corporate government employees operating county franchises and state franchises of the governmental services corporation(s) responsible for this mess.
Restore your lawful government on the land. All the “State of.......” and “County of.......” organizations you see are franchises in the same sense as the local Dairy Queen. They are not the counties and states you owe yourself and do not represent the counties and states you are heir to. These are foreign “territorial” and corporate entities that are supposed to be limiting themselves to serving Federal United States Citizens and riding herd on the same corporations that are causing all this trouble.
Your counties and states rule the land jurisdiction owed to the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States” and it is time to exercise that jurisdiction. Post the Public Notices and hold Public Meetings explaining the situation, open Nominations for the vacant offices of ---Sheriff on the Land, Judges and Justices of the Peace, Clerks, Bailiffs, Public Notaries, owed your Common Law Courts (see Amendment VII and Milligan Ex Parte), Coroner, and any other offices you wish to fill, including Governor on the Land---and hold elections, accept the bonds and oaths, and get started.
Once elected and installed in office, your Sheriff on the Land is the highest police official in America. He can deputize as many men as he needs. He can commandeer the forces and equipment of all the corporate “Sheriffs” who are just mall cops being paid for out of our public funds----and he is fully empowered to go retrieve any and all Americans being held in any corporate for-profit jails for release to his custody. Only those accused of murder or armed assault with a deadly weapon may be retained by Federal Marshals.
Thirteenth --- show up the United Nations for what it is. Thus far, it has been a clearinghouse and facilitator of all this fraud, oppression, and criminality. If it is ever going to have any legitimate power or function it’s now or never. It has to address the worldwide bank fraud and oppressive tactics of its member states --- which are all nothing but corporations --- and if it doesn’t, then you all know where the spring cleaning needs to begin.
Fourteenth, put the spurs in the Roman Catholic Church. According to Ecclesiastical Law, which is where all this started, the Pope has the unquestioned right to amend or repeal any statutory law and to discipline or liquidate any corporation on Earth that functions in a criminal fashion----including his own.
You “the free sovereign and independent people of the United States” are owed Good Faith service, protection, freedom (not “liberty”), and peace from these scoundrels according to the Definitive Treaty of Peace (1783), The Treaty of Westminster (1794), The Supreme Repubican Declaration of the United Colonies of America, The Constitution for the united States of America, The United States Statutes-at-Large, the Expatriation Statute (1868), the Geneva Convention Protocols of 1949: Laws of War, Volume II, Article 3, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Universal Right of Self-Declaration.
If these fine words ever meant anything, the Jacob Rothschilds and John McCains of the world must finally be recognized for what they are, arrested, and incarcerated for crimes against humanity.
---- James Clinton Belcher
For a brief view of some of the painting James does go to his facebook page here:
SERCO: “The Biggest Corporation You’ve Never Heard Of”
ReplyDeleteRegarding SIXTH above:
ReplyDeleteongress just passed a $1.1 trillion budget bill. Here, from The Hill (“Paul: Nobody read the $1.1 trillion omnibus bill”), is what Senator Rand Paul has to say about it:
“It was over a trillion dollars, it [the bill] was all lumped together, 2,242 pages, nobody read it, so frankly my biggest complaint is that I have no idea what kind of things they stuck in the bill…We were given it yesterday or the day before the bill came forward, and so this is not a way to run government. It’s a part of the reason why government is broke.”
Paul went to say that no Democrat or Republican in the House or Senate read the bill before voting on it.
ReplyDeleteIMHO, every action taken against the "people of the United States" while they were still presumptively "inhabitants of the United States" was all authorized by the Definitive Treaty of Peace, 1783, no fraud intended or executed, just the grand plan. The mistake of the original "people of the United States" for not bringing forward the political character and status they enjoyed, namely, being "free, sovereign and independent", is what the Crown of Great Britain and the United States of America based their presumptions on, which is, the "people of the United States" do not want to be "free, sovereign and independent" but want to return to the mother country and be counted as one of the "inhabitants of the United States."
Now, the cat is out of the bag, and some of the former presumptive "inhabitants of the United States" are aware of what the true state of affairs are and are taking steps to correctly state, as a matter of fact, their declaration of their political character and status as one of the "free sovereign and independent" "people of the United States."
That one act, changes every relationship for that individual, principally with the government(s), but also with every other entity.
That one act, takes the individual from being a debtor, to being a creditor, takes one from receiving benefits, privileges, immunities and civil rights from the government from the Crown of Great Britain, to where, that individual is a "free sovereign and independent" one of the "people of the United States."
That one act, takes the individual from being a subject of the Crown of Great Britain/United States of America citizen/slave to being a true "freeman" responsible only for himself to his God, his conscience, and the "law of the land" what he has adopted, ratified and invoked for the purpose of the "essential governmental duties" the various levels of government owe to him.
It is not until the individual fully grasps this complete, 180 degree change in direction, will that individual finally be able to correct his thinking of the government officers, officials, agents and employees, and pat them on the back and tell them what a good job they are doing of controlling the "inhabitants of the United States" and providing the expected "essential governmental duties" to the "people of the United States."
It has been my experience, when I interact with the government officials, officers, agents and employees in that manner, the complete change of attitude by those said government officials, officers, agents and employees towards me.