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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Truth and Thomas Deegan by Anna Von Reitz

I realize this is a Thomas Deegan Fan Club Parade, but….this is Judge Anna. Dee-Day is my nickname. I was born on June 6….
The Holy See was a Beneficiary of the fraud and the Pope as the CEO of the Global Estate Trust was bearded in his lair in 2008 and agreed to forgive any “debts” arising from the fraudulent claims made against us and to return all the American property to the Americans. He thereby “redeemed” himself and settled the controversy in our favor and became an ally in the cause of cleaning up the mess, bringing remedy to the people, and disciplining the perpetrators.
Once I have settled an issue with someone with complete agreement to just action, I stop beating them and blaming them. You should, too. All this horrible propaganda against the Church was unleashed by the banks shortly after Benedict took action in our favor and it has continued on relentlessly ever since. That should give you a clue who our real enemies are.
As for Thomas, I tried my best to explain both the history and the jurisdictions and the double-speak names of things, but he would not listen. He had the idea that I was “working for the Pope” and just kept blundering along until he gave them an excuse to arrest him and there he sits. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.
Since that time I have continued my labors at my level and considerable headway has been made toward explaining the situation and organizing information and securing allies in the effort worldwide. As I have said from the beginning, it’s NOT just Americans who have been fleeced and abused. Darn near every country on Earth has been all-but tanked by this same fraud and harmed by these same fraudsters.
It’s important that everyone on Earth including our own people understand the difference between the Federal United States and the Continental United States — the jurisdiction of the sea versus the jurisdiction of the land—-and, most importantly, the Law of the Sea versus the Law of the Land.
NONE of these “courts” that Thomas addressed function under the Law of the Land. They are ALL either (1) in-house corporate administrative tribunals for public employees and federal dependents or (2) “Special Admiralty Courts” — a euphemism for international martial common law.
We can shut the Admiralty Courts down simply by reclaiming our own political status as one of the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States” and reorganizing our counties on the land as unincorporated associations, electing our Common Law Judges, Justices of the Peace, Public Notaries, Land Recorders, etc., and most importantly, Sheriffs on the Land.
Once you have formed the body politics, elected your Sheriff, provided him with a bond, and taken his sworn Oath, he can deputize as many men as he needs just like John Wayne in the old movies, to secure enforcement of the judgements of your Common Law Courts.
Once the Common Law Courts are in operation, the still-standing United States Supreme Court Case Milligan Ex Parte (1866) REQUIRES that the Special Admiralty Courts shut down and you can then also require the corporate administrative “courts” to properly identify themselves as private corporate tribunals having jurisdiction over corporations and “federal state” and “federal county” employees and subcontractors.
Your Sheriff can then also identify Thomas Deegan as one of the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States” — and assuming that Thomas in prison still has sense enough to nod his head and agree that he is one—-the County Sheriff on the land can collect the land “asset” and require the Federales to release Thomas to his custody along with any other Americans who are in federal jails in the area.
The only people they are not required to release to the Sheriff on the Land are those accused of murder or assault with a deadly weapon. Since Thomas is in jail for a thought-crime and thought-crimes do not exist under the Law of the Land, he would be immediately released by the Sheriff On the Land because he has broken no Law of the Land.
Besides The Constitution for the united States of America, the Law of the Land includes the Public Laws with enabling (not enactment) clauses known as United States Statutes-at-Large.
2 United States Statute-at-Large 153, Chapter 28 clearly defines the “duty to perform” for any one of the “free sovereign and independent people of the United States” (Definitive Treaty of Paris 1783) to ever become a Federal United States Citizen. It makes it very clear that nobody born in one of the American states can ever become a British Crown subject via any form of private contract written or implied.
This is a political status issue, not a matter of law. The kind of law you live under is determined by your political status and your right to choose your political status—-and the “governments” obligation to respect your choice— is guaranteed by many, many treaties and declarations and agreements including the Treaty of Paris 1783, The Constitution for the united States of America, the Expatriation Act of 1868, the Geneva Convention Protocols of 1949—Laws of War, Volume II, Article 3, the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights and their Universal Right of Self-Declaration.
However, as I have pointed out before, what we are dealing with is not really a sovereign government and never has been— its an association of fifty sovereign nation states operated as a commercial governmental services corporation. The “federal government” is a corporation just like Sears or GE. It has “State” franchises and “County” franchises. All these things are private, foreign-owned, for-profit or NGO entities here to provide the enumerated services our states agreed to purchase from them under The Constitution for the united States of America.
So when Thomas started calling for a take-over of the “State of West Virginia” office buildings, etc., what he was really doing was calling for people to take over property belonging to a foreign corporation like Monsanto or Boeing and threatening their employees. Whereupon they sent out their corporate mercenaries, tried him in their private corporate tribunal under false presumptions, and locked him up in their private, for-profit jail system—– and sent the bill for all this “service” to us.
Now, is this whole picture clicking into focus for you?
Our “servants” under contract to provide “essential governmental services” under Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2, have practiced a form of fraud and identity theft against us, grabbed our credit cards, and have been working this bunko scheme against us for years without us knowing anything about it. Now we have awakened and objected to it and they are all standing there going —-“Uh! What? Huh? This is the way we’ve always done it….”
They’ve been acting under color of law and committing these crimes for so long, they don’t know any better. It’s like doing business in Oklahoma: “Oh, you mean, filling up my private truck at the company gas tank isn’t just part of the way we do things?”
There are only a few masterminds at the top of this pyramid of crime and millions of clueless, faithful employees. To prevent bloodshed and injustice it is very important that this be addressed as crime, not any kind of political insurrection, and the proper place to address it is at a diplomatic level in international jurisdiction.
Now, there is something else I have to tell you all—- the members of the “US Congress” operating the “Federal United States” and the “District of Columbia Municipal Corporation” profiting from all this fraud and graft ran our credit cards up to the hilt and they stole all our gold and silver assets by fraud, too.
They did this by establishing a fixed rate of exchange between their private corporate script known as the “Federal Reserve Note” and our actual United States Silver Dollar. They set up a “dollar for dollar” exchange rate that allowed them to exchange worthless paper for our unpaid labor and our silver and gold. Read House Joint Resolution 192 and the 1934 Emergency Banking Act. You will notice that you never received any of the remedies that you were promised—a little insult to injury that has cost you at least 50% of your lifetime earnings.
Meantime they racked up historic trade deficits with China and other nations “in our names”—and haven’t paid the bills. Naturally, if our own people are having trouble drawing a distinction between the Federal United States and the Continental United States, how are the Russians and Chinese and other nations supposed to know?
Our pockets have been picked clean by these con artists, our gold and silver has been stolen, and we have been worked like field slaves for their benefit for the better part of a hundred years —-and now the rest of the nations of the world are looking at us to make good on all their “Federal Reserve Notes”.
At this juncture it is absolutely necessary that those who benefited from all this larceny— the Holy See, the Queen, Jacob Rothschild, David Rockefeller, the Committee of 300, and their various corporations—be forced to pick up the tab and restore our purloined property. The Pope has agreed to do so. The Queen is digging in her heels. Rothschild still thinks he is going to buy us off with a pittance of gold disbursed from the “Global Debt Facility” and claim that we accepted that as payment for all that he and his cronies owe the American people.
I say it’s not happening, and if it does, we prosecute Karen Hudes and the 188 Trustees of the Global Debt Facility as common criminals acting in collusion with other criminals.
I also say that we make this circumstance common knowledge on a worldwide basis and stop fighting among ourselves or with anyone else. Everyone on Earth has suffered because of these criminals in our midst. Everyone. Every nation. And the source of this problem is the same: a corrupt and dishonest global banking system run by corrupt and dishonest men.
If you go to my website: you will find my suggestions of how we can use a digital credit-based system to establish true planetary liquidity and social justice and local control —-and get rid of banking and bankers entirely. That will also cut down tremendously on any use for lawyers.
Now I have taken a great deal of time to personally answer in full as much as I can about this situation and I have posted it here for all the Thomas Deegan Fans to read and understand that whatever else I am, I am on their side and watching their backs and not “the Enemy”. The Enemies of all Mankind are the small-minded, small-hearted, greedy, ugly, dishonest little Mountebanks responsible for this outrageous crime sitting in their penthouse offices and calling us “livestock” in their palatial homes.
It is up to us all to get on our cowboy boots and change that and for us to make the entire circumstance known to the rest of the world so that change— real change for the better—is completely unavoidable. The people of China and Russia, Europe, Britain, India, Australia, Canada—- everyone has been cheated by these criminal banking cartels and we have been mercilessly milked and attacked and defrauded by their bill collectors—the Bar Associations and the Internal Revenue Service for three generations.
Mr. Obama is going to get a “change” all right. And so is the “US Congress”.

See this article and over 100 others on Anna's website

1 comment:

  1. “At this juncture it is absolutely necessary that those who benefited from all this larceny— the Holy See, the Queen, Jacob Rothschild, David Rockefeller, the Committee of 300, and their various corporations—be forced to pick up the tab and restore our purloined property. The Pope has agreed to do so. The Queen is digging in her heels. Rothschild still thinks he is going to buy us off with a pittance of gold disbursed from the “Global Debt Facility” and claim that we accepted that as payment for all that he and his cronies owe the American people.
    I say it’s not happening, and if it does, we prosecute Karen Hudes and the 188 Trustees of the Global Debt Facility as common criminals acting in collusion with other criminals”.
    …lol…why did Anna don’t mention the Black Pope and the Grey Pope? Which is more powerful than the White Pope? Is she didn’t know these two that is more powerful behind? Here they are below…
    As for the Rothschilds -- yes they are bad, but there are others far more powerful who are hiding behind the Rothschilds. There is a secret, multi-layered, Papal military order, called the Sovereign Military Order of Malta ("Knights of Malta", "Knights Hospitallers", or "SMOM" for short). The SMOM was founded in Jerusalem in 1080 to wage war and steal for the benefit of the Holy Roman Empire. Today, the most influential groups within the SMOM are the Order of the Garter and the Pilgrim Society.
    All controlled through the Jesuit Order and their Knights of Malta & Teutonic Knights all based in missile protected Borgo Santo Spirito in Rome.
    Pepe Orsini – Italy
    Henry Breakspear – Macau, China
    This is the true power finally.
    This is the Guelph and the Ghibelline power over mankind.
    The Cecil family were controlled by the powerful Jesuit family known as the Pallavicini. Maria Camilla Pallavicini is far more powerful than Queen Elizabeth II.
    The Queen and Prince Philip are totally subordinate to the Papal Bloodline the Breakspear Family and their Jesuit UKHQ at 114 Mount Street.
    Please go and study who funded Elizabeth I that astronomical amount of money to fight the Spanish, yes Pallavicini.
    The most powerful man right now in the conspiracy over this World is a Roman by the name of PEPE ORSINI of the powerful Roman Papal Bloodline the Orsini also known as Orso and the ancient Maximus family.
    There is no one more powerful than this figure who is really the Grey pope.
    The papal blood lines are the secret shadow hieracy of the Jesuit Order even behind the Black Pope touted at the #1.
    These powerful bloodlines are the Breakspear, Somaglia, Orsini, Farnese & Aldobrandini.
    You’ll notice David Rothschild marrying into the Aldobrandini with the pretty, Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini.
    Another real head of this is Henry Breakspear who resides now in Macau in China.
    Many of the Papal Bloodline heads now live in Asia and India. What does that tell you?
    The current Black Pope, Adolfo Nicholas was bought forward for the position due to the Jesuits bringing about of Asia as the next power player of the agenda.
    Both this Black Pope and the white Pope aren’t of Papal Bloodline, they are both commoners.
    I’ve named the most powerful families on the planet. I’ve named the Grey Pope the one inbetween the white and black but unseen
    Saturnalian Brotherhood – The Real 13 Zoroastrian Bloodlines of the Illuminati
    House of Borja
    House of Breakspeare
    House of Somaglia
    House of Orsini
    House of Conti
    House of Chigi
    House of Colonna
    House of Farnese
    House of Medici
    House of Gaetani
    House of Pamphili
    House of Este
    House of Aldobrandini
    Please…continue reading to this link below.


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