By Anna Von Reitz
Someone asked us today, why does "the US" (which, as a moniker also often carelessly includes the USA, Inc. and other entities as well) issue money as debt notes?
Why don't they just pay like everyone else and be done with it?
First it was the "Federal Reserve Notes" and now, they are trying to float "United States Notes" -- and saying that these "notes" are gold-backed.
If they are "backed" by gold, why not just pay in gold, instead of doing this fox-trot around using private commercial scrip as a substitute?
Why expect or even ask everyone else to extend them credit based on gold? And why pay the interest on all this unnecessary borrowing?
It's because our Federal Subcontractors can only impose on our credit, not our assets.
Read the Federal Constitutions --- all three separate documents.
The States own the silver and the gold under the auspices of the Federation of States. They pay for the services of the Federal Subcontractors in silver or gold. The Federal Subcontractors use our credit to pay for their bills.
But there is a catch that nobody is noticing.
The Congress that is supposed to approve all this spending and all this extension of credit is our Congress, not their Congress(es).
It's our Congress of States that is supposed to hold those purse-strings, not the Congress of States of States (Confederate States) that is supposed to be running the Confederation, not the United States Congress (1787) that is supposed to be running the Federal Republic and all the "State Republics", not the British Territorial United States Congress known as the U.S. Congress, not the Municipal Congress, either.
Our Congress. The States in Congress Assembled. Our States. Plain old Wisconsin, Texas, Virginia, New York....
Not Confederate States.
Not Federal States.
Not Republics. Not State Republics
Not British Territorial States of States
Not Municipal STATES
We, our States, our People, are the ones who get to spend our money and our credit, and that has not been happening for a very long time -- slightly more than 160 years, to be precise.
That is how long our European Federal Subcontractors have been embroidering an unimaginable fraud scheme against our country, lying to us, impersonating us, working unlawful conversion against us, secretly usurping our powers, commandeering our trade policies, declaring war "for" us, and indulging in all sorts of illegal mercenary conflicts "in our names", running up vast unauthorized expenses in our names, and then dumping these expenses on us as if we agreed to them.
These same False Friends and Dishonest Merchants have acted under color of law to accomplish all of this.
They have also received our gold under False Pretenses, and pulled the same old Schtick -- oh, we're their representatives, here to collect the gold bond assets that the Pope released for them, here to collect the gold they have on deposit with Citibank, here to..... well, you can all get the picture.
The Brits and the Romans have been running wild all over creation and pretending to be the Americans and pretending to act for the Americans without a shred of authority or reason to do so.
They have unjustly enriched themselves, lied to their Employers, misrepresented their Employers, defrauded their Employers, stolen and embezzled and counterfeited against their Employers, illegally confiscated their Employer's property, grossly exceeded any delegated authority we ever gave them, and they are desperately trying to keep their Fraud Scheme rolling.
Your lawful government has finally unraveled the whole mess and is standing up for you, but you also have to stand up for yourselves.
In a few days, they intend to offer the world a new kind of "Promise to Pay" someday "Note" -- and the only difference between this "Note" and the "Federal Reserve Note" is that now they are promising to pay in gold, but they still aren't stipulating a specific time when each "Note" is going to be repaid, and they aren't offering to pay in gold that is actually owned by them --- they are offering to pay in gold that is owned by us, the long-lost Americans that they are now desperately trying to evade and suppress.
We are the people they owe all that gold and credit to, and we are telling them to step back and step down and stop making sounds like they "represent" us. They don't. Read the Contracts.
Where does it say a word about the British Territorial Government printing or minting our money? Or the Holy Roman Municipal Government, either?
There is no such authority vested in any of these foreign Federal Subcontractors, and it is plain to see why there isn't.
Would you just hand your business, your life savings, your own body, everything you own both public and private, to some foreign employees?
Of course, you wouldn't.
You'd do that job yourself, unless you were deluded and defrauded into thinking that these people were representing your own dear States of the Union, and buffaloed into believing that they were your legitimate representatives occupying public offices.
So these "officers" of foreign commercial and municipal corporations under contract to provide us with certain "essential government services" enumerated in their respective Constitutions, breached the trust that their own existence depends on a long time ago.
And now, they are trying for another round of fraud and misrepresentation.
They stepped forward, hurriedly, and agreed to receive the gold that the Pope owed to each and every one of us. He sent back over 650 plane loads of gold bullion which the mercenary "military" received "for" us and rat-holed up near the Canadian Border --- handy for the Brits to move in and steal.
And now, they are using our gold as the "gold assets" backing their "US NOTES" and trying to replace their own fricking worthless "Federal Reserve Notes" with promissory notes based on gold belonging to American babies.
They are stealing again from babies. And trying to get the American Native Tribes to front for them and hold the land trust assets.
It's sickening.
Everyone on the planet that has been impacted by this gross fraud should vomit and walk away. And if you are going to lob any nukes, please note, we didn't know about or agree to or do any of the harm that has been done to us or anyone else.
All this crime was done by what appeared to be "our" government, but instead, was done by European Subcontractors ---the so-called Holy Roman Empire and its Successors, the British Territorial Governments run as venal commercial and municipal corporations worldwide, the British "Crown" Corporation that stole the identities of American babies by copyrighting their Given Names and so, "renamed and redefined" these little tykes as wards of their evil Queen, and used these purloined copyrights to rubber stamp all manner of legal chicanery in the names of the victims.
These vicious counterfeiters deserve what they get, and no American reading this should have any doubts about it.
And now we say to you all, every public leader, every business, every country on Earth, these same evil-doers have illegally and unlawfully and immorally latched onto gold reserves that are owed to us, the actual Americans, and are trying to use that gold as the backing for their new debt notes.
They are trying to weasel any way they can to continue purloining and using our assets right in front of our faces --- for their benefit.
You would have to be absolutely crazy to trust any of them and even crazier to trust their offers to pay with someone else's money in the future. All they are going to do is try to kill all of us and say that the "funds were abandoned", owners unknown.
That's the kind of criminals these people are. This is the kind of game they have played for 300 years.
Just remember there are no good guys or bad guys in their ranks. The Dutch East India Company was just as guilty and loathsome as the British East India Company. Biden and Trump are two sides of the same wooden nickel.
Don't fall for the Good Cop/Bad Cop game. We aren't horses, but we are being treated like animals, subjected to the "carrot" (Trump) and the "stick" (Biden).
Don't believe their beating of the drum about any "Republics" --- they aren't building any American Republics. They are building British Territorial "Republics" and trying to substitute them for ours.
Just more impersonation, more fraud, more schemes, more substitution frauds, more False Representation, more inland piracy, more unlawful conversion, more theft, more breach of trust, more bull crap.
Even as we speak, the mercenary "military" is guarding our gold "for" us and offering to use it as the backing for their promissory notes.
Why not do the right thing and give your Employers back their own assets, deposit the gold that belongs to us in our own treasury, in our own chartered bank system, and let us get on with issuing both actual money and pre-paid credit that we are owed?
It's our right and we are exercising it.
It doesn't matter how long we have been quiet.
It doesn't matter what defunct organization we delegated powers to.
It doesn't matter how many of us there are.
We have a "republican form of government" ---guaranteed --- so it is not a democracy and not a numbers game.
We don't need any British Territorial Mercenaries or British Crown Corporations running our business for us, and we don't need any Bar Attorneys converting our identities and illegally confiscating our assets and running fraudulent court systems on our land, either.
We wouldn't have left our Airmen First Class without a raise since 1964, except for "Cost of Living Increases".
Think about that.
Give us our gold and our credit and you can receive Amnesty for acting in ignorance; but keep on playing the stupid games and taking the stupid orders, and all you are going to get for it is a gibbet as a foreign mercenary engaged as an inland pirate.
All the rest of the world? You want an end to the "Overseer" and Slave System? Want an end to the endless meddling in your business? Want their hands out of your pockets? Here is how they are trying to boot it up again.
The Pope and Queen and British Crown are surrendering everything to the American Indians.
We, all the other Americans, 85% of the population, are being cast in the role of Overseers for the new Landlords.
And both the Natives and the rest of us are being set up in this Divide and Conquer strategy, forced to either recreate the same old ugly system of "haves" and "have nots" or fight among ourselves like dogs over a bone --- in which case, they will supply both "sides", bet on the fight and use other mercs to come in and beat the winner.
Wake up, America, it really is this bad. Wake up, Europe, you can see it for yourselves. You know that you've been illegally occupied since WWII. Wake up, Japan! Wake up, China!
They are proposing to pay you more promissory notes based on our stolen and purloined gold, just like they proposed to give you land that belongs to us, to pay off their debts.
It's time to put these mad dog corporations down, convert the mercenary forces back to actual national militaries, and take back what is ours --- our countries, our governments, our assets.
And remember where they live.
These Perpetrators, these Arch-criminals, aren't here in hodunk America. They are in Geneva and Monaco, in Rome, in Venice, vacationing in the Greek Isles, they are in the Inner City of London, Buckingham Palace (named after King James I's homosexual lover, Lord Buckingham) and Kennsington Palace (only slightly more savory) and in Balmoral Palace (advertising that they practice Baal's Morals) and in Washington, DC -- an "independent, international city state" perched on our shores in violation of their landuse permits.
If you want to get to the root of this evil, it's the banks; if you want to get at the implementation of this evil, it's the banks; if you want to get control of the situation --- and keep it --- give the gold over to the American Federation Treasury and let your Employers get on with their lives and their work.
Nobody on Earth likes the current regimes and crooked practices of the Federales. Nobody wants more fighting and divisiveness and war-mongering and corporate feudalism.
We are done with evil. Today, tomorrow, next week and forever. If you are done with it and want something better with all your heart, then do whatever you can to wake people up, learn what is going on, and shake a leg.
Stand up and declare your birthright political status.
Americans can go to the States of America ( website to locate their State Assembly; everyone else (including Americans living offshore) who wants sanity and wants to be recognized as a national of their own country, go to and look for the Land Recording and Publishing System (LRPS).
And as for you Army Guys, don't even think about going through with the Narrative and blowing up "national monuments" --- especially any dams that will cut electricity and flood everything downstream.
If its time for us to tear down every brick of Washington, DC, we can do it the same way it was built. No need for waste and bombs and killing of the innocent.
We were happy to hear that the illegal occupation of our country by British Territorial forces is finally at an end; we don't propose that we should next be snookered into accepting a British Territorial Government acting in our stead.
This is a worldwide problem and everyone has an equal stake and reason to solve it.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
September 18th 2024
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