By Anna Von Reitz
We and the living people we represent and those unincorporated institutions of the living people that we own and represent, are the long-lost owners and possessors, the Donor-Beneficiaries, the ones who hold the only survivorship interest in all these named Estates, Trusts, and Legacies.
We own the Federal Reserve Banks -- all of them.
They were all in gross debt to us and still are. They are insolvent by definition and we foreclosed and we hold all the cured UCC-liens and other options regarding them.
There is, therefore, no need for any "correspondence bank" as all banks in the system are by definition our banks and we hold superior concurrent general jurisdiction. We can operate freely on air, land, and sea.
We, the living people, own all survivorship interest in all the off-ledger assets that are the asset backbone of all 63 member banks of record in the Bank of International Settlements.
Trying to impersonate us has not succeeded and will not succeed in future.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
February 15th 2024
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