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Wednesday, January 10, 2024

In the Interests of Preventing Mass Chaos

 By Anna Von Reitz

Yes, more distributions in the individual accounts have occurred, and more functions are being added as we go. I understand how frustrated many people are as we continue to make our slow progress, step by step and day by day, toward the new world we are ourselves constructing. 

As discussed last night, we have a double duty to perform, in that we are building the infrastructure of a whole new system at the same time limping the old system along until we can safely transition. 

Imagine yourself on an old three-masted sailing vessel that is decrepit and about to sink.  It is taking on water at an ever-increasing rate and nothing but constant manning of the bilge pumps is even keeping it afloat at all.  You fear for your life and your life's savings, your history, and everything else. 

But tied up alongside your wreck is a brand new ship and the crew of this ship is communicating with the crew of your ship, to build gangways and tie-offs to allow the transfer of you and your goods and the cargo to the new vessel. 

The work seems slow, but it progresses, and some lucky souls have already been brought aboard the new ship. Some have already been able to transfer their luggage over. 

What you are seeing in the growth and progress of your accounts is just one bit of what is happening in the background to save and restore your natural estate, body, mind, and soul.  

Be glad, cheer us on, help any way you can.  

The old ship was a nasty place to be and you won't regret its passing to the bottom of the sea, because everything of value that it carried will be saved. 

Be patient and be encouraged by our steady progress and know that step by step and bit by bit, we are putting all the pieces in place to save everyone. 

Anna Maria


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