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Saturday, December 23, 2023

You, Safety, and Freedom -- A Message for Americans

 By Anna Von Reitz

Some astute questions have come forward from people living in States where progress of their Assemblies seems stalled and attention has been focused on issues unrelated to establishing The Four Pillars.  Some of these people have been castigated for having these concerns, but their questions are fair.   

They cite things going on that don't make sense, like studying Federal Code as if that was our controlling law, or Federal Case Law, as if that was our dictum.  

They also cite sending endless Notices and creating commercial liens against the de facto corporations, when all American assets have already been extracted and massive liens for remuneration of damages have already been established and monetized. 

They report being prevented from joining their State Assembly by lack of response or bureaucratic obstacles.  

Why fritter away time and energy studying the "law" of a foreign corporation?  

Why send and debate all these giant Notice packages, when a simple one page letter sent to the United States State Department with a copy to the U.S. Attorney General and State-of-State Secretary of State and State-of-State Attorney General would suffice?  

These offices were already served Due Notice and Process for seven (7) years; the various State Assemblies are just following up and serving Notice that they are in Session.  The only other Notice that they need to send is when they stand up their State Courts, and the State of State Supreme Court Justice is added to the list of those receiving the Notice letter.  

What good does it do, for me to do all this work, when the Assembly Coordinators aren't doing outreach, aren't providing orientation for people, and the recorders seem to change their demands by the hour?  

We have in fact fantastically expedited the completion of the basic necessary paperwork down to just three (3) pages --- a declaration and two Witnesses.  

There are things that people may want to do beyond that, such as Baby Records for those who wish to claim their children and provide them with their American provenance, but coming home to the land and soil requires only three pages and those pages are simple. 

Don't let anyone cumber it up and make it more difficult. 

If you are having trouble reaching your Coordinators or Recorders and you have been patient and given it a good faith effort, go ahead and use the Global Family International Land Recording and Publishing System. It's there to make sure nobody gets left behind: 

Okay.  While a certain amount of interest in Federal Code is natural, it's best to remember that only about 8% of it addresses Americans, and then, only those Americans who are engaged in federally regulated activities or voluntarily entering Federal properties, such as Naval Dockyards. 

The percentage of our population actually engaged in federally-regulated activities is miniscule, so it is most useful and instructive for us to concentrate on the ways that our public employees entrap us and claim that we are engaged in federally-regulated activities, when we are not. 

The Great Grab Bag Claim that they use is that you are engaged in "interstate commerce".  They created the Municipal Corporation named after you --- otherwise known as the STRAWMAN --- precisely so they could make this accusation.  

You have a Municipal Corporation named after you, and using YOUR NAME, so that gives rise to the presumption that you are or may be engaged in interstate commerce.  

They still have to prove it on a case by case basis. 

It's your job to challenge their presumption of commercial activity.  

The only occupations that typically do engage in interstate commerce are long-distance truckers, airlines, and that sort of transport business.  

In order to qualify as "interstate" your activity has to cross state borders.  In order for your activity to qualify as "commerce" you have to be acting in the guise of a CORPORATION.  

They have to prove both the interstate nature of your activity and that you are voluntarily, knowingly, acting as a Municipal CORPORATION and not simply trading goods and services.  

As you can now appreciate, that is very difficult for a Municipal Magistrate's COURT to prove, once you hold their feet to the flames.  

The other typical claim they rely on, is that you are  engaged in interstate manufacture, transportation or sale of alcohol, tobacco, or firearms.  

Again, even in this case, where they are specifically empowered to regulate these activities, they have to prove that you are engaged in them. 

This is where they secretly drag out the phony IRS Masterfiles, seeming to connect every American (or at least every American name) to some kind of trafficking in arms, alcohol, or tobacco in foreign lands. 

I have cited my own discovery that I was, according to the IRS Masterfile, purportedly working offshore as a middle manager of a rum distillery in Barbados and my husband was purportedly selling guns in South America. 

All without stepping foot outside Big Lake, Alaska.

As you are being addressed by a Territorial Court using what appears to be your Proper Name and as you have no idea that you are in front of a quasi-military tribunal and that you are being misrepresented as a British Territorial Merchant Mariner with an employment dossier in front of the judge, it's almost impossible to defend yourself. 

You can stare them full in the face and say, "I am not, to my certain knowledge, a Territorial or Municipal citizen, and the burden of proof otherwise is on you, Mr. Prosecutor." 

You can say, "I am unaware of any foreign or federally-connected activity on my part and therefore enter the Idiot's Defense concerning the subject matter of the case." 

There are a lot of things you can say and do to snag up their little red wagon when they misaddress you in court.  

You can simply say, "To the best of my knowledge and belief, this court is misaddressing me and is operating outside its jurisdiction in doing so."  


But other than a healthy interest in practical things you can do to prevent them from misaddressing and misidentifying you, there is no reason for Joe Average America to study Federal Code or case law.  

Bey AFROYIM v Dean RUSK established the lack of evidence rule when they misaddress you as a Municipal CORPORATION and can't deliver pay stubs, personnel records, franchise agreements, etc. 

Without proof that they have a Municipal CITIZEN to address, the Municipal COURTS are helpless.  

The Idiot's Defense defangs the Territorial Courts, because they have to put up or shut up in the same way. 

This and variations on it, is all you need to know and all that your Litigations Committees should be concerned about.  You don't want to fight with them on their turf, you just want to embarrass them and rebuff their False Presumptions. 

You certainly don't want to focus any appreciable amount of General Assembly time on discussion of any Federal Code or Case Law or foreign court actions. 

The New World Order push to establish "Rules-based Law" has failed. No need to flog a dead horse, especially when you are not subject to their rules anyway.  

If your Assembly has been sidetracked in legal beagle discussions and study groups and things of that nature --- get it back on track.  

Notices should be very simple, a page should suffice, and should address the Officers noted above.  You don't have to convince them of anything or encourage their permission.  You simply need to give them Notice. 

Commercial liens are totally unnecessary because that work has already been done.  American assets and property are extracted from that system and the liens are cured.  

If you have damages from the courts, you will soon be able claim them under the court case number (which is a bond) and receive financial remedy from the already cured liens. 

There is no need for you to enter the commercial system at all, and once you have declared your status as an American, it's best that you don't go back there and start mucking around.

That only gives them a firm basis for subjecting you under commercial law and treating you as a Municipal CORPORATION in one of their Municipal COURTS --- which you need to avoid, if possible. 

Bottom line --- anything or anyone that takes your time, energy, and attention away from building the Four Pillars of your Assembly, has to be corrected and whatever their pet distraction is has to be overcome. 

Getting your State Assembly up and functioning is crucial to your safety, your freedom, and your property rights.  So don't let anything stand in your way.  Full speed ahead! 

Getting your Courts of General Jurisdiction up and functioning guarantees that their Courts of "special limited jurisdiction" will not be glomming onto you and your property without justification. 

Again, don't let any other preoccupation stand in your way! 

A lot of attention, probably too much, has been centered on the subject of "infiltrators" sent in by the FBI and other Snitch Agencies trying to lead our assemblies astray and send in "hit men" to get people talking about violence and "contingency plans" and encouraging them to transgress against the corporation courts and officers.

We certainly don't want any of that going on in our peaceful assemblies of Americans. 

But far more insidious are the commercial interests that buy people off, and attack our efforts in other ways.  

For example, an ASN becomes involved in our Assembly in a key position, and then, all of a sudden, their own business gets a big contract out of nowhere, and their attention is swept away trying to keep up.   

This is a conflict of interest.  Right or wrong, they are no longer doing the work to progress the Assembly's development, and can't be allowed to continue to obstruct progress due to their focus on other things.  

There may be nothing illegal or immoral involved, but it still comes down to conflict of interest. You need different or, in the case of Coordinators, more Coordinators involved and sharing the load and moving things forward. 

It's worth saying that delaying our progress is of key interest to those benefiting from the current system, and the "payola" may be attached to not doing something rather than doing something. 

It works both ways. 

The more common kind of infiltration and undermining works via undeclared agents trying to get people to do things; the other side of it involves setting up circumstances or engaging agents so that things don't get done. 

A "conflict of interest" doesn't have to be a monetary gain situation.  

It can simply be a matter of discouragement -- getting someone into a key position and then, they just sit there and do nothing and discourage other people from being active and making progress. 

When you see this happening in your assembly, it's up to all of you to put an end to that bottlenecking and road blocking.  

You want and need your Four Pillars set up and functioning properly for your own good and your own safety.  

You want as many Americans signed up and protected as possible.  If your Assembly is "turtled down" and not doing outreach and posing unreasonable obstacles to new members -- get going and demand that it does. 

There is a tendency in some quarters to try to make the State Assemblies into private clubs, when in fact they are public institutions and have to function as public governments.  

It should be apparent that "membership agreements" in the club sense are not appropriate.  

It should be apparent that vetting of simple membership in a State Assembly is not appropriate. 

Every Assembly is expected to be and act as an assemblage of grown ups, and to conduct itself accordingly.  It is expected to set up logical and traditional means of controlling and overseeing its business functions, carrying on elections, setting meeting agendas, providing for meeting decorum and committee reports.  

If your Assembly is falling down in any of these respects, it's up to you to correct it.  Try to realize that this is your State Government, and as self-governing people, it is your responsibility to make sure it is functioning properly and in line with our customs and traditions.  

Censorship is not an American tradition and neither is book burning. To the extent that our government "censors" anyone it is simply to expedite the conduct of business. 

The right of one person to be heard must be honored, but cannot be permitted to stand against the group's right to conduct business. Therefore, imposing reasonable limitations on how long a person can speak at a public meeting, and imposing decorum such that bad language and name-calling and similar activities are firmly discouraged, is not censorship.  

It's our custom and tradition to honor both the individual and the group.  

It's encouraged to hold meetings more often and to hold shorter meetings.  

Learn how to step things right along, and table long discussions to committees prior to making well-prepared presentations to the General Assembly.  

The State Assembly is charged with the responsibility for the State Government.  Gossip has no place in it.  Hear-say has no place in it. 
It's a sober, serious-minded endeavor. 

Sure, make friends. Help each other.  Support each other.  

But remember what you are there for and the grave responsibility you have undertaken.  

As one brave soul said, "If it's not good for everyone, it's not good." 

When you catch yourself or someone else doing things that are destructive to morale, one-sided, or selfish -- remember that your State of the Union includes all the people who live there. There is no room for unkindness, self-interest, or racial or religious prejudice.  

The State Assembly is a public forum where we are literally all in it together. 

For your sake, for your safety, and for your freedom, it must be so. 

Always remember that the enslavement we have suffered, is because we did not remain vigilant in the aftermath of the so-called Civil War. 

We did not recognize the tentacles of the Fourteenth Amendment letting the practice of enslavement return through the backdoor. 

At the time, it didn't seem to affect us, so we stood by and let it impact others.  

Because we let a few people be enslaved, the evil of slavery grew, and gradually it has been allowed to entrap and ensnare virtually everyone in the Western Hemisphere.  

Let this be a lesson and something we observe. 

Any evil we allow to be done to others will come home to us, too.  

Therefore be astute and eager to renounce evil and do good, rise above self-interest and embrace brotherhood.  Don't let your minds be engulfed by worry, fear, and mistrust.  Concentrate instead on the solid foundations that our prior generations have laid, and on the restoration of our government which we have in hand.  

Standing up your State Assembly is a practical matter and demands practical action, so focus on what needs to be done and do it.  

If you search your minds and hearts, you already know how to hold business meetings, what is reasonable and what is not, what's right and wrong, fair and unfair, honest and dishonest. 

Turn away from evil, and what remains is good and honest and fair and works well for all concerned.  So do that and take that High Road and restore your State Government to its full function and glory.  

And don't let anyone or anything stand in your way. 


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