By Anna Von Reitz
When we first went to Michigan we found a group of ex-military officers and enlisted trying to put together an "assembly" --- unfortunately, it was an unregulated district assembly not a State Assembly, and they didn't know the difference. And wouldn't learn.
So, we soon parted ways and they became very vicious and made all sorts of claims against me and what I was doing. They didn't bother to read anything I wrote or do any due diligence and continued to just plow ahead on the strength of their own assumptions. This is the source of the so-called "National Assembly" group.
Some of these same people went off and joined the Reign of the Heavens Society, and proceeded to try to pull another Scottish Interloper routine by incorporating organizations calling themselves The United States of America, Incorporated, in foreign countries.
We shut them down.
So they came back hissing and spitting and trying to spread gossip and discredit us and our work.
Still others of this original core group joined the first iteration of The Michigan Assembly and co-opted it, aiming to control all the computer records, membership functions and everything else, just as you would expect from an "op" run by ex-military functionaries.
We tried to work with them to no avail. After a hopeful beginning with the actual people of Michigan, we had to give up and try again.
And now, just in time for Christmas, these same nasty, vicious, misguided men, who have been nothing but stumbling blocks to America's progress, who have actively tried to defraud this country and access our credit under False Pretenses, have unleashed a veritable potpourri of disinformation and misrepresented facts trying to personally discredit and slander me and my husband.
For example: they say that my husband is a "Registered Sex Offender". He was, at one time, thanks to our drug-addicted daughter -- but he isn't any longer.
Her criminal record is voluminous-- drugs, vehicular assault, etc.
His actual criminal record consists of a DUI in 1996.
These kinds of personal attacks and assaults are just sickening and have been addressed numerous times, in articles. Just go here and search and read all you want about these supposedly hidden things you "need" to know:
They also present my role as "private attorney" for the Pope as if it were some big secret, when in fact I explained and exposed that whole circumstance in my very first book, Disclosure 101. There's nothing hidden here and never was.
Absolutely nothing these pikers have to say is true in the way they present it, and none of it is new, but they are out there pushing the crap and slinging the slander just in time for Christmas.
Personal attacks are all they have left, because they have lost all the battles and the phony "war", too.
Well, as my Mother once famously said, "You can chew on my rump for a long time before you reach my heart." --- and that's a fact.
I didn't come out into this arena with the expectation I'd go unscathed, or my husband, either, from this kind of mud-slinging and senseless gossip.
After all, the bankers and generals have their butts in slings because of me, and they still have big budgets they can use to tell lies and spread rumors. They can hire armies of trolls and endlessly mislead gullible men.
How else do you think they've managed to use six (6) generations of Americans as cheap mercenaries, and never once disclosed the fact that our military was converted into a mercenary force in 1861?
In being a target for this kind of scumbag activity, I stand in good company, even with Jesus Christ himself.
So if I have to go through this again and again and again --- know that you can try to bury a lump of gold under a pile of garbage, but you're not going to change a thing.
Long after the garbage is gone, the lump of gold remains.
You can try to bury the truth the same way, but in the end, the truth wins.
Michigan, you need to get your act together and your pillars stood up. Don't let these eejits and gossips stand in your way.
Try as they might, not one person has ever been able to prove any act of purposeful malfeasance or deceit or wrong-doing on my part. Nobody has been able to disprove my recount of the history.
In the end, my personal life doesn't matter a fig. What matters is this country and the future of its people and your future as a State.
If you want to continue living in darkness, just continue as per normal. Do nothing. Sit around. Gossip. Back-bite each other. Be fearful. Believe the narrative. Wait for White Hats to rescue you. Believe any evil thing you wish.
Just always remember I told you this: there are some things on this Earth believing in, and America is one of them.
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