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Thursday, June 29, 2023

Removal of Dan Auxier as Missouri Coordinator; Dissolution of Missouri Assembly

 By Anna Von Reitz

Night before last, under the direction of Dan Auxier, a group of Missourians held a "court" action claiming that other Missourians had committed "treason".  

Last night, I advised them that a charge of "treason" is not possible as the Missourians accused and misaddressed by the court have no service contract upon which such a charge could stand. 

Repeated attempts to reach Dan by telephone and by email have failed. I am therefore taking this protective action by the Federation and making it public. 

The Missouri Assembly is dissolved for Cause and must be rebuilt on a better foundation. 

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

The United States of America


  1. Freedom of assembly. How do you dissolve a God given right?

    1. Oh, they can assemble, just not with Federation association, support or authority. ASN's on Missouri will have to be more careful about electing 'leaders' who know what they're doing. This is NOT something the ignorant masses (who refuse to read AND understand plain English) can handle, and it MUST be done right.

    2. Yep! That is the way it goes if they cannot follow simple guidelines.

  2. That's not at all what happened at that meeting

    1. Best you inform Anna of the truth if you know differently. Not taking a phone call is not a good strategy in any position of leadership.

    2. Anonymous1:37PM
      lt wasn't just one phone call and also not only phone calls but also e-mails and repeatedly at that and don't tell me that coordinators don't check their e-mails too everyday with notifications to boot bcuz l know one and they always answered me back within a few hours, not days & weeks. Honestly sir, do you want your coordinator to ignore you? Betcha don't. Well that's what he does and if he'll do it to Anna, he'll do it to you.

  3. I was also at that meeting and agree that did not happen.

    Jen K - Secretary on Missouri

  4. Oh, so the assemblies aren't the peoples, neat

    1. Not for those who can't read, understand or write plain English.

  5. Dictator Anna IS the “federation”.

    1. Act as though Anna does not exist if you want to live! She's a joke, lower than mini mouse you hear all you Missourian self governing free people? do not even respond to this kike except to say no thanks to your attempted controversy and duck off as to your slave Vatican demonic impersonation of any authority over the people of Missouri, and one last thing, She is plating you to see if you will obey in order to claim authority for very bad people over the great Missouri State. do not be played or fooled by a fake Federation made out of thin. air that wants a service contract Allright , for then the people would have given up their power. Best plan is to charge the Federation American States Assembly Anna and all her unrighteous team with Treasonous Trespass and hold the trial publication, in a allegiance need be and put this fraud on trial for all her Treasonous acts against the Power of the people who will not stand down and will Freely Assemble without wanna be Concubine Self appointed Freak Feduciary of a Fraud Federation.

    2. Sounds like our ILLEGAL government.

  6. yo people- 9 people a few years ago, didnt listen and gave all the back talk you see above... and far worse.. the outcome the main dude got 38 years in prison (AKA life). the others somethiing like 20 plus years from what i can remember. My suggestion is you all start communicating and making sure the law or whatever is done right. Especially being in the right jurisdiction. being a smart ass does nothing--- communicate--- if you are not sure- then wait until you 100% sure. and discuss it-- and see .. maybe you got take a chance-- but check it out first.... and the anna dont know crap-- really is irrevelent when she is 5000 miles away and deciphering lies from truth and non communications that would clear up whatever this is about.. remember- easier to talk now while your are free and can figure it out-- doing 38 years ... way tooo late to prove how right you thought you was.... hope u get what im saying

    1. hear hear PRIDE before the fall is NEVER GOOD.

    2. The right lawful people will be seated when the time presents itself. Yes meetings were recorded years ago when the flag was thrown, the Missouri Assembly was operating on their own without Federation backing ever since I stepped down or more accurately was forced out for calling out the problems in front of the assembly. I always knew this would happen eventually. Anna is not a dictator, rather she is a fiduciary...with grave responsibilities therein. Just my two cents worth and not anonymously to boot...Glory be to God!

    3. your a dummy, but free to bow to Scum as you wish

    4. Yep. We just need to maintain the high road and everything will shake out right eventually. Anna Maria Reitzinger has such a tremendous responsibility on her shoulders that is difficult for most Americans to fathom the depth of her sincerity and the high quality of her service to our country.

    5. Bull Shit all the way to New Zea land Paul! Fathom this she has No depth, No sincerity, No Service except for secret service to the enemy of the people. If you see quality in this RACKET your a Lunatic and probably a hired hit job hand to try and polish a Terd.

    6. Paul Bowman "Anna Maria Reitzinger has such a tremendous responsibility on her shoulders that is difficult for most Americans to fathom." Exactly May God bless Anna and team and her work.

  7. Does anyone record these meetings and make them available to Anna or other committees? That would solve more than a few problems.

    1. Our meetings are all recorded. Anna is welcome to a copy. We have had a coup attempted on out duly elected officers.

  8. So an imaginary judge dissolved a make believe "assembly"?

    1. hahaahajjajaja! Hello World!

    2. Anoy'n'mouse 3:40PM
      You wanta see a true imaginary assembly? Just go look at the defacto government/corporation in DC and every state of state official -->{NOT}<-- and public office {VACANT}? Nobody home. A virtual ghost town. Now that's a true imaginary assembly from president to congress down to the defacto Supreme Court.
      Defacto means = without facts, in other words it is a total lie and if Anna is not who she says she is then this country is on a fast track straight to hell but l am confident that she is who she says she is because she began this journey under the Last Man Standing Act. And she "WAS" the last man standing and that's a fact, while your lazy ass was fast asleep and had no earthly idea that your country was even stolen from you and wasn't a damn thing you could do about it until now after all the hard work and long hours Anna has put in this endeavor to wake your sorry ass up and you have no appreciation for anyone's efforts but to pull them down. Unless you are part of the elite that wants to create an animal farm. Well you can just jump on your talking horse Mr. Ed, and Vatican diplomat with his two-faced dual nationality and also an American State National at the same time. Now that's deceptive. What coordinator wouldn't boot his ass right out of there? Unless you are that person.

  9. She is draining all of you. Anyone who is anyone in this movement knows she is the super fraudster. Who TF appointed her as Fiduciary?

    1. Anna was on her toes exposing all this fraud and how our country was being usurpt. Where are you? What have you done towards saving our free country? She has only been solution oriented, how do you stand in all this? What are your wishes for our country? Together we must stand.

    2. Natalie- on Virginia.

  10. Unfortunate, but the Federation must be protected. If Anna doesn't have the full story, whose fault is that? Ignoring the Fiduciary is a very bad idea, especially when she believes the Federation is in danger. Likely plants from US, Inc., trying to destroy us. It won't work.

    1. Sounds like there are some US, inc. plants talking bull now.

  11. Notes to Assembly Officers
    By Anna Von Reitz

    Always remember that despite you and other elected officials having an Assembly office, everyone in the Assembly remains your equal.

    In our government an office isn't a rank, it's a job.

    Also always remember that the Assembly is a public institution and not a club; as a result, you can't just get a "majority vote" and deny someone their right to participate in the Assembly or deny their membership.

    If someone is disrupting our meetings, or obstructing us from conducting necessary work, the Assembly has every right to place that individual or individuals in a "time out" status for a reasonable period of time.

    Each situation is different and the severity of the action should fit the severity of the problem.

    A year long time out to study and learn and reflect on one's attitude is the longest time out I have ever heard of, with most actions being from three days, three weeks, or three months in duration.

    The idea is to give a cooling off period and give people some time to think about their reactions and to learn proper ways of proceeding --- like how to get on the agenda if they have a topic they wish to discuss.

    Many Assemblies established fines for certain kinds of behaviors, like a $5 fine for swearing, back in the days when $5 was like $150 now.

    The goal is to consider questions, entertain reports, and conduct business smoothly and efficiently. Don't let meetings meander for hours. Short productive meetings lead to people being more willing to participate and feeling good about their participation.

    Feeling good about participating in the Assembly is important. It doesn't always have to be a bowl of cherries, but it should always be worthwhile and have some small tangible results.

    Everyone looks to the elected leaders for leadership, so be sure that your core group has goals in view. Right now, the major goals for all assemblies involve building the Four Pillars and getting those functions online.

    But that doesn't mean that you can't spice things up with reports from committees, demonstrations, new product announcements, guest speakers, mini-educational seminars, and other activities that provide worthy insights and helpful information for daily life.

    We all struggle to a greater or lesser extent from our Corporatist Indoctrination.

    There is a tendency to lose our focus on people and get fixated on rank and structure and team building and numerical standards for success and similar Corporatist tools, ideas, and methodologies --- when you catch yourself reducing your vision down to pie charts and quotas, you know you are in trouble.

    Periodically stop and remind yourself that we didn't come here to build another matrix, set new goals, and start whipping the slaves on a new plantation.

    We came here to build a different world, and that requires going about things in new ways.

    Treat yourselves gently and take time to breathe. You need to restore your strength and your faith every day. Find that little break-away space every day, and even every hour. Breathe in. Breathe out. Think about the things that matter.

    Focus on the positive aspects and think about America. Think about your State. Think about all the people in your Assembly. And be grateful that you are an inheritor of this glorious country. Be grateful that you are part of the solution.

    1. No your part of the new modern slave system that makes merchandise , a human resource. this is the farthest deception from being part of the only solution that u will never be part of until you get your ass out of your head

    2. No due process !.. where is the hearing ? Where is the testimony ? Who thinks they have authority over anyone else ?
      I have been , wrongly and without discussion , gathering of facts , only on hearsay and without due process ,and my wife , thrown out of the Wyoming assembly also.
      This whole thing is a giant lie.
      I have been involved with this since 2010. Contributed 100’s of hours, 1000’s of $$$$, helped start the Continental Marshals, ran 928 paperwork groups only to be stabbed in the back for questioning some things that were not explained or proven . I have been arrested , booked, jailed because I followed “the fiduciaries” advice.
      I call bullshit
      If everyone is equal then I am dissolving the “ Federation” , The Wyoming Assembly” and demanding corporal punishment for all offending pettyass tyrants who have grossly violated our Inalienable Rights. I also demand all my contributions back with interest and penalty.
      You little bastards are worse than the defacto. At least with them you get to see their face and cuss them out in person.

    3. well then , are you convinced now after all this? Anyone who uses their God given minds and hearts to discern is persecuted and hit jobs become the Assembly that is not in conformity to the Communist Regeme in effect trying , but will fail to dethrone the American People. Are you convinced and will you admit you have been deceived? if u say yes then good you just joined the ranks of warriors that will not be overthrown and so I see the only solution is to forgive the scank and move on and wash your hands of this filth who is guilty of Genocidal treason and espionage resulting in death by Hanging or a fire
      ing squad for Anna and company, and all who follow her evil path.. just forgive and let God sort it all out.. do not resist be thankful you were delivered from this pool of suffer going under real quick. Thank you for you effort in service, you are a hero who can move on and give testimony to help others avoid the snare.

    4. To Anonymous "June 30, 2023 at 5:49 AM" do you not recall what you had said about you and your wife? let me remind you: "If you all choose to blindly follow Anna without debate or question then {redacted} and I are out."

  12. Very profound

    You have the guaranteed Universal Right of Self-Declaration provided by United Nations Conventions, plus the protections of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. You have the Geneva Conventions and the Lieber Code. You have the preserved right to Common Law, guaranteed by Uniform Commercial Code 1-308 and recourse guaranteed by 1-103.6, which includes the right not to be bound by any contract that is unilateral, inequitable, involuntary, undisclosed, tainted by fraud, not in-kind, entered in your behalf by others merely claiming to represent you, or deemed to exist as the result of receiving a compelled benefit or fruit of monopoly inducement. You have the absolute right to Expatriate from their maritime jurisdiction.

    But wait, I thought you were an ILB and not 'human' so how does ANY of this shit apply to you?
    TROH tells you the same things that you have 'rights' according to the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS
    And she has bashed TROH many times and yet in 2014, 9 friggin years ago, and this shit is still being regurgitated day after day, month after month and you idiots still believe this shit

    The Earth FEDERATION World Parliament

    Are you blind

    1. A person from California is called a Californian, while a person from Georgia is Georgian. However some demonyms are not derived from the noun they represent; for example, a person from the State of Indiana is called a Hoosier.

      Demonyms can either be official or non-official, there can only be one official and several non-official synonyms. Officially a person from the State of Maine is called a Mainer but is unofficially recognized as a Down-easter, Mainiac, Pine Tree, and in some cases, he is referred to as a Fox.

      People from a particular place can have several demonyms. They range from a general demonym and narrow down to specific. For example, a person from North America is called a North American but he can either be Caribbean, American, Canadian, or Mexican. An American can either be Michiganian, Louisianian, New Yorker, or from any of the other forty-seven states

      What is a Demonym

    2. Perhaps you should research the origins of the word "human" and comprehend what it really means. I wouldn't want to be called or mistaken for one, nor subjected to the limitations imposed on one by the "UN".

  13. What is a BANK of mailboxes you ask

    This is stack and pack folks and it's going on everywhere



    On December 29, 2015, we filed the articles of incorporation for our new organization, the Jewish Institute for Global Awareness (JIFGA)," say Berk and Goldberg, who described the new institute as an effort "to put together a coalition of those who follow the Abrahamic religions (Jews, Christians, and Muslims, which constitute more than 50% of the world's population). This coalition will advocate Divinely ordained moral imperatives and universal ethics known as the Seven Noahide Laws. We will continue to fight for core American values, including the freedom of traditional believers to live as free and equal citizens in this great country."

    Rainbow on the bud light can, rainbow flags

    Hasidic University

    The Shetar

  16. Unfortunate but likely necessary. There is one man who can certainly help this situation; all that is needed is a phone call. Make one.

  17. Self evident fraudster banana.
    banana the self-proclaimed Fiduciary. Who elected ?

  18. Over the last decade in my life, learning what it means to not throw your pearls amount swine, is very hard when you care for people. Our amazing light of love always shines on the darkness and draws him out. We have to remember is that the battle has already been won. Anna has done and is still doing an amazing task given to her by the creator. It doesn't matter if you see it, ear it, or believe it, the seed has been planted. Now how you tend your garden is up to you. The steps of life/death is staring you in the face, which garden will you plant. We all that the GOD given right to Choose. The BIBLE states, you are either cold or hot, there is no Luke warm. Plant your own garden you will reap the benefits no matter what you plant.


  20. Who gives a rat's ass what anybody who posts without identifying themselves says? Members who allow their ego and power ALWAYS corrupt. Even well meaning assembly members forget their place is equal to others. It does not matter how much knowledge you have or what you know, What matters is: are you a leader? Leaders do not attack, talk down to and control others. Those are not the traits of a leader. Members will simply step away from toxic "leaders," and stop participating. Many have done just that here in Georgia. Sad, but true! People lean towards people and places where they are valued and respected. It is that simple. I have every confidence that Anna did the right thing. I am sure the assembly will begin again and be stronger than ever. Sometimes it is best to cut and run, much like a nasty pimple! Just pop it!

    1. Anna has No Authority whatsoever over any Assembly Anywhere, nor does she have any authority over living men and wemon manning the free assembly, she just thinks she does , Anyone who looks to her as anything but a traitor and white trash up to no good with a mile long record of deception probably needs to be her puppet, Puppet ass kissing Terri is a prime example subject.

  21. This is a common misconception/lie that has spread into all of the assemblies. Anna has stated before, that UNTIL any of the assemblies restructure their government FULLY, all four pillars, with fully functioning common law courts, they are not established to be independent of the Federation's oversight. You have to learn to self-govern BEFORE you can be entrusted with the precious land and soil of your nation (state).

    Those who insist otherwise, have nefarious intentions. Anna is doing her job of oversight. Learn common law. Learn to self-govern. Keep thou mouth zipped and listen and learn! All of us are immersed in fraudulent teachings and doctrines of the corporations that MUST be unlearned in order to be entrusted with the "keys to the city."

    Let's get this right, so we don't recreate the frauds that created the problems we are faced with now.

  22. Fraud Fraud Fraud Fraud Fraud. Anna is now attempting to drop yet another dose of Deception, Lies, Abominable pseudo tactics to get you to be in agreement with her program and of all things her interpretation of her God. Her two latest posts have silenced any conversation or rebuttal because those of us flying above her evil works and disguise will knock her to the curb where she exists within the filthy constructs , learned from Jezebel , making her a mere whore that rides the beast. its true folks, you need eyes and ears to see,, only one spirit can reveal to one the truth , true God Spirit, theses fools know not, clearly by their works. The two videos she references are men who God is clearly Satan, Lucifer, although they make a lot of money lying and listening to the spirit of Satan, but so does An a. BE careful about these kind ,they are sick and very dangerous to follow. Anna , if you do not stop the lies and attempted mind control your going to fall really hard by your own doing.

    1. Claudia, WOW, your rhetoric is over the top and blatantly obvious disinfo- agent and a lousy one at that, good lord, you act as if Anna told you to sell your first born, ...what a crock of shit!!!

    2. Claudia , can you support your rant with evidence?

    3. Now the liar and deceiver, Anne is farting out the articles and silencing the voice of the people to comment , forbidden in a free republic that must give free speech, and hard evidence that this bitch is on a rabbit trail that aims to enslave, entrap and deceive. What a weak bitch, not what a real leader or fiduciary for Americans would or could do, hence More evidence adding to the smoking gun that this whole shit show is a fraud and you have been warned.

  23. Not a rant and i cannot show you,, it has to come through revelation through the true spirit of God. Even if I was able to show you the truth, you won't be able to receive unless you are walking in the way with the True Holy Spirit of God., and if you are he would show you. George Orwell once said , " Power is tearing human minds to pieces and pulling them together again in New shapes of your own choosing. " 1984.. This Anna Operation is rattempying to reshape a pseudo republic through the Guild of Lucifer in Spirit. I do not need to prove it, for it is true , for the spirit of God does not lie. You are free to believe and follow what you will but before you do, make sure you discern what spirit you are following, for in an instant you and your family could be doomed for generations to come. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousnes and all things , All things will be given unto you. Claudia

  24. Anna is not telling you to sell your firstborn, far worse,, if you fly with her she owns your first born and second and entire E State. well she not the wizard behind the curtain,she's just a pawn, gets a percentage for spilling her guts to protect the evil king,, she's just a mouthpiece for the Satanic Systems that Aim to keep you bound and branded like the best u will become.

    1. Synagogues of Satan! Right on Tank! Good to see others are Awakening ! The lost masses do not want to awaken, hence do not want to be free, so we are armed to receive their free will choice. so far as Troops of Trolls s or Agents go, they are lacking in intelligence and only say what they are fed read and prescribed. Nothing ever original, cept puppet words , antics and attributes, lame ducks, no depth or origin, cause they are under mandate script, are limited thinkers and writers. We are not ! We are powerful and Free souls under God ! mistaking us for anything g less means you are in need of Gods help. God's help not Satan and not Anna. We learn from out elders that you can lead a man to living water but you cannot make him drink. good bye.

  25. It's funny reading these immature comments of people, i just feel the love in the air,

    1. Perfect example statement of a dead troll sitting behind a screen using the love card when he has no clue what live is. Diversion tactic never fooled me but hay I got to hand it to you its fooled the masses jackals! Love is in the Air, LOL only an airhead troll or MK Ultra number would say that . I will pray for you and your lost soul. Enough! Good Bye, I don't belong here, LOL!!!!!!


    And I say she/he is barack obama in drag
    Hidden in plain sight

    Catch them if you can

  27. AZ folks - think it's not like pair a dice

  28. the voting CON hustle
    I have not once ever registered or voted (41 years not counting the first 18, 60 now) for any of these apes but I bet on their so called voting rolls that someone has for me
    My other half, you know the invisable one they made up
    I wonder if babies are on the roster of their fake ass voting rolls

    Not to worry their World Parliament, Earth FEDERATION Galactic Council, PlanIT outlaws have a fix for that

    16.9 – “By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration.”

    —United Nations Sustainable Development 2030 Target Goal 16.9

  30. 'O' this will just make you ?

  31. PRIME annagramed is EMPIRE
    'Service' with a smile on every box!

    They used to solicit subject with moolah to be their test subjects, now they just MANdate it and tracked the progress of their genocides after their staged shit shew of CON CERN to save the inhabitatants

  33. Burnin down the house
    Some saw those fake 5G palm trees go up in flames and wala it's wild fires

    Reminds me of the song back in the day
    WILDFIRE - the name of her horse
    On the album cover was a WHITE HORSE
    Isn't a white one, one of the four WHORESMAN?

    Smokey the BEAR used to display
    Only you can prevent forest fires
    Now the smokey the bear signs read
    Only you can prevent wild fires

    Could not be more in your face
    And how appropriate it's a BEAR

    1. Burnin Down The House was a song too

      Kind of like the song
      We'll Make Heaven a Place on Earth

      Love, exciting and new, climb ABOARD, we're expecting you
      The Love Boat

      Has absolutely nothing to do with love you IDiots
      IOT - Intenet of Things
      Add that S for SNAKE
      and you get IDIOTS


    And as agents tout that the popeye needs to take away they're corporate 'status'
    That is part of the plan under their world parliament

      Listen to the video that comes up

  35. The John the Baptist story she wrote about today

    Freemason’s have John the Baptist for their Patron Saint and celebrate his feast day on June 24 (after Summer Solstice). The other patron saint is John the Evangelist.

    John the BAPTIST = One in BAP-T-IS-T = One in BAP-homet Sacrifice Cross Eyes Sacrifice Cross.
    John the EVANGELIST = One in EV-ANGEL-EYES-Sacrifice Cross = One in LIGHT ANGLE EYES (feast day December 27 after Winter Solstice).

    Read the words of a Freemason exhalting the choice of the 2 JOHNS:

    St. John the Baptist, Patron Saint

    Written by:
    Phillip G. “Phil” Elam, Grand Orator (1999-2000)
    Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri

    By history, custom, tradition and ritualistic requirements, the Craft holds in veneration the Festival Days of St. John the Baptist on June 24th, and St. John the Evangelist on December 27th. Any Blue Lodge that forgets either of these important Festival Days forfeits a precious link with the past and loses an opportunity for the renewal of allegiance to everything in Freemasonry symbolized by these Patron Saints.

    End of Freemason quote.

    The 24th was the day they sent out their code/signal to open the OCEAN GATE

    The next day associated with the Flooding of the Nile is the birth date of Canada. This occurs on July 1, 3 days before the USA birth date of July 4th. Canada is the large Upper Room associated with the preparation of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. This Marriage Supper is associated with the ‘man bearing a pitcher of WATER’, the zodiacal symbol for the Age of Aquarius, or the Age of Water and Cleansing.

    All these days – June 20, June 24, July 1 and July 4, relate to the Flooding of the Nile, only now, these days relate to the flooding of the NEW NILE, the New EYE of ALLAH, the NEW ISLES, which is the New World, and in particular, the 11 Western States.

    Thats what the story was about
    They're talking in code

  36. All of these dates and activities associated with them, form the notion of Christmas in July, and once again, assist in establishing the coming illusory water and seismic devastation within the TRANCE STATE. The Financial / Fiscal Crisis around the world have been artificially created by the luciferian THOUGHT PROCESS for this exact precise moment in the agenda.

    From herSTORY article
    The Tamar-El regard Yeshuah as the bridge between this world and the next, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, because we can only make the next evolutionary step by following him and his teachings, but John was the one who called us to repent and showed us the cleansing power of blessed water, that is, Holy Water, which retains memory like a liquid crystal chip.


    CHRISTMAS = K-RIS-T-MOZ = Kill Rise Time Sacrifice Cross of Mother OZ – MOS-OZ the SEA OZ – the SEAS

    FREEMASONS = Father Water Mother Sea Sons = Trinity of 4 SeaSuns = Circle of Life
    To miss the importance in realizing where we are in the luciferian TRANCE STATE in regards to their agenda, is to be vulnerable to the emotional control this mindset will exercise in the immediate future.

    1. And do you think it is a coinky dink that the story is about MISSOURI

      The Flood of the Nile occurred over a few days, not just July 4th, even though July 4th is the day of recognition. Here are some symbolic dates associated with the flooding of the Nile.

      June 20-21 – Summer Solstice

      June 24 – St. Jean Baptiste Day – Saint John the Baptist Day.

      John = YOHN = OANNES = ONENESS the Fish god of Babylon, called Nimrod. The god associated with water, even as John the Baptist is associated with preparing the sacrifice of the lord’s body FOR DEATH( which body are the believers).

      Freemason’s have John the Baptist for their Patron Saint and celebrate his feast day on June 24 (after Summer Solstice). The other patron saint is John the Evangelist.

      John the BAPTIST = One in BAP-T-IS-T = One in BAP-homet Sacrifice Cross Eyes Sacrifice Cross.
      John the EVANGELIST = One in EV-ANGEL-EYES-Sacrifice Cross = One in LIGHT ANGLE EYES (feast day December 27 after Winter Solstice).

      Read the words of a Freemason exhalting the choice of the 2 JOHNS:

      St. John the Baptist, Patron Saint

      Written by:
      Phillip G. “Phil” Elam, Grand Orator (1999-2000)
      Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri

      By history, custom, tradition and ritualistic requirements, the Craft holds in veneration the Festival Days of St. John the Baptist on June 24th, and St. John the Evangelist on December 27th. Any Blue Lodge that forgets either of these important Festival Days forfeits a precious link with the past and loses an opportunity for the renewal of allegiance to everything in Freemasonry symbolized by these Patron Saints.

      End of Freemason quote.

      The actor Jim Caviezel and this Freedom movie making his rounds
      played in a movie called Angel (angle) Eyes
      and he also played in the movie The Passion of the Christ

      The next day associated with the Flooding of the Nile is the birth date of Canada. This occurs on July 1, 3 days before the USA birth date of July 4th. Canada is the large Upper Room associated with the preparation of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. This Marriage Supper is associated with the ‘man bearing a pitcher of WATER’, the zodiacal symbol for the Age of Aquarius, or the Age of Water and Cleansing.

      Canada is on fire
      PHOENIX is on fire, SCOTTSDALE is too

      The future map of the US

      COASTlines where millions of folks live

    2. Ocean GATE/submersible/titan like the titanic
      The ship that couldn't be sunk
      SUBliminals right down to the alphabets letter

      What happens when you put drill points all over the bottom/surface of a ship
      Kind of like serfus pro by microsoft

    3. Hunter and Beau BIDEN
      Hunter and Bow is ORION

    4. DIA

      You can substitute-in Trump, Putin, or any of the other globalist leaders on the left side of the photo.

      And the clown harry can go suck it
      He ain't no royal he's a holywood actwhore, the son of a well known holywood producer
      Thats why he married a holywood brat of the same cloth
      She played a starring role back in the day, punky brewster
      Git the slaves used to their kids being kidnapped by CPS and being raised by foster parents
      sitcom television series about a young girl being raised by a foster parent.
      Her stage name (alias) back then was Soleil Moon Frye

      You know like Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes kid named SIRI
      She was being held captive on a Scientology SHIP and Katie and Tom were at odds about her upbringin

      For their audience reduced to cattle

      Although the "super virus pandemic" hoax hasn't yet been used to fulfill its main agenda, it has already been useful advancintg other agendas such as "cattle stripped from air travel":
      Super virus pandemic hoax: Zika follows ebola for mandatory vaccuination: GLOBAL kill shot

    6. Well 'G' how convenient fits the narrative to a 'T'

      And I found this to be of particular interest
      Referenced in this
      Terri Schindler supposedly killed due to 'medical condition' after a stroke
      7 Years of battle and 'new legislation' and a 'FOUNDATION' set up in her honor
      According to the blogger 'Matt Marriott' this was a 'ritual satanic sacrifice' that took place while the sheep watched
      4. End Times Prophet revealed how this satanic celebration related to the 9/11 satanic celebration, the first "live" mass slaughter of

      the "average" citizen: just like 9/11, Terri Schindler aka Schiavo, the first "live" satanic ritual murder, should include every possible

      symbol of "human cattle in the slaugherhouse being slaughtered without reacting".
      Terri Schiavo case
      The Terri Schiavo case was a series of court and legislative actions in the United States from 1998 to 2005, regarding the care of

      Theresa Marie Schiavo, a woman in an irreversible persistent vegetative state.

      Years later she is resurrected anew
      And on the forefront of the DIGITAL TRANCEFORMATION
      After ten years of working together at a brand strategy firm, we saw significant and growing changes in the marketplace. With the

      growth of a platform-based economy, the disciplines of a brand, media/content, and technology are converging. We saw an

      opportunity to serve established and emerging businesses and leaders in this turbulent and exciting landscape.

      And SCHINDLER as in like 'SCHINDLERS LIST'

      All of it is a mind screw to the highest degree

      The transition to the META
      Fits in with the guru Teri who worked for a
      brand strategy firm, and they saw significant and growing changes in the marketplace. With the growth of a platform-based economy, the disciplines of a brand, media/content, and technology are converging.

      You now make a living doing blogs, you tube channels and the like collecting doughnations and SUBSCRIBERS instead of going to the old jobs of the past

      Downsize the serfs expand their turf

      Life in the AMAZON ZOO

      Hence their Zoonotic Diseases BULLSHIT
      And their UN ONE HEALTH for all the ANIMALS on the FARM or in the ZOO

      Meanwhile it's business as usual

      And this guy here promoting Gates is just pathetic
      Seems he grew up with Jamie Fox (not his real name)
      SPC awe hell just put the 'L' back in and you get SPLC
      This cat making $6K a month or better selling his wares

      Dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah
      Send in the CLOWNS

  37. Someone might have told that ‘‘According to our research of your family tree, you are a royal lineage. ’’
    Someone con artists tried to use a useful idiot for the fraud Business.


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