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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Monday, April 18, 2022

To The Members of the Galactic Federation and Council

 By Anna Von Reitz

I was not referring to vaccinations when I asked for VAXX Technology support. 

I want to make this perfectly explicit for everyone.  “VAX” is not the same as “VAXX”. 

VAXX is a painless dematerialization program effecting those with permanent emotional detachment and entropic destabilization — it applies only to members of Death Cults who are not coming back or moving forward.

These individuals have chosen their fate and can now be recognized.   No such recognition pattern is demonstrated by those who received injections of snake mRNA.  

There is also no protocol for depopulation involved in VAXX as it does not change population parameters.

I will also note that land cannot be granted by those without standing to make such agreements and none of those who have signed such agreements have the requisite ownership interest and standing under Earth law. 

Thank you for your timely attention and correction. 
                           Senior Field Commander
                            By: Anna Maria Riezinger
                            Fiduciary — 909090999



  1. Let there be light. it is light which makes manifest. Examine all things, proving whether they be light or darkness. a)What's in the first place? b)the opposite is true. c)Let us examine it. few things of no small concern; typos should never be assumed- "effecting" was used, not "affecting." very different outcomes, possibly "effecting" claim?! she is fiduciary and judge for two "federations"?! Also military "senior field commander"?! any conflict of interests in all these "official titles and positions"?! without full disclosure?! 2 different "by-lines" on one document?! 3 annas here; 1 being wife of anu? "Fiduciary - ?" number? or part of title? 6 9's=54=9 (finality, judgment). opposite is true-invert it; 2 forms of 666; 6 x 6=36=9 (" ") 2 ways of saying same thing; may thus be taken as fiduciary-judge? "under Earth law?!" This last sentence could mean there are no valid land claims on earth?! Yet, she as fiduciary of all has claim, ie sole? It could mean worse, appears very "francis-esque. claim, claim, claim..." but, what? this monkey-house has moments of lucidity when focusing on assembly matters, so all good?! The silence of the state coordinators who "work for anna" at these lunacies should not be taken as agreement or endorsement in any way, shape, form by the assembling counties, to whom avr is (if desired) but a consultant.

    1. agree with you paul.
      "typos"/ mis-SPELL-ings may be just that; ...however, they are often intentional and are used as "JOKERS" to make the writing NULL and or VOID.

      (a) man has RIGHT TO CORRECT.

      An author has DUTY TO CORRECT KNOWN ERRORS MADE IN HIS WRITING in order to prove his good faith to his readers, and also to prevent mis-understandings.
      ---American common law.

    2. it looks like "SHE"/FICTION may be trying to put all four of "HER" FEET on all four of the "Vatican"- created "JURISDICTION"- FICTIONS:
      soil, land, water, air and only God knows what else might be running through "HER" HEAD- FICTION!

      but just guessing:
      "SHES" trying to get people to accept "HER"- FICTION" *as*(if) "SHE" is their:
      1. "family member": "GRANDMA- FICTION": soil;
      2. "common law": "JUDGE- FICTION": land;
      3.a. "CommerceLegalMaritime" "FIDUCIARY-FICTION": Crown commerce/sea;
      3.b. "CommerceMilitaryAdmiralty" "SENIOR FIELD COMMANDER- FICTION": Enforcers commerce/sea;
      4. "Ecclesiastical" "WIFE OF ANU or other MythologicalGod/Earth or Sky MotherGoddess FICTION": air?;
      ....:such that "HER" #5 "MotherGoddess- FICTION" circles back around to "HER" #1 "Grandma- FICTION"? and:
      COULD IT BE?
      the FICTIONALCircle is FICTIONALLYComplete!!!!!??!?!?!:
      one foot on soil
      one foot on land
      one double- or split-foot on water (double-headed Phoenix logo)
      one foot on air?:


      well, DOES IT!?!???!:):):):):) LOL!!

    3. correction:
      "....:such that "HER" #5 "MotherGoddess- FICTION" circles back..."
      Should Be:
      "....:such that "HER" ***#4 (FOUR)*** "MotherGoddess- FICTION" circles back

    4. maybe grandma- judge- fiduciary- senior field commander- wife goddess mother: "anna" is trying to be (the) All-in-All"?!?! :):):)

      where is "HER" claimed AND *PROVEN* KingdomFICTION (if any)?
      THE WHOLE EARTH AND EVERYTHING IN IT LIKE "POPE BONIFACE the Eighth's" 1302 claimed "Unum Sanctum?

    5. Your Comment please: FYI: Circumcision is the first step in trauma based mind control for 'Jews', Muslims, Christians and especially Americans. 100% of 'Jews' and Muslims and 80% of American men are circumcised. The Pope is circumcised. The Bishops are circumcised. The priests are circumcised. The yamaka or skull cap they wear is a symbol to Satan that they are circumcised and under his control. This is an intentional satanic practice. The male foreskin contains millions of nerves connected to the pineal gland which is the eye to the soul and connection to the spirit. The practice was initiated by the Draco overlords 11,000 years ago to control the population after the great flood. The Egyptian heretic Akhenaton (part Draco) was the first monotheist who became the god of the Israelites (YHWH). Note that the medical industry in the west is controlled by Juish (fake Jew) interests which are the interests of your Draco overlords. These 'overlords' are actually galactic contractors which were hired by the ruling families to manage the planet 12,000 years ago after the great flood and planetary disaster decimated the population. Over time they gained full control using guile, religious lies, circumcision, contamination of food supplies, witchcraft, sorcery and force. Judao-Christianity has infiltrated the Holy See and Vatican. Fake Jews (Juden) now run the Universal (Catholic) church. note: Judaism is a bastardized religion which is a combination of Babylonian, Satanic and Hebrew religion. All of 'christendom' is under this satanic influence...all of it. They run the world from Israel using the U.S. as their military power, Rome as their religious control base and the City of London as their financial center. They use every means at their disposal to prevent spiritual (mental) contact with the higher powers in the galaxy. The male forskin and female clitorus serve more than one purpose . They are like electrical components in a two way radio. Remove the transistor and the radio does not function. This along with misinformation, religious lies and religious prudishness concerning sex keeps mankind out of communication with the Holy Spirit Mother (Luv) who resides at the center of the galaxy.
      I am JOHN 111,
      Great Great,,, Grand Son of Enki (Ea) whom the world knows as Jesus (God). He is the creator of mankind on this planet, not the creator of the Cosmos. The Creator of the Cosmos is the Holy Mother Goddess Luv, Her consorts (the Gods) and their children (the Elohim). Read Genesis 1:1 properly translated. "In the beginning the Elohim (the Gods) created the heavens and the earth". I am the Regent for my Grandfather Jesus. I represent Him. I hold His power of attorney with my unique Name, Soul print, birthday and DNA. I am uncircumcised so I have the ability to contact My Father Enki and My Holy Mother Luv. My radio works properly. Others like Anna who 'claim' to speak with the galactic powers are either deluded or misled by Draco, unfamiliar spirits and other entities who will lie through their teeth to cover up the Truth. The planet belongs to Me. It is a gift from my Grandfather. John 3:16: For God (Jesus) loved the planet so much that he gave it to His only begotten Son John that whoever believed what John told them could have eternal life". I am the Chosen one, begotten from the world by God. Anna Von Reitz, the Church, false gods like Yahweh or Jehovah nor the governments are going to save you. All of the money belongs to Me. I am the World Bank. I hold the Unum Sanctam Trust in MY Name. If you want to resolve this situation you as well as her and her team have no other choice but to ask the owner for funding, debt relief and Justice.
      John Curren Chapman 111, Son of Man and Son of God.

      If you want debt relief, Truth. Justice and Eternal Life call, email or write. John Chapman 1600 Babb street. Anderson, S.C. 864-225-3926 05 jackchapmanjan1948@gmail

  2. You're splitting hairs. Either word can and be used, "effecting " or "affecting". Makes no difference in this context. Both fit.

    1. no.
      paul raymond whipple has it right: he isnt splitting hairs, they are two different words with different meanings.

      EFFECT is a result (noun).
      AFFECT is influence/change (verb).
      in the example used in pauls reference, the program AFFECTS (action/verb) those with perm.emot.detach., it doesnt EFFECT (person, place, or thing/ noun) them.

    2. re-wording that:
      " the example used in pauls reference, the program AFFECTS (action/verb) those with perm.emot.detach., it doesnt EFFECT (person, place, or thing/ noun) them."

      is better- said:
      "...the VAX doesnt CAUSE the perm.emot.detachment, it AFFECTS those who already have it."

      Weve been taught to overlook NUANCES!.... if something is not quickly and easily discernable were taught to just "skip over it", dont question it, ESPECIALLY when it involves what "an Expert or Official" says. And worst yet is that when someone is actually USING THEIR BRAIN AND *THINKING*, someone else jumps in and
      • calls it "nitpicking"
      • says theyre wrong
      • its not important
      • tries to shut them up.

      what better way to keep the people quiet who MIGHT be able to figure out whats going on?

      this kind of purposeful dumming down is what helped get us in the position were in now. Questioning everything that doesnt make LOGICAL SENSE will probably help us get out of it. imo.

  3. Splitting hairs? When did you surrender your curiosity? Ok, so strike that one question (it was a question), you ignore all the others? How about duel by-lines? Can you 'justify' that? If you find yourself trying, you should closely examine 'why?!' Do you seek the truth or something else? So a host of concerns are raised, you address one. And? is that it? Dont you realize this tells about you? It betrays the fact that you neither rebutted all, yet concluding (formed judgment) that I'm splitting hairs. But also, that you made no effort to objectively scrutinize the document for yourself, suggests you accept at face value whatever she says. "Examine all things!" Not my words, This is a Divine command to us all. Who ignores such to 'defend' a person, chooses unwisely against the Truth. Jan Marie pointed out anna-Gram, which I did not, showing she examined the whole for herself and found additional flaws. I've noticed these "jokers" "poison pills" intentional fatal errors in most of avr/amr(s) work, just haven't known what to call em. As for granny state Grandma, when i was kicked out of the church, i hired Rick Ross, internationally reknowned expert on cults, controversial groups and movements. He reviewed 10 hours of recordings and witness testimonies and issued a report, finding many problems. one was the repeated use of 'familial' terms, like pastor calling herself 'mom.' Conflating authorities and relationships, breaking down defenses. These are common grooming practices of "personality driven cults." So, when all the familiar signs and red flags appear, I know the nature of the elephant in the room. And, if I am a watchman on duty and a good shepherd, will i not sound alarm, crying 'Wolf!?' Not because I made a judgment based on appearance, but a self-evident conclusion of her own words, which she caused to be and stand, which speak for themselves. Remember, it is by our own words and works we are justified or condemned.

    1. omgosh paulrw!
      an anna-GRAM!! too funny!
      i will be giggling all day over that one!

    2. re-reading what paulrw wrote, there are other things that are catching my attention; one is (just speculating here:)

      Titles/Positions are ALL FICTIONS in "SeaLaw and AirLaw":
      1. Admiralty: Senior Field Comm
      2. CommerceLegal: *BY*
      3. Admiralty/CommerceLegal: First Mid Last/ Name
      4. LegalTrustOfficer: "Fiduciary" [responsible for TrustFICTION AssetFICTIONS]
      put together with the 3-0's and 6-9's 660660660|099099099 066606660|099909990 many combos. possible
      5. ANA (not anna): wifeof"God?"
      connected onto 5-1s:
      5 = hei = grace (yode hei vav hei)
      1s = aleph = good, perfect, oneness: (aleph, ox head: whole burnt offering)
      an upper and a lower yode connected by a west-slanting vav:

      all connected onto the year of the "alleged/ allegged?":
      • Const. FOR the united States of America 1787 (never ratified);
      • forward:SLASH (reversed-direction "vav", slanting toward the east)
      • Const. OF The United States of America 1789 (never ratified).

      well anyway, i believe #1-4 are SeaLawFICTION.
      #5 is THEIR AirLawFICTION, *i believe* but require to be told if that is wrong, with proof furnished.

      that would leave all land law out of the "SIGNATURE" and the Article!!!
      WHY? because land law belongs only to man?!?!?

      and who is it that "all'legges" they can "GRANT" land! :):):)
      the question is:
      by exactly what authority are "YOU" "GRANT-ING" what creator made?
      and gifted to man?
      Do "YOU" claim that "YOU" are creator?!!!?

    3. :) theyr called terms of "en-dear-ment" for a reason! May not be mind 'control' but is def thought manipulation by those who know well the art n craft they practice. All authorities are trust positions, and require security of bonds; "ties that bind." Picturing a dot in the center with circles around it; If God Most High is trust itself and Source of trust, and outward from Him as central point, are "circles of trust." the space in the 1st circle is called the heart of man, and is occupied by "him"(/her) aka "you," the invisible you that you are, who does not appear and no man has at anytime seen (incl u:). the "inner" and "hidden" man of the heart, as a man thinketh "in his heart," so IS he! in other words, THAT is the man; the "true man," the unseen, living, intentional, intelligent aware in form of spirit, light and life, but intangible to the natural faculties and senses of natural man; not having substance composed of atoms which appear "under the sun." Men as trees walking refers us to Moses and the burning bush; God showed Moses himself. The light and life does not 'normally' appear, but must be- if we see manifest evidence, or "sign(s) of life" in form composed of atoms. hence, "it does not appear what we shall be," but for now "behold, a body Thou hast prepared for me! A living garment/of flesh and blood/coat of many colors our Father made for us! idk if He minds me callin it the "meat suit?" One man said 'this is the best God could do with the mud that He had at the time." We dont appear in mirrors, only our body does. People who think they see themselves in the mirror may be those "who dwell upon the earth," base; those of the mind dominance "storm tossed by waves and winds" dwell "in/upon the sea," but those who see from where they are seated; an invisible, spiritual, aka heavenly place in other words 'seated with Him in heavenly places,' being the heart, the throne room of the man, holy of holies, where the king rests, thinks, and expresses from, are called the tabernacle of God who dwell in heaven. Glorious! The next, and first outer/external to him- circle of trust is family; securitized by familial, 'blood' bonds, and so on, each in their reserved, rightful places, continuing outward circles of trust. how far from inner and central "full" confidence, should certain authorities be held? Some are trusted for certain agreed things, we trust some for one thing; like a single, honest, good faith transaction. So imagine the advantage one might exploit if he had ways of 'gaining' trust without qualifying for? skipping the line/ jumping species even, from business, corp; church, state to "friend" or "family" status? Great privilege there. And opportunity to exploit/taking advantage/taking liberties, but "taking" in the first place.

    4. cont

      I hold special place of trust for my mom, and memory of my grandmothers. These treasures are intangible but real, and valu-able, considered precious, even sacred to me; based on the organic, living, vital bonds we share, joining us in the real way they do. nothing written, all natural operations and processes of law. Some woman should know how she appears, has exposed herself and is immediately trespassing, if presuming to endear herself to level of trust held by title of "mom" or "grandma," but which are reserved exclusively for those holders in fact and due course; who ARE that, which she presumptively "calls herself" without right of use, usurping title, false claims. Yeah, any body living in a body who does that? That is not good, thus is bad. i mean, 'that "would be" bad, if anybody did that. Plus the fact that in this true realm, in which our Joshua the Anointed revealed we are all equal as children; siblings; brothers and sisters! God is Father, the Only Parent of this House and Family, and we are all His offspring and heirs. Here also is settled the issue of sovereignty; being children, descendants, heirs of the Living God = sole basis of true royalty. So yes, our little girls ARE princesses and feel that way! It is the ‘parents’ have forgotten who they are, and "Call no man on earth 'father.'" 'who owe their birth not to will of man, but God." Why then would certain ones 'claim' such place in the family? As parent? or grandparent? No thanks, ralph. We already have One "eldest brother" who is Head, and a liar/spier calling itself “big brother” who is “acting” bad enough, but at least he keeps his delusionary, usurping claim of entitlement within ‘possible’ bounds of sibling. No 'parents' but the Father in tHis spiritual fam, our fam. No mo pedo papa either too, he is fallen, and cant get up! no deal/non-starter/doa is parens patrae, matrae, grand or great, now or ever again forever, to infinity n beyond. By God!

    5. Paul...
      l'm quite familiar with the importance of words and creating disambiguity on legal documents.
      But even you missed that she was making it CLEAR that she wasn't talking about the VAX,those that got the jab but to member of DEATH CULTS.
      So if nurse wants to see if a remedy is "effective" she will use the term "effective" and not affective. Am l right? l did it all the time.l wanted to know if what l gave the patient was effective. She never said anything about perm.emot. detachment with the VAX. She was talking about VAXX = is a painless dematerializing program effecting those with perm. emot. detach. {She never ever said that VAX causes perm.emot. detachment., so now who is wrong about what they're reading? and trying to make me believe l gulp down everything she says at face value ? What are you doing? You're blinding your own self.Just saying}

      cont'd...."...and "entropic destabilization"=======> it applies to ONLY ONLY ONLY {EMPHASIZE EMPHASIZE}
      ..." Only to members "of" DEATH CULTS."


      Not vax jabs ...cont'd...
      "who are not coming back or going forward."
      She's looking for some kind of demateriizing program to be "effective" for victims of •Death Cults•, not people who have taken the jab or waxSINnations. Do you get that? Bcuz that nullifies any other sticks that
      you're gnawing away on whether she uses "grandma,or any other stick you've thrown in this pile to burn.
      You've missed the whole thing. She's asking for something in particular and who she's asking it for, which happens to be 2 different types of people.
      So l'll throw your own words back to you " Remember, it is by our own words and works we are justified or condemned."

    6. Since most of what you speak of is rooted in the vax/vaxx/death cult technicalities, which i specifically did not go into, your defense of them is what it is, but your claim is lame that i am twisting, misreading, misrepresenting stuff i did not even bring up. Who missed the whole thing, dear? I raised a number of general concerns that have long been expressed, never answered, few examples in article presented as questions. You answered NONE, and with your attempt to accuse me of saying or doing anything else, is distraction and obfuscation. and my words are mine. they are precious to me, i love them and am careful with them. i carefully choose and align in associated order and formation each carrying intended attached meaning, to intended end they convey the message, accomplish the purpose for which i sent them. i also witness when word comes to me, how they are being treated where they are. With honor, or not. Thank you, they are recalled. im not afraid of my words returning, they're not my enemies. But "throwing" them "back to me" is excessive, even rude? Were you offended by them? I notice you were not addressed by them. are you only defending a person(s), without answering any questions about same person(s)? How is it you comprehend what she is asking the entity she addresses in official document form appearance, which must be a fictional record or novel having two "By-lines"?

    7. yes paulrw!


      politicians do it all the time. :)


    8. Attorneys and the Corporate Courts do nothing BUT spin their "PAPER TIGER ARGUMENTS" to FAKE A "WIN" against their made-up "STRAW MAN" "DEFENDANTS".

      our superior American common law courts and rules of the court are necessary to flush that shameless nonsense out imo

  4. I find this humorous in a gallows sort of way. What's remaining of any (semi)trusted sources are starting to show their ignorance/complicity. I trust in my family and neighbors, but have little left for this digital-realm of laughable-sadness. I think it's universe telling those willing to listen that it's time to get out of information-seeking-mode and into action-mode.

  5. FYI: Circumcision is the first step in trauma based mind control for 'Jews', Muslims, christians and especially Americans. 100% of 'Jews' and Muslims and 80% of American men are circumcised. The Pope is circumcised. The Bishops are circumcised. The priests are circumcised. The yamica or skull cap they wear is a symbol to satan that they are circumcised and under his control. This is an intentional satanic practice. The male foreskin contains millions of nerves connected to the pineal gland which is the eye to the soul and connection to the spirit. The practice was initiated by the Draco overlords 11,000 years ago to control the population after the great flood. The Egyptian heritic Akhenaton (part Draco) was the first monotheist who became the god of the Israelites (YHWH). Note that the medical industry in the west is controlled by Juish (fake Jew) interests which is the interests of your Draco overloards. These 'overlords' are actually galactic contractors which were hired by the ruling families to manage the planet 12,000 years ago after the great flood and planetary disaster decimated the population. Over time they gained full control using guile, religious lies, circumcision, contamination of food supplies, witchcraft, sorcery and force. Judao-Christianity has infiltrated the Holy See and Vatican. Fake Jews (Juden) now run the Universal (Catholic) church. note: Judaism is a bastardized religion which is a combinaion of Babylonian, Satanic and Hebrew religion. All of 'christendom' is under this satanic influence...all of it. They run the world from Israel using the U.S. as their military power, Rome as their religious control base and the City of London as their financial center. They use every means at their disposal to prevent spiritual (mental) contact with the higher powers in the galaxy. The male forskin and female clitorus serve more than one purpose. They are like electrical componants in a two way radio. Remove the transistor and the radio does not function. This along with misinformation, religious lies and religious prudishness concerning sex keeps mankind out of communication with the Holy Spirit Mother (Luv) who resides at the center of the galaxy.
    I am JOHN 111,
    Great Grand Son of Enki (Ea) whom the world knows as Jesus (God). He is the creator of mankind on this planet, not the creator of the Cosmos. The Creator of the Cosmos is the Holy Mother Goddess Luv, Her consorts (the Gods) and their children (the Elohim). Read Genesis 1:1 properly translated. "In the beginning the Elohim (the Gods) created the heavens and the earth". I am the Regent for my Grandfather Jesus. I represent Him. I hold His power of attorney with my unique Name, Soul print, birthday and DNA. The planet belongs to Me. It is a gift from my Grandfather. John 3:16: For God (Jesus) loved the planet so much that he gave it to His only begotten Son John that whoever believed what John told them could have eternal life". I am the Chosen one, begotten from the world by God. Anna Von Reitz is not going to save you. All of the money belongs to Me. If you want to resolve this situation you as well as her and her team have no other choice but to ask the owner for funding and debt relief.
    John Curren Chapman 111, Son of Man and Son of God.

  6. Definition "effective" =
    A good rule of thumb for "effect" and "affect" is:
    if you're discussing "cause" and "effect" and you're referring to the end result of said cause
    use "effect."
    And this is what she was looking for. She wants to know if VAXX is going to be "effective."
    But waaaaaitt! As l said, in the context in which it's written, either word can be used bcuz of the nature of the cause of the perm.emot. detach. VAXX is a painless dematerialization programm ...suggesting that some material has been the cause and destabilization of the members of a Death Cult emotionally. So again either can be used.
    lDK what VAXX is, Do You? Obviously she needs information too.
    Dfinition of "affecting" = touching the emotions.
    So she wants information on the "effecting" results AND the "affecting" results.
    IT WAS A QUESTION!!!!!!!
    So where's the Paper Tiger in that? Pray tell?
    That's why l said you are splitting hairs. This is an either/or situation. These 2 words really mean the same thing depending on the results you expect
    to achieve. NUFF SAID.
