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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Nanny State or Granny State? Chapter Four

 By Anna Von Reitz

My own Grandmother was forever gently reminding: "With rights go responsibilities."  And she wasn't slack about demonstrating how "rights" work, either.  

Turns out that "rights" are rather tricky things. 

Did you know that rights are considered material interests, not just airy-fairy legal constructs, but actual and substantive material interests as real as a coffee grinder? 

This puts rights in a different class of assets, one that only living people and lawful Persons can own and have and exercise.  

Legal Persons aren't so lucky.  The most they get are "titles" conferred upon them as privileges by the Queen or the Pope or some other Grand Poobah. 

Titles and other privileges, like so-called "Civil Rights" can be revoked, but actual rights are permanent. Rights can't be bought, bartered, or sold. In America, they imprint upon you at birth like a tattoo. 

Strangely enough, rights can be pesky.  You can't get rid of them, even if you wanted to. They attach themselves to you.  

You have to care for and exercise your rights or they waste away like unused muscles.  

Legal Persons, who have only titles and privileges, find it hard to believe that people have rights and responsibilities. 

Generally speaking, Legal Persons don't understand what rights are, because they have none themselves.   

Tell them it's the difference between having your own pants, and having a pair of boxer shorts on loan.   

Legal Persons love oxymorons like "secular religion" and "sovereign citizen" that are gibberish, because the combined words are mutually exclusive. 

They don't know any better, but if something is secular, it's not religious---and you can't be a sovereign and a citizen at the same time, either. 

Not only do you have to exercise your rights to keep them strong, you have to exercise them as a Public Duty.  This really upsets the Legal Persons, because they can't object to or criticize you for exercising a Public Duty.  

Just smile. 

Speaking your mind, running a Free Press, choosing your own religion -- or not, carrying a gun (in this country), running your own schools, printing your own money, operating your own courts, taking care of your own sons and daughters, traveling where you want to go, describing your own land, recording your own landmarks, declining foreign citizenship obligations ---and so much more, is your Public Duty.  

Your Public Duty is part of the responsibility that goes with your rights. 

There is also a private duty that is part of your rights and responsibilities.  

"Sure, you can borrow the car, if....."   

It's your private duty to make sure that your actions or inactions don't bring harm to someone else or to their property.  You don't drink and drive, you don't speed on ice, you don't do stupid stuff, because you have rights and with rights go responsibilities. 

You may have the right to pick blueberries; but until you pick them and add sugar and make a crust, you won't have a blueberry pie for supper.  

It's the same thing with running this country.  

You have the right to self-govern, but until you get on your feet and do your Public Duty, you might as well be living in China. 


See this article and over 3500 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Bellerian1, think of it as your body ... you either take care of it or eventually you will fall ill.

  2. The quintessence of this subject matter goes deeper, much deeper than any "tattoo". A tattoo can be removed. It would be closer to liking this to a genetic code.

  3. Nice try but you really aren't seeing things clearly. I get myself into the same trap... if this then that. Perfectly logical, reasonable. Except, we are dealing with other's systems, beliefs, and ideologies. The Territorial or Municiple govs can still order the employees around. The biggest problem is what Anna said about the military. Enforcement of your will legally or otherwise requires enough force to compel those who would voluntarily violate the Public Law. So, the more of us to reclaim our status will demonstrate such force, without violence or guns even. So, come on...
