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Sunday, January 23, 2022

QUESTION: Who Are The Oath Keepers?


Who are the Oath Keepers?

By: John Green

Hearing the Department of Justice describe them, one would think that the Oath Keepers are the scariest bunch of anti-American knuckleheads to come down the pike since the Ku Klux Klan. Given that a bunch of them were just arrested for plotting an insurrection — that the FBI assured us wasn’t an insurrection — this is a good time to get to know who they actually are.

Media coverage of the group is sprinkled with terms like “right-wing extremists,” “anti-government extremists,” and “far right militia.” Like any story, the reporting about the Oath Keepers can be spun to support a narrative, or to give an unbiased assessment. The MSM has chosen to go with the narrative. One has to look beyond the scare quotes, and assess what the organization has actually done to get a true sense of its nature.

The Oath Keepers was founded in 2009 by Stewart Rhodes. It is a national, but loosely knit organization, created to resist violations of civil liberties by the government. In 2009, that sounded like conspiracy nut thinking. But since the organization’s founding, we’ve been treated to Crossfire Hurricane, two impeachment show trials, COVID shutdowns, election 2020, and our own government targeting parents as domestic terrorists. What sounded crazy in 2009 sounds prescient in 2022.

Stewart Rhodes is an army veteran (a paratrooper) and a Yale law school graduate. He understands what our founders intended for America, and has served to defend it. He believes that the Democrats see illegal immigration as a way to get more votes — pay no attention to those canceled boarder wall contracts. He also believes the Democrats would like to confiscate everyone’s guns — because that’s exactly what they’ve said. He considers BLM to be a communist front organization — which isn’t a big leap given that its leaders are trained Marxists. Such crazy thinking can’t be tolerated — if you’re a Democrat or a deep state operative. In short, Rhodes is only an extremist if the ideas of freedom, limited government, and self-determination are now extreme.

The organization’s name is a reference to the oath that all soldiers and law enforcement officers swear — to defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Although anyone can join, a large percentage of the membership is comprised of people who have taken that oath in either law enforcement or the military. Is that what the propaganda ministry calls “extremist”? Consider this: If all of our government officials complied with the oath they have sworn (looking at you Merrick Garland), would America be better or worse?

The Oath Keepers has local chapters across the country which operate with great autonomy. The national organization will sometimes support local chapter initiatives. However, sometimes the national organization also steps in to tell a local chapter to “knock it off” if they stray off course. In other words, the organization grants its chapters great latitude to serve their communities, but polices them to ensure they don’t become radicalized.

What have the Oath Keepers done to earn the “far right militia” label? In 2014, members of the Oath Keepers participated in a standoff with federal authorities at the Bundy ranch in Nevada. Cliven Bundy was in a conflict with the government over grazing rights for his cattle. He was eventually arrested and held in jail for nearly two years. In 2018, a federal judge declared a mistrial with prejudice — meaning Bundy could never be retried. The judge reached that decision because of what she called “flagrant prosecutorial misconduct.” The case was never decided on its merits, but in Bundy’s prosecution, the government displayed the very tyranny which the Oath Keepers have sworn to resist — and which their critics claim doesn’t exist.

In 2015, the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson MO triggered widespread rioting. The Oath Keepers provided protection to store owners from vandals and looters, after the police refused to do so. They were doing exactly what Asian shop owners did in 1992 after the Rodney King incident. Extensive news reporting claims that their presence alarmed the rioters. There’s no word on how the property owners felt about their presence. Apparently in 21st century America, the notion that people have a right to protect private property has become “extreme.”

In 2016, the Oath Keepers proved just how subversive they were — they endorsed Donald Trump for President. In his campaign, Trump pledged to fight against the corrupt elite, so it was a birds of a feather thing. But siding with the hated Trump against the corrupt elite, made Rhodes an enemy — at least of the corrupt elite.

After the election in 2020, Rhodes questioned the legitimacy of the election. His embrace of the “big lie” moved him and his organization firmly into the “threat to America” category, as judged by the Democrat party. He’s in good company. Over half of all Americans believe the election was affected by fraud.

Rhodes has also accused Joe Biden of being in the pocket of the Chinese government. Where could he have gotten that idea? Could it be because Joe shared an office with a Chinese businessman? Could it be that his son, Hunter, has had lucrative business dealings with the Chinese — and Hunter’s laptop has evidence that the “big guy” was getting 10 percent of the take? Could the fact that Hunter launched a new money for influence business after President Asterisk was inaugurated have given Rhodes that idea?

When one looks beyond the scare quotes, there has been nothing out of the mainstream about the opinions or actions of the Oath Keepers. Unfortunately, to our leftist dictator wannabes, “mainstream” has come to mean “extreme.”

As for the indictment of Stewart Rhodes and his fellow travelers: the DoJ claims that they intended to conduct an armed paramilitary operation on January 6, 2021 to interfere with official congressional business. There are a couple of hurdles the government will need to overcome in prosecuting that case:

  • None of the Oath Keepers were armed on January 6

  • No paramilitary operation was conducted on January 6

The Feds are going to need to answer a couple of tricky questions for the jury. How do they know what the Oath Keepers intended to do? If they intended to conduct an armed insurrection, why didn’t they? Given the FBI’s lost credibility, and the DoJ evolution to being a political enforcer, whatever evidence they have will not be presumed accurate, but will be subjected to extensive vetting.

As the financial guys say: Past performance is the best predictor of future behavior. So, what have the Oath Keepers done in the past? They’ve defended the property rights of private citizens, protested an election that half of America thinks was stolen, and accused Biden of being a Chinese puppet. Stewart Rhodes must have learned a thing or two about the Constitution at Yale Law. All of his organization’s past activities have been entirely consistent with the Constitution — freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, property rights, and government by the people. Unfortunately, we live in an America in which one of the two political parties believes those positions are extreme. The issue isn’t the Oath Keepers. The issue is our current political environment.

I don’t find the past performance of the Oath Keepers to be particularly alarming. However, I find the past performance of our government to be extremely alarming. There have clearly been subversive activities going on in America, but the Oath Keepers aren’t the only suspects. We don’t know what the Oath Keepers actually did, or didn’t do, on January 6. Given the recent behavior of the FBI, the DoJ, and the propaganda ministry, I’ll withhold judgment until the evidence has been thoroughly vetted. I’m not taking the government’s word for anything.


This article (Who are the Oath Keepers?) is republished here under “Fair Use” (see  disclaimer below article) with attribution to the original articles author John Green  as well as the website

TLB Project recommends that you visit the American Thinker website for more great articles and information.

Read more articles and blog-posts by John Green.

About the author: John Green is a political refugee from Minnesota, now residing in Idaho. He currently writes at the American Free News Network (  John Green can be followed on Facebook or reached at

Image Credit: Photo in articles featured image (top) – Oath Keepers


Read more articles about the Oath Keepers


  1. You have created a multitude of agencies and sent your officers out to eat out our substance.
    The constitution is (their guidelines)
    Ours is the bill of rights that’s our law based on common law gods Ten Commandments.
    Through social engineering the have mad us all communist now .

  2. Through my right of self determination, I subscribe to and believe in the 1776 Constitution and the Declaration of Independence and give it my authority in that "One cannot waive his/her rights even if one wanted to!" Our rights are granted by Creator and no one can has the right to undermine our unalienable rights as we are sovereign without subjects and last I checked Corporations do not have "jurisdiction" over mankind. By now everyone should know about the American BAR Association's fraud to overthrow our Constitutional Republic by creating the United States in deception via Title 28 USC 3002 15 A : the United States is a federal corporation and not a government. Antone Scalia, was murdered by the Obama Administration for telling the American People that, "STATUTES are notwithstanding!" and that "We The People are the 4th branch of Government." It is clear that the communist association of the American BAR Association has effectively taken over our Courthouses and the time has come for the American People to give them their 30 day Pink Slip to GET THE FUCK OUT! We need to take back our Courthouses and reconvene OUR grand juries and throw-off the "Civil Law" that stifled our "Common Law" during the "Civil War" that was instilled by the traitor Abraham Lincoln, whom was an Attorney and a member of the American BAR Association and whom was not eligible to be President due to his "Title of Nobility" which is unlawful according to the 13th Amendment of the 1787 Constitution. Again, I follow the 1776 Constitution and the Declaration of Independence which was sited by the framers of this Nation when Philadelphia was the Capital of "These united States for America"
    time to start reading People.
    Point in Law that gives a corporation who's acting in fraud "JURISDICTION" over mankind?
    Mind you, no full disclosure= No contract!

    1. creators daughter:

      "...we are sovereign without subjects..."

      both "Sovereigns" and "Subjects" are FICTIONS. there is only one Sovereign and i know you know who that is Creatorsdaughter :).
      in *English*common law/ commerce/ admiralty/ and ecclesiastical Sovereigns are KingQueenNoblemanFictions; Subjects are their SlavePropertyFictions.

      we Americans are what our creator made us to be: man.
      men and women, sons and daughters.
      and last I checked Corporations do not have "jurisdiction" over mankind.
      haha! good one! :):):)

      "By now everyone should know about the American BAR Association's fraud to overthrow our Constitutional Republic by creating the United States in deception via Title 28 USC 3002 15 A."

      in fact: were now discovering that the Constitution has never had even any Legal authority,... but how would we know that?...we wouldnt... Legal-ese is a Foreign Language to us American men and women.

      there is no Enacting Clause.
      no Enforcement Clause, only an Establishment Clause.
      And Ordination (Ordinance= Codes=FICTIONS) in the "Preamble".
      i have not found the definition as used there for "We the People", maybe someone else has.
      and no man signed to be the Responsible Party! there are no Responsible Parties/Fictions!
      its a fake and a fraud. like the birth certificate.

      all of the Titles are Private Code, not law. Not *ours*, the American peoples' like weve heard 10s of thousands of times in our lifetime.
      the deception is massively huge-er than we can even imagine.

      Cradle-to - grave institutionalized selective learning, inDOCKtrinations, brainwashing, scare tactics, fearpron, cancel culture, Standing Armies, allopathic medicine monopoly, WordMagick, TermsofArt, Blended Jurisdictions,... and lieslieslies, resulting in harm, injury, loss, and damage to men and women and their sons and daughters and what creator generously gifted us with.
      and they Just. Dont. Care.
      you die?
      they. dont. care.
      you starve?
      they. dont. CARE.
      you hurt?
      they. DONT. care.
      you homeless?

    2. we Americans are not a Republic!! were a Union of (DeclarofIndep, last paragraph:) Free and Independent States.
      Not a Republic.
      thats just another lie.

      a Republic is a three-tiered caste system with Philosopher Kings Class, Servants Class and Serfs/Slave Class... just about like the British Crowns White Slavery Feudal System that America dissolved political bands with (DeclarofIndep, first para.)

      ref: book: Plato's, The Republic.

  3. Very Much Appreciated, Creatorsdaughter!

    In all due respect to the many American individuals who may have aligned themselves and identified with one collective organization or another that may (theoretically at the least) claim embodiment of the true spirit of America - the conditioning factor by governmental institutions has been continuous for enough generations as to have formidably shaped not only the "narrative" but the collective psyche as well. What can be seen as some kind of "resistance to evil" (as noble as it may be) - does not equal the resolution that is needed here.

    The Constitution of September 17, 1787 is not a free-standing pillar but must be seen (and can only truly be seen) in context with the three preceding Organic Laws - with the greatest emphasis placed on the Declaration of "July 4th, 1776". "Oath Keepers" do not make oaths to this greater context but only possibly to “25%” of the Organic Laws (however are the Organic Laws fragmentable?). Consequentially their loyalty is missing the mark that America needs!

    1. howdy chef,

      our, the peoples', unanimous Declaration... was not signed on the 4(fourth) of July, 1776, it was signed on the 2(second) day of July.... many believe that FACT was changed so the Ill oomy Natiis could put their falsely claimed paw-print, an "11" (7 july+4=11, the 3 7s, blahblah...) on *our* Independence Day.
      "... context with the three preceding Organic Laws ..."

      there arent three, there are only two:
      1. the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America...
      2. The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union.

      *our* "Constitution" is as much a Fraud as *our* "Birth Certificate" and is actually the same Fraud Scheme, only on a national level.
      check it out:
      •where is the definition for who is meant by "We the People"?
      there isnt one.
      •when was it ratifjed from consent by the people?
      it wasnt. it was rejected at the national, state, and local levels! its a debt contract and the people said hell no!
      •where is its Enacting Clause?
      there isnt one.
      •where is its Enforcement clause?
      there isnt any.
      •who are the "Fiduciary" (responsible party) signatories?
      there arent any... only signatory *Witnesses* signed, and witnesses have no responsibility for whats on the paper, they just Witness that it exists, like a Public Notary Witness.

      listen chef, nobody signed that thing to take responsibility for carrying it out as written! no one was named to enforce it and nobody enacted it! if all that is actually true -- and, sadly enough, it looks like it is true, then its just another bigdammfreakin FRAUD just like *our* "BirthCertificates".

      who of us would ever know?
      i sure didnt.
      we, who live outside the Private Secret Temple BAR, we dont know all these points of their made up secret closed Society!!!!

      they know this.
      they did the very same dammthing to the indigenous people.

      that would then mean there are no "laws" to uphold.
      or break.
      and no one of them to hold responsible!?

      then i can see why they scream and run and try to stamp out law:common, American like a poisonous snake.

      all Politics are local and all Politics are man-made FICTION. know the "Politicians", many are people of excellent character who truly desire to serve mankind.


  4. Seems some one remove my comment.............could it hold to much truth///
    Here it is I always keep a copy........

    Since we know there are two CONstitutions (1871) and we know of the 1860 takeover and we know of the 1933 bankruptcy and we know that there is a U.S. Inc. my question is:
    1.) what oath that people took is to which CONstitution the original or the seconded one that the words were changed?

    2.) In the oaths (public officials etc.) the oaths are sworn to by ...... "under God"!

    There is no direct definition or meaning which one (God)..... could it be their god - Satin ?

    Since they dont state - mention "The Creator" then who can it be; when its undefined. Whereas attorneys always redefine words into "terms" for their own benefit. (including attorneys in a black dress (judge..LOL) appointed by attorneys)

    Peaceable man
    Keep moving forward

    1. maximus,

      it doesnt matter because their "Constitution" is the same type of fraud as their "Birth Certificates"...
      reprinting from my comment, above, to creatorsdaughter:

      "in fact: were now discovering that the Constitution has never had even any Legal authority,... but how would we know that?...we wouldnt... Legal-ese is a Foreign Language to us American men and women.

      there is no Enacting Clause.
      no Enforcement Clause, only an Establishment Clause.
      And Ordination (Ordinance= Codes=FICTIONS) in the "Preamble".
      i have not found the definition as used there for "We the People", maybe someone else has.
      and no man signed to be the Responsible Party! there are no Responsible Parties/Fictions!
      its a fake and a fraud. like the birth certificate.

      all of the Titles are Private Code, not law. Not *ours*, the American peoples' like weve heard 10s of thousands of times in our lifetime.

    2. repeating:
      comment to chef:

      "•where is its Enacting Clause?
      there isnt one.
      •where is its Enforcement clause?
      there isnt any.
      •who are the "Fiduciary" (responsible party) signatories?
      there arent any... only signatory *Witnesses* signed, and witnesses have no responsibility for whats on the paper, they just Witness that it exists, like a Public Notary Witness.

      listen chef, nobody signed that thing to take responsibility for carrying it out as written! no one was named to enforce it and nobody enacted it! if all that is actually true -- and, sadly enough, it looks like it is true, then its just another bigdammfreakin FRAUD just like *our* "BirthCertificates".

      who of us would ever know?
      i sure didnt.
      we, who live outside the Private Secret Temple BAR, we dont know all these points of their made up secret closed Society!!!!"

      its all worthless maximus.
      its all a big fraud.
      like the Birth Certificates.
      Trickery. Force. Deception. Just like they did with the indigenous Americans... pretend to be friends, then break the Treaty. ex: repeating: Treaty of Fort Laramie, 1851 AND 1868.

      Just like Magick.
      we call it lying, truce-breaking, backstabbing. they call it Magick, Volunteering, and "The *LAW*".

      There is no US constitution law, thats why they dont go by it...
      because there isnt any. its without force of law. its without law. law-less. and so are they..
      get it???...lawLESS... so are *they*..... theyre law-LESS too?

      THEM TO US: hahafooledyou.

      so, there you go, thats the Magick: getting the people to follow after dead images instead of our creator; obey laws that dont even exist; participate in elections that are just Polls; And even worse: having done nothing wrong, be put into windowless cement rooms for years by made-up authorities based on a made-up story, with no actual proof; by men who order it be done to you when they have no authority over (a) man to begin with....BECAUSE ONLY THE people CAN JUDGE ANOTHER MAN!!!!

      common. law.

      only man can judge man.

      But we "went along",..
      at the barrel of a guh n; we did all this "volunteering", for the Pope? BritishCrown? WHAT??.. didnt you know you guys volunteered? no, me either. i sure the hell did not know that.

      im asking my god:
      what have these people done?


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