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Friday, March 12, 2021

Public Corrective Notice and Demand

 This Corrective Notice and Demand is served on behalf of Alaska and The United States of America, but the same circumstance or very similar pertains to many States and Nations worldwide. 

This is why concerted international action is necessary. 


Public Corrective Notice and Demand


 The International Court of Justice – RE 162 265 907 US

Governor Michael Dunleavy – RE 162 265 915 US

The Alaska Judicial Council – RE 162 265 924 US

The Alaska State Troopers – RE162 265 938 US



“Alaska” defined as a State Trust was brought into a Union of similarly constructed State Trusts administered by foreign Territorial Confederate “States” – which are States-of-States business organizations, doing business as the State of Alaska, State of Ohio, and so forth.


This form of “Alaska” was conceived as an inchoate “State” and it was established under the authority of The Constitution of the United States of America, Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2, which deals with ---Withholding of Lands - Disposal of Lands, not under the authority of The Constitution of the United States of America, Article IV, Section 3, Clause 1 which provides for the creation of actual physically-defined states and States of the Union.


In this way, via the use of deceptive terms of art, the People of Alaska were deluded and defrauded and encouraged to think that they were in possession of their lawful State of the Union, Alaska, which everyone understood to be the physically defined state, when in fact a bait and switch fraud was involved.


According to the Alaska Statehood Act all land in this version of “Alaska” was transferred via Land Patents from the United States, Inc. to "Alaska" that is, the trust structure incorporated by the U.S. Congress and administered by their very own foreign State of Alaska business organization.


Most Alaskans were never told that land is an international jurisdiction and refers to the subsoil, minerals and aquifers that exist below the top six inches of soil, and thus, they never actually received the land and soil that is owed to them.  It was commandeered by foreign commercial corporations and attorneys acting in Breach of Trust.


So now you can see that Alaska defined as a trust is not an actual state with any sovereign powers of Nations; it exists without any actual possession of the land and soil by the Alaskan people--- and is a “State” in a completely different sense and existing in a completely different jurisdiction than the original thirteen (13) states of the Union, and it was never constructed to be, nor enabled to be, a true State of the Union.  


Those who passed off this State Trust as a State of the Union, and who artificially contrived to keep control and ownership of the land of Alaska--- only played lip-service to the ownership interests of the people who live here.


They did this purposefully and with malice aforethought as a complex constructive fraud which preyed upon the natural assumptions and popular language conventions of the average people, who signed on to this scheme without benefit of full disclosure and without realizing that they were being used as both the victims and the accessories of a crime.  


The courts of this version of “Alaska” are corporate tribunals operating in international jurisdiction.  The so-called Constitution of the State of Alaska is merely a debt agreement and service contract between the Alaska State Trust and the foreign privately- owned Territorial business corporation administering it.


These courts are, by definition, incompetent to address people standing under the Public Law and the actual Federal Constitution, so they have deliberately falsified our identities and registered us as foreign “Persons” --- both Territorial U.S. Citizens and Municipal citizens of the United States.  They have unlawfully, illegally, and immorally subjected us to the sea-going Constitution of the State of Alaska under conditions of deliberate constructive fraud, and they have subjected average Alaskans to the private legislative statutes of the incorporated State of Alaska, Inc.---under force, and fraud and all in Breach of Trust. 


The mandate of the Constitution of the State of Alaska and the Statutes of the State of Alaska say that all Judges and Attorneys are required to obtain a State issued license to practice law before they may be admitted to the Alaska BAR Association ---that is, the Alaska franchise of the Municipal United States BAR Association.  


The Alaska Legislature has further mandated by State of Alaska Statute that all who are licensed to Practice Law are required to become Members of the Alaska BAR Association---including all Judges.  So it is a double-ended demand.  You have to have the license, and then, if you have the license, you have to have the card.


This Public Policy rendered as a “State” Statute, requires undefined persons to acquire licenses to pursue and engage in an otherwise undefined profession of common right, and then goes on to mandate that such persons also join a foreign Municipal guild, a European professional guild, and then proceeds to enforce a closed Union Shop policy in defiance of the Smith Act, the Taft-Hartley Act, and other well-known Federal Law.


No member of the Alaska Judicial Council, no member or Board Member of the Alaska BAR Association, no Judge in any Court operated by the State of Alaska, and no lawyer we have ever queried has ever been able to produce any such State license or membership card to validate their compliance.


So while we agree that the legislation is pure bunk and unenforceable it is also apparent that these individuals are not in compliance with their own Public Policies.  They are, in effect, lawless.


Nobody has ever been able to produce any U.S. Statute-at-Large tendered by any iteration of the United States Congress serving to create a United States District Court or any Judicial District in Alaska. 


There’s no reference for establishment of any such judicial units or offices in the Alaska Statehood Act, either.   There’s a Termination of Jurisdiction of District Court for the Territory of Alaska. Pub. L. 85–508, § 18, July 7, 1958, 72 Stat. 350, Pub. L. 85–508, but no continuance “unless the President, by Executive order, shall sooner proclaim that the United States District Court for the District of Alaska, established in accordance with the provisions of this Act, is prepared to assume the functions imposed upon it.  During such period of three years or until such Executive order is issued, the United States District Court for the Territory of Alaska shall continue to function as heretofore. The tenure of the judges, the United States attorneys, marshals, and other officers of the United States District Court for the Territory of Alaska shall terminate at such time as that court shall cease to function as provided in this section.” 


The present day so-called United States District Court in Alaska was created and established by Executive Order 10867 under the authority of the military powers of Dwight D. Eisenhower acting as Commander in Chief. 


As we all know, the Executive Branch has no ability to establish any true civilian court or related judicial authority or offices.


This places the “Alaska” version of the “U.S. District Court” and the “Judicial District of Alaska” firmly in the tradition of quasi-military carpetbagger courts imposed in the South after the Civil War:


March 2, 1867 (14 Stat. 428), divided the ten Southern states into five military districts, each to be commanded by an officer not below the rank of brigadier general. Under the act the primary duties of these commanders were "to protect all persons in their rights of person and property, to suppress insurrection, disorder, and violence, and to punish, or cause to be punished, all disturbers of the public peace and criminals." 


The “United States District Court” in “Alaska” is thus shown to be a military tribunal established under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 9 of The Constitution of the United States of America, established under the False Presumption that there are no competent civilian courts here, and subject to the provisions of Ex Parte Milligan, too.


There is a reason and a logic for all this chicanery and deceit and the connection to the carpetbagger courts, too. 


The plain fact is that our actual government has been---at least according to our detractors--- “missing” since the 1860’s, “presumed to be in interregnum” and “absent”, because our actual States of the Union were not called back into Session after the Civil War. 


As a result, there was no government in Session on the land and soil jurisdiction, and no way to enroll any of the western states as actual States of the Union. 


The details of this deplorable dereliction of duty on the part of our British Territorial (U.S. Military) and Municipal Government (Federal Civil Service) Employees have finally been fully extracted and appropriate action has been taken to summon the States into Session.


To remove the obstacles presented by false registration of Americans as British Territorial U.S. Citizens and/or Municipal citizens of the United States, Americans from all over this country have declared and recorded their birthright political status and exercised their prerogative to assemble their State Assemblies. 


There are now fifty (50) State Assemblies in every State of the Union, properly declared, operational, and moving forward. 


On October 1, 2020, the State Assemblies that were formed prior to the onset of the Civil War returned a unanimous Roll Call Vote, enrolling the States that have entered Territorial Statehood during and after the Civil War as fully formed states and States of the Union, and making this enrollment retroactive to the date they entered Territorial Statehood.


With this action the State Trusts have been dissolved and the presumed Donors of the assets contained in these trusts have exercised their prerogative to receive back those assets, including the United States Land Patents they are owed, as fully functional nation-states and the people thereof.


Public Notice of these actions and the knowledgeable authority exercised in their accomplishment has been published worldwide for over ninety-five (95) days and has cured and has been permanently recorded.


Any coercive custodial interest or claim on abandonment proposed by the State of Alaska or Municipal STATE OF ALASKA based on their prior Bad Faith and misadministration of our assets as trust properties must be set aside.


There is also a valid known reason why the so-called United States District Court in Alaska is actually operated as a Territorial United States Court and Military Tribunal more than sixty years after “Statehood” was purportedly achieved in Alaska.


The United States Statutes-at-Large were created by the American Federal Republic Government, an instrumentality of the original Confederation formed in 1781.  After 1860, the Confederation could no longer function, and neither could the Federal Republic sponsored by the Confederation.


Thus, the United States District Courts formed prior to the Civil War were formed under the authority of the Statutes-at-Large, but there was no answering authority to establish new United States District Courts after the mercenary conflict ended.   


So, once again, our inventive but dishonest British Territorial federal subcontractors “made something up” and benefited themselves in the process, by establishing phony courts that appear to be the United States District Courts, but which are in fact Territorial United States Courts operated as quasi-military tribunals on our land and soil.


These courts enforce foreign statutory laws and Federal Codes on Alaskans in contravention of all three Federal Constitutions. They impersonate Alaskans and Americans in general as foreign “persons” voluntarily and knowingly operating as U.S. Citizens and/or citizens of the United States, when this is self-evidently not true, not disclosed, and based on criminal dereliction of duty and fraud in pursuit of coercive power and unjust enrichment.


The carpetbagger courts created in the Southern States within the new Military Judicial Districts enacted in 1867 were designed to collect war reparations from the helpless Southerners and Municipal citizens of the United States who were punished for their support of the Southern Confederacy by being defined as Fourteenth Amendment citizens--- prejudged as guilty until proven innocent, and as criminals, therefore also slaves, belonging to the surviving Federation of States and the British Territorial United States interests that fought with the North.


This was all done via misapplication of military power and executed under color of law, without lawful consent, without granted authority, without disclosure to the General Public, and has continued this quiet reign of terror and injustice, plundering and pillaging, ever since. 


This has all been done to us by our very own misdirected public employees, many of whom have been kept as woefully ignorant as the members of the General Public. 


We have awakened to find everything is disarray, as the perpetrators are trying to escape to China.  The officers of these “courts” are facing court martials and international tribunals.   An immediate cessation of all these unlawful, illegal, and immoral activities on our shores is required as a condition of amnesty. 


Let every judge and attorney consider their options and consider them well.  


The most recent outrage is an attempt by so-called corporation President Joe Biden to bond land and soil assets belonging to us, the American States and People, for the benefit of his corporation and the Chinese Government.  This is part of the cozy arrangement that the Offenders are trying to parley into continued predation against American assets and their illegal removal to China, together with associated money-laundering and securitization fraud by the HSBC organization and certain Malaysian banks.


The unincorporated Federation of States has been functional since 1776 and is the lawful government of this country in international jurisdiction.  It is not our habit or tradition to be constantly in Session, but we are in Session now.


We exercise the contracts and treaties we hold with the Principals responsible for this unholy and wicked injustice: the Pope, the British Monarch, and the Lord Mayor of London.  We do not recognize any of their copyrighted, patented, or incorporated service providers and have no contract with Joe Biden or Russell J:Gould, et alia.  We consider these people – whether elected by our Employees or acting as wannabe Successors to contract – to be operating in the guise of privateers and/or inland pirates, in possession of some portion of some part of our government apparatus under conditions of deceit and usurpation.


We are the Employers, and we are not pleased with the service we’ve received.  This is business and a matter of flagrant criminal Breach of Trust. It is past time to come to terms.


All Americans are advised to declare their proper birthright political status to forestall any continuing false legal presumptions against them. They are advised to contact and populate their State Assembly and to do so immediately and in an orderly fashion.  Everyone is urged to act responsibly and to assist in keeping the peace. 


The International Court of Justice is asked to notify all Member States and Nations and to compel investigation and discovery related to these crimes of fraud and misrepresentation and to proceed with prosecution of those Principals and their instrumentalities and Officers responsible for this grotesque Breach of Trust and Commercial Service Contract. 


                 By: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary, The United States of America


  1. I am posting several chapters’ below with their links that give a little history, along with the proof of why writing down who am “I” is, and why this is so very much not only needed but expected
    These links are a small (very minuscule) excerpt of why the need to correct the record is so paramount. I have on several occasions given the validity of this through scriptural writings that have eluded even those that profess to be Biblically well versed. The impasse in one’s own mind is manifested through the lack of correlating the BIRTH CERTIFICATED PERSON, Licenses, Registrations,… as 19th, 20th, 21st, century “Graven Images”. We were given everything, and then it was hidden, cached, blurred, and then made to appear as “outdated” not applying to US.
    Book of Jasher, Chapter 14{Origin“Pharaoh” and Birth(Death)Certificated Person}
    Deuteronomy 4 KJV - Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto - Bible Gateway
    Deuteronomy 17 KJV - Thou shalt not sacrifice unto the LORD - Bible Gateway
    Isaiah 8 KJV - Moreover the LORD said unto me, Take - Bible Gateway
    Isaiah 30 KJV - Woe to the rebellious children, saith - Bible Gateway
    Jeremiah 25 KJV - The word that came to Jeremiah - Bible Gateway
    Jeremiah 36 KJV - And it came to pass in the fourth year - Bible Gateway
    Jeremiah 42 KJV - Then all the captains of the forces, - Bible Gateway 42&version=KJV
    Daniel 1 KJV - In the third year of the reign of - Bible Gateway 1&version=KJV
    Daniel 7 KJV - In the first year of Belshazzar king of - Bible Gateway 7&version=KJV
    Habakkuk 2 KJV - I will stand upon my watch, and set me - Bible Gateway 2&version=KJV
    There are certain verses in each of these chapters that instruct us to make a stand for our creator. Through our voice, writing and everyday deeds is what is expected. I will let everyone locate these verses that are contained within each of these chapters. I didn’t post the singular verses because the chapters that contain them are prolific as well.

    1. EWE- You are the only sheep here. The worlds ewe if you will.
      i am not the one who is being clever nor the one who is slipping things in. it is ewe and ewe are not cute.
      Just to let you know i see through you.

    2. When I stated in the past that most everything in this world has been hidden, and misconstrued for the masses, I meant it. The Aleph Tav was omitted in the very first verse of the King James Bible. Why? Can we all see now why Jesus was accused of Blasphemy. He flat out stated he was/is the Aleph Tav. I had this first video referenced years ago, YouTube deleted it. The following videos are just as enlightening. Oh, and bye the bye “a follower” there’s no way that ewe could have read any of those above chapters and made a comment as soon as ewe did. Hate much?
      GENESIS 1 1 SAYS JESUS IS GOD - YouTube- (Youtube removed this)
      Aleph Tav (את) - YouTube(Psalm 119 Ministries)
      Introduction to the VAV-Aleph-Tav in the Scriptures by Bill Sanford - YouTube
      Alpha & Omega, Aleph & Tav, the First & Last, the Creator - YouTube
      The Aleph Tav in Scripture - What is the eth CEPHER? - YouTube
      Hidden code in Genesis 1:1 - YouTube
      Jesus in Genesis: 1. The First Word of the Bible - YouTube

    3. Yes, Shelby most all that Is being brought forth about this surname is correct. This is why a Paramount Claim is needed. Everyone needs to state their claim in writing, and the rock in which their house was built on. I have enclosed Chapter 3705. VITAL STATISTICS When this chapter is read, studied (using a 3rd Edition Blacks Law Dictionary), while keeping in mind that this “Chapter 3705. VITAL STATISTICS”, has not one thing to do with a “baby”, one will be able to see through the scheme.

    4. It is not Hate.
      No i did not read every link you posted. i have been immersed by the Holy Spirit and have read the verses you refer to many times. i have been 'studying' Jude and James most recently on wolves and on that little rudder that tends to get us into trouble. Judging each other as if we are Yahuah himself.
      i need not follow you around as you are my teacher nor leader. Your snarkiness is all i need see (Your example.)
      Yahuah through His Son, knows our hearts. Filing paperwork serves no one except man!
      Not trying to be hate-full. Just stating Truth and facts as i am led to speak.

    5. Also in many ways you i and Shelby seem to agree, we have been misled, this world is not what it seems, this world is very much the opposite of what our creator wishes it to be. This worldly goverment is not the Government of God. Evil is running rampant calling evil, good. Evil is being brought against and being released upon this world for a reason.
      In the end Truth will prevail, of this there is no doubt!

    6. Very strange ideological view ewe are promoting, when at this exact moment here ewe are reading, and writing. Hmm.

  2. I have always paid my taxes in full and on time. However I just got a letter from the IRS saying that there were two 1099's I received (for 2018 and I never did receive them, although they were legit) which I didn't pay the 3K in taxes due. Can anybody please give me some advice as to how to reply back to them. I basically want to tell them that not only has the IRS been dismantled, but it always was part of the illegal USA Corp. which made paying taxes wrong in the first place. I need to know what the right verbiage should be so they won't have an option but to not pursue the matter. Any of Anna's docs to help as well? Thanks folks

    1. Buzzy don't try to apply what Anna is teaching to solve an IRS dispute, its mixing water and oil, and does not work. IF you wish to move your self from the system then clean up all issues with IRS as you worked with them before, pay the "tax". Then eliminate all "income" from corporate entities that report to the IRS and build an independent life apart from that system, drop all associations with IRS corporate government or corporate businesses.

      Then when all that is over and paid to the old Babylonian system, then start a fresh slate by applying what Anna is teaching, don't receive anything from the corporate world like "income".

      Record your American State National status and reconstruct your life and ways of living your affairs in the private world by staying out of Babylon (the corporate world) and living in the abundance of nature and in the private world. Join an American State Assembly and participate. Some of those members may have effective methodologies to find prosperity they can share.

  3. Let's clarify again;

    The "process" does NOT [IMO] make a claim to the BIRTH CERTIFICATE; it does the OPPOSITE. The declaration on the "paperwork" expresses the fraud and criminal act perpetrated upon mom, dad and baby. At the same time, the BC indicates the day, month, year and time this fraudulent act occurred which coincides with the nativity of baby boy or girl.

    We do NOT make claim upon that fraudulent act or that fraudulent thing that was created - we declare the act of criminal fraud as a null and void on the record and we accept the original gift from mom and dad... our good name. That name it NOT us; it is a gift to us from mom and dad. Nothing wrong with using a name, in the proper way, given to us by mom and dad.

    As to the SURNAME; that also is NOT you or yours - it belongs to the family, house or clan you belong to. The perpetrators and facilitators of the evil system did NOT create that Name nor do they own it. All that was done was trickery and deceit by proper and lawful names and creating fraudulent and unlawful Names and NAMES disguising them as being your actual good name and family, house, clan Name.

    Getting wrapped around the axle regarding this distracts from the truth; proper use of the gift given to us by mom and dad does NOT equate to volunteering into the evil Worldly System. The gift of our good name is only a tool to be used when necessary and appropriate in good faith and for good reasons.

    Were the signors of the Declaration "captured" into the BEAST system simply because they signed their names as "First Middle Last"? How about anyone prior to that time who signed their Name to an agreement - was their act of signing using the 'SURNAME' automatic entry into the BEAST system?

    I do not believe so - we must think clearly about these matters and act in good faith and lawfully. Using a Name properly does NOT mean you cannot "come out of her my people" - it depends upon how and why you use it.

    1. Another great, The HighWire, show.
      Very important,all of it should be watched however,
      The last 57:30 minutes is mind bending.
      We need a true awakening Now !

  4. While some or most of what you offer here may have some truth to it, what does any of that have to do with what Anna is teaching?

    I have read most of Anna's articles and cannot remember once her stating that anyone would receive $3000/mo. She mentions making demand for lawful money rather than blind endorsing checks - endorsement means to back or agree with - and what are you backing and agreeing with when you sign/endorse your check? To be treated like a Federal Reserve Bank with ALL of the obligations and USE FEES that go along with that... INCOME TAX???

    Also, Anna has mentioned that the proper way for the financial system to function Lawfully is for those who have "come home" and declared their Lawful Standing as Americans, to have ALL of their "bills" or "charges" discharged automatically as per the lawful existent treaties and agreements with our Government Service Employees.

    Their is no true money of substance circulating in present day trade and commerce other than 1-to-1 Barter or any other exchange of objects of inherent and tangible value. The system is set up for charge/discharge double entry bookkeeping for those who operate lawfully and make said requirement/demand on the record.

    Obviously, the criminals and pirates are not living up to that agreement so it is up to us to form our Lawful Assemblies and require compliance with the proper force of law. This is why Anna keeps preaching to get as many people involved in their local Assemblies so that critical mass takes place and the people regain the Ultimate Power as was originally intended.

    There is strength in numbers which is why we Americans need to assemble en masse and fill the required offices with fair, just and loyal Citizens who will uphold the law of the people standing upon the land and soil of their birthright.

    1. Shelby, thanks for the posts with "Daniel", he sure has put out a lot of videos in the past 24hrs. Seems like 8yrs ago he did the same thing I did by Authenticating that BIRTH/DEATH CERTIFICATE in his Video 17 - CHRISTIAN CONSTITUTIONAL EXEMPTION FROM PARTICIPATION IN GOD-LESS SOCIETY - YouTube I know that the Surname is a sticking point for most folks. However, since then we have uncovered how our first name was severed into two and turned into a "First" and a "Last" name. This now becomes more clear why/how a Paramount Claim is utilized in bringing all of our God given name back together on the Land (our whole name is our “First Name”) This is not only for the one doing this but for the ones that have come before and for those that come after.
      Exodus 20:12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
      Consider it like having a family reunion. Not only that but of each of our names is unique to US, unlike a million Daniels, Johns, Toms….which sounds like everyone is a bunch of drones. A Hive Mentality. Hi, my name is Darryl, and here are my other brothers Darryl, and Darryl….
      As long as we don’t get out of hand; “Ricky-Ticky Tembo No Sai Rembo Cherry Berry Uchi Pip Perri Pembo”, or “Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sa Rembo Chari Bari Ruchi Pip Peri Pembo”, we might fall into a well.

    2. Yeah Shelby, Newhart was some funny stuff. Ok, let me clarify further. What was done is that our soul/sole name was severed and turned into a last(form/sole) name. All this was done on a “form”. Warehouse Shipping Manifest, that falls under Maritime Law.

    3. So with a specific piece of the afterbirth that is an emergency state of needing a “Doctor” to sign the Birth/Death Certificate, “they” now under Law of Salvage have 2 pieces(Substance, and Form) the “STATE” comes in and adopts this Bastard of unknown origen the Registrar signs, and now a trust is set up for the STATE’s “child”.

    4. Please post the link and/or video regarding the $3K/mo.

      I guess I have a different take and understanding regarding the recording of documents than you have. The process of recording is only a memorial for the benefit of others of what is already true. To file and form a record of anything is to make it easy for others to see what you have already declared. The paper and the record is secondary to the actual act and testimony in living voice.

      Furthermore, you should be keeping originals just like an recording of documents - a copy is filed and certified while the original remains, or is returned, to the author.

      You are your own record keeper - the LRS, or any other system of lawful records, is secondary and for the benefit of the public at large who you intend to live and trade among. If you choose the life of an isolated recluse hiding in the woods, you have no need for such records. If you intend to interact with others in a community, then it is appropriate to make notice and record your standing and any other claims you wish to make.

      If the "digital system" goes down, so be it - I still have my original documents and, more importantly, my voice and first hand testimony of what I claim to be true and have recorded on paper.

      That is all you need if Lawful Courts and restored - one man makes a claim and it is up to another man to bring forth facts, evidence and witnesses to refute said claim in a lawful court of record in front of a lawfully seated jury of their peers. NO ATTORNEYS involved and NO BLACK ROBE 'judge" in charge.

      We do not have courts like this in operation, hence the need for the people to gather, assemble and fill that void.

    5. antjraf, if there is a better process I have yet to encounter it. Further more none have put one forward in the last ten years.

    6. a better process than what?

    7. Wow, really? Stay with me here; A n n a.

    8. OK - you should have addressed your comment to Shelby then. I am the one supporting Anna's process in this discussion.

  5. I have a plate that says my given name and weight and time and day that is my birth plate my mom gave me. Why would I give my name away to a thief who used it on his or her form to create a certificate of live birth? is there really any question about who owns your name? Like who owns your hand? They might say and make claims and haw and jaw but at the bottom of it is just whose name and body is it?

    1. AirCarvings, Is that name on said plate written in all CAPITAL LETTERS?

  6. Anna asking the injust ICJ for approval and justice ? Don't you know they were/are created by crooked UK** + France ? When ? Their Unknown date, in Wikimaniacia by their assumed year 1945.

  7. Who is going to PROSECUTE THEM? Sheriff' don't work for us, whose left? They plan on kidnapping me likely this thursday, I do NOT recognize their evil systems jurisdiction, couldn't go if I wanted to for lack of transporting my wheelchair, but I won't go. I made a LIMITED special appearance as an American State National sending them ALL my paperwork on that and then some. 74pgs in all. They kidnapped me once off the street, no plate, no produced license, no ins. for approx. 5 hrs, this hurt me physically to which I have no recovered yet, that was Jan 16th, I'M NOT GOING BACK THERE, nor being separated from my Service Dog. He was traumatized too! tc folks!
