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Saturday, December 19, 2020

Facts Matter (Dec. 18): Insurrection Act of 1807 Explained

Joe Biden Appears to Outperform in Counties Using Dominion or HART Voting Machines: Data Analyst

1 comment:

  1. NOW THE HARD TRUTHS SET IN, the tone is changed, as i predicted since OCT-2020. Here it is:

    Reuters. 567K views. 1 day ago.

    See now I told you how the left and right party's playing their mutual Mind-games together to blow your mind to believe in their bogus democracy, and delusional Liberty.

    YOU THOUGHT that America was not usurped, but she was, long ago. The D.C. Vermin lied and blamed the foreign Top and bottom Communists causing their election Fraud.

    Now you see the two party's working for their same EU Masters.
    Still doubt my predictions again? Do you want me to prove my next predictions? You will be furious on many street corners. The eclipses of june 2021 will illuminate your Revolutionary actions.


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