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Friday, May 18, 2018

The UN Trusteeship

By Anna Von Reitz

The UN Trusteeship

According to this mammoth fraud against the American States and People, we just disappeared one day, like the ships of the Dutch East India company or the Templar Fleet before them, and deserted all our property here in America, leaving it behind in the care of our servants for hire -- the British-controlled Territorial United States.

As such, we were deemed by those same dishonest servants to have "donated" our "abandoned" estates to the good of whomever, and most likely, to ourselves, should we ever "return" from "over the sea".

Of course, we were never informed of our purported absence, nor of our supposed donation of our good names and assets.

As Mark Twain noted when this fraud first started --- rumors of our death have been greatly exaggerated.

In 1976, the traitors responsible for this debacle passed two Acts in the Territorial United States Congress --- the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act and in tandem with it, the International Organizations Immunities Act.

These two Acts together provide for individual still owed their lawful birthright estates to claim them as "Foreign Sovereigns" ---- that is, "foreign" with respect to the Territorial United States, and to otherwise wash the hands of the perpetrators by naming the United Nations as the Trustees responsible for administration of our state laws and assets.

This manipulation (invalid as it is) is the equivalent of taking your money out of one pocket and putting it in the other, as the UN Corporation is owned and operated by the same people and interests as the US Corporation.

So now we are being treated to the spectacle of "UN Commissioners" disguised as County Commissioners arriving on our soil to tell us how to live our lives and how high to jump --- except for one important fact.

We, the supposed "Donors" of the Trust they are administering have also seized claim as the "Beneficiaries" of all the Cestui Que Vies and related State assets and invoked the Doctrine of Merger.

This means that when the (merely presumed to be) Donor of a Trust is also the Beneficiary of a Trust, that Donor has the absolute right to collapse the Trust and receive back all the assets of that Trust. This is called a "reversionary trust interest"--- which we have, and which we have invoked on the public and international record. We have merged the various entities established in our NAMES and returned them to the land and soil of our birth.

Read that--- we have already told the UN to get off our soil and stay off and to prove any legitimate interest granted to them by the foreign Territorial United States Congress acting in Breach of Trust and Commercial Contract.

There is absolutely nothing in the Delegated Powers suggesting that the Territorial United States has now nor ever had any ability to dispose of our assets in any jurisdiction of the law. Therefore, the Territorial United States cannot grant to the UN what was never theirs to grant.

The actual presumed "Donors" have come home and claimed back the entirety of their land and soil as well as their Persons/PERSONS. Kindly inform the United Nations Secretary General and all the new "County Commissioners".

See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Thank god they were called on the get out!

  2. Redacted examples of successfully corrected persons' papers would
    encourage others to follow the leaders.

  3. Exactly...where is the proof, or the beef..!! Someone come forward and say something....i won, I won..!!

  4. proof who needs proof? beef? nope im vegan ;o)

    i still think that hybrid SPC process sending your title to the treasury does nothing or more harm in the long run than good. has anyone benefited from that at ALL? its like giving your car title to someone for free and saying here you go take that!!!


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