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Thursday, November 9, 2017

One Ticked-Off American

By Anna Von Reitz

November 9, 2017

Most Beloved Francis,

It has been ten months since I presented the Payment Bond and Bill of Lading to the Vatican Chancery Court in the Person of Cardinal Mamberti.  I shall soon send specific instructions and agents, some of whom are otherwise working as Vatican Mandates, to the Vatican City Bank.  I wish to make it clear for the public and private record that I am positing the cured Payment Bond, not depositing it, and that any work done for me by any person currently serving as a Vatican Mandate is not being done in that capacity, but is in fact work for hire under appointment granting them no standing as a Principal of or over the Payment Bond and Bill of Lading. 

It has been over 800 years since there has been an actual Jubilee on Earth.  It's time to change that, and for the slaves to be set free. 

As you know, I don't approve of what has been allowed to go on in the international jurisdiction and have problems with the administration of the global jurisdiction also. 

We recently found thousands of tainted patents and trademarks at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USTPO).  These have been used to construct a vast and predatory process designed to defraud and rob people of their identities and their assets and to enrich corporations----both non-profit and for-profit corporations are involved in this spider's web of deceit, racketeering, and fraud.

The process begins almost at birth and follows us throughout our life cycle.  It is a truly evil cradle-to-grave predation on the living by the dead legal fiction entities that the Roman Curia has created and then allowed to run wild.

This sophisticated theft of intellectual property, including our names which have been stolen and copyrighted by corporations entrusted to provide us with essential government services, has happened on the watch of those entrusted to administer the global jurisdiction of the air.  This is your own particular area of expertise and responsibility and I am reporting this gross negligence and criminal conspiracy to defraud that is standing on the records of the USTPO directly to you, so that you cannot possibly claim that you didn't know and nobody told you.  I am telling you, right now, officially: we have the proof and it has been distributed worldwide, so now everyone has the evidence concerning the B.E.A.S.T and all the related automated and computer-controlled processes.  

For some reason I cannot fathom, many patents have been issued allowing processes and designs that are clearly and explicitly criminal in nature.  The "inventors" come right out and describe who they are going to harm and exactly how they are going to do it---- and this has been allowed, rubber-stamped, and protected.  Crime has literally been protected by patent, trademark, and copyright privileges granted to these perpetrators via the abuse of our delegated powers.

Surely you know that the Holy Mother is the Patron Saint of America.  Surely you know that this state of affairs is a gross affront to justice and to her.

While I am on the subject of displeasure in Heaven and on Earth, I must ask by what stretch of the imagination is it even possible that our national Great Seals are in the filthy hands of grumpy old Jewish bankers at the so-called Federal Reserve?  That is sovereign property.  It has nothing to do with their criminal exploitation of territorial and municipal corporations that shouldn't even exist.  We strenuously object to this entire situation and sue you as Trustee for the return of all our assets, including the Great Seals.

Of additional concern ----why is the Seal of Saint Peter in the hands of some grubby "security agency" hired by more goons and thugs? Perhaps you could explain to me and the King of Spain how our land jurisdiction, both national and international, has been violated while in the care of both the British Monarchs and the Popes for the past 150 years?  How is it that our actual states and our living people have been repeatedly and fraudulently bankrupted for the sins, errors, and profits of corporations operating in violation of the Public Law?  Passing hypothetical debt off onto innocent people by a process of coerced assumption? 

Where does it end?  To be blunt--- when do you put a stop to it? 

In recent days I have heard a lot of howling and screeching from the Siblings of Satan, objecting to our demand that credit should be issued to clean up 800 years' worth of shoddy, neglected, dishonest bookkeeping, and more credit issued to re-boot the world economy.  What's so crazy about cleaning up your own mess and paying your long, long, long overdue bills?  These vaunted superior intellects have had 800 years-worth of our credit to use and benefit from.  If they haven't made enough profit to pay us back after all this time, they are obviously crooks or fools and, in either case, I am more than willing to put the facts straight up their noses.

Let's begin with the fact that there is a twenty trillion "missing" National Credit owed to the American states and people.  Where is it, Francis?   You are the Trustee.

There's a $387 billion dollar clump of gold sitting in the so-called Global Debt Facility that was obtained via a false claim on abandonment by the World Bank and IBRD acting as Secondary Creditors of the 1933 bankruptcy of the United States of America, Incorporated.  We all know who that gold belongs to--- the American states and people.  And you can sure as blazes tell by now that our government is still here, still functioning,  not in any interregnum and mad as wet cats, thoroughly appalled by all these self-interested lies and the banal criminality accompanying them.  Give it back.

There's only God-knows-how-much money tied up in stock portfolios that were supposedly purchased as part of a benefit package for World War II veterans and their families---- but the purported Beneficiaries were simply never told a word about this and never allowed to claim all these stock portfolios supposedly earmarked for them.  Now almost all those veterans are dead and gone.  Many of them ended their days in poverty while these goddamned bogus foreign governmental services corporations have siphoned off the profits as endless transaction fees and taxes and now sit perched like vultures, waiting for the day when they can claim that all that wealth was abandoned too. 

We are here to tell you that it wasn't abandoned.  Those men and their families were cheated out of it.  Victimized.  Betrayed for the same so-called  government that has lied to them for 150 years and involved them --- good honest men believing that they were actually soldiers and sailors serving their country--- in foreign mercenary postal wars.  Postal wars?   Francis?  They don't have a clue, but you do.  The Roman Catholic Church created the Post Office. It is still your Number One organizational relationship, other than the Vatican City State.  And what am I supposed to say to them?  Oh, the Pope faked you out, slipped on his Other Hat while you weren't looking and now, well, sorry to tell you, but you've been put at risk for no sane or noble purpose at all.  None of it had anything to do with you or your country.  And, by the way, those Discharge Papers are phony, too.... ? 

There's nine trillion dollars worth of funding  that the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (DOD) just misplaced somehow..... $9,000,000,000,000.00 and gee, folks, don't know what happened.  Must've fallen out of my pockets while I was hanging upside down on the monkey bars....but hey, you are on the hook to pay for it, so, it's all okay.

You think you can sell this to the American people?  You think that bankruptcy protection is an appropriate response?

That feeling of heat rising from the floor underneath your feet right about now?  That's me, Francis.  

Please inform Cardinal Mamberti that I will be sending him instructions with regard to the Payment Bond and you want him to follow my instructions to the letter.

Anna Maria

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website
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  1. Amen to that! Thanks for doing this Anna

  2. Well said, thank you! It was certainly a lot nicer than what I would have said.

  3. God has tears in his eyes and he has sent us Judge Ann Von Reitz with the full understanding of what is to be done for all mankind. It's just amazing how well she understands what has happened to Gods people. May our Lord and savior protect Anna and guide her to victory. We all need to do our part and forward all of her messages to everyone on our contact list to spread the word and make it a monthly obligation on our part to donate to her without fail.

  4. Thank you. You are ridding high in your lane. Well said. Hope we don't have to send soldiers to make him hear us.

  5. Our over site is the ppl. And exceptional people like anna. I do what I can schooling ppl.on radio shows .we must learn to fight on all fronts or get erased.

  6. I pray our most high GOD send an army of protective warring angels to protect Judge Anna, in the name of the father, son and holy spirit

  7. I will not hold my breath that Frannie will obey; afterall in his deluded mind he thinks he is some 'vicar of Christ' standing in for Jesus 'since Jesus left'. How delusional is that! A lying crook trying to make people think he is some stand-in for Christ! What an insult to Christ!
    Sorry, but there is no holy mother; to say this would mean the Holy Father has a wife. Mary is to be honored for being the earthly mother of Jesus, however, she was just as much an ordinary human being as any other woman on earth. She said of Jesus and to Jesus 'my Savior, my Lord'.
    No man can just declare sainthood on any other individual. Man does not have such authority to do so, and especially not any of the popes. I don't know what it takes for catholics to wake up; the vatican is full of stench and evil spirits, it needs fumigated. Any religious entity that is controlling is called a Cult; and that is what the vatican is. This is a fact and its high time to face it.
    Anyhow, I'm glad to see Anna kick his ass. Its long overdue!

    1. I'm not a Roman Catholic however the scriptures appear clear to me about "sainthood" - that it is based on a divine calling and that Mary was obviously (IMO) "called" see: 1 Corinthians 1:2.

      I very much appreciate your word re: "Cult". Can you email me a reference for that? I'd like to blog about this at my CurZone blog.
      In Gratitude!

    2. Hi Chef, yes, I'm totally familiar with Paul and the Apostles referring to ''saints'. The saints they speak of are those who have repented and been converted and become christians.
      Notice it is spelled always with a small ''s''. This is what the church body of Christ consists of; in other words, real genuine christians.
      But that is not ''Sainthood' as the RCC/Vatican uses it; they declare people as ''Saints' according to the sole decision of the vatican. Such as just deciding to name Theresa to be a ''Saint' which is was far from being. She allowed many to remain outside her humanitarian facility to die of starvation, telling them that 'it is good to suffer for christ''. That very characteristic is far from being saintly in any way. It is contrary to the very word of God, in fact.
      Meanwhile, she made a trip to America to ask for money to run her mission, professing to 'help the poor and indigent'.
      People believed her (lie) and she then gave the money to the pope in Rome, and he accepted it !
      This information came from a Reporter who had many many years ago decided to go visit Theresa as he wanted to write a great article on her goodness in deeds. But after he got there and saw with his own eyes what was really going on, he was quite saddened to discover it was quite the opposite of what had been portrayed. So he wrote what he saw, which was what I read.

      As for Cults. I studied that so many years ago that I don't believe I can refer you to information. I do recall back when Jim Jones influenced his group to drink poisoned kool-aid and they all died. He did this only because the truth about him not being a true christian pastor at all, was coming out and he was being exposed to actually be a Cult leader. (this is where the ''drinking the kool-aid' originated from)

      But Chef, I'm quite sure you can find much about Cults through google, since everything is on google. You will find cult leaders demand obedience to them, and obey what they tell them to do. That is total control of their ''flock'. The RCC is much the same.
      Today, many of the churches have a similar nature, although not quite to that extent, but we often hear their members say ''I will have to ask my pastor about that''.

      Whereas, true christianity tells us to seek the Word to see what God says about things, to be led by God only, not following after men. Christians are only obedient to the Word of God, God himself, not a church organization, nor by any man. We are encouraged to check the Word to see if we are being told the truth or not. The Apostle Paul even preached that admonition to the saints.
      The Apostles were Teachers of the church body, and did not present themselves as leaders to be personally followed, as cultists do. Neither did any of them form memberships and sign people up. We are not to become members of organizations; we are to freely come, or freely leave. We either becomes saints of God, through legitimate salvation which is obtained from God, or we do not.
      Joining 'churches' only misleads many people to believe they are 'christians' when in fact they are not. (can you go stand in a garage and call yourself a car?)

    3. I grew up a catholic since i was born. But the Catholic church had a policy of telling all its parishioners that they didnt have to read the bible, because thats what they were for....ready from the gosple and then interprete its meaning in church...of course many catholics did exactly that... but to be fair, so did every other religion...!! Lets face it, when it comes to reading, everyone these days are extremely lazy.. I have friends that will only listen to utube videos, rather than read an article about it on google... videos can never replace the written word when it comes to learning about textbook subject matters of importance...!! Can you imagine a doctor getting all his info from nothing but can never happen...But videos can be a secondary sourse for info that has been read and understood...!!

    4. James, yes I am quite familiar with the RCC's teaching their flocks to not read the bible because they would not be able to understand it; let ''the church' tell them what scripture says. And that is how people get led into the ditch ! Its also an insult to the intelligence of people, insinuating that they were too stupid to understand it. No, they have no understanding because they are not born again, having received the holy spirit with which to instill in them the understanding of the bible.
      Conversely, the bible tells us to ''study to see if we are approved by God''. And that the holy spirit will teach us all that we need to know, thru the very word of God. Precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little, there a little.
      And then we begin to see the big picture and see it all fits together nicely; that is when it all begins to make total sense. We even begin to realize God's reasoning and come into agreement with it all. This is how we grow, as we are expected to go from newbies, babies, to adulthood, and put away childish things. We go from ingesting milk, to chewing on meat.
      The worst thing anyone can do is go and sit and listen to some pastor tell us what he says and what he thinks. We do not care what he thinks, we only care what God thinks. One will never learn anything of much value by listening to this tripe for about 20 minutes or so once a week.
      James, yes I agree, this is no better with any of the other churches either. Just that at the moment we are discussing the pagan RCC. Myself, I have never felt right about joining any church or becoming any member. So I have never had any denomination, nor been indoctrinated by any of them. I was brought together with an italian ex-catholic from nyc, who happened to ''get saved on Wall St.'' thru someone passing out bible leaflets there. She was quite learned, and we began studying together over a dozen years ago. And we still have our 'meetings of the minds' to this day. We have held each others feet to the fire, no nonsense, and that is how it is supposed to be; being held accountable for truthfulness keeping each other out of the ditch.

    5. Consider yourself lucky Abby. It was obviously pre ordained for you to learn that way.. and about being Italian...i knew there was something i liked about from another Italian..!!

    6. Yep I agree. What a day dream to think that this man can stand in for Christ or by any other name we wish to call the creator. Hey here's an idea.... why don't we ring up the Vatican and see if we can talk to Cardinal Mamberti and ask him (in a nice way) if he'll action Anna's instructions ASAP because we are concerned at the length of time this is taking. A bit of pressure if you like. I'm serious, should I call or remain patient? I'll probably be put on hold, forever listening to Barry Manilow once they know what I'm ringing about.

  8. All fired up!! So grateful for you Anna😘

  9. Francis is a FAKE CHRISTIAN... and can only be taken down by REAL CHRISTIANS through Christ.

  10. Might the second chapter of Revelation have anything to do with this?:

    "The Message to Pergamos -

    (verse 12) To the angel of the church in Pergamum write: These are the words of him who has the sharp, double-edged sword. 13 I know where you live-where Satan has his throne. Yet you remain true to my name. You did not renounce your faith in me, not even in the days of Antipas, my faithful witness, who was put to death in your city-where Satan lives. 14 Nevertheless, I have a few things against you: There are some among you who hold to the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to entice the Israelites to sin so that they ate food sacrificed to idols and committed sexual immorality. ...":

    1. Not the best translation. Here it is from the Douay Rheims.

      [11] He, that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches: He that shall overcome, shall not be hurt by the second death. ... [12] And to the angel of the church of Pergamus write: These things, saith he, that hath the sharp two edged sword: ... [13] I know where thou dwellest, where the seat of Satan is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith. Even in those days when Antipas was my faithful witness, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth. ... [14] But I have against thee a few things: because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat, and to commit fornication: ... [15] So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaites.

    2. And, the second death is exactly what's coming for the Synagogue of Satan and his "siblings" as Anna so eloquently put it. Their very souls (those who have one, that is) are to be destroyed by the Almighty Father in Heaven, never to be born again to their venal perfidy. And, it will come very soon. The rest of us -- the "meek" -- shall inherit the Earth and go on to build it in the vision of the Holy Father and Mother.

    3. I read many many years ago an article talking about the seat that the pope sits on; that there was something demonic inscribed on the underneath part of that seat. I cannot recall what was inscribed, but it was something relating to satan. I wish I would have printed that article.
      And now that verse 13 of Ch. 2 has been brought up, I can definitely say this relates to that 'seat' that I read about,
      and it makes perfect sense to me now. That is confirmation.
      The seat the pope sits on is the 'seat of satan'!

  11. I feel he is not paying attention Anna! I really love the letter except on word you used which was the G/D word. I don't think the pope will pay much attention to your writings with that kind of verbage. Don't get me wrong. All of them are crooks and will have to atone for their sins. We need to go forward with Gods blessing not damn them. Keep up the good and honorable fight.

    1. Jim, they are already damned. When people know very well they are doing wrong, and they continue knowingly, then it is too late to repent, and God will not even hear their repentance. One cannot wait until they are caught, and then figure they will repent if that happens. The opportunity to repent has to be offered by God, and that is highly unlikely. There will be no atonement. God tells us their day will come, and when it does, he will laugh at their calamity. I find nothing wrong with Anna's wording. Lets not get all touchy-feely for these unspeakable criminals, especially those that parade themselves around in some costume trying to portray themselves as being some ''Godly infallible' dirtbag. We are to expose such phony bastards.
      There will be no popes in heaven or in the coming Kingdom of God.

    2. Jim Flemming...the title of her article should have already prepared you for that statement...!! That was an exception to all her other writtings since they never respect a polically correct venacular..!! There are times you need to use a "shock factor" to finally get their attention...!! Who would have ever thought that the only person to face off with all these so called dignataries would have been a woman with the only "pair" left to confront these lieing bastards...!! That letter once and for all showed her complete distain of their contempt of "truthfullness" and their "WORD" which means nothing!!! She called them out once and for all...I couldnt have written it better myself if i knew as much as her...Mine would have been even harsher than hers...I cant believe that she can still have that much restraint after being so diplomatic for so long.....diplomacy with megomaniacs have no affect...I think she made her point quite well...god forgive her..!!!

    3. One other thing, which either Paul or Anna can clear up for me...lately, people have been quoting , and i paraphrase, " the 3 days of darkness, which is to occur this month....what is this about, and is it scriptual..!! It says that God is first going to give us a sign that those 3 days of darkness are upon us, like a major earthquake.. But after that comes the weeping and knassing of the earth just like "Sodom and Gammora". We are supposed to close all doors and shut all windows so as not to see what is happening, just like lot was ordered to do when leaving S&G. Because if you do you will be turned to a pillar of salt... What is this referring to Paul...!!!

    4. James, who is saying this; you always have to look at the validity of anyone who writes anything these days. Lots of loons out there, lol. I say this is bunk. I don't know anyone who can give dates on anything from the bible; surely there is nothing there that says 'Nov. 2017. As for the 'weeping and gnashing of teeth' from the bible, that does not happen until the great tribulation period of time, and that has not happened yet.

    5. James, God saw that the city was infested with sodomites; so God told Lot to take his family and leave the city and not to look back. But his wife did look back, as she hated leaving. And for that, God turned her into a pillar of salt.
      As soon as Lot was out of the city, God destroyed it from heaven by pouring down fire and brimstone upon it.
      So you see, the story floating around you speak of, is not quite accurate, full of errors. Even look at the reason why God destroyed it.

    6. Im only relaying the latest message coming from utube from numerous sources, not just one person...there are numerous sources stating this. I dont really believe it, but i only want to understand where they are coming from...!!

  12. This is going the same way that anna's "bond" is going-IGNORED!!! Good luck trying to make these satanic spawns do the right thing. As one bankster stated: we know what we are doing is wrong but we won't stop doing it until we are FORCED to stop-end of direct quote!!! So...WHO is going to FOPRCE all of this to stop!!!??? As I posted before, if anna ever gets to be a creditable threat to "their system" then she will be murdered as all of the other people that threatened "their system"!!! As it now stands, they can make her look like a senile demented old woman, not that she doesn't do a good job of it herself with her fraudulent "history" stories that make these accusations credible, but again, until "someone/something" forces a change then we will never get out of our slavery. Eight months of begging Poop Francis to "do the right thing" is proof that he is part of the problem and in the same bed as the spawns. Tell him to do something about the fake "global warning" issue and he's on top of it, tell him to clean up all of these evil corporations and the satanic spawns that run and control them and he acts deaf, dumb, and stupid!!! After all, why would we expect one snake to correct all of his fellow snakes!!!??? ain't gonna happen!!! More Hopium to the masses!!!


    WOW watch this

    1. I don't doubt some or all of the info in this video is true. Too bad Cindy Kay Currier is, otherwise, a misinformationist who lives in a little place in her head where the Cukoo bird tells her what to say. "Natural Law" -- but only Cindy's way.

    2. Penny...thank you for that site..!! But how did she learn of it when only a handful of people even know about it... Ive been trying to figure out why these cryptocurrencies are becoming so popular, because the whole reason they are becoming so is because of the "appearant "LIE" that they are decentralized and therefore no one can control it...but that just doesnt make sense....someone or something ultimately has to have control of it or it would create chaos eventually.. An AI intelligence would explain it.. Which means they have developed quantum computers...Now who would want a creation like that or the money to develope it....i can only think of one thing..."the military"..but why is Trump going along with it, unless the previous administrations left him no choice, which im sure they didnt...!! I have always been leary of this "cryptocurrency" thing...!! And of course everyone is driven either by "greed" or sheer "necessity"..!! The intelligence behind all of this is can only be attributed to "the evil one"..!! Its demonic. Maybe thats what the 3 days of darkness referrs to..!!!

  14. I agree with Jim Flemming re the use of "goddamn" in this letter. THAT use alone will negate this whole letter. I like Anna Von very much AND contribute to support her..... but her use of such languaf=ge, IMHO, causes much harm and discredit!

    1. I decided not to edit that word out because it's her work, not mine, but I would have used damnable instead.

    2. Lets stop nit picking about one of Anna's words, and stay focused on the atrocities that the pope's have all done to all of mankind for all these years; to the point the damage can never be repaired. The deliberate harm and suffering he/they have all caused is far far greater!

    3. Good sure you werent put in the position of censorship...!! We want it straight from the horses mouth, so to speak...She used it for a reason..its the only thing they understand...!!! And she has only used it this one time, because its way beyond time she did...!!

    4. James, I agree. And I have to give kudo's to Paul for letting people speak their real minds. Those sites that sensor end up with no honesty, just positive sounding fluff, which is a lie.
      I think its very civilized in here.

    5. Certanly Anna uses much restraint while knowing things as the WWII warriors for freedoms sake died pennyless while accounts with $billion$ for them are purloined- leaving their families to scrape by.
      That's enough to gnash your teeth over and lose sleep over just trying to imagine the horror those men saw and endured so WE can chat in English- well fed, warm and comfortable instead of German, Japanese or Russian in frightened tyrannical cold+hungry silence not even knowing what freedom is...
      "Those who sow to the wind will reap the whirlwind." = this should be terrifying to the fools who know better...

    6. Certanly Anna uses much restraint while knowing things as the WWII warriors for freedoms sake died pennyless while accounts with $billion$ for them are purloined- leaving their families to scrape by.
      That's enough to gnash your teeth over and lose sleep over just trying to imagine the horror those men saw and endured so WE can chat in English- well fed, warm and comfortable instead of German, Japanese or Russian in frightened tyrannical cold+hungry silence not even knowing what freedom is...
      "Those who sow to the wind will reap the whirlwind." = this should be terrifying to the fools who know better...

    7. mtman2, yes all the way 'round, they have caused untold suffering that we now find out, was all unnecessary. I know in my own family, the hardships caused, how my mother had to work so hard for so little money, a lazy dad who was chintzy with his own family though we owned an 80 acre farm. So he added to the suffering on top of what was being done in the world.
      Well, so much for that; we go from where we are. Today, we have a homeless population that suffers equally with our past military who died in poverty, and still are. Both are found living on the streets today. And if something doesn't change some of us may find ourselves in that same situation.
      Poverty abounds in this ''richest nation in the world'. All of our Wars have been nothing but foolishness. Our true enemy is and always has been within. And now these same idiots have imported criminal thugs to do their dirty work for them.
      I am one who does not believe our soldiers were ever sent to ''keep us safe'' or so we can continue to speak English. All the while we have been sold that lie, we have more nefarious foreigners living among us than ever before, and they mean to harm us, hate us, and bring us their diseases, and cause us huge expense, making things the worst this country has ever seen in all its history.
      As I see it, the entire Plan has been to turn us into the 99% and then get rid of us, and the 1% can create their own New World just for themselves, along with the necessary amount of slaves needed to shine their shoes and clean their toilets.
      Little does the 1% realize their utopian dream will come to nought. They are on a most dangerous path, and should be terrified. Someone much bigger than them, has quite a different Plan which they are powerless to stop.

  15. Not asking, lawful notice.
    There is an awakening . Slow but steady I feel it in the audience I get to speak to southern nationalist . On line and talk shows .the conversation of court cases how they ignore evidence,use confinement to hamper defence,ya. They have the upper hand but number speak we are growing fast.and if I keep learning I can teach how to fight and win.

    1. Exactly correct...
      As in the end scene of the movie "WITNESS" when all the unarmed Amish folk gathered and watched the murderers and Harrison Ford's character screams at the killers- "Are you gonna kill them all?"
      Whereupon they realized its over and they are caught unless they commit open genocide from which there could be no coverup- for there were all to many witnesses...
      "WE the People" are the awakening "witnesses";
      til even the "fake news" can no longer pretend something else is the real story= the story of us Reagan called "freedoms last stand on Earth" ~!
      ps- Imagine had Reagan lost or was killed and HW Globalist took over as planned...

    2. Exactly correct...
      As in the end scene of the movie "WITNESS" when all the unarmed Amish folk gathered and watched the murderers and Harrison Ford's character screams at the killers- "Are you gonna kill them all?"
      Whereupon they realized its over and they are caught unless they commit open genocide from which there could be no coverup- for there were all to many witnesses...
      "WE the People" are the awakening "witnesses";
      til even the "fake news" can no longer pretend something else is the real story= the story of us Reagan called "freedoms last stand on Earth" ~!
      ps- Imagine had Reagan lost or was killed and HW Globalist took over as planned...

    3. ''Will they kill us all''? Yep. They sure will if they can. And today they can and are trying to do just that. But by using poison in the air, poison in vaccines, in food, even in baby foods. They have no shame and do not abide by any Laws. They are sneaking nefarious rats.
      In the past, such as the old wild west days where they just shot people in broad daylight; now they use underhanded less obvious methods, but their hearts are just as dark, perhaps darker.
      As I've said before, we cannot use the past to measure anything today. We must now take into consideration all the high tech toys available. Drones? Haarp? The List is long.

  16. When these letters are published "to the Pope, General Kelly, President Trump" etc., are they actually sent to them or just published on the blog?

  17. What does 'positing the Payment Bond' mean? I'm not at all familiar with that; anyone know?

  18. I am so grateful for Anna and all that are totally committed to this cause.
    The Catholic Church, POPE Francis has a lot to confess! God is watching!
    Everytime I see Francis, I crinch, knowing what this man really represents!
    I see the antichrist with a smile on his face.
    May God continue to Bless Anna Von Reitz and keep her and her family safe.
    Thank you for all you do! We would have never known any of this without you!

  19. We have to put a stop to cryptocurrcies because we all know that this is leading to "the chip"..So it doesnt matter that you can make tons of money on it right now, because it is leading us directly to our own demise....resist this temptation of "cryptocurrency..!! People are trying to tell us its a way to be private and unnoticed by the IRS.. But who cares, because that was the objective all along once the world was united in one currency..!! There wouldnt be a need for the IRS or any other taxing agency.. those agencies only exsisted to create "fear" (amoung other things) fo that we would go running right to a system they created purposely for the reason of cutting the shakels of the IRS and other fearful agencies...!!

    1. James, yes, it is very suspicious that bit coin and others are being made to look just a little too enticing so we have to wonder why. I see no justifiable reason for BC to take such leaps in 'value'. So beware.

    2. Abby, you said it before, that there is nothimg wrong with paper currency...and its true, as long as it isnt controlled by megalomaniacs. Our country was prospering quickly when we had an honest paper currency...and the bankers knew it.. They knew a couple oh hundred years ago that any country that loaned money, without interest would become properous beyond imigination...hence, the corruption of it by them....they really know how to spoil a party...!!!

    3. James, yes they just have to take the words off it 'federal reserve note'. Back it with something of true value, and let it be true representation. I'm against digital currency as it is a tracking device and does not spell freedom.
      (P.S. James looks like you are starting to use spellcheck? lol)

  20. Contrast our national credit, due and payable for set off.


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