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Thursday, January 28, 2016

What China Can Expect and Needs to be Told - Judge Anna Von Reitz

January 27, 2016
Hu Jintao
President of the Peoples Republic of China
9 Xihuang-Chenggen
Bijie Beijing

Dear Sir,
Like a deadly parasite, the international banks have left their hosts in America and Europe after draining us dry and they have now taken refuge in China.
These particular banks and their Ancient Babylonian practices occur as outbreaks throughout history---a commercial equivalent to Bubonic Plague.
The most recent bout began in England in 1867 with the passage of the Enfranchisement Act of that same year. Benjamin D'Israeli, a promoter and advocate of this ancient evil, promised Queen Victoria that she would be Empress of India if she went along---- and she did become Empress of India at the price of betraying the British People to endless enslavement and perpetual debt. Disraeli used the proceeds from enslaving the Brits to enslave the Indian Subcontinent -- the enslavement of one people used to enslave another-- and so it spread throughout the old British Empire and around the world.
The first major repudiation came in 1949 at the hands of Mahatma Gandhi, who realized that these banks and the corporations they spawn naturally produce a spiritual evil like a toxin that creates alienation, immorality, selfishness, elitism, violence, oppression, fear, unhealthy consumerism, war-mongering, and delusions. The Nazis and British Raj demonstrate this mindset.

The most potent learned delusion they promote is the delusion of money itself. If you step back for a moment and ask yourself a simple question the root of the evil will soon become apparent: does it make sense to use any one commodity as a standard of value for all other commodities?
The result of doing so is always the same. There is never enough gold or silver or whatever we are using. Someone is always hoarding and manipulating things with the result that whole economies get bottle-necked and some people live in senseless luxury while other starve to death.
This is the natural and inevitable result of this form of banking whether we use gold coins or petrodollars. It is archaic, evil, dishonest, unfair, and leads inexorably to economic collapses and wars. It also requires enslavement of many people for the benefit of a few.
Beginning in 1930 the banks began execution of their next 100 Year Plan.
That plan involved bankrupting the then-current governments, confiscating, defrauding, or murdering people to obtain a vast precious metals stockpile. The same banks and the governmental services corporations they used as storefronts then forced people to use "legal tender" -- private fiat bank script, knowing that such script would devalue through inflation and leave the perpetrators with a vast profit to reap.
All this has been done like clockwork. The gold and silver was confiscated and otherwise collected. The fiat script did its dirty work. In 1930 you could purchase an ounce of gold for $30. What is the current price today? Over a thousand and streaking skyward. The difference between $30 and $1500 an ounce is the profit the banks hope to realize off of gold stockpiles that they have stolen from people all over the world. They plan on making 5000% profit or more by selling gold back to the grandsons of the people they stole it from in the first place.
At first glance you might shrug and say--- good business, if you can get it.
However, if you look deeper, you see that it is a profoundly criminal business with the same end results of perpetual war, enslavement, and economic collapse whether you use gold or silver or paper or bottle caps. This is because all such systems which trade in symbols and representations of value are trading in lies and half-truths.
All forms of money used by these Babylonian fakirs are false idols and they are intrinsically worthless, apart from our belief that they have value.
Of what value is gold---really? It's a great electrical conductor. It makes nice jewelry and coating for coffee filters. At least we can use our paper script for toilet paper....
You see the problem. It's all lies. It's all a matter of brainwashing people to believe the unbelievable: that a piece of paper or a metal coin has value that it doesn't have.
Yet, we need means to conduct trade across a broad spectrum of transactions, so what do we do?
Here is what could be done to break the insane hold of these criminal banks on everyone and to end human suffering and misery and wars and economic collapses---- we can realize the simple Truth.
All things that we use for trade and which have value in trade on this planet are either labor (including our creative energy, patents, art, etc. ) or natural resources (including the commodities we make from these raw materials).
Why not monetize the value of all labor and all natural resources on this planet and use that as the basis of a worldwide currency delivered via Blockchain technology? Just do away with the swindles and upheavals and crimes----give everyone on Earth a credit account more than sufficient for all their basic needs, and give every adult an investment account that they can invest in any positive product or service.
We can trade credit digits on ledgers and use block chain transactions to track them---and allow each of us value based on our overall ability to work and contribute. plus our share of the world's natural resources. No more fraudulent debt currencies. No more stealing from the future. No more phony controls and commodity manipulations.
In that way, every man, woman, and child could immediately have what they need to live and be free to work and acquire more and invest in good things to improve the world according to their vision of it.
The same credit system could be used to provide infrastructure funding for all the different countries based on population.
To begin with, and probably always to some extent, there would be need to have local national currencies for cash transactions and a need to continue to have exchange rates, but over time the convenience and simplicity of the Universal Currency and the worldwide availability and use of this Universal Currency would lead to its lasting popularity.
This would be a much simpler, easier, less expensive, and more truthful currency system than anything we have now. It would stop dependence on and manipulation by the banks to a great extent and that would serve to end poverty and war and unstable economic conditions.
China has been infected by a deadly parasite and having suffered through its whole life cycle ourselves we can tell you that we were deluded and coerced and lied to by the bankers and politicians responsible for setting up their ugly criminal system here.
We can tell you that the bulk of the value of all the spending that took place here all went elsewhere and that crime infested everything from the school system to the hospitals to the transportation department. A staggering 80% of the money we thought was going to assist the poor was siphoned off by the criminal politicians and bankers. An unbelievable 98% of all the money we thought was going to humanitarian aid in the Third World was also being stolen by the banks and the governmental services corporations they used as storefronts.
We can tell you that our own people suffered and went without and have been shamefully abused by this pirate-like parasitic bank culture that insinuated itself on our shores. If you let it, the same thing will happen in China as happened in Britain, America and elsewhere.
The sudden appearance of wealth is part of the illusion the bankers and crooked politicians promote. They don't tell you that they are fraudulently indebting people who haven't even been born yet, that you will be enslaved all your days paying off bogus debts on paper that other people accumulated and which, strictly speaking, you never owed. They will try to seduce you with all their wares--- guns and drugs and sex and raucous music. They will make selfishness into a cult.
They will try to reassure you that no such bad things can happen when you use gold as a currency, but that is a lie like all their other lies.
They always try to make themselves look like philanthropists, always dress in nice suits, always maintain such a soothing, reasonable demeanor. If you don't know better you will mistake them for upright men, pillars of the world community, trustworthy business partners.
They are like pedophiles seducing children with candy.
Unlike all other religions on Earth, these people worship Poseidon, the God of the Sea, the Father of All Lies. A lie is a prayer to them. They lie for fun. They lie for habit. They lie for sport. They lie for profit. For all their lawyers, it is a profession.
They will create so many conflicts and so much confusion that Chinese jails will be overflowing. You will have so many statutes and regulations to obey that you won't be able to live as anything but a criminal, and criminals are slaves in their system of things.
They will ritually abuse and murder Chinese children just as they have always done everywhere else they've gone. It's part of their religion. They will advocate every kind of sexual act imaginable and want it taught in classrooms at public expense. They will advocate lewdness and worship of youth and disrespect of Elders.
They will advocate "control measures" --- a police state in which no Chinese may be allowed to sleep in peace or call his home his own or enjoy any portion of his own labor. You will be expected to report on each other and harass each other to ensure conformity.
Everything you do and think will be compartmentalized, so that one hand never knows what the other hand is doing and nobody including the President can see enough of the Big Picture to know what is going on without years and years of painstaking, purposeful work.
Everything will be subject to a harsh hierarchy, everyone in lock-step, nobody able to offer new ideas, nobody ever able to say anything negative, which leads to more mistakes and more dishonesty.
Their mantra--- which is also a lie -- is the Doctrine of Scarcity.
They will tell you over and over and over that there is never enough of anything--- air, water, gold, cow manure--- until you start to believe it and they can start to charge premium prices for whatever it is. Then they will tell you that there is too much of something, like carbon dioxide, and they will find ways to tax you and charge you for passing gas.
This all sounds unbelievable as you stand here right now, but look at what has happened in America. All of this and more and worse is headed your way. We are just passing on our experience with these bottom feeders in hopes that you will be ready to deal with the parasites escaping our shores.
Anna Maria Riezinger
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska RFD 99652

See this article and over 100 others on Anna's website


  1. As much as I like most of what Anna does and says, this new concept of "payment" is over the top. Maybe she thinks that if she says it enough it will take on a truth of it's own. It's not guns that kill, it's the people holding the guns that kill if they so intend...and by the same token, it's not money that corrupts, but the love of money. We must remember that Satan is in charge of this world at the present time, and while he is, there will always be corruption no matter what system of "money" is used. A system such as Anna describes centralizes the "money" system, and makes it even easier to corrupt. I think this concept should be shelved. Just my opinion, and from the last similar post, it appears most of the others who read these newsletters agree.

    1. What she's talking about already exists, it's called Bitcoin

    2. This is Anna. I want to reply to this one because it shows a common misconception and assumption at work. The system I have suggested is delivered via Block Chain technology. It is NOT "centralized"--- it is exactly the OPPOSITE of "centralized" and it is IMPOSSIBLE to "centralize" any component part of the Block Chain.

  2. Most people are too deeply indoctrinated and unable to comprehend what was presented here, Margy.

    Perhaps it will be easier if you were to read/study what Benjamin Franklin introduced to the Colonies in the mid 1700's, Colonial Script. You may also try sourcing the information as Franklin Economics. Good luck in your discovery/awakening.

  3. well first of all to think that the chinese "illumined" ones arent a part of the Illuminati is myopic and childish. there is a large part of their system that is tied in very heavily to the western cabal. you also have the dragon forces and positive side to humanity (pick a dragon color) that is working hard to destroy the cabal, MUCH MORE IN NUMBERS THAN WE, just like we are and have here as well, it just isnt too apparent yet. i think the difference is the maturation level is much higher in the east as they have been around much longer than 200 years. i think they see us as the joke. it is like telling the parent to be aware and careful of something and they sit back with a sly smile and say ok honey, i will ;o)

    in other words i think they are ok and we need to keep the focus on our infants and get their heads out of the football and american idol distractions. until we wake them up and have a viable alternative, we will have no luck in changing this system. it is ALL about alternatives that people see as viable, until then as NEO said in the matrix, until they are unplugged they are our enemies.

  4. Hi Paul,
    I agree with Judge Anna 99% of the time but regarding this issue of money, she must realize that because of the depth of the brainwashing that has occurred to the people on Earth, to simply STOP using gold; silver or some other form of exchange of value would be too much of a shock, especially given the information that Judge Anna and others will be releasing soon!

    I predict that the whole monetary system will disappear in about 5 to 8 years after the RV / GCR takes place (and it will take place) with the advent of (replicators). These devices are a new technology that can reproduce food; gold; silver; paper money, etc so well that you almost can't tell the difference from the original. When everyone has access to these devices, people will realize just how mad the monetary system really is and will begin to work for their own satisfaction and for others without the need to be compensated.

    Replicators perform on the basis that everything is made of energy and if you define the structure of things in terms of its mathematical composition, it can be duplicated.

  5. I believe the actual intent of this message is that it would not be the currency or precious metals but the use of said items to own, control and manipulate people using the monetary factor as fuel for power over people and to keep them ignorant of the fact. They rob true free will and free choice...

  6. I'm a time millionaire, I collect memories... 😆

  7. Current China President is Xi Jinping.

  8. Hello Judge Von Reitz,
    Have you ever heard of UBUNTU program promoted by Michael Tellinger?

  9. Promissory notes are legal tender. The problems arise, when only a cabal is allowed to make the conversion. The cabal disappears and we all become our own bankers when promissory notes, as legal tender, is allowed, equally, to all inhabitants of the Earth. This is true egalitarian and democratic economics.

    Another approach is to view the right to create currency as a universal human right, not a right strictly for governments or corporations.

    Promissory notes are legal tender. 10
    Promissory notes are legal tender. 10
    Promissory notes are legal tender. 10
    Promissory notes are legal tender. 10
    Promissory notes are legal tender. 10
    Promissory notes are legal tender. 10
    Promissory notes are legal tender. 10
    Promissory notes are legal tender. 10
    Promissory notes are legal tender. 10
    Promissory notes are legal tender. 10

  10. Truth is truth and that spells it out pretty darn good!

    There has been a lot of brainwashing about scarcity. Either the idea that there aren't enough resources, or that if we live abundantly, others will have to live in scarcity. Not true! It will be a happy day when we wake up to realize we can have all our basic needs met, plus build our skills in the arts, sports and inspirational fields. And that all peoples in all countries can live fantastically well too, in harmony with nature.


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